"credentialed journalist" is a misnomer. An oxymoron. Ms Grove is either willfully blind, incurably ignorant, or drunk to believe such a creature exists...OH, LOOK AT ME, I READ CREDIBLE...not credentialed.

One of the only reason's most people go to substack and read people like Chris is

1. He may have a PhD (usually a disqualified of seeing truth out of hand), but at least it in history--and I'm doubtful he had a journo undergrad.

2. He is NOT credentialed.

Scott Wiener, in any sane/honorable society, would have been 'taken care of' by the men of the neighborhood.

Citizen 'Hmmm. I don't know. He must have slipped on the ice.'

Police 'uh, it is SF in July, what ice?'

Citizen 'Hey man, the dude slipped, smashed his face and shattered his teeth...'

Police 'Roger.'


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Taring and feathering worked for decades in most of the country. you could do that just before a gay pride parade, who would know?

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It’s the 21st-century brother. Just be who you are. There’s obviously a huge amount of homoerotic suppression there.

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"credentialed journalist" = oxymoron

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There is more professional investigative journalism now than ever before in history. It’s just not on the well-known corporate propaganda narrative networks. Most of it is individuals begging for five or $10 a month. Follow the money.

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So the need for independent journalists to earn a living disqualifies them? Do you think the "journalists" at the NY Times, WaPo, and AP work pro bono? MSM journalists answer to their editors. Independent journalists answer to their subscribers. Which do you suppose are more trustworthy?

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I choose independent journalists 11 times out of 10. It's not even close.


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> There is more professional investigative journalism now than ever before in history. It’s just not on the well-known corporate propaganda narrative networks.

I.e., people like James O'Keefe.

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Agreed. I am pretty sure every major market, in Seattle Jon Choe may be the most well known, are independent journalists getting news published via X, Substack, etc.


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Name one "professional investigative journalist".

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As if Washington DC isn’t full of people like that?

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How can the sponsoring senator not talk to independent journalists when the MSM will undoubtedly help to bury and/or kill her sensible bill? What planet does she live on?

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Yeah. Talk about now knowing what time it is. "I'll only talk to people who almost certainly hate my guts" is a lousy political strategy.

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Not knowing what time it is. Perfect.

Saturday is my old man run club. Over breakfast, one of my buddies said he woke up at 0230 and could not get back to sleep. Totally worried about Iran. His deployment was in Syria, late in the GWOT. He's really bright. I hired him when he was a cadet, I was always in his chain of command--but one of those guys who you know should be in charge of you, not the other way around.

(Actually, when I'm honest, I realize that was my feeling the entire time working military intelligence. I felt like a cud chewing moron around most of my Soldiers. Truly the best our country has to offer.)

The discussion quickly became one of Iran/Israel/Middle East, WWIII, Ukraine/Taiwan...all of it. One of the guys has two USMA graduates--actually his son graduates this year, his daughter already serving.

Less than 2 hours after our breakfast, we saw reports of Iran bombing Israel.

The time for nonsense is over. Those who do not know the time do not deserve to have a say in where we go.


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Conservatives love a losing strategy. They can't help it. As almost Ilas of thekr main purpose is to help their opponents win

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Ok, bad joke about the video first:

I sure hope those "ladies" don't charge by the pound!!!

On to the real issue--WTF IS THE MAYOR OF LA DOING?

Prostitution in front of residential properties on a Monday afternoon? Jesus Christ, LA looks like a nightmare, the 2028 LA Olympics may have to add a new event, the Pimp-a-thon.

As for that human piece of shit, Scott Weiner, he's literally the embodiment of the Democratic Party of California, they have no shame. I hope all of those on and supportive of the Democratic State Central Committee of the California Democratic Party of California burn in hell. I guess I don't have to hope, they're so depraved, there is no way they go anywhere but hell.

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Many of those streetwalkers could use a lot more walking.

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Hey RG , ya think they will keep driving up the coast to Los Angeles County ? https://t.me/Intelsky/14733?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Please edit out that first sentence.

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Interesting that you can effectively covert the felony of child rape into a misdemeanor by paying for it. (Does this work for murder too? Elsewhere, murder-for-hire draws harsher sentences than any other kind of homicide.)

Á psychological analysis would be interesting as to whether liberals’ atheism precedes or follows their descent into utter debauchery.

