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The next generation is already taught to hate Israel and Jews so it really doesn't matter what Israel does, they will be fighting for their existence until the people of Gaza love their kids more than they hate Israel and Jews.

The crazy thing is, Israel is being accused of "genocide" and treating Gazans the way hitler treated the Jews. If that were even remotely true it would have been Israel starting all the wars that have happened there and not every other muslim country or enclave.

I have a pretty harsh view of it but I have yet to have anyone actually prove it isn't reality. That view is that if it takes the death of 2 million Gazans, 3 million in the West Bank and even millions more in other muslim places which actively pursue war with Israel, for peace to happen, then it is probably a bargain at that price.

The real difference between the Japanese, the Germans and hamas in Gaza is that once those people saw what they had done to other people, they stopped celebrating those things. hamas will never allow for that and I don't think the religion of islam will allow it either.

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Hard agree. The meta point is about the value of life. The European mind in Europe and North America cannot conceive of life being considered cheap. But much of the world has this exact view. It is primarily low empathy, a strong feature in the global south.

Or to put it more simply, when a feminized society champions compassion over practical matters, like enforcing national borders, we get this altruistic soup infecting national policy. The Islamic world has absolutely none of this. They do not move to Western nations and celebrate our decency. They marvel at our naivety. Are these the Europeans who conquered the world?

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you talk about the value of life...but then you make yourself a hypocrite when you decry a “feminized society”. dude, it’s men with guns who are the problem. women, if they were in charge, would not seek to resolve things as men do. authoritarianism always restrains and/or punishes an other...which kicks off the cycle of infinite revenge. men with guns are the embodiment of authoritarianism.

men with guns don’t truly value human life, except by its punishment value in the taking.

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All false. It is men who have been preoccupied with universal laws and the rule of law. Women by contrast are controlled by emotion. Every female leader from Bodicea to Thatcher has started a war.

You need to do more reading. That blue pill will get you nowhere, lol.

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“…once those people saw what they had done to other people, they stopped celebrating those things…”

I disagree. I believe it’s this way: “…once those people realized how badly their countries had been destroyed as a consequence of their actions, they stopped PUBLICLY celebrating those things.”

I read an article by a sociologist who spent a year in Germany in the mid-50’s living in a village with ordinary Germans, and interviewing them and others in the region. His sad findings were that most residents still believed that Germany was basically right throughout Hitler’s reign. They were resigned to the new order of things, but there was not a great repudiation of evil one would have hoped for.

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You are incorrect but still prove a valid point. In WWII large swaths of the Japanese military were annihilated due to their "death before surrender" mentality. This pretty much eradicated those who had actually participated in the carnage directed against anyone who wasn't Japanese. Sure, there were some left who were "true believers" in Bushido, but they were in the vast minority. It was less of a thing in Germany because despite the lack of prisoners being taken among the ss, large swaths of the military were freed at the end of the war. When you deduct from both those who were tried for war crimes and executed there are 2 very different pictures presented.

In Japan, the idea of Bushido was pretty much erased as those who practiced it gave their lives, along with the lives of many others who didn't adhere. But in Germany the idea of nazism persisted and the hatred of Jews held on. There was a very good reason Jews left Europe en masse after WWII, the idea was still alive there that they were evil.

Which brings me to my point, the only way to truly win a war is to erase the ideology that started it in the first place. So the reality is, if it takes 2 or 5 or 10 million muslims who adhere to the teachings of muhammed, or even all of them to get peace, then that is the bargain they choose to make.

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I’ll give you points for arrogance – both personal and strategic. You assert error but point none out. And you blithely write off 10M ppl – keeping spiritual company with Mao, Stalin, Hitler, & Pol Pot. Each of them claimed the dead were responsible for their own deaths.

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Ok then I will point out where you were wrong. The German people were very nationalistic and hitler was a nationalistic guy. But his base platform was socialism, which no matter what the left says makes him their guy. No one really regretted the nationalism, and coming out of the Great Depression, socialism had a lot going for it. Hell, even the US did social projects just to keep people busy. But where the US did public works projects, Germany did rebuilding their military projects in preparation for a new world war. If the US had spent the amount of money they did on do good projects on building up the military, we would have started the war as well equipped as when we ended it.

A lot of German people were already nationalists, so it isn't strange that after the war they were still nationalists. And the whole socialism thing put people to work, just for a bad cause. But I have yet to meet a German who thought the Holocaust of the Jews of Europe was a thing to be proud of. And after even a decade of Russian occupation in East Germany, it isn't surprising at all that they wished for things to go back to how they were before the war.

The difference between my thinking and all the other great leftists is that they chose who was to die, with the muslims, they are choosing themselves, I just think it wouldn't be tragic if we obliged them in fulfilling their desire to die.

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Yes, this sounds accurate. Sorry to suddenly dip lighter during a serious subject, but I have a special fondness for your title, and the movie, "Joe Dirt". It was mostly based on my life, after Joe's dog Charlie, my greyhound dog's name, was killed. I suppose this kinda relates to Chris' subject at hand.

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I used to think that only I had crazy things happen to me, then I saw "Joe Dirt" and realized at least that someone else could imagine it, even if they didn't experience it in real life.

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wow, that’s a lot of likes for advocating the death of 5 million plus. you do know they rolled back the 6 million attributed to the holocaust, right? which was a big part of the guilt that led to israel arriving at all.

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You underestimate, I would gladly sacrifice 1.2 billion muslims if it brought peace to the middle east and as a result to the rest of the world.

Only the leftist nazis have rolled back the 6 million number. And as far as the "guilt" you speak of leading to the allowance of the Jewish state, Britain had no reason to feel guilty as they hadn't participated in the mass murder of the Jews. They did however have a serious bone to pick with the palestinians for siding with the nazis. Weird how the nazis are doing the same thing today.

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If you are serious you are literally a psychopath. And if you are not serious you should shut up and think a lot fucking harder before choosing to present yourself as a monster. They’ll have to publish a new edition of ATROCITOLOGY just for you.

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Go live with the muslims and then get back to me with your views. If you are still alive that is. Seriously, everywhere they end up, they cause huge problems and eventually take over by eliminating everyone who isn't a muslim. Their koran even says that is what they are supposed to do in order to live a good life. 1400 years of history can't be wrong.

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