In 2005, the Army was a hot mess in personnel readiness. Our MI Battalion left Fort Lewis, Washington to 'train' at Ft Sill, OK (home of artillery) because that makes total sense for intelligence training. We, seriously, only had access to one SIPR (classified) computer for an entire MI Bn. Sent hundreds of people TDY from Ft Sill to get…
In 2005, the Army was a hot mess in personnel readiness. Our MI Battalion left Fort Lewis, Washington to 'train' at Ft Sill, OK (home of artillery) because that makes total sense for intelligence training. We, seriously, only had access to one SIPR (classified) computer for an entire MI Bn. Sent hundreds of people TDY from Ft Sill to get trained.
I was the S3 for an MI Bn at BAF from 06/07. We were an Army National Guard MI Bn filled with an active duty company, an ARNG BCT MICO, Navy & AF SIGINTers. (Who we made into dismounted low-level voice intercept teams--basically carry 80lbs of batteries before your clothes, food, weapons etc...and we had all of about 3 weeks to ensure these guys were 'greened' enough they don't get killed first step outside of wire...) Our Frankenstein battalion replaced the Division MI Bn that was lost in the transition from a Division Army to a BCT Army.
The entire training calendar from 1st Army was criminally negligent. Shit. Show. I should have known then what took 17 years later to understand.
Sadly, we have failed to promote the true men of character to Flag Officers. Our Flag Officers do not know how to win, they only know how to continue the war and to ensure Joe doesn't embarrass the USA on 'his watch'.
The Army does not make Warriors, it makes bureaucrats.
While overseas, much email was sent among the field grade & company grade officers about 'Islam is incongruent with freedom...' nonsense.
I always answered those emails with, "IDK...Ishmael/Issac don't seem to be as far apart culturally as our emperor is a God like WWII Japan. The problem is not Islam, the problem is we are unwilling to kill one million military aged men. "
I'd read enough reports about beheaded female school teachers, seen literal piles of poop in showers instead of using the toilets, and at the time looked at Afghanistan like a 7th Century Dark Side of the Moon population. My revulsion and disgust peaked that summer day when we executed the TOC Battle Drills of Troops in Contact (TIC) culminating in executing the Battle Drill for casualty notification.
I was filled with hate at that moment--it was pretty intense for about two weeks before I could think again--but I did have a cogent thought during this time. To 'win' this fight, we'd need about 350K-500K Soldiers for 20 years--long enough to educate two generations of little girls, and to kill at least 1 million military aged men. If they still held a grudge for a goat that was stolen 500 years ago, bullet to the head.
The country needed to be defeated. Tamed. Blasted into the 21st Century.
I am not necessarily proud of those conclusions, but I was thinking about how beautiful Tokyo and Stuttgart were at the time.
All that being said--the entire world is sitting on the same bed of kindling. All of our lackluster, morally compromised, lying, immature, narcissistic leaders have lit their own wooden matches and are all threatening others that they will toss the match at them...
The entire West is going to have to come to grips with millions of Muslims & Leftists creating havoc in our own cities when Israel does what it looks like it plans to do.
Does anyone in the current administration have the guts to deport millions? Put them in camps? After the dirty-bomb is set off in NYC?
In 2005, the Army was a hot mess in personnel readiness. Our MI Battalion left Fort Lewis, Washington to 'train' at Ft Sill, OK (home of artillery) because that makes total sense for intelligence training. We, seriously, only had access to one SIPR (classified) computer for an entire MI Bn. Sent hundreds of people TDY from Ft Sill to get trained.
I was the S3 for an MI Bn at BAF from 06/07. We were an Army National Guard MI Bn filled with an active duty company, an ARNG BCT MICO, Navy & AF SIGINTers. (Who we made into dismounted low-level voice intercept teams--basically carry 80lbs of batteries before your clothes, food, weapons etc...and we had all of about 3 weeks to ensure these guys were 'greened' enough they don't get killed first step outside of wire...) Our Frankenstein battalion replaced the Division MI Bn that was lost in the transition from a Division Army to a BCT Army.
The entire training calendar from 1st Army was criminally negligent. Shit. Show. I should have known then what took 17 years later to understand.
Sadly, we have failed to promote the true men of character to Flag Officers. Our Flag Officers do not know how to win, they only know how to continue the war and to ensure Joe doesn't embarrass the USA on 'his watch'.
The Army does not make Warriors, it makes bureaucrats.
While overseas, much email was sent among the field grade & company grade officers about 'Islam is incongruent with freedom...' nonsense.
I always answered those emails with, "IDK...Ishmael/Issac don't seem to be as far apart culturally as our emperor is a God like WWII Japan. The problem is not Islam, the problem is we are unwilling to kill one million military aged men. "
We had lost a Soldier around the same time I watched the movie Osama ( and read The Bookseller of Kabul (
I'd read enough reports about beheaded female school teachers, seen literal piles of poop in showers instead of using the toilets, and at the time looked at Afghanistan like a 7th Century Dark Side of the Moon population. My revulsion and disgust peaked that summer day when we executed the TOC Battle Drills of Troops in Contact (TIC) culminating in executing the Battle Drill for casualty notification.
I was filled with hate at that moment--it was pretty intense for about two weeks before I could think again--but I did have a cogent thought during this time. To 'win' this fight, we'd need about 350K-500K Soldiers for 20 years--long enough to educate two generations of little girls, and to kill at least 1 million military aged men. If they still held a grudge for a goat that was stolen 500 years ago, bullet to the head.
The country needed to be defeated. Tamed. Blasted into the 21st Century.
I am not necessarily proud of those conclusions, but I was thinking about how beautiful Tokyo and Stuttgart were at the time.
All that being said--the entire world is sitting on the same bed of kindling. All of our lackluster, morally compromised, lying, immature, narcissistic leaders have lit their own wooden matches and are all threatening others that they will toss the match at them...
The entire West is going to have to come to grips with millions of Muslims & Leftists creating havoc in our own cities when Israel does what it looks like it plans to do.
Does anyone in the current administration have the guts to deport millions? Put them in camps? After the dirty-bomb is set off in NYC?
None of this helps me sleep...