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The actual sex is still a felony, but the standalone solicitation suggests interruption by police or a bystander. I interrupted a dude in my own town who pulled up a chair at a table full of children to tell them he was down to fuck and they were just the right age, and he was immediately arrested. The DA declined to bother with the misdemeanor charge.

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Yea that’s a tough one. On the one hand, I would be leery about making soliciting a minor a felony because there’s that issue of knowing they were a minor. I can easily see weird blackmail traps where you catch a guy soliciting an “adult” then claim “aha she’s 17!” That’s a big jump in penalty for a relatively easy to make mistake compared to the base.

Then again, what you described is clearly intent to do exactly what is described, so that seems like more relevant than a misdemeanor. The guy deserves a good beating at the least.

I suppose part of the issue too is that the line between speech and action seems really important. Stating intent to commit a crime is not the same as actually doing it; I’d have run out of kids a long time ago if every time I said “I’m gonna kill that kid…” I actually did so. (Well, ok I’d have one kid still… the oldest is an angel.) I just don’t like attaching felonies to speech crimes.

Especially since enforcement seems to be extremely selective and motivated by political decisions, it seems like just giving the state more bullets to pick off enemies with. Now, if they released and prosecuted the list of Epstein island attendees then I would be more sympathetic.

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I take a somewhat harsher view: In my mind, the solicitation is an integral part of the crime, so if Chris had pulled out a .45 ACP and dispatched the guy on the spot, I’d be receptive to the defense of having interrupted a rape in progress. The Almighty does not take a nuanced view of these things, so I’m unclear on why we should either. Just my 2¢.

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Yea that’s the odd thing. I might not kill the guy, but a little trip behind the woodshed seems on order at least. Definitely should be prosecutable. As I said, his intent was clearly to move onto the next step which is a killing offense. There’s a pretty big middle ground of cases where things are not so clear cut, however. I think you would have to prove that the perp was knowingly soliciting a minor for sex, not under the impression that they were soliciting an adult. Not impossible, certainly but I can see a lot of ways that could go badly.

I guess I can see ways that the legislation could be well written to have the desired effect, but it is a pretty narrow eye of the needle to thread, not one I am confident the CA legislature could achieve. It seems easier to write legislation that would make it so no DA ever prosecuted because the penalty is so high it is hard to get juries to convict, or the opposite where DAs prosecute political enemies through “you made a pass at this woman, but she’s a minor!” Type situations. (Admittedly, soliciting prostitution should tank a political career, but does not in the world we live in apparently.)

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You get credit for nuance. I’m beyond that – when dealing with people who prostitute the law, you fall back on natural law, under which threats to children are met with overwhelming violence.

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I don't disagree with you in the general sense. If the parents had smacked the ever loving shit out of the bastard I would vote against any DA that tried to prosecute them for it. In general I think in the moment responses are to be allowed far more severity in response, because they are largely more accurate. The classic example is a woman shooting a would-be rapist; the default would be to applaud her actions unless it could be definitely shown he wasn't an actual rapist, as opposed to her going to trial for murder.

When it comes to state action after the fact, however, I am a lot more leery. My first thought tends to be "How could they use this against their enemies (or me)?" followed by a spate of questions about how the rule actually gets enforced and what knowledge would be needed. When a woman is getting chased down an alley by a naked man with a butcher's knife and a hard on it is pretty clear what is going on. A few months later in a court room with all sorts of questionable stuff happening in the meantime... I am less comfortable with the accuracy of figuring out what actions took place, much less what words were used with what knowledge.

Then tell me it is a CA district attorney bringing the case, and my first thought is "What, did he find out the guy was a Republican, or just a Democrat who might run against him in the primary?" :D

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Did the interruption include a kick in the ding-ding and a smack upside his head?

Wouldn't that have been expected up until about 20 years ago?

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It didn't, because he was obviously not quite there in the head. Homeless. Checked out. And our small-town cops showed up in force about a minute after I called them.

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Ah. I see

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I am curious as to how the law works there, too. I suspect that soliciting in this case is separate from the act of sex itself, but I don't know it. If I am remembering correctly, in PA it is the transaction with an adult prostitute that is the illegal part, the sex part isn't, so soliciting is the crime; I assume that if the prostitute is a minor there are two crimes committed.

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You’re 100% correct. My reasoning was flawed. But proving that sex with the minor actually occurred is problematic unless the cops find them “in flagrante delicto” in a car or elsewhere in public.

