All societies are mimetic. Most of what people do is copying other people. There was a glorious interval where the things that were being copied were fairly useful most of the time. That window is closed and will not reopen unless we get some good ideas and good behaviors back in the drivers seat and keep them there for a few hundred …
All societies are mimetic. Most of what people do is copying other people. There was a glorious interval where the things that were being copied were fairly useful most of the time. That window is closed and will not reopen unless we get some good ideas and good behaviors back in the drivers seat and keep them there for a few hundred years. Seems like a long shot but fortunately the enemies are all headless beasts so with some planning and a lot of Grace it might work out.
All societies are mimetic. Most of what people do is copying other people. There was a glorious interval where the things that were being copied were fairly useful most of the time. That window is closed and will not reopen unless we get some good ideas and good behaviors back in the drivers seat and keep them there for a few hundred years. Seems like a long shot but fortunately the enemies are all headless beasts so with some planning and a lot of Grace it might work out.