Up-lifting. Thank you for writing what those of us who don't support the current thing need to hear. It can be lonely out here. Well, I exaggerate somewhat. After all, I'm a deplorable in flyover country. A know-nothing. Dull and prosaic and conventional and ....dare I say it...happy.
Up-lifting. Thank you for writing what those of us who don't support the current thing need to hear. It can be lonely out here. Well, I exaggerate somewhat. After all, I'm a deplorable in flyover country. A know-nothing. Dull and prosaic and conventional and ....dare I say it...happy.
Up-lifting. Thank you for writing what those of us who don't support the current thing need to hear. It can be lonely out here. Well, I exaggerate somewhat. After all, I'm a deplorable in flyover country. A know-nothing. Dull and prosaic and conventional and ....dare I say it...happy.
💬 I'm a deplorable in flyover country. A know-nothing. Dull and prosaic and conventional and... dare I say it... happy.
↑↑ 🔥 Top-class philosophical-meme material, with immense viral potential. Methinks 😊
Thanks, Daiva. Appreciate that.😊