The contempt they have for the public and democracy is staggering.

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It's "contempt and loathing". You forgot loathing.

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IMO they are scared shitless. Profound weakness.

I think what's happening is many of the plebs have been given a truth enima after seeing in real time the destruction caused by foolish policies, and the utter contempt the ruling class has for them - and by extension the media.

In other words the shit is hitting the fan...and the Leftist/Media are in death throes.

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I sincerely hope this is what is happening Ryan. I know that we should continuously and relentlessly mock the absurdity of preferring identity over merit. We should lower the amount of outrage about this totally unserious approach to doing anything, and increase the amount of scorn.

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Agree 100%

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I think you might be right Ryan! They have nothing but a dumpster fire of steaming shit to run on. The Cackling Moron is dumber than a sack of rocks, and her running mate, The Lunatic Pedo is well, a lunatic.

The tactics employed are classic gaslighting and projection. One can only speculate that it's absolute panic, chaos, so project, project, project, and gaslight every which way in dire hopes that the sheeple buy the BS.

However, I don't see how that is working with the folks that can see through the thin veneer. Are there enough folks awake?

Let's make sure we do our part outside the bubble we live in! That means getting up in people's grill and asking the tough questions. Such as, why are you voting for a woman who's one job was to secure the border and she failed miserably. Or, why would you support Cackling Kamel Toes when she supports defunding the police, etc., etc., etc.

If you give a feck about what folks think of you, then grow a pair and wipe your tears with a hankie! We have a country to save, PEOPLE! FECK YOUR FEELINGS!!

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Saw a Gabe Suarez video yesterday where Gabe was wearing a Trump T-shirt, the front of which reads "Trump 2024, Fuck Your Feelings." Back has a smiling image of Trump with the word "Missed."

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Dittos! My like button is broken.

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I hope devoutly that you are correct, Ryan. But these are evil people. They are in service to principalities and powers, and though it would never occur to most of them that this is so, some of them may know it. We are desperate to underrate the power of propaganda, but we all know we're being swarmed by it, and a lot of us have the sickened feeling that it's extremely successful.

Look what happens: J.D.Vance, a splendid man, honorable and courageous and compassionate and very smart, is "weird," it's everywhere in hours, everybody in the mainslime media says it's so; a vile defamation concocted by some lowlife and put online becomes universally known; a few weeks later, the cockroach who is Harris' vice presidential choice makes a sleazy joke about it in his introductory speechlet, and though there may be a lot of disgust in the nation about it, the mainslime media will never tell us. Maybe there was no disgust.

They will tell us, not one outlet, but dozens, that the cockroach himself is "cuddly." He's cuddly, a normie, "Coach"! twenty - four years in the Army! Harris is the funny wine aunt! She brat!

Because we're reasonable and in contact with reality, we find it hard to believe that anyone will buy this nonsense, only to learn to our dismay time and again that a lot of people will. The nation has become impossibly dumber and more feminized than when I was a teenager in the 1960s, has a subconscious death wish, and look at all the screaming crowds!

True story, which I've mentioned several times in comments sections: in May, 1968, LIFE magazine ran a story about which poets were supporting Eugene McCarthy for the Democratic nomination and which ones were for RFK. Poets! Heavy hitters, people such as Donald Hall, John Berryman, Robert Lowell. It happened. I remember it. To me, that is the measure of how much more literate American society was almost sixty years ago. It's impossible for anyone to imagine such a thing nowadays, as impossible as it is to imagine the morning buses filled with commuters into downtown Houston who were absorbed in their paperback Jane Austens, Charles Dickens, Hawthornes. I spent most of my mornings on those buses into school taking surreptitious glances at the young secretaries, but I remember the readers.

Added to all this societal ruin is a narcissistic dolt of a presidential nominee whose resentments are useful to us and whose instincts are right for the most part, but who is so solipsistic he can't get through a press conference without repeatedly insulting his opponent and vaunting his own brilliance. Yes, I give him unstinting credit for his amazing gutsiness when he was shot. But was he shot? Probably, but why isn't the media talking about it?

It's dismal. We can pray. Apparently, Trump does listen to his children and their spouses. Those are impressive people. If they can't scream some sense into him, we're finished.

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Bobby, why do you think he had "amazing gutsiness" after being shot? Is it just a thing he has, like fluffy hair or 6 foot plus height?

Or is it because he deeply loves the goodness of America (where it is good) and would die to secure the benefit of it for all Americans? Did he say, fight, fight, fight just because he wants to be President again? Or because he was asking for help to stop Them from taking that away from us? I'll take him with all his flaws just because of that.

