Viewing these self-obsessed posts, any observer from a different, healthier, saner civilization would immediate note the main unspoken message: “We’re so EMPTY that the only way we can feel CONNECTION is to film and post our mundane daily habits, hoping to get LIKES.”

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I feel a sense of irony in hitting the like button

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Hah! Comment could be read in different ways, but the obvious one seems obvious. You mean: We're all implicated in this to some degree, whenever we're online.

I fully agree. It's a burden. That nags.

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I had to hit the like button just for the opportunity to feel something. Anything. Even a damn Dink.

It only helps for a brief instant, then the sadness flows back over it all....

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"I had to hit the like button just for the opportunity to feel something."

Wow, that line hits hard.

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Yes, if you need to tell others what you are, then you probably aren’t. They’re putting lipstick on the pig of their hollow, spiritually barren, meaningless lives.

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But you are Eraserhead! Who’re you to talk about barren lives?

(That said, at least you did have that kid, if I remember correctly.)

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Interesting because I’m always weary of speaking of myself. Even when I need to in order to add contexts.

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That is very quotable!

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And waaay too much free time on their hands.

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I’ve got dozens of friends

And the fun never ends

That is, as long as I’m buying

Is it any wonder I’ve got too much time on my hands?

It’s ticking away with my sanity

I’ve got too much time on my hands

And it’s ticking away, ticking away from me

Americans wouldn’t understand, you have to be a foreigner....

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Made me go listen to Styx. Nice! =)

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Getting caught up in the number of 'Likes' is a big deal. If you're fragile and you socialize only on-line the 'Like' button is your only connection to the outside world. 'Like' creates an addiction that is one of the driving forces of neuroticism and these people caught up in it never have a chance to develop their barbaric yawp. Society is so screwed.

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Agreed. It’s almost physically painful to me to watch the younger generations with their devices. They’ve little resistance to the addiction, having sucked it from the teat as it were.

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HAHAHAHAHA!!! Literally about to have our fifth kid... my husband and I pity these foos.

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This is GREAT, and congratulations on number five.

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My daughter just arrived at the birthing center for number 3. By daylight, I’ll have another grand.

I wouldn’t trade their Costco snacks for my life if they also gave me their double income.

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Clearly wife material. Good for you.

Next-level trolling is you with the offspring also enjoying pizza at Costco and posting it online. Then reminding the dinky ladies what their fifties will look like if they remain childless. Lol.

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I just turned 50 and our fourth is on the way, and finally a little girl!

Our family is SILK then.

Single Income, LOTS of kids...

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I absolutely love this!! 🙌🏼 same over here. I don’t have social media so many it already is a thing but if not SILK needs to trend. Congratulations on #4!

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Yes! Congratulations!

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I might have been a bit more accommodating of this anti-civilizational insanity if the bastards had at least given us our flying cars.

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People drive poorly enough in two dimensions. You don't want to see what happens if they have to deal with three.

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Oh, it will be FINE!

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I was promised flying cars when I was a kid. The fact that we don't have them now really pisses me off.

These DINKS are only slightly more disappointing.

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Well, we have helicopters, which are pretty much flying cars. Only they are terribly difficult to fly and we don't let most people do it as a result. I am sure those AI self driving car guys will get self driving helicopters going pretty soon.

Wait... wait... sorry, I keep forgetting the world that feels like a fever dream is the real one. Never mind. :D

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This is to sooth those who won’t be able to due to lipidnanoparticles settling RNA in ovaries.

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This is a good bet.

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and semen also carries an array of RNAs (miRNA, piRNA, tsRNA) 🌝

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You are spot on the propaganda to young people, having a family is bad, remain a child, self-centered brat through adult hood and you are cool. Hollow and sad.

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I’m 60 and I never wanted kids. Am I a bad person? I never met anyone I’d want kids with. All good!

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You are not a bad person. Celebrating childlessness as heroic because it lets TikTokers eat at Costco is super, super weird. The forced-sexy social media posturing is the unhealthy center.

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it's a fair bet that these influencers are on somebody's payroll. as someone who has spent a lot of time in dink-land, it's a cold and cynical place to be. most dinks don't choose to be one. many of us urban dwellers prefer to support ourselves rather than relying on the government dime...but the years pile on and we never quite push the boulder up the mountain to where taking a leap of faith and adding another mouth to feed, clothe and educate would be a viable option.

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Being TikTok that payroll is likely the CCP.

