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The contempt they have for the public and democracy is staggering.

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It's "contempt and loathing". You forgot loathing.

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IMO they are scared shitless. Profound weakness.

I think what's happening is many of the plebs have been given a truth enima after seeing in real time the destruction caused by foolish policies, and the utter contempt the ruling class has for them - and by extension the media.

In other words the shit is hitting the fan...and the Leftist/Media are in death throes.

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I sincerely hope this is what is happening Ryan. I know that we should continuously and relentlessly mock the absurdity of preferring identity over merit. We should lower the amount of outrage about this totally unserious approach to doing anything, and increase the amount of scorn.

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Agree 100%

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I think you might be right Ryan! They have nothing but a dumpster fire of steaming shit to run on. The Cackling Moron is dumber than a sack of rocks, and her running mate, The Lunatic Pedo is well, a lunatic.

The tactics employed are classic gaslighting and projection. One can only speculate that it's absolute panic, chaos, so project, project, project, and gaslight every which way in dire hopes that the sheeple buy the BS.

However, I don't see how that is working with the folks that can see through the thin veneer. Are there enough folks awake?

Let's make sure we do our part outside the bubble we live in! That means getting up in people's grill and asking the tough questions. Such as, why are you voting for a woman who's one job was to secure the border and she failed miserably. Or, why would you support Cackling Kamel Toes when she supports defunding the police, etc., etc., etc.

If you give a feck about what folks think of you, then grow a pair and wipe your tears with a hankie! We have a country to save, PEOPLE! FECK YOUR FEELINGS!!

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Saw a Gabe Suarez video yesterday where Gabe was wearing a Trump T-shirt, the front of which reads "Trump 2024, Fuck Your Feelings." Back has a smiling image of Trump with the word "Missed."

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Dittos! My like button is broken.

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I hope devoutly that you are correct, Ryan. But these are evil people. They are in service to principalities and powers, and though it would never occur to most of them that this is so, some of them may know it. We are desperate to underrate the power of propaganda, but we all know we're being swarmed by it, and a lot of us have the sickened feeling that it's extremely successful.

Look what happens: J.D.Vance, a splendid man, honorable and courageous and compassionate and very smart, is "weird," it's everywhere in hours, everybody in the mainslime media says it's so; a vile defamation concocted by some lowlife and put online becomes universally known; a few weeks later, the cockroach who is Harris' vice presidential choice makes a sleazy joke about it in his introductory speechlet, and though there may be a lot of disgust in the nation about it, the mainslime media will never tell us. Maybe there was no disgust.

They will tell us, not one outlet, but dozens, that the cockroach himself is "cuddly." He's cuddly, a normie, "Coach"! twenty - four years in the Army! Harris is the funny wine aunt! She brat!

Because we're reasonable and in contact with reality, we find it hard to believe that anyone will buy this nonsense, only to learn to our dismay time and again that a lot of people will. The nation has become impossibly dumber and more feminized than when I was a teenager in the 1960s, has a subconscious death wish, and look at all the screaming crowds!

True story, which I've mentioned several times in comments sections: in May, 1968, LIFE magazine ran a story about which poets were supporting Eugene McCarthy for the Democratic nomination and which ones were for RFK. Poets! Heavy hitters, people such as Donald Hall, John Berryman, Robert Lowell. It happened. I remember it. To me, that is the measure of how much more literate American society was almost sixty years ago. It's impossible for anyone to imagine such a thing nowadays, as impossible as it is to imagine the morning buses filled with commuters into downtown Houston who were absorbed in their paperback Jane Austens, Charles Dickens, Hawthornes. I spent most of my mornings on those buses into school taking surreptitious glances at the young secretaries, but I remember the readers.

Added to all this societal ruin is a narcissistic dolt of a presidential nominee whose resentments are useful to us and whose instincts are right for the most part, but who is so solipsistic he can't get through a press conference without repeatedly insulting his opponent and vaunting his own brilliance. Yes, I give him unstinting credit for his amazing gutsiness when he was shot. But was he shot? Probably, but why isn't the media talking about it?

It's dismal. We can pray. Apparently, Trump does listen to his children and their spouses. Those are impressive people. If they can't scream some sense into him, we're finished.

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Bobby, why do you think he had "amazing gutsiness" after being shot? Is it just a thing he has, like fluffy hair or 6 foot plus height?

Or is it because he deeply loves the goodness of America (where it is good) and would die to secure the benefit of it for all Americans? Did he say, fight, fight, fight just because he wants to be President again? Or because he was asking for help to stop Them from taking that away from us? I'll take him with all his flaws just because of that.

Are you seriously questioning whether he was shot? The media isn't talking about it because they are totally in the tank for the Democrats and they know that true love of country trumps all.

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Agree. Def EVIL. I saw enough during the covid abomination to draw the same conclusions

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I'm sorry I can't help myself.Warren Zevon comes to mind and I.Quote, send lawyers guns and money.The shit has hit the fan

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