Civility? Seriously?


Uh, just who created the necessary conditions for the incivility to ramp up? Who told us we were bad? That we are racists? That we are stupid? That we cling to things we shouldn’t cling to? Who said they were ashamed of America and that white people and men and Christians and heterosexuals and parents and people who tried to do a good job and who believe in merit were BAD!? So bad!....

And who unleashed the national urban crime wave and millions of illegal aliens and trillions of dollars of ridiculous debt and fake scandals about a President and lockdowns and a manmade virus and toxic shit “vaccines” that hurt people with no measurable durable benefits? Who lets the cartels run the border and pour in fentanyl to kill us?

I’ll tell you: the ASSHOLES who wrote that letter. Condescending motherfucking phony thieves and murderers.

Now who wants a doily and some tea and crumpets?

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I hit him in the face with a hammer six or eight times, and then he became extremely uncivil to me for no reason.

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Marquess of Queensberry Rules for you but only after I've hit you in the back of the head with a shovel as the referee looks on.

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Those 2 Governors sounded like a couple of pansies

I bet there would be quite a ruckus if one of them spilled his tea on the tablecloth

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Because they’re pansies.

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Obama told people to start arguments at Thanksgiving over Obamacare.

Let that sink in how profoundly anti-family and anti-human that is.

Justin Trudeau asked if 'we should tolerate these people' speaking of the unvaccinated.

Straight up commie speak.

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What else would you expect him to speak?

"By their words shalt thou know them".

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🙌 Amen!

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A trillion likes for this!!

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Don't forget Biden blaming the disease - that was created in a US funded lab - on the people who refused the "vaccine". Blaming. Other. People. For. A. Disease. No historical reason for caution with that sort of thing at all.

The call for "civility" is more gaslighting. By pretending we have no reason to be uncivil, they get to continue to believe that they are not a bunch of malicious, incompetent assholes that fuck up again and again and again.

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I remember when their parrots in the lamestream media called it "the pandemic of the unvaccinated". I remember that the cops were attacking people in the streets for not wearing a mask. I remember people calling for unvaxxed people to be denied healthcare, have their kids taken from them, fired from their jobs.

Never forget what these demons did. They mass murdered people right in front of our eyes, all to steal an election and rob the world blind.

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Only if the felching doily is coloured periwinkle blue, the scatsucking tea is real Ceylon and the goatfondling crumpets are made with lemon and lime and ginger!

Civility is important, yes?

"Pardon me for bleeding on your boots, komrade kommissar!"

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Do not comply. Or as Logan Roy would say, fuck off!

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Bill Burr was terribly, HORRIBLY wrong at the start of the Fauci Bioweapon Crisis, but I have always liked his rendition of the Southie Anthem:

"Aah, go fuck yourself".

For whatever reason, I find "Go Fuck Yourself" more evocative than either "Fuck Off", or "Get Fucked". "Fuck You" is the 'middle ground' (kek).

Tastes are always very personalised, so I'm not saying that people with different preferences to mine are wrong - but my personal choice is "Go fuck yourself". . . and "Fuck this" or "Fuck that" as appropriate.

That's always in the context of the "Zero Commandments" - zero-indexing because FUCK MATLAB (I use Arch btw).

The Zero-th Commandment is quite hard to live up to:


Cuntiness requires a type of malicious intent, or a worse kind of indifference (the kind exhibited by obese Jab-Karens).

Being genuinely unintentionally cunty is hard; Larry David's entire career consists of him pretending to be unintentionally cunty, which is why I don't find him funny.

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Democracy will thrive when you can only choose our choice!

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Saddemocracy like Iraq had.

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Pardon me, It is grotesquely unfair to compare Saddam to those creatures.

He certainly put up more fight, for one thing.

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Also, women had rights in Saddam's Iraq https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/events/casualties-war-iraqi-womens-rights-and-reality-then-and-now All this changed when the US/UN started putting the screws to Iraq and Saddam turned to his Arab neighbors for support. Read the link.

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In America women have POWER!

Not that they have any idea what to do with it.

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"In America women have POWER! "

Not true, depends on what class you're in.

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Sorry , no.

The lower classes women quite routinely call the police to deal with husband, boyfriend, or even sons. A shouting match she started is “domestic violence”.

She’s just calling her big boyfriend the state, so she can get paid without having to clean behind him.

