All false. It is men who have been preoccupied with universal laws and the rule of law. Women by contrast are controlled by emotion. Every female leader from Bodicea to Thatcher has started a war.
You need to do more reading. That blue pill will get you nowhere, lol.
All false. It is men who have been preoccupied with universal laws and the rule of law. Women by contrast are controlled by emotion. Every female leader from Bodicea to Thatcher has started a war.
You need to do more reading. That blue pill will get you nowhere, lol.
All false. It is men who have been preoccupied with universal laws and the rule of law. Women by contrast are controlled by emotion. Every female leader from Bodicea to Thatcher has started a war.
You need to do more reading. That blue pill will get you nowhere, lol.