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I note that the (High School teacher) pimps put only the fat kids on the street, the lookers go to the politicians, no doubt... Wow. Basically child slavery, right there on the street. 'Ti's a great thing y'all doin' defending Democracy and all that. 👏💣

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No doubt both parties have people that are guilty, but you should check the numbers here

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Sure, you're right about both sides, but do you think Slate is going to highlight Democrat degenerates? Would they invest the same effort in uncovering the creeps on the leftward side of the dial? I'm not sure. It probably wouldn't be quite as popular with their readership and, ultimately, that's who they're serving.

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Bu...BuT right wingers Do iT ToO don'tChA kNoW? Checkmate bigot! Now let the trans kids be kids! 🐔💅🌈

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Who cares what party they belong to. Kill them all without remorse or quarter.

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California: soliciting a minor for sex isn't a big deal.

Also California: Why do they keep calling us pedophiles?

Where do these people come from and how do we send them back?

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Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by how far left democrats have gone...

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How far left? The majority of the party is right of center right. Your knowledge of the body politic would not fill a thimble.

That one single comment proved it.

They’re both socialist. Corporate donor class socialists. And Koch inspiring criminals in a global crime syndicate. Democrats? As if any of this isn’t anyone’s fault but “we the people“?

Do you want to blame it on some political party! No wonder we can’t have anything nice. ……

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Democrats in California do not support making soliciting a minor a felony. THAT is far left and evil. Name a Republican that wants to keep it a misdemeanor .

And why do you have to be so snide? Why not disagree in a civil manner?

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The only thing different about the parties is the republicans would rather keep the issue quiet so as to not disturb their apple cart. I can’t fathom being so jaded that kids are the only thing that gets one off.

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> The majority of the party is right of center right.

In other words, you're so far into the looney left that even the California Dems seem right wing to you.

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Ah there it is! The leftist shill. I wonder whether it's a GPT-generated shill-bot or am actual member of the tiny hat tribe/looney-t(r)oon

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This reminds me of the meme:


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Stupid means have never won a debate. You look old enough to have known that

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You'd be better off masturbating in public.

That's about as self aware as you'll ever get.

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His Substack is coming soon. Insert joke here: __________________

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You seem pretty defensive on this topic dude.

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I wonder why 🤔

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That’s probably a burner account for Scott Wiener.

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Maybe it's Scott Weiner's AI generated alter ego... 🙊

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Looks like someone’s 6 year old nephew got a hold of their iPhone.

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Does my owl avatar look to be at least 18? It must be the glasses. If you’re not aware, I wasn’t debating anything here. I was bringing some dark humour to a dark topic about perverts in the California senate who drag their feet and kick the can over child sex solicitations. But now that you’re here, you can tell me: Are debates typically won with poor spelling and grammar?

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Oops. Found the lefty looney Wokester. It seems the owl has triggered the demonRats...

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Grammar cop is the refuge of liars losers and sock puppets. I’m using iPhone dictation while actually working. Stupid fuck you’re drunk on bootleg toxic vodka in a basement somewhere in Saint Petersburg PA

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Does your employer know you are spamming a Substack on company time?

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It's most likely a GPT-generated bot. But, in case it's a human it's probably unemployed or or it's part of some NGO who actually pais for it to do it.

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Apr 15
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This kind of ranting is usually a sign of a basement-dwelling troll with persistent unemployment problems. Dial it back.

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Give this to your parents or guardians (it’ll come in handy):


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Ha ha, touche.

Our cultural enemies are a touchy bunch I've noticed.

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I appreciated that laugh on this early morning :D

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How desperate and driven by lust must a man be to even consider the women in the video? They may be from broken pasts and are really underneath fine people - haven't a clue and that's not the issue - but feeling sexual attraction to that, to me looks like finding roadkill appetising.

Sure, technically it is meat and sure, pink sludge from a processing plant is abhorrent, but still!

I'll never understand it, and somehow I feel glad I won't.

About the people opposing further criminalising sexual trafficking of minors (of anyone, really), I have nothing to say that, I suspect, wouldn't be actionable as threats and hate-speech under Californian law. May they suffer the full consequences of their actions.

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Yeah an incurable STI , Rikard . It’s all disgusting 🤮

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Maybe using the old treatment for gonorrea and chlamydia would help?

A slim iron rod is heated until glowing red, and is then gently inserted into the urethra a couple of inches. The trick is to not push it too far but yet far enough to get rid of the infectious slime.

