I support Trump not because his political opponents have attacked him since he emerged as the leader of a populist movement in 2016, but because all of that tacks are lies. They knew Trump didn’t collude with Russia. They knew That Trump’s conversation with Zelensky was only a problem because it threatened to expose Biden’s corruption. They knew Hunter Biden’s laptop was real. They know the election was stolen and they know January 6 was a setup. Furthermore, they are willing to use the massive power of the federal government to crush ordinary people for supporting Trump. Trump hasn’t committed any crimes other than standing up for himself and his supporters. It’s the efforts to remove Trump from the playing field that is criminal.

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Wait till the Borg tell her to attack Biden so they can slide Newsom in.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"When you're a Jet you're a Jet all the way."

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

things the left seems unable to understand which are universal human truths:

1) many men wear red ties. in fact, i saw one in a season 3 episode of Mad Men just last night, without thinking for a second that the costume designer and/or the character were fascists

2) the concept of Forbidden Fruit is basic (it's in the bible) and every parent knows that if you make something off limits to your children while providing no reason for the ban that they can understand, they will want it desperately. this has been true from the beginning of human history

3) all victors have made slaves out of their captives; nasty white people in 17th century american colonies didn't invent slavery.

4) if you keep telling someone that they are bad (those nasty white people again) they will hate you and revolt against your ideology

5) if the vaccine was any good, you wouldn't have needed a multi billion dollar propaganda campaign to sell it. or mandates

6) sometimes it takes awhile, but the truth always surfaces

7) the people who drape ukranian and rainbow flags on their houses don't really give a shit about ukranian homosexuals

8) people want to own and accumulate things- houses, cars, fancy gas stoves, more than 3 items of clothing a year. if you make ownership illegal, people will go underground

9) censoring mis, dis or mal information only makes us know that what is being censored is the actual truth and that what you are telling us as truth is, in fact, a big lie.

10) we don't need to be protected from misinformation. people recognize bullshit when they see it which is why no one ever answers those e-mails from the widows of african potentates offering to split the imaginary fortune.

9) i will not be wearing a mask, even if you ask me nicely

10) i have only voted once in a presidential election (i'm 70) so i can't really say i supported anyone but i sure am gonna vote this time

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I’m glad Americas dumbest professor title was trademarked. Lots of competition for that honor.

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To me, NOT a PhD or political scientist or commentator.....I wonder WHY these nitwits can't see what's happening.

Trump got 62 million votes in 16, then 74 million in 20.....and the 'experts' told us he 'lost' because his base deserted him....those that voted for him before, left him....then how in HELL did he get 12 million MORE votes???? I know a lot of Trump voters...NONE of the ones I know forsake him in 20. All of us believe that Biden's total was inaccurate. ALL of us.

Now we have supposedly Republican pundits telling us we don't see what we see or feel what we feel. It's bad enough that the Dems tell us this all the time...now we have a chorus of Fox idiots telling us Trump doesn't have a chance and that NO ONE will vote for him....meanwhile, we ALL still support him. Am I to believe that myself and those I know, who all live not too far from Fulton County Georgia are unique in this country? We're just regular schmucks.....

Americans love an underdog...always have, always will. We work hardest when someone tells us we can't do things......you'd think these 'experts' would know that. It's why movies like Rudy and Seabiscuit and Mystery, Alaska were so popular.....Even if it's not our team.....we like it when the underdogs win.

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Cluster B Ruth is no different from 60s cult leaders: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-become-a-cult-leader

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But, but there’s a (D)ifference. ;-)

You come from a point of view of trying to understand people. Those such as the good professor (are we absolutely sure she’s real, cuz damn) are not interested in understanding people. Controlling people? Yes. Casting themselves as superior to most people? Definitely. But understanding? Wouldn’t want to waste of their precious intellect.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Bill Clinton in 1998, and the way feminists were perhaps his biggest defenders in that impeachment, is out of these people's memory--or they're younger, and haven't bothered to read about it.

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This is right up there with “why won’t the basket of deplorable trashfire slack jawed scum vote for us? Don’t they see we are on their pathetic wormy scrofulous cretinfaced side?”

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Don’t we all crave loyalty? We have to be our own tribe. And we have to put our petty differences aside. And this is specifically what the power class fears. Loyalty to Trump and a certain set of values( like not being a total shit) means you can’t be loyal to them. How could you be loyal to a Joe Biden Nancy Pelosi, or Mitch McConnell , except as a prerequisite to climbing the power ladder in DC? They don’t inspire trust or admiration. They’re vultures. Loyalty comes from sharing something important. The Left is making Trump into an iconic figure. I just hope they don’t try to take him out.

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Obama's inner circle says; "Watch Biden collect the hate while I prepare our selected candidate for a dramatic introduction in the Spring." Thus Biden gets the hook and most all of the pent up anger is gone. Add this to rigged elections and ; vola!

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I’m going to vote for whatever candidate the media tells me is off limits. Simple as that.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It's not even theoretical. I'm old enough to remember Clinton being impeached, and his supporters still being his supporters.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Sure Chris , a Mongolian marmot’s your loyal wingman for life if you keep him off the menu when the local eagle hunters have a hankering for a nice hot plate of boodog.

But never rely upon a Pygmy marmoset to have your 6 in a curare blow dart skirmish with the Matis people of the Amazonian rainforest. Those little hairy monkey bastards would sell their own mothers for a gulp or two of tree sap or a fat grub. Plus they can give you herpes, but I don’t want to go there right now.

But I digress.

Trump 2024. It is what it is.

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But it's also very funny. Give the folks some credit for the extraordinary lengths to which they resort in order to make Trump the bad guy and all of us cultists. If this was a Twister game, the American Left would be in one gigantic knot.

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