Are you seriously questioning whether he was shot? The media isn't talking about it because they are totally in the tank for the Democrats and they know that true love of country trumps all.

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Agree. Def EVIL. I saw enough during the covid abomination to draw the same conclusions

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I'm sorry I can't help myself.Warren Zevon comes to mind and I.Quote, send lawyers guns and money.The shit has hit the fan

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We can't ridicule these people enough.

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Unfortunately, that is literally true. Ridicule does not faze them, nor does truth.

" ...the member of Parliament maintained a confident air of satisfaction. Which was why politicians were assassinated... because nothing else would faze them."

Martin Cruz Smith _Rose_

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It doesn't phase THEM, because they're just actors who lie for a living. It does move the needle among the masses, though. "Real" media continues to be in freefall while people like Chris Bray continue to grow.......

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"media continues to be in freefall while people like Chris Bray continue to grow"

Absolutely. The legacy media is slowly losing power. But the question is, we will lose our freedom and our society before left loses its mass-media weapon?

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Well said. The rank and file aren't very tolerant of be-clowning. Those with the power aren't very concerned. Once their power is total, then they will crush all dissent.

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Yes but sadly it works.

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The whole lot of them might be clowns, but, we must remember they are our clowns and clowns elected them.

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These people are so clueless. They have the minds of children.

"Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed"


"Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously."

G.K. Chesterton

Thanks for educating Chris.

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When the wife did temp-work as a kindergarten-teacher long ago, during story-hour a kid piped up to ask this:

"Do dragons poop when they fly?"

For some reason, the stories never say.

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That's a wicked smart kid imo

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Definitely thinking outside the box lol 😂

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how did she answer??!!!

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I think - bear in mind, it's been several decades - that she said something like this:

"Yes, but only when no-one is looking"

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It's an experiment in social control to see if you will believe *their* reality rather than *your* eyes.

Hey, they have nothing else.

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Absolutely nuttin.

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Aug 9Liked by Chris Bray

When Chris reminds us how blatantly the legacy media lies, or Ryan and others remind us how they despise us, hold us in contempt I am once again reminded to unplug.

I should not be surprised that a coward who left his men just when shit got real has a real chance at becoming the Vice President, but I am. How?

I have a theory that is just coming into focus—more later—but I realized it today when trying to register for the construction classes this morning.

Two entirely different worlds.

1. The construction ‘lab’. Huge barn like building. Huge roll up doors, men and women all working with wood/metal—real stuff in the material world. So friendly. So open. Welcoming. They have a BBQ every other Friday for students and alumni. They help each other fix real world problems—one woman left an abusive husband—and the class helped her build herself a small home from a garage.

2. The HQ. The Shtab (both Russian and German). Where the office creatures and bureaucrats reside. All women. Lots of rainbow flags on desks. A few men traipsing around, not a confrontational or assertive or might I say-masculine- vibe ANYWHERE in that building. 2/3 minority…wait, how does that work?

Got zero accomplished in the building, had to set an appt for next week.

The worlds of Trump vs Kamala…

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Aug 10Liked by Chris Bray

I was watching a re-cap of Dumbala and The Coward at a canned event in Wisconsin. Part of me was surprised how many people were there at this campaign event waving their Harris/Walz signs. I kept thinking, don’t these people know who Harris and Walz are? Has everything the past few years been memory holed?

Then I realized that the people at the rally don’t care. Dumbala could tell them right to their face that she will open gulags and put them in them, and they would roar their approval. Dumbala is the shiny new toy they just got in a box and opened up. The fact that she ran for president in 2019 on the farthest left agenda of any modern candidate and was forced out of the race before even the first primary is lost on these people. They seem to be driven by the idea that Hitler has been resurrected into something orange and terrible.

Going back to your carpentry class, it is clear the obvious joy and utility of making and fixing things with our hands. It grounds us, and reminds us of what is really important.

Yesterday, I fixed a leak in the waterline of my ice maker. It wasn’t a complicated job, but I was happy I didn’t have to call out a plumber, and I felt satisfied afterward.

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I hardly know what country I’m living in. Maybe it’s always been like this, but the gears of the machine were more hidden. Now, they are out in public, right in front of us, showing us how they’re going to steal the election. But the orange beast will steal muh democracy!!

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"I hardly know what country I’m living in."

I know the feeling. We are still living within the (porous) boundaries of the United States. But America -- our society and culture -- has been destroyed and replaced by the leftists who now also control our institutions. I just read this comment on a different Substack:

"...what could I possibly have in common with Black culture, or gay culture? I have much more in common with reindeer herders in remote Siberia..."


