Imagine how quickly this all would have been over if medical professionals had reached between their legs and discovered their balls in the first few weeks of this nonsense.

"Oh you'll take our licenses if we dissent? Are you gonna take them from all of us?"

But hey, better late than never.

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Instead they reached between their legs and self gelded

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And the rest of us did what, exactly?

Show me the Stood Against COVID Profile in Courage please?


This is you know the first ones.

Moreover they were deceived like all of us to an extent, were they not?

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The 2 doctors in Kern county raised all the flags, gave very comprehensive explanations of how immune systems need contact with viruses, bacteria etc to remain strong and protective. Their video was memory-holed quickly. Bryan Tyson in Imperial county! And more.

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Dr David E Martin.

Geert V B

Many people were speaking out early on.

With documentation.

I would talk to my friends.

Most didn’t want to listen.

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Show me a Hospital that did this, there are 3 men standing there defying their Boss and gainsaying her...

I can agree they were preceded - but >

None in Authority preceded these men that I recall.

This is a gate opening in the Wall from the inside.

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I stood up. Now jobless. Told the truth. Did not lie to patients.

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Thank you. Integrity is many times not easy.

Especially when it comes to making a living.

I hope Justice comes soon

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Me too🙏

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They did - Great Barrington Declaration - which was publicized, but not for long. Anyone could sign (I did) and it was heavily censored.

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...and then if news professionals had also 'decouvrir leur cahones' as well. I am angry at NYT/TNI et al, daily.

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There are no news professionals working in the regime media. There are only propagandists.

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True - most accepted money from China for burying the Covid story, giving China a pass and took money from the U.S. Gov't. to promote the jab and LIE.

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Exactly. All they had to do was band together. As we all must do, in order to stop this evilness.

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Banding together is easier said than done

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yes, i'm always amused by people who speak out- once they've retired or are safely out of harm's way. like colin powell telling the truth about WMD years later. i would have had some respect for him if he had spoken out when it mattered.

i love especially the law suits against mandates that are passing now that everyone who's job was threatened has either gotten vaccinated to keep their job or been fired. these mandates were unconstitutional from day 1. where was the brave judge to tell biden that he had over stepped his bounds and couldn't dictate to the american public back then when it might have helped people?

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I don't agree with not speaking up, but it does sort of explain why France fell so fast to the Nazis. So much of what is happening is straight from that time period...and it isn't only Klaus Schwab, son of a Nazi, either. Soros, Gates, UN, IMF, WHO, all "in" on it.

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It will be interesting to see if this has any affect on the bureaucratic steamroller...thus far our commissars have remained impervious to facts and common sense or any sense of larger trade-offs or consequences from their Permanent Covid Emergency.

Asking Barbara Ferrer to put down the crisis crackpipe is like asking Dracula to switch from blood to cranberry juice...come to think of it, have you seen her sallow skin and dead black eyes, noticed how much she hates sunlight, joy, and humanity?

Is Barbara Ferrer a vampire??!?! would explain a lot.

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Maybe not a vampire, but I wouldn't rule out an adrenochrome habit.

They won't listen. Public opinion means nothing to them. In their world, they can ignore everyone, do as they please, and call it 'rules based liberal democracy', so long as something vaguely resembling the correct forms are obeyed. They won't be talked out of any of this. They can only be removed.

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petty tyrants gonna petty tyrant!

also they have all their proper opinions, know all the proper jargon and vote for the proper people, and have dedicated their lives to Love and Tolerance and Safety First!—how could they possibly be wrong about anything!?

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And the natural order of things is for the beautiful cloud people to run the world, regardless of what the ugly dirt people have to say about it. It's in our best interests, after all. You can tell from the way the cloud people openly despise us, say they want to reduce our numbers, and from how everything just keeps getting worse. The crumbling collapse of the world is proof that the cloud people are doing everything correctly. And since they're correct about everything, it stands to reason that they're correct in their assessment that they can ignore the hostile glares and angry mutters coming from the dirt people.

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In 1989 on Nov 9 at midnight the Vopos gave way in Berlin

Our election is Nov 8

Lets see

Remember the wall was taken down in Hungary and Poland first that summer,

And if California doesn’t qualify as our East Germany, the Jewel in the Crown of Progress ...well, CA comes closest to the American DDR

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Good grief!

Is it manic depressive day on this stack?

“Tell me How this Ends?” Is the title of this substack,


Jesus, its like a gate in the Iron curtain in 1989 opening, it didn’t start in Berlin Nov 9, 1989, it started in Hungary and Poland that summer.

Hell for all we know this whole mess goes this November after the election...our election is Nov 8, possibly our Vopo’s give in Nov 9 as well, 33 years later.

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Where do you live. I’ve wondered if we all have different impressions due to lived experience. I’m in Massachusetts and work in an industry that has fully bought into the Covid mania. I see no indication that this is ending.

