Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

When an enemy is defeated, they don’t rise. Germany. Japan. When the victors aren’t serious (Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq...) there are neither victors nor vanquished. And the violence continues. Why did Churchill and FDR demand unconditional surrender in 1945? Because they didn’t in 1918.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Israel was able to obtain a (very) cold peace with Egypt and Jordan after their 1967 and 1973 wars, which only supports your thesis.

The issue here is that Gaza might be more like Libya, where a nasty vacuum was created when Gaddafi was overthrown. Is there an infrastructure and civil government to take over from Hamas, or even the incompetent and corrupt Palestinian Authority? Probably not.

Also, Germany and Japan were thoroughly defeated by the end of WWII, with no one egging them on at that point. Iran, Hezbollah, Qatar, Turkey, Pakistan, and many other places will keep on pushing the Palestinians and supporting them. Hopefully they don’t get directly involved because that puts it a lot closer to WWIII- but either way it makes it a much tougher calculus. You might defeat Hamas, but not all their backers.

I think Niall Ferguson correctly described Israel as being in a Zugzwang- it can’t do nothing, but anything it does might also be quite bad.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

You're not wrong, but I'm not sure the situation applies in Israel for a few reasons.

Total war entails systematic eradication of the enemy's fighting force and command structure. Airstrikes aren't this. They're random and, although extremely destructive, not a reliable way to castrate the enemy completely. Leave behind a few enemy fighters and they'll be the ones deciding what narrative the next generation hears. It can be a prelude but I think 30+ years of trying this in the middle east shows it's not a complete strategy.

Israel's enemy is not contained to Gaza. Wiping out Palestinian terrorism or resistance or whatever you want to call it doesn't end there, because most of the rest of the Islamic/Islamist world is on the same page with them. Again, the past 30 years tells us that is not a trivial task and Israel is not up to it.

Last, you have to be willing to either walk away and establish firm boundaries or else conquer and subsume after the war is complete. The latter is what America essentially did to Japan, Germany and South Korea. Very little other than window dressing remains of their pre-occupation culture. These countries all look like American states now, more than they look like who they were before. There is hardly a trace of Prussian left in any German, and Korea and Japan politically and culturally were similarly refashioned in the image of a western liberal democracy.

Jewish identity is inherently exclusive and not interested in integration. We tried to make Americans out of Arabs and Persians and failed because we didn't complete the job; but Israel would never try to make Jews out of them. The last time Jews conquered and integrated people they were still called Hebrews.

And firm boundaries clearly didn't work either, because that's what they did after the last several wars they had with their neighbors, and here we have their neighbors covertly or overtly supporting Hamas.

If you look at the places in history where total war has succeeded, it's because they completed the job and followed through in the aftermath. If you look at where America has failed to do this in the Middle East, we did a half-ass job and made a pork project out of the follow-up.

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The next generation is already taught to hate Israel and Jews so it really doesn't matter what Israel does, they will be fighting for their existence until the people of Gaza love their kids more than they hate Israel and Jews.

The crazy thing is, Israel is being accused of "genocide" and treating Gazans the way hitler treated the Jews. If that were even remotely true it would have been Israel starting all the wars that have happened there and not every other muslim country or enclave.

I have a pretty harsh view of it but I have yet to have anyone actually prove it isn't reality. That view is that if it takes the death of 2 million Gazans, 3 million in the West Bank and even millions more in other muslim places which actively pursue war with Israel, for peace to happen, then it is probably a bargain at that price.

The real difference between the Japanese, the Germans and hamas in Gaza is that once those people saw what they had done to other people, they stopped celebrating those things. hamas will never allow for that and I don't think the religion of islam will allow it either.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The beast of hate is fed in the middle east by teaching children to hate, especially Palestinian children. Kind of like American college students are taught to hate their heritage. According to polls taken of Muslims around the world, the majority, including those living in western countries, want to convert the world to Islam. It is a central feature of the religion and western norms, what is left of them, are considered degraded and immoral. If this faith ideology believes in conquest and ultimate submission of non-Muslims, then your reasonable assertion Chris, can not apply to people who think like this. Maybe ultimate battle defeat would tame such ideas, but Islam has expanded since its inception through conquest.