Would be simply wrong, except people get killed doing this...

It would be called SWATTING except for Sacred Wahmen.

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What's more uncivil?

Former president Trump having a petty spat on Twitter with the mayor of London or the entire Democrat party not being able to tell you when/if abortion should be limited at any time during the nine months pregnancy?

Trump calling CNN fake news or the Biden administration pressuring Twitter, FB, and Instagram to remove anything they deem as "misinformation"?

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as i started reading this, i was thinking of rob reiner's unhinged prescription to save democracy and thought i'd copy it to paste in my comment. then, as it turns out, you beat me to it.

i've experienced a lot of incivility lately, posting as a PSA several notices about meet and greets with RFKjr in our area.

a chorus of harpies was quick to repeat all the standard Deborah Wasserman Schultz talking points (can that woman say anything without twisting her mouth into a scowl?): anti-vaxxer, anti-Semite, crazy conspiracy theory, i bet his father is turning over in his grave, etc.

i enumerated 7 or 8 perfectly reasonable points from his platform. is there seriously anyone out there who wants dirtier air, poisoned water, sicker kids, surveillance and endless wars? i asked that someone in the coven please explain to me Biden's platform beyond merely breathing while not being Trump and got not a single answer. BECAUSE BIDEN HAS NO PLATFORM ASIDE FROM BREATHING WHILE NOT BEING TRUMP. and staying in ukraine as long as it takes, whatever that means.

the DNC is doing it's level best to end free elections in this country forever, aided by the NYTimes (did you see the opinion piece about maybe elections not being such a good thing?) and useful idiots like Reiner

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I'm printing these bumper stickers!

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breathing not thinking

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It really is brilliant!

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yes, please! send me one

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RFK Jr is the the first prominent Democrat I've seen in recent memory who actually makes sense, & doesn't speak in bumper sticker slogans.

There don't seem to be any more genuine liberals (what I generally refer to as "old-timey liberals") running for office or holding office in the Democrat Party.

He makes a lot of sense on vaccines, but there are too many closed minds in the media to give him a platform, and too many elitists in the Democrat Party hierarchy to give him a real chance in the primaries. I wish you well!

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i live in a state with an open primary so i can vote for him without declaring a party. i have only ever voted in 1 presidential election (a vote i came in short order to regret) and have never registered with either party. i'd suggest that even registered republicans vote for him in the primary just to stick it to the DNC. Trump will certainly take the Republican nomination and they can vote for him in the general

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The members of the uniparty behind this are attempting to set an ideological perimeter around people they deem worthy of civility so that it can be denied to others. This person/unperson dichotomy will be used by corporations, the media, universities, and the legal system in deciding who can work and live freely. Those outside of their civility consensus will be (further) driven from public life, fined, jailed, stripped of their families, and given no protection by the law themselves when the radicals given free reign to destroy society since 2016 seek them out.

Civility has its place, but it must give precedence to truth, which yields to nothing.

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Is being used.

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Civility went in the 60s and it was the Left that did Civility in.

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Has anyone else noticed the cookie cutter look of so many of American District Attorneys, Mayors, Governors and, for that matter various countries leaders. They are all in their 40's and are on average good looking and "charmingly" vacuous when they speak and quite vain and disdainful of "others."

I'm thinking of Trudeau in Canada, Ardern in New Zealand, Sunak of the UK, Sanna Marin of Finland, Macron of France, the comedian in Ukraine, to list a handful. The template is definitely there by whomever is using it.

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Eric Garcetti. Ted Wheeler. Jacob Frey. Gavin Newsom.

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If you want to be in the club, we have some admissions criteria :

1. You are a ruthless high functioning psychopath.

2. You are telegenic yet unsympathetically so.

3. Dogs growl, babies cry, and cats leave when you enter the room.

4. You like a good joke at the expense of others, like dining at the French Laundry with your donors while the peasants are locked down and can’t see their loved ones in hospital. Good one!

5. Your phone number starts with a 666 prefix.

6. You’re a condescending snob.

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You just keep getting better brother!

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Your grandparents were scared of you and you made sure they got a vent at the end.

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You cannot convince me that Jacinda Ardern, Gretchen Whitmer, and Kathy Hochul are actually different people.

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I don't know. 'pears to me that they are VERY different. From people.

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You can't convince me they are "on average good looking and "charmingly" vacuous." They all embody banal evil.

