The 2 doctors in Kern county raised all the flags, gave very comprehensive explanations of how immune systems need contact with viruses, bacteria etc to remain strong and protective. Their video was memory-holed quickly. Bryan Tyson in Imperial county! And more.
And the rest of us did what, exactly?
Show me the Stood Against COVID Profile in Courage please?
This is you know the first ones.
Moreover they were deceived like all of us to an extent, were they not?
The 2 doctors in Kern county raised all the flags, gave very comprehensive explanations of how immune systems need contact with viruses, bacteria etc to remain strong and protective. Their video was memory-holed quickly. Bryan Tyson in Imperial county! And more.
Dr David E Martin.
Geert V B
Many people were speaking out early on.
With documentation.
I would talk to my friends.
Most didn’t want to listen.
Show me a Hospital that did this, there are 3 men standing there defying their Boss and gainsaying her...
I can agree they were preceded - but >
None in Authority preceded these men that I recall.
This is a gate opening in the Wall from the inside.
I stood up. Now jobless. Told the truth. Did not lie to patients.
Thank you. Integrity is many times not easy.
Especially when it comes to making a living.
I hope Justice comes soon
Me too🙏