Besides, the dark forces making chaos around the world want a disordered middle east so that they can control energy transports, the modern silk roads, and the complicated geopolitical cauldron that rages intentionally in that part of the world. Someone benefits from this instability and violence, not just the weapons makers. Certainly, it is more distraction from the covid death shots, inflation, flood of immigrants, just like the Ukraine conflict.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Unfortunately in this conflict there is no alternative to extreme violence at this point.

Israel, a sovereign nation under international law, cannot constantly be under threat of pogroms and annihilation by the Islamofascist terrorists which surround it. No other sovereign nation has to justify its existence in perpetuity. The terrorists must be eradicated to prevent further savagery. Everything else has been tried to placate the Muslims in the surrounding areas: financial assistance by governments around the world, diplomacy including the offer of statehood in the so-called two state solution, economic development and educational programs,etc. They are implacable, because at the bottom of it, they hate Jews and they want them gone. They want to kill all of them. They keep showing us this behavior. When are we going to believe them? In point of fact, all the aid, assistance and “solidarity” have made problem much worse and have led to the current debacle. Solidarity with groups that want to kill you is just fucking stupid. So Muslim terrorists blow up Europe, they blow up the United States, they blow up India, they blow up Muslim nations, and we send them money and amplify their bullshit propaganda and embolden them. They want to kill Christians just as badly.

This is not a joke. They say so in Arabic and Farsi on television, in publications. You don’t get those translations here because it doesn’t fit the Western critical theory intersectional bullshit egregiously stupid and destructive narrative of every culture is good except of course Western culture and now especially Jewish culture.

The bullies kill their own people all the time. They do it in Syria and Yemen and Iran and Afghanistan and Sudan and Lebanon, Iraq, you name it. They slaughter gays and women and any Muslim who stands in their way. They use women and children as human shields. They fight from under hospitals and inside schools. Hamas doesn’t care about Gazans. They shoot them if they try to escape to safety. They care about nothing but martyring innocents while the leadership sits in Qatar counting their money and making speeches. None of the SJWs make a peep about those atrocities and war crimes. It’s only when Jews defend themselves that the Commie agitators ( all paid and organized by the Democrat fundraising machine btw) get out in the street. So: STFU you phony hypocrite antisemitic cretins.

Israel must eradicate Hamas, Hezbollah, and Irans regime. The world should help them. This isn’t an isolated battle. How many times do we need to see this movie? If the Muslim world wants to be integrated into world civilization then they have to be civilized, not try to murder and dominate everybody who is not on their team. That means showing strength and resolve. And wiping out the death cult terrorists. Israel has to do it today. It’s a question of survival. You can see how things are going in the demoralized West. How long until we have the same situation here? We already do I believe. We certainly are inviting it with the moronic immigration and foreign policy moves we make.There are many tribes and nations that have disappeared. They were wiped out and dismantled by violent means more often than not. Violence is never the answer, except when it is. Civilization must triumph over homicidal maniacs and brutal savagery, even if the disgusting bigots at Harvard, Berkeley and other indoctrination camps don’t like it. It has to be done. The more you appease a bully, the worse it gets. Every time.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I love this and you've convinced me, thank you for the great examples, they pulled me over to where I had been leaning.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I think you are correct. In any case, what are the Israelis to do. Agree to a ceasefire? How long until the next attack by Hamas? How many more murders and rapes? This continues until the survivors in Gaza think, “we must surrender unconditionally or they will kill us all.”

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

There's also our Civil War, after which Southerners apparently were more eager than Northerners or Westerners to enlist in the armed forces of the country that had just defeated them and their parents.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

In 2005, the Army was a hot mess in personnel readiness. Our MI Battalion left Fort Lewis, Washington to 'train' at Ft Sill, OK (home of artillery) because that makes total sense for intelligence training. We, seriously, only had access to one SIPR (classified) computer for an entire MI Bn. Sent hundreds of people TDY from Ft Sill to get trained.

I was the S3 for an MI Bn at BAF from 06/07. We were an Army National Guard MI Bn filled with an active duty company, an ARNG BCT MICO, Navy & AF SIGINTers. (Who we made into dismounted low-level voice intercept teams--basically carry 80lbs of batteries before your clothes, food, weapons etc...and we had all of about 3 weeks to ensure these guys were 'greened' enough they don't get killed first step outside of wire...) Our Frankenstein battalion replaced the Division MI Bn that was lost in the transition from a Division Army to a BCT Army.

The entire training calendar from 1st Army was criminally negligent. Shit. Show. I should have known then what took 17 years later to understand.