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The Evil of Banalities.

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Soon you will get to add our governor of California, former mayor of SF.

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Yep. He's part of the political machine as the VP, Harris, both raised up by Willie Brown in San Francisco. Newsom so far has filled three of spots, mayor of SF, Lieutenant Gov of CA, and Gov of CA. Does look like he may be on his way to the top spot as pres. We'll see. The whole political game has become so transparently scripted that they won't be able to pretend much longer for many who see through the charade.

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As a grateful escapee from California, once a truly Golden State, I have known from decades of observation that Willie Brown ranks as a top political pimp.

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Ask Newsome about the orgy that he and were both in and compromised with.Kamala

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And don’t forget that 🐓🍭 weasel, Rob Bonta, California’s attorney general.

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Why are the people calling for civility and tolerance too often the same ones who would either tear up a street preacher's Bible and bark at him like dogs, or rush to the defense of the people who tear up the Bible and bark? Frankly, I'm neither surprised nor shocked when things like this happen any more; so debased is the state of civility and tolerance in the US these days that barking has now become an acceptable means of discourse.


And Rob Reiner is still a meathead.

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I still haven't figured out why people are proud of engaging in rectal coitus.

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I disagreed with someone on another substack today, and in the course of three posts, he must have characterized me with a half-dozen obscenities. Otherwise his sentences were grammatical. I stood my ground but was so shocked at the malevolence. There was a quick struggle in me to serve him as he had served me but that, too, filled me with loathing and I felt compelled not to do it. It seems we are all walking around in public with the feelings of murderers inside of us.

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Nah, let it out, let him have it

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As a Utahn, can I stress how thoroughly embarrassed we are by Cox?!!

Ugg. 🫣

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No one cucks harder than a solidly red state Republican (see Lindsay Graham). They have nothing to fear from their constituents, so they go right to work for their friends in big business, the media, and the supposedly rival party.

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Rand Paul and Thomas Massie strike me as the only completely serious exceptions.

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Kentucky has a Democrat governor and one Democrat representative out of six. The Republicans actually have to try there or there are consequences for their voters staying home. The SC delegation just pretty much inherits their offices and continue on regardless of how much they are loathed, as no one will primary them and no one will vote D. They’ve created a single district for those voters (Clyburn), so they’re out of sight and mind. DeSantis is only DeSantis because Florida is still relatively purple. Utah has Cox because it’s like SC.

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But where are any of the Republican Senators on J6 prisoners?

Rand Paul is good about pushing the truth about COVID & knocking Fauci, but they're all quiet about J6 in general, & the J6 prisoners, in particular.

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Because J6 prisoners is an issue that’s both dangerous and important, so the Cuck threshold is reached.

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A-freaking-men! He’s the definition of a spineless, smarmy chameleon and he’s taken what should be a reliably conservative free state and made it unrecognizable.

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The way he talks in this video, is pretty the way he talked during all of 2020 and 2021 on the pandemic. Happy-talk, expert-talk, salesman-talk sound-bites. Endlessly. Without a smidgen of dialogue permitted to enter.

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The left loves him as he is a "house <bad word>" variety Republican.

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nauseating, he's so effeminate and "compassionate"

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Only if I can also stress how embarrassed I am by our Governor Valley Girl here in AZ.

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You see, the trick is to engineer yourself into a position of political power at virtually every level of government including the administrative state and organs of law enforcement. Then you make sure you control legacy and social media, arts and entertainment industry, and academia from pre-school all the way up even as you dumb down every student you can get your hands on. Then you twist and bend the legal system and the precious rule of law - with a few aberrant exceptions here and there, now and then - into a tool to maintain the status quo you have thereby created (it helps here to have like minded prosecutors and judges sprinkled throughout the country to selectively enforce "the law" or to not enforce it at all).

We're not done just yet. While you are censoring any voice of real, material dissent, and making sure elections don't really matter anymore, THEN AND ONLY THEN do you insist on "civility" in public discourse as our 247 year old experimental republic burns to the ground.

Violate the First Amendment on an as needed basis.

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Arrest Mark Houck on a federal felony that the local DA declined to file as a misdemeanor under state law, then demand civility.

Threaten the stability of families and the secure attachment of parents and children, then demand civility.


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Suspend the second amendment because you know EMERGENCY! And we must DO something!

