Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

"credentialed journalist" is a misnomer. An oxymoron. Ms Grove is either willfully blind, incurably ignorant, or drunk to believe such a creature exists...OH, LOOK AT ME, I READ CREDIBLE...not credentialed.

One of the only reason's most people go to substack and read people like Chris is

1. He may have a PhD (usually a disqualified of seeing truth out of hand), but at least it in history--and I'm doubtful he had a journo undergrad.

2. He is NOT credentialed.

Scott Wiener, in any sane/honorable society, would have been 'taken care of' by the men of the neighborhood.

Citizen 'Hmmm. I don't know. He must have slipped on the ice.'

Police 'uh, it is SF in July, what ice?'

Citizen 'Hey man, the dude slipped, smashed his face and shattered his teeth...'

Police 'Roger.'


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How can the sponsoring senator not talk to independent journalists when the MSM will undoubtedly help to bury and/or kill her sensible bill? What planet does she live on?

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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

Ok, bad joke about the video first:

I sure hope those "ladies" don't charge by the pound!!!

On to the real issue--WTF IS THE MAYOR OF LA DOING?

Prostitution in front of residential properties on a Monday afternoon? Jesus Christ, LA looks like a nightmare, the 2028 LA Olympics may have to add a new event, the Pimp-a-thon.

As for that human piece of shit, Scott Weiner, he's literally the embodiment of the Democratic Party of California, they have no shame. I hope all of those on and supportive of the Democratic State Central Committee of the California Democratic Party of California burn in hell. I guess I don't have to hope, they're so depraved, there is no way they go anywhere but hell.

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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

Interesting that you can effectively covert the felony of child rape into a misdemeanor by paying for it. (Does this work for murder too? Elsewhere, murder-for-hire draws harsher sentences than any other kind of homicide.)

Á psychological analysis would be interesting as to whether liberals’ atheism precedes or follows their descent into utter debauchery.

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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

I note that the (High School teacher) pimps put only the fat kids on the street, the lookers go to the politicians, no doubt... Wow. Basically child slavery, right there on the street. 'Ti's a great thing y'all doin' defending Democracy and all that. 👏💣

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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

California: soliciting a minor for sex isn't a big deal.

Also California: Why do they keep calling us pedophiles?

Where do these people come from and how do we send them back?

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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

Can we please plaster the arguments they make against protecting children on X and amplify it so everyone knows the deep depravity of these people? No amount of shaming is enough.

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Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by how far left democrats have gone...

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This reminds me of the meme:


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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

How desperate and driven by lust must a man be to even consider the women in the video? They may be from broken pasts and are really underneath fine people - haven't a clue and that's not the issue - but feeling sexual attraction to that, to me looks like finding roadkill appetising.

Sure, technically it is meat and sure, pink sludge from a processing plant is abhorrent, but still!

I'll never understand it, and somehow I feel glad I won't.

About the people opposing further criminalising sexual trafficking of minors (of anyone, really), I have nothing to say that, I suspect, wouldn't be actionable as threats and hate-speech under Californian law. May they suffer the full consequences of their actions.

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Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

I remember a time when it was an affront to treat children like dogs; now it would be a blessing to treat them so. Just look inside half the strollers you see.

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How and why do people keep electing these degenerates into office. Oh never mind they re-elected Gavin Newsom back as governor. And we, not me, in Canada re-elected our own degenerate Justin Trudeau who seems to think transing kids is fine, and that is evil for school's to inform parents if their kids are coming out trans at school. Because we know both of these guys only have the best interests of kids at heart. Absolutely disgusting.

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I seriously hope Scott Weiner dies soon.

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15Liked by Chris Bray

as per the timeless Auron MacIntyre, "don't make me tap the sign"


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Your state is conservative outside the cities. Why haven’t your men gone in and run these pedophiles out on a rail, or better yet do what needs doing? Are the police ranks filled with nothing but pedophiles themselves or as a state this isn’t a problem?

Someone with the balls of Vladimir Tepes needs to become governor of California and create a pedophile forest on all roads leading into your state. Jesus Christ your state is fucked Chris.

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That first headline you quote is really confusing... it makes it sound like the crime is purchasing a child for the purposes of sex. My first thought was "Wait, how is that not already a felony?" Then I realized the headline writer was just a moron, and it was basic solicitation.

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