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You see, the trick is to engineer yourself into a position of political power at virtually every level of government including the administrative state and organs of law enforcement. Then you make sure you control legacy and social media, arts and entertainment industry, and academia from pre-school all the way up even as you dumb down every student you can get your hands on. Then you twist and bend the legal system and the precious rule of law - with a few aberrant exceptions here and there, now and then - into a tool to maintain the status quo you have thereby created (it helps here to have like minded prosecutors and judges sprinkled throughout the country to selectively enforce "the law" or to not enforce it at all).

We're not done just yet. While you are censoring any voice of real, material dissent, and making sure elections don't really matter anymore, THEN AND ONLY THEN do you insist on "civility" in public discourse as our 247 year old experimental republic burns to the ground.

Violate the First Amendment on an as needed basis.

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Arrest Mark Houck on a federal felony that the local DA declined to file as a misdemeanor under state law, then demand civility.

Threaten the stability of families and the secure attachment of parents and children, then demand civility.


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Suspend the second amendment because you know EMERGENCY! And we must DO something!

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Suggest a small edit, Randy: And we must be SEEN (or perceived) to be doing something!

ACTUALLY doing something, anything, introduces the risk of being held accountable. Which is to be avoided at all costs.

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I hope you can listen, watch, or read the transcript of Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn discussing “America This Week” at Taibbi’s Substack, Racket News. I was blown away by Kirn explaining how comedy has always functioned to “tell truth to power” and provide release valves from the pressure of civil conformity, from Greek festivals of antiquity through “commedia del arte” and stock figures such as el dottore (picture Fauci with a bird beak mask)leading up to Mark Twain, whose many critiques of the foibles of American leadership were only published post mortem.

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Kirn is spot on, too. In historical times, in some places, the wrong joke was tantamount to high treason.

In Shakespeare's day, pondering that the skull of a nobleman and the skull of a fool are indistuingishable from each other was considered extremely "political" as we say today.

Anyway, just wanted to hop on the wagon: listen, watch, read the transcript! Good stuff.

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I listened to that interview too. Yes, it was very good. I don’t want to say too much and give it away except to add my endorsement.

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