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Suggest a small edit, Randy: And we must be SEEN (or perceived) to be doing something!

ACTUALLY doing something, anything, introduces the risk of being held accountable. Which is to be avoided at all costs.

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I hope you can listen, watch, or read the transcript of Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn discussing “America This Week” at Taibbi’s Substack, Racket News. I was blown away by Kirn explaining how comedy has always functioned to “tell truth to power” and provide release valves from the pressure of civil conformity, from Greek festivals of antiquity through “commedia del arte” and stock figures such as el dottore (picture Fauci with a bird beak mask)leading up to Mark Twain, whose many critiques of the foibles of American leadership were only published post mortem.

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Kirn is spot on, too. In historical times, in some places, the wrong joke was tantamount to high treason.

In Shakespeare's day, pondering that the skull of a nobleman and the skull of a fool are indistuingishable from each other was considered extremely "political" as we say today.

Anyway, just wanted to hop on the wagon: listen, watch, read the transcript! Good stuff.

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I listened to that interview too. Yes, it was very good. I don’t want to say too much and give it away except to add my endorsement.

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Wrongthink will not be tolerated.

The Party is, and always has been, right.

Prepare yourself for Room 101.

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Yay free education and Healthcare!!!

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Messed up your mantra, Lad.

Might more accurately be phrased: "The Party is, always has been, and always will be right".

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As a prole, I will always have hope for the future.....;-)

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As a fellow prole, I am glad you have hope.

But as a realist, I "keep my head down, and my powder dry".

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In re the calls for civility to "save our Democracy™" by the Obama Presidential Center, the George W. Bush Presidential Center, and the Clinton Foundation et al:

Playing pin the tail on the hypocrite with these people is so easy that even Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder would never miss...

I am not a fan of Trump or his behavior, but it's hard not notice how his various childish outbursts cue history's longest uninterrupted tantrum ("Mommy, he took our Democracy!! waaaaaa" ), yet all the obvious blatant corruption of these people, esp the Obamas and Clintons suddenly becoming centimillionares shortly after leaving office, the monetization of their positions, and their sleazy perpetual fundraising of passing the begging cup to billionaires so their kids never have to work etc, why is this NOT a threat to their beloved Democracy™? (And don't get me started on the Bidens.)

These people are self-righteous and insular to the point of brain damage: they really think they deserve to live behind a velvet rope and trade cash and favors with each other, while if the rest of us raise a peep—or a protest vote—then we need to learn better manners aka "civility".

Our ruling class, who all live inside a Versailles of the mind, are in desperate need of an appt w Madame Guillotine.

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Thank you for "pin the tail on the hypocrite", CP.

And "a Versailles of the mind"!

Two great coinages in one comment.

I shall steal both - with attribution, of course.

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"Versailles of the mind"...money shot CP!

"Hall of tears" (maybe fears) for the people they rule.

Welcome to the palace...now buff the mirrors...

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Yes Lions Club in Contoocook, NH came out with ‘Be Kind’ lawn signs a couple years ago and they still have them out. All the while they helped promote/push masks, distancing, including of students and all the other political silliness. Many of these promoters of lefty insanity want to be associated with positive words like ‘kind’ and ‘friend’ but they will take anyone out who is not convenient to what they want politically or what fantasy they believe. Doublespeak. It is not uncommon for these Lions Club members to also have ‘I Stand With Planned Parenthood’ lawn signs as well. This flagrant disconnect from reality, whether we are talking about masks, jabs, viruses, babies, gender, or insurrection, is as bad as pretending blacks weren’t fully people in the 1800s and earlier. The nonsense is thick and is a huge distraction from what is happening behind the scenes.

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Another brilliant article, Chris, but since nothing today means what it originally meant, just the word civil makes my mind spin. First off, was the civil war an oxymoron or a paradox? Secondly, I'm not sure that civil discourse really means any real discourse at all but rather civil obedience that's polite and enables uncomfortable subject matter to be swept under the rug. Finally, civil, will end up having myriad of meanings going forward and "not being civil" will be just another slur against those of us on the right who are actually have opinions and end up with gags shoved in our mouths. So, I'm with you—uncivil it is!

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"The message to be civil is a message to be passive, credulous, and manageable."

In other words, we should make their job easier by self-censoring, so as not to offend their "democratic" sensibilities.

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And so as to not interfere with their rice bowls.

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