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Yup. I think the author isn’t taking into account how difficult it is to afford kids at this point. I’m 30 and just got married and while my wife and I do want to have a family in the future, idk how we would financially be able to manage a baby at this moment in our lives. I definitely agree that it’s weird that these videos are being pushed but I think for the creators of the video, they’re coping. If you gave them truth serum they’d tell you that of course they want to have children, but they can’t see a realistic path to providing them a good life. On a broader scale it’s probably better for these kinds of people not to have kids anyway, as those kids will be likelier to become a burden on the taxpayer.

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easiest way to bring down the population is to destabilize society. baby boom only happened after long absence of boom during ww2.

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Having children is a sacrificial calling for sure. I never wanted them until I did. Changed my life. Pulls one out of oneself for sure, really sacrificial life, not about ourself anymore but the beloved child, children. Fundamentally a Christian thoughtfare for sure sacrifice oneself for the other. Wouldn't change a thing, though not easy at all.

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I’m sure that my parent’s horrible marriage had an effect on me. I grew up in a very violent, alcoholic home. I didn’t know what love between a man and a woman was, as a child (do I as an adult?). And I won’t go into details. I’m healing and loving the little girl that didn’t have a choice. I do have a choice TODAY! I go to God, my true Father/Creator…pure Love!

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Glad you asked. My wife of 44 yrs and I decided early on not to have kids for personal reasons (nothing to do with $$). The important thing is recognizing that childbearing is societally desirable, satisfying and essential…and for others.

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Jesus never had children, so it’s it ok for him, it’s probably ok for you too. ;)

But I agree with Chris, that not having children should be seen as a thoughtful decision, not something “cool” to do (or not do). The fact remains that majority of people will get married and have children. A civilization needs a majority of people to be families. Gen Z’ers are already being scared off of marriage and children, we don’t need to add more poor messaging to scare them off further. They should be presented with an ACCURATE picture of both the joys and sacrifices that marriage and children bring to a life, and then be encouraged to make a thoughtful decision for themselves. They should probably also discuss their decisions with close friends and family, not be influenced by shallow strangers on the Internet.

You are def not a bad person for not having kids. But I tired of being seen as a bad person FOR getting married and having kids.

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I never wanted kids either. I never liked being around babies and small children when I was a kid. They made me extremely nervous and anxious. I was told continuously by "friends" that, because I didn't want kids, I was "sick." I felt vindicated when my friend, that was the biggest offender, admitted that they regretted having a child. 😁

Then, the person I married would have been a horrendous parent. (Narcissist.) You don't want to have children with a narcissist, nor should you foist a narcissistic parent onto an innocent child.

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What I think you are saying is that you put the welfare of a prospective child ahead of everything else. Not wanting children may not be the norm, but people like yourself honestly assessed the prospect of it and sacrificed being scolded or ridiculed for your decision . With your own reticence and a husband that would not have made good father material your decision was a wise one.

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Pretty much, yes.

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Narcissists should have the letter 'N' tattooed on their foreheads by the time they are an adult (does that ever happen?), so the rest of us can avoid having one-sided relationships with them! You are right...they make lousy parents.

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not a bad person, but you missed out on the greatest joy of life, raising kids, nothing can replace it.

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Trying to be a good parent takes a lot of time and effort. What these immature, self-absorbed, midwits are showing the world with their videos is that they just can't handle the responsibility of being a parent. Showing off your mid-grade lifestyle, full of soulless toys and indulgences, is definitely not the flex that they think that it is.

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Which in a sense indicates that society is better off without them having kids anyway 😂

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Watching those TikTok videos makes my eyes bleed. What a bunch of self-absorbed a-holes. Surprised they aren’t still wearing face masks.

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You have to admit it is industrial strength marketing that makes a woman celebrate being childless. I know they like their lifestyles but to overcome 100,000 years of social evolution tells us something.

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All it takes is ≈21 yrs being told “you’re the most important thing in the world.”

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Even at that, there are some powerful innate drives in women they are somehow overriding.

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They’ve made a pact with the devil. They’re mostly unhappy, anxious, empty, self absorbed, and narcissistic. They can’t find happiness in themselves. They rely on the lie of others providing it for them.

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Narcissism alone explains much. The life of the narcissist is bleak. A deep need to control a world that causes them anxiety, and the relentless fear they'll be found out as empty frauds.

That's a lot of living in your head. That isn't much of a life at all. No wonder they hate the normals who can be satisfied with a modest house and a car, a few kids, a barbecue and a few beers. That represents a satisfaction they cannot attain.

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What's worse is that these people aren't even attaining a modest house and car! They are celebrating tiny houses and Costco pizza, presumably having taken a bus.