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I "predict" that H & W will "win" regardless of the facts. Why would they run a clean campaign now? Why would they change now? Why would we expect them to? DJT may win the popular vote but the E college will be for H & W. Anyone who thinks the machine is going to let DJT back into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is pleasantly deluded. (Myself included)

I'm truly not trying to rain on your parade. Or MY parade either. I think that is just the fact. I have been saying for almost a year now that it doesn't matter who wins, some group is going to be spitting mad and all bets are off. It will be far, far worse if DJT wins, as we can all guess based on 2020.

Likely the hateful rhetoric and yelling will get worse, people will start to disappear from their homes and jobs... that's what happens in a totaltarian regime. Surely you've read The Gulag Archipelago?

If you prefer a book of fiction, Blue Dawn by Blaine Pardoe has a frighteningly realistic and prescient take on how this might look.

I pray fervently every day for wisdom and compassion for our leaders. I pray for the American people to be discerning in their words and deeds. I think it is incombant upon us all to pray. Whether you are religious or not.

As a matter of fact, I think we should all agree to spend one minute every day at 8pm EST to pray for our country. The power of prayer is an important, nay critical tool in our arsenal.

What say you all?

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I’m afraid you’re right. The same people who cheated in 2020 might as well double down in 2024, as they have nothing to lose unless Trump wins. They can’t let him.

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I’m in. Can’t vote our way out. Can’t demonstrate our way out. Can’t 2A our way out. We can only pray our way out and courageously act on the Spirit’s leading.

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Pass the idea on. That's all it takes.

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I can't pray anymore. It's up to God at this point.

But I will say this; I don't think God wants any of us to be "black-pilled".

2 Timothy 1:7 for example was completely disregarded by The Church during the c19 abomination. That verse alone should've been the guiding light. But alas even The Church and most it's followers had scales over their eyes...even when they could see the harm being done to their fellow-citizens...including CHILDREN!

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There are churches and there are ‘churches’ and then there is the Invisible Church Universal with members in both and then there is the church of Satan, which unfortunately has members in all of t the above, but also has its own legion denominations.

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Aug 9Liked by Chris Bray

Don’t forget Katie Hobbs received viewer votes than the Republican Mines Inspector. Let that sink in! Republicans showed up to vote for State Mine Inspector but neglected to cast a vote for Governor?

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In the 2022 Arizona election for State Mine Inspector, the results were:

Paul Marsh (Republican): 1,069,474 votes


Kari Lake (Republican): 1,272,394 votes

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Hmm… It’s been two years since I delved into this and I no longer have the links to support my claim.

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I am traveling this week (seem to be tracking Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Tropical Depression to a T) and as I travelled down US Rt 19 in PA (Cranberry Twsp) which is close to Butler, PA, I was overwhelmed by gap between the Democratic elite and the rest of us. Within less than a mile on that road, I passed dealerships for Bentley, Tesla and Lotus. The disparity of it all hit me when we stopped at a traffic light and the car in the left lane was about a 20 yr old Subaru that needed to be "midasized" and had the muffler held in place with what clearly was an old coat hangar. As we waited at that light, I wondered if the Harris/Walz folks ever realized there were people in as dire straights as that fellow was and how they might address the issue. Despite the rhetoric of the left, I am sure that JD Vance and Trump actually want to find solutions to the issues that guy was facing. I'd bet 1,000 dollars that Harris/Walz would rather just give them some money rather than a job and a feeling of self worth.

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like, alot

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Omg! A politician with an actual plan! The horror! How can you even bear to speak the evil one's name aloud?! I'm praying Trump wins, I wouldn't wish what's happening in the UK on my worst enemy and I've a strong suspicion that is what you'd get under president Cackle.....

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Potentially worse.

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All these things are to incite the Karen vote, because that's what the left has been since the Eighties. The 'weird' tag is straight out of junior high girl's cafeteria.

They're just kickin' you now.

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Aug 11Liked by Chris Bray

“…implement fascism in America by reducing the power of the federal government!” I keep asking them to explain how wanting a weak, decentralized federal government equates to fascism but I never get an answer.

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What the hell, I’m gonna make a Project 2025 t-shirt and wear it around Chicago in the next couple weeks, along with my Agenda47 cap and my 180 Day Transition Playbook totebag.

(I hope that doesn’t count as Retweeting!)

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To paraphrase Camus:

We all get the government the communists deserve.

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"I did A journalism!"

Genuine LMAO

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agreed. I had to read it twice since I thought I saw a rare Bray typo but no...

Mommy, I did big journalism in the potty! Can I get a lollipop?

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Like a dotting mother clapping just because their toddler left their diaper dry

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Ironically, it is as maternal as many of the chanters will ever get...

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Ditto 😆

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It's all just proof that the "voting" is a charade.

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