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Then to continue the Warsaw pact 1989 analogy you live in Romania but East Germany (CA) is giving way...

...that you see no indication in Massachusetts does not mean the rest of the world is standing still.

I live in Great Lakes Region.

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I would view the situation as being closer to both the people of East Germany desperate to keep the wall up and Reagan showing up to demand “build the wall!” There may be dissidents speaking out, but they aren’t the majority here. And the coasts are much more technocratic than the Midwest. Until the “experts” fully change their tune, nothing changes.

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We're seeing with the Ukraine crisis that our commissars are indeed operating in a closed-loop system, no feedback is permitted. In the short-term I'm not so optimistic; the whole system really has to go.

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The Constitutional government has been thrown out and replaced by “That’s not my Department” Governance.

No Sarc, quite serious.

Any actual return of control would be an improvement.

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Good Find. Here is the original presentation that came from.


I want as many people as possible to see it.

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Great! Thanks!

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Ferrer is a social worker with a degree. She is not a medical professional of any kind. She is also an activist for "equity." She makes a mere $20K less per year than Fauci.

Proof: https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?a=los-angeles-county&q=ferrer&y=

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors wants to fire our Sheriff, an ELECTED office. This is unconstitutional. If Ferrer orders more lockdowns, that, too, is unconstitutional.

WHY ARE PEOPLE STILL VOTING DEMOCRAT? Every single one of California's problems, (and the US) is coming straight from the Klaus Schwab WEF web site pages, and Zuckerberg's & George Soros' checkbook - who is a friend of Pelosi. WAKE UP EVERYONE. We are being stripped of every freedom we have. Democrats are always the cause of destruction (see: California) and Republicans essentially the Uniparty, but vote red to have a chance at fixing this, but it will definitely stop the destruction.

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The Board of Supervisors is generally a complete disaster, and trending downward.

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Remember when "Covid" started and Barger handed an outside consulting firm over $1 Mil to "handle" covid messaging?

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But midterms are right around the corner...

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Yeah and Nov 9 is the 33d anniversary of the Wall falling in Berlin. Pray for luck.

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Its good they lost their fear and are manning up enough to speak.

This is probably the first real test in their lives and they’re now passing it at last.

All the real tests are moral, all courage requires moral courage, whatever that means to a man is his affair, but without courage all is naught.

Do not ignore they were actively deceived and worse by manipulating their good intentions and appeal to duty- a lot of that going around.

(And here’s the part we begin to find out the other side including BF are mostly bluff and more scared of us than scary).

Their courage should be acknowledged more importantly emulated.

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Just watched your interview with Tucker. Interesting covid stories from the LA area.

I'm in rural MO and here's how it went down here. We locked down for two weeks which gave the stores time to put up plexiglas barriers, signs and arrows and lines on the floor. Most people started wearing masks but not all of us. By late Spring when it got sweaty under the masks, most people tossed them. Kids went back to school that Fall of 2020, no masks, no distancing. There must have been some question as to whether there would be a prom because a lot of the kids with vehicles had PROM? on their back windows and the same was spelled out with red plastic cups on the chain link fence around the baseball field.

Life has been normal for well over a year now. Why the contrast compared to places like LA? Simple observation and maybe a distrust of government, especially federal, that's pervasive in flyover land. We simply observed that people weren't dropping like flies, regardless of depiction of the "pandemic" on the nightly news that comes from St Louis, which had basically turned into a 45 minute infomercial for all things covid.

There's a bit of a rebel spirit here that was acted out in one interesting thing I saw. At walmart and other chain stores, I often saw an employee taking a break right at the front entrance and they would have their mask pulled down and were talking with a local person they knew that was heading into the store who was maskless. It often turned into 3-4 people talking, maskless and well within 6 foot from each other. This was mid Spring 2020 when they still had a roped off entrance maze to zig zag through.

Like many, I ignored the mask required signs and would only put one on if told I had to. I kept one in my back pocket for that. No one at walmart ever said anything. I ignored the arrows in the aisles as did many others. Within a few weeks, the roped off maze was gone and a few weeks after that, so were the arrows. Peaceful non-compliance worked here because no one here is going to go all Karen on their neighbors that may also go to the same church and everyone knows everyone regardless.

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I've seen this! We spent the summers of 2020 and 2021 in the car, with the tent in the trunk, driving all over Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington, and I may be forgetting a few places in between. When people in Los Angeles were zombies in double masks and face shields, I was shaking hands and talking calmly to people, face to face, in campgrounds and restaurants all over the western U.S.

Did the kids get their prom?

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I don't know if they did or not. If not, I would imagine they had their own gatherings. Barn dances etc.

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I'm picturing Kevin Bacon in a warehouse.