Testing for those diseases using an extra-long, extra-thick Q-tip was standard during conscription here, back in the day. Under those circumstances, >everyone< sings falsetto.

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I remember a time when it was an affront to treat children like dogs; now it would be a blessing to treat them so. Just look inside half the strollers you see.

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How and why do people keep electing these degenerates into office. Oh never mind they re-elected Gavin Newsom back as governor. And we, not me, in Canada re-elected our own degenerate Justin Trudeau who seems to think transing kids is fine, and that is evil for school's to inform parents if their kids are coming out trans at school. Because we know both of these guys only have the best interests of kids at heart. Absolutely disgusting.

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I seriously hope Scott Weiner dies soon.

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Monkey pox isn’t fatal, unfortunately.

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Butt most likely

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as per the timeless Auron MacIntyre, "don't make me tap the sign"


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Your state is conservative outside the cities. Why haven’t your men gone in and run these pedophiles out on a rail, or better yet do what needs doing? Are the police ranks filled with nothing but pedophiles themselves or as a state this isn’t a problem?

Someone with the balls of Vladimir Tepes needs to become governor of California and create a pedophile forest on all roads leading into your state. Jesus Christ your state is fucked Chris.

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California is red outside the cities, but a lot of people have left -- 800,000 in the last three years. The Great Sort.

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That’s barely a dent in the population of LA. There’s more outside the cities. I get the leaving the state. Except one thing. Your ex-pats are actively destroying where they land with their whining about what’s not there they had in California (the only California worth a damn is Trader Joe’s ), and their activism politically trying to turn their new home into California. All the while vocally announcing how they hate where they are at. I’m not much one for sympathy in these respects. Nor empathy. Instead of taking back your home, you move elsewhere and act like a cancer in The new place. If those 800,000 would have turned to their neighbors and just had one person follow them and then collectively gone and stripped those pedos out of their offices by the hair then give them summary trial and executions, we would t have the problems you do now. You really think a jury will acquit someone taking out a pedophile? We just let off a man who beat to death a pedophile for trying to rape his 5year old daughter. While he was on the phone to 911. A few years ago, we had a man waste two who were robbing his neighbors house and using his back yard as the getaway path. Hell even The esteemed reverund Jessay uhJacksunnn tried to sway public opinion and got bottles thrown at him from the blacks of that neighborhood.

Those leaning towards some conservative angle or constitutionalist need to quit running from California and stand and hold your ground. You would see you have like minded people on the ground. We don’t want our states becoming what you are running from because that’s why you guys try to do once out. But if you must. Quit trying to start with In and Out. That place plain sucks. Who the hell wants to pay too dollar for fast food which is served by morons with shitty attitudes that is cold before it hits your plate? The burgers and fries. If you want it served hot they charge you more. I would rather indulge in Taco Bell.

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That first headline you quote is really confusing... it makes it sound like the crime is purchasing a child for the purposes of sex. My first thought was "Wait, how is that not already a felony?" Then I realized the headline writer was just a moron, and it was basic solicitation.

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Well we can predict how the committee members will vote based on their vote last week regarding Anthony Portantino's SB1128. It's something about updating rules for the sex offender registry. Nancy Skinner (one of our masked senators) expressed that age 17 is a grey area for consent. She abstained from the vote. Weiner obviously voted against. The other three committee members were in favor of Portantino's proposed rule protecting children.

Portantino was my senator till the recent redistricting, and this might be the first issue I agree with him on. He looked almost incredulous when he tried to explain to the room that "I would think that a 21-year-old should know that sex with an 11-year-old is wrong".

CalMatters new Digital Democracy site is absolutely a treasure trove, BTW. Here's the SB 1128 hearing:


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Portantino is my senator, and he's appalling. On the way out, though.

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He IS appalling. They all are. Portantino came in third in the race for Adam Schiff’s seat-- the D’s split their vote and let an R into the runoff. I’m mystified by Laura Friedman’s strong showing (30%). She runs the Transportation Committee and hates cars. And us.

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Because it creates a situation where the people that are being traffic can easily be charged with very serious crimes. Your disingenuous bullshit is certainly not appreciated. It’s quite morally bankrupt and the actions of an asshole.

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Outlawing the pimping of kids means the kids themselves (victims) will be convicted of crimes. Solid logic you got there M8. If you're a GPT-generated shill-bot I got news for ya. Rumours are circulating that a new generation of GPT machines will be upon us soon, so unintelligent bots like you are likely to be on the way out. Good riddance!

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