The only vaccine Sam Harris should be pushing would be one for Trump Derangement Syndrome, the condition that destroyed his brain. He could do commercials like the ones Yul Brynner did in the 80s for anti-smoking campaigns after he got lung cancer. Sam's would say, "Okay, this is Sam Harris, and I'm braindead now, because I didn't get vaccinated against Trump Derangement Syndrome. Don't be like me . . ."

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Agree except that his soul is destroyed not only his brain

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I don’t think Sam ever had a soul, he’s atheist and thinks God is a panacea for feeble minded folk.

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Too right you are

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The "vaccine" against TDS is integrity and a sense of humanity and compassion. I think Sam Harris was lost long before Trump.

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I'll never forget that commercial

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Daniel D - Does everything have to be turned into left-right, Trump-Biden, etc.? Have people not figured out that this is just another distraction? (Divide and conquer). That is a damned waste of time and energy. I equally despise all the politicians. They’ve all proven they can’t be trusted. Let’s focus on refusing to comply, please?

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and sam harris has clearly stated that the any means (hiding the proof that Hunter Biden had a basement full of dead children) would have justified the end (keeping Trump out of office). his feeling is that anyone who didn't take the vaccine is an evil Trump supporter. so Daniel D's comment is totally justified in this case

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No, it doesn't, but that is the only language some people speak. If you can figure out how to break them out if it, you're smarter than most of the rest of us.

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YES!! I rotate exercises/games with my teenage daughter - real and not real, and “where does it lead?” This is brilliant advice. Look down the road. Truth will out. Gotta say, I think it’s ok to be the parent who takes on the school. Or local government. It’s ok to be labeled transphobic. It’ll pass.

(I was thinking about that NHL player who refused to wear a pride flag jersey because he doesn’t support the current thing, and he was facing punishment - or at least widespread booing. And no one seems to notice that if, say, a hockey team decided to do Catholic night and require everyone to wear a cross, there’d be a meltdown. “Performative symbols” are what they always have been - a signal to the tribe that you are a loyal neophyte of The Current Thing. Gotta say, it’s ok to be that guy who says no.)

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Sam Harris is an ass. Part of the IDW and all that crap. Weinstein was part of that self important clique, too. Then Bret woke up. Sam is still an ass. That’s my ‘Dick and Jane’ version of things.

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Harris has been coddled by all the high status people while Brett has been through hell standing against the same types.

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Imagine getting your status based on your ability to parrot what you hear from the 'right' people.

Case in point: Gas stoves last week.

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They’re still gunning for gas stoves. They just forgot to keep the quiet part quiet for a hot second. Nothing else has changed.

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I'm an old fogey. Can you tell me what IDW stands for?

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"Intellectual Dark Web," a heterodox community made even "cooler" by the fact that you didn't know what they were.

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Bless you! I should have remembered that. I have heard Bret mention that term on many of his Darkhorse podcasts.

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Do you know that for a fact about Weinstein or are you just making things up?

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There is an abundance of information about this on Benjamin Boyce's YouTube channel (it's probably on alternative channels such as Odysee as well): https://www.youtube.com/@BenjaminABoyce

Benjamin Boyce was a student at Evergreen College at the time and caught a lot of what happened on video. He has a lot of videos with others discussing it in addition to the videos which constitute a documentary. I don't know if he has produced a finished documentary or not.

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I saw many of those vids. Weinstein seemed ok.

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Weinstein was awake and outspoken on woke from early on, but it took him a while to wake up on Covid. I see him as still wanting to keep his bona fides in tact with the "left" and the academic world, in exactly the terms that Chris Bray has described it, and so still wearing blinders on issues like vaccination in general and probably how dark the agenda really is (unless I'm behind the times since I don't follow him much anymore). He's getting there and I'm more sympathetic at this point than I was in 2020 and 2021, but I was more than a little impatient with him at the beginning. For me, the medical totalitarianism has always been front and center (while realizing that all of woke is connected with it).

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Just making things up and trying to stay relevant. Give a girl a break.

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There's a documentary on YouTube about Weinstein's becoming embroiled in a controversy in 2017 when he said something verboten in an email when he was on the faculty at Evergreen College in Washington State. He garnered enough supporters that the school ended up shutting down for weeks.

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I recall when my family was being accused of shortsighted foolishness for deciding to exercise our right to medical freedom. "What about your job?! What about your retirement?! OMG!" And now, we are positioned quite nicely. We know who our ideological enemies are, who our friends and supporters are (among them are people who have varying ideas about the shot) and, yes, still earning a comfortable living. Bonus round: the obstacle, having shown itself so clearly, has illuminated paths toward a world I'd be happy for my children to inherit. All we have to do now is take the path.

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Up-lifting. Thank you for writing what those of us who don't support the current thing need to hear. It can be lonely out here. Well, I exaggerate somewhat. After all, I'm a deplorable in flyover country. A know-nothing. Dull and prosaic and conventional and ....dare I say it...happy.

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💬 I'm a deplorable in flyover country. A know-nothing. Dull and prosaic and conventional and... dare I say it... happy.

↑↑ 🔥 Top-class philosophical-meme material, with immense viral potential. Methinks 😊

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Thanks, Daiva. Appreciate that.😊

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So very very true, but it is still happening despite everything we know. In Ontario, this January Dr. Chris Shoemaker had his license suspended by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for his stance of overall pandemic management and the harms being caused by the vaccines. There are no complaints made against him by patients or third parties, it is a complaint put together by the College itself. The you have the College of Pychologists of Ontario threatening to revoke Jordan Peterson's license, for things that he has said and predicted that have been right on the money. From forecasting the dangers enshrining gender expression into law would bring i.e. transing children and enabling extreme transgender ideology to flourish, the terrible damage climate change policies would wreak on the poorist of the poor and yes the fact that all the pandemic response useless, authoritarian and downright dangerous.