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Isn't Missouri the "show me" state? Living up to your reputation, you wouldn't just let them scream, "People are dying! It's the Black Plague all over again!", but as you said, you looked around, and they weren't "showing you". How I wish New Yorkers would have as much sense. I was so shocked and disappointed at how completely so many of them just swallowed the psyop hook, line and sinker, all the contrary evidence surrounding them be damned.

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Just getting over my second bout of COVID. Most of my office got sick this past week. Disease progress: headache 8 days ago, didn’t quite go away. 6 days ago myalgias ( muscle aches) upper back, neck and shoulders, 4 days ago rhinorrhea (runny nose) and sweats/chills. 2 days very uncomfortable with body aches and headaches. Fatigue is worst symptom. Moderate Pain when I cough. Not a lot of coughing. Now on the mend. Treated myself with: Ivermectin 0.4mg/kg po x 5 days. HCQ 200 mg po bid. Vitamin D 7000 units/ day. Vitamin C 3000 mg/ day. Tylenol and Alleve as needed. Aspirin 162mg po daily. zinc 100 mg per day. Pool and sun in blazing heat. Today added Ribera Del Duero Malleolus Tempranillo 2019. Binge watching Italian TV series. Tempranillo definitely best medication thus far. Not medical or oenological advice.

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"Pool and sun in blazing heat."

This is very wise.

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Is there any other country in the world who still gives a shit?

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Yes. Canada. Hard.

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Sri Lanka. All of it, though, is being censored by traditional media, social media.

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Not to the Sri Lankans lol

Or the Chinese

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Its not a secret where it matters

In Sri Lanka

Or to the Chinese (SL is CN client)

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Still confused. Sri Lankans protested their government and didn't the leader step down? Germany, Sri Lanka have ended this "green" BS that the WEF is shoving down every country's throat to install Socialism/Communism/Great Reset/New Industrial Revolution - whatever you want to call it - it's the end of freedom.

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Its not a secret to the Sri Lankans that they stormed the palace and the President fled. They didn’t protest- they Revolted.

Sri Lanka is a Chinese client, so its not a secret to the Chinese that Colombo has changed governments - which is fine by them I’m sure. CN very practical.

Stop being angry it clouds judgement. I have now said it 3 different ways.

That its not happening in America is disappointing, but there’s no leadership at any level, I suspect that will change.

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No, but its ours 🇺🇸 and the rest aren’t safe until we work this out

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It's been worked out. Omicron is a dilution. Stop :)

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Cue: “And it’s all thanks to these wonderful vaccines”

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Hopefully the masses are awakening….the leftist mob lies 100% of the time via the media.


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Holtom made me laugh a couple times, watching the 8-minute version that Kerpen posted. It's about 1.5-3.5 minutes into that version. A very nice surprise to laugh from a hospital's covid update.

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It’s all so disgusting

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I have a fierce case of hay fever atm.... does that count? (-__-) dripping I am..... but tbf I drip every year during July.

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Barbara, you’re fired!

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Well that’s as may be but the question to ask here is what’s happening in the “non Covid” world and what does the data rather than the anecdote tell us? Are the levels of Hospitalisations etc back to normal levels? That is not what the data shows. Data from the UK shows both elevated levels of Hospitalisations generally and also specifically for or with covid. The argument rages about whether this is because of or despite covid or related to the experimental vax. And there is also evidence that what should be milder variants are producing increased Hospitalisations and deaths disproportionately among those inoculated with the experimental “vaccines”. The disproportionate skew to the vaxed remains and is climbing for both Covid deaths and Hospitalisations and all cause deaths (94% for Covid deaths and 98% for all causes in April/May 2022 for the UK). And it seems clear in the data available that new Covid waves are producing much higher infection rates now than ever before, and that is not consistent with past pandemic profiles. Could be something to do with Covid viruses in general, could be something else. One thing that is concerning is that the projected development path of Geert Vanden Boosche is becoming manifest, which suggest strongly that he could be right and if he is then we should stop talking about fear porn because that is in danger of becoming another mass formation (check Professor Mattias Desmet interview with Bret Weinstein on Darkhorse podcast for more on this). And remember we are in high summer in the northern hemisphere and yet deaths with Covid are rising, not flatlining so we should not be patting ourselves on the back yet. Then look as NZ and recognise that this winter cycle country, that kept the virus out with a maritime embargo on all travel and got almost universally vaxed, has just the other day posted their highest death rate with Covid of the entire pandemic (and the trend is up sharply), prompting their WEF acolyte PM to reintroduce the very measures that have already failed so badly. For me, based on the data, you cannot sound the all clear until we have been through a winter colds and flu season with relatively few infections, hospitalisations and deaths, especially the latter 2. Stop talking about “fearporn” and focus on ensuring people know any new waves that produce excess deaths are due to the policy and not in spite of it. Don’t fall victim to going against the mainstream on everything just because they were so wrong about Covid in the first place because that is just another mass formation; be guided by data and real science. This may not yet be over and be aware of that.

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