I could almost understand if they were young people who don't have kids but were investing in a house, car, decent stuff, and maybe putting off having kids, held up against people who have kids too young and are always playing catch up. Like a "My friends had babies in high school, and it screwed them up. We are getting established first. See how our responsibility is paying off?" sort of deal. But when they are celebrating having nothing, no future to achieve goals in because they have no goals other than the present... what the hell is going on there?

I guess what I am saying is it seems crazy to me that they seem satisfied with less than a modest family would have.

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In their defense, they probably live in hyper expensive hell hole cities. Their friends with kids probably can't afford Costco pizza because they pay a $5,000/month mortgage on a 1,200 sqft loft just to be in a school district where they are not likely to get shot in the principal's office. Many species will delay reproduction in situations where resources as very scarce, and their brain is rationalizing the pile of nonsense going on in their lives.

Or course if they weren't morons they would be leaving those cities, but you gotta work with what God gives you, and they were apparently behind the door when brains were being handed out. If they could imagine 10 years into the future with any accuracy, they wouldn't be at this point. "You mean, going out to get snacks at Costco isn't going to be meaningful someday? Bwahuh?"

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All I would add is most men perhaps underestimate the level of propaganda aimed at women.

I've seen videos on TikTok of young women being stay at home mothers. The hate from other women is off the charts. And the ladies are herd animals at the end of the day.

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That’s where a completely honest conversation between spouses comes in. You’re banking EVERYTHING on the resolution you reach on such fundamental decisions. And yes, people’s preferences change. It’s best to bring those changes up as soon as you’re sure of them, and pray your spouse hangs in there with you. But if it’s not to be, then make the change quickly because fertility doesn’t wait.

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This is VERY true!

They also think they're the most important things in the world and, therefore, are insufferable a$$hole$.

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They are happy about it now, but when they hit their late 30s and struggle to get pregnant, then they’ll be indignant (did not mean for that to rhyme).

For real, people talk about the bad maternal health in this country but they always fail to see the one very big connection between delaying childbearing and higher risk of adverse maternal health that comes with it. Cold, hard truth of life— it’s much easier on women’s bodies to have children younger.

These women will spend money now on meaningless things and then be forced to spend thousands and thousands of dollars later on fertility treatments. And then complain how expensive children are. It’s aggravating.

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This is one of the shocking aspect of feminism. The delay child bearing bit. Especially telling women they can freeze their eggs. That process has only an 18% success rate. They don't tell them that.

The safe age range is 16-32. Outside of that it becomes uncertain.

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But there is a whole industry built around telling women to delay childbirth. Abortion industry and big pharma makes money by preventing children and killing any unwanted children who arrive too early, or under less than ideal circumstances. Then when woman is ready in late 30s, the industry collects more money with fertility treatments and IVF.

I agree that it’s not too late past late 30s for many women, but society paints this picture as if you can have a healthy easy pregnancy any time you want, but biological facts beg to differ. Don’t let women be discouraged if they do delay childbearing, but let’s also be clear and accurate about the risks involved too. Many women I think do not expect to struggle with fertility or difficult pregnancies later in life because not everyone does— but the norm is still that earlier is easier for most women. Let’s not pretend that fact isn’t true.

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I love people who defend abortion like its still the 1800's and a women is going to have 8 kids and a high chance of dying, and in the same breath will argue the death penalty is incorrect because the murderer can be rehabilitated............

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I know right. Unfortunately nowadays cognitive dissonance is a defining characteristic for being a bona fide Leftie.

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Hard agree. We should be encouraging them to breed then worry about career.

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On the other hand, women shouldn’t give up just because they’re in their 30s. I came around to the realization that I actually wanted kids pretty late in life. I then found out that women can generally conceive and bear healthy children up until around age 40. It’s not the easiest, but it’s also not impossible.

I still missed the window because reasons. I try not to dwell on it, because you can’t change the past. But there are going to be so many women leaving their early 30s thinking it’s too late, and they need to hear some positive news that it’s not too late-- so they can at least try.

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I wholeheartedly agree. I am talking about what they are telling the 18 year olds. Delay it until your 30s as a deliberate strategy etc.

As for the older ladies. Better late than never. I myself am in this category too, so I am with you. I know a woman who had a little accident at 46. Kid was perfectly healthy too. The mother was totally shocked mind you.

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Just as it was industrial strength marketing (coercion) from the Catholic church that forced women to have a baby every year to replenish the feudal serfs after the Black Death. My great grandmother had 14 children and if she wasn't pregnant every year, the priest looked askance. Prior to that women controlled their own fertility and childbirth, which was a fairly risky proposition with a high mortality rate. But the witch burning was the result when they didn't comply. You can't win.

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You can win. No woman in the West is coerced into having babies. But many are propagandized into unwise life decisions