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Events in Ontario rather prove Chris' point, I think. They're hammering away on Peterson not because what he's saying is false, but because it's off message. Peterson, for his part, is standing his ground and will come out the better for it in the end, even if in the short term it hurts him.

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It seems to have worked this way for Peterson thus far. He has, however, paid a high price for it health wise, as I do think his breakdown a few years back had as much to do with his wife's very serious illness as well as the ongoing harrassment, death threats, and vile hate maile he received for standing his ground on issues like extreme gender ideology and other extreme 'woke' insanity. Remember how these evil soulless idealogues applauded when they learned of his illness. Sick evil sobs. For the complete story on woke regulatory bodies going after doctors like Shoemaker and Peterson check out my substack.https://roxannehalverson.substack.com/p/doctors-who-challenged-covid-dogmatism

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He has, yes. In his case, those emotional attacks seem to have been especially destructive. Peterson strikes me as having his heart in the right place, and possessing the strength of his convictions, but also lacking in a certain degree of psychological resilience. Some people thrive on conflict, others are indifferent to it, and I don't think he falls into either category. Thus, he pays a heavy price for those assaults on his character and good name.

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We are having a Ulysses moment. Sailing through the mirrored funhouse of woke corporatism, those of us who see the truth and value our national cultural inheritance are lashed to the mast of reality and the rich tradition of Western Civilization, against the siren call of greedy, power hungry demented pedophiles, Marxists, and amoral opportunists who seek our destruction.

In an even more existentially threatening note, the idiots nominally in charge are creating enormous geopolitical risks and destroying the dollar. This will destroy the middle class and retirees, assuming we don’t end up in a nuclear confrontation in top of that. When did we become a mimetic society? When did doing the right thing give way to looking like you’re doing the right thing?

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All societies are mimetic. Most of what people do is copying other people. There was a glorious interval where the things that were being copied were fairly useful most of the time. That window is closed and will not reopen unless we get some good ideas and good behaviors back in the drivers seat and keep them there for a few hundred years. Seems like a long shot but fortunately the enemies are all headless beasts so with some planning and a lot of Grace it might work out.

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*When did we become a mimetic society? When did doing the right thing give way to looking like you’re doing the right thing?

When we decided to look away

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We became a mimetic society when we accepted Virtue Signaling. Virtue Signaling and the Lie by Omission are two sides of the same coin.

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Kind of an oxymoron…

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not sure I understand. haven't had my coffee yet

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If you look away how do you copy?

I’m just being silly.

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Ok. tracking now. half way through my coffee.


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Too many people interacting online and not doing anything real.

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Oh man, this is beautiful. Thanks Chris

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When you're one step ahead of the crowd you're a genius. When you're two steps ahead, you're a crackpot.

Shlomo Riskin

We've been two steps ahead the last few years, correctly predicting everything months before it happens.

"How could anybody have known?!?!?"

The official data has ALWAYS contradicted the official narrative. And it was just sitting there, waiting for people to look at it.

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Very well-written piece. This is why I think of the blue anons as reactionary - whatever the hicks believe (no matter how grounded in reality), they must believe the opposite (no matter how absurd).

Also, Weinstein is smart, and I owe him big time for the ammo he provided to keep me from vaxxing my kids, but I don't know if this was ever really about brains. You could have an IQ of 85 and realize that taking an experimental drug for a condition you don't have is a bad idea.

The difference might be working from where you are vs working backward from a conclusion you wish to reach. For some reason, intelligent people seem to be good at the latter - often to their detriment.

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I've got a strong hunch you might enjoy Grant Smith's Seven Levels: 0+2+4+6 = “The People”; 1+3+5 = “The Elite”.

Check it out in spare time --> https://radicalamerican.substack.com/p/populism-is-dope 👌🙂

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In this article: Chris Bray tells us how it ends.

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There's still life after life, and not necessarily in afterlife 😉

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This too shall pass, as they say. The mantra of low-time preference temporal binding agents everywhere.

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Stand fast and play long, yes. But I wonder about the censorship regime and I do worry about the illiberal tendencies among the generation coming of age. Nina Jankowicz isn't going away and there are plenty more just like her graduating from college and entering the workforce. Will the truth always out? I hope so. I really do. But I don't know.

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The current crop of college kids really are frightening.

And stupid.

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The fact that there seems to be very little pushback to college vaccine mandates says it all. In Europe huge crowds surged into the streets. Here on college campuses, compliance and silence.

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“Oh, you can't help that,” said the Cat: “we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.” “How do you know I'm mad?” said Alice. “You must be,” said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.”

I know this discussion is serious, but I couldn't help thinking of the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland.

It's sad when this seems like a silver lining to me: "Mimetic societies end in mass suicide."

And, yes, all things pass, but when you're in the middle of them, it's hell.

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Weinstein just believes in striving for the truth and going wherever it takes him. Harris doesn’t.

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Socrates was given a choice - banishment from Athens, or drink the hemlock. He decided to bow out after demonstrating to his students the noble death of a true philosopher. Banishment these days means eviction from social media, from the “Cathedral,” from jobs and opportunities. Today Socrates could start an awesome podcast and get more hits and likes than Joe Rogan - no need to drink hemlock. Fear of death, medical care, vaccines and all the rest of it went “live” in March 2020, and those who resisted it, even if they were simply asking questions, are living proof that Socrates’ faith in human curiosity and love of truth was not entirely misplaced.

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Cathedral or Synagogue?

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