Via Phil Kerpen, really enjoyable footage of top medical officials at a large Los Angeles hospital pouring buckets of cold water on Covid fear porn about the terrifying new wave from the terrifying new variant:

LAC+USC full July 14 vid:
"Only 10% of our COVID positive admissions are admitted due to COVID. Virtually none of them go to the ICU, and when they do go to the ICU it is not for pneumonia. They are not intubated... we have not seen one of those since February."
HT @Campbels12.
”We’re just seeing nobody with severe Covid disease. As of this morning, we have no one in the hospital who had pulmonary disease due to Covid. Nobody in the hospital.”
These are medical officials at a giant county-owned hospital — they work for Barbara Ferrer, who is sounding shrill warnings about the Covid terror, and threatening new mask mandates. They’re rolling their eyes at their boss. As should we all.
Whole discussion here, thanks to an alert reader:
Imagine how quickly this all would have been over if medical professionals had reached between their legs and discovered their balls in the first few weeks of this nonsense.
"Oh you'll take our licenses if we dissent? Are you gonna take them from all of us?"
But hey, better late than never.
It will be interesting to see if this has any affect on the bureaucratic steamroller...thus far our commissars have remained impervious to facts and common sense or any sense of larger trade-offs or consequences from their Permanent Covid Emergency.
Asking Barbara Ferrer to put down the crisis crackpipe is like asking Dracula to switch from blood to cranberry juice...come to think of it, have you seen her sallow skin and dead black eyes, noticed how much she hates sunlight, joy, and humanity?
Is Barbara Ferrer a vampire??!?! would explain a lot.