Sadly, we have failed to promote the true men of character to Flag Officers. Our Flag Officers do not know how to win, they only know how to continue the war and to ensure Joe doesn't embarrass the USA on 'his watch'.

The Army does not make Warriors, it makes bureaucrats.

While overseas, much email was sent among the field grade & company grade officers about 'Islam is incongruent with freedom...' nonsense.

I always answered those emails with, "IDK...Ishmael/Issac don't seem to be as far apart culturally as our emperor is a God like WWII Japan. The problem is not Islam, the problem is we are unwilling to kill one million military aged men. "

We had lost a Soldier around the same time I watched the movie Osama (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368913/) and read The Bookseller of Kabul (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9838.The_Bookseller_of_Kabul).

I'd read enough reports about beheaded female school teachers, seen literal piles of poop in showers instead of using the toilets, and at the time looked at Afghanistan like a 7th Century Dark Side of the Moon population. My revulsion and disgust peaked that summer day when we executed the TOC Battle Drills of Troops in Contact (TIC) culminating in executing the Battle Drill for casualty notification.

I was filled with hate at that moment--it was pretty intense for about two weeks before I could think again--but I did have a cogent thought during this time. To 'win' this fight, we'd need about 350K-500K Soldiers for 20 years--long enough to educate two generations of little girls, and to kill at least 1 million military aged men. If they still held a grudge for a goat that was stolen 500 years ago, bullet to the head.

The country needed to be defeated. Tamed. Blasted into the 21st Century.

I am not necessarily proud of those conclusions, but I was thinking about how beautiful Tokyo and Stuttgart were at the time.

All that being said--the entire world is sitting on the same bed of kindling. All of our lackluster, morally compromised, lying, immature, narcissistic leaders have lit their own wooden matches and are all threatening others that they will toss the match at them...

The entire West is going to have to come to grips with millions of Muslims & Leftists creating havoc in our own cities when Israel does what it looks like it plans to do.

Does anyone in the current administration have the guts to deport millions? Put them in camps? After the dirty-bomb is set off in NYC?

None of this helps me sleep...


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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

You ask a very good question. The difference is that the fight of the Arabs against the Jews (that phrasing is intentional) isn’t merely war like the US vs Japan or a Germany. This is a visceral, perpetual, insatiable hatred. I could quote Bible verses about Ishmael. Or I could try to describe how Israeli Arabs leered at me as a young woman walking the streets of Jerusalem twenty years ago. The wars of 1948, 1967, 1973 were decisive blows but the Arabs regrouped and came back for more. They won’t stop until there are no Jews in the Middle East. And I’m starting to wonder if they might come after “the Sunday people” next.

Leaving the religious aspect out of this, I’d think the chaos and conflict of Iraq or Syria are better comparisons. Knowledge of the region and the Sunni/Shia conflict would also be applicable here and I am not the person to speak about that.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Violence is never the answer unless it is the only answer.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Unconditional surrender and the Marshall plan. We trusted our instincts more back then. Bombs and apologies don't work. I really think this insight of yours is worth holding onto!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Of course you’re right, Chris. But the real problem is that large swaths of our culture understand neither history nor human nature. Nor do they want to.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

They must be pummeled enough so they feel helpless. Enough so this won't happen again for at least 20 years.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Your thesis that a total defeat of Hamas is better than a negotiated or partial defeat is borne out by history. You point out WW2, which was the complete and abject destruction of the facists. A more recent example is the obliteration of ISIS by ourselves and Iraqi and Kurdish allies. It was brutal and bloody, with around 30k combat deaths among our Muslim allies and tens of thousands of civilians. But ISIS lost scores of thousands of combat deaths, plus a large number of the "civilians" were ISIS supporters, Find drone footage of Irbil and Mosel, plus any of the lesser cities of Iraq and Syria, and the devastation makes Gaza City a mere pinprick. But that was what it took to tear these deadenders out, root and branch.

Douglas MacArthur, one of our greatest generals, said that there was no substitute for victory. The Israelis must completely massacre Hamas, then track the survivors down and kill them, anywhere on earth, just like they did to the Munich murderers and just like the Iraqis and Kurds did to the remnants of ISIS. You notice there are no stories about ISIS attacks anywhere for the past 3 years or so. They're all dead. Unless this happens, the Gazans will remain a death cult and the violence will continue.

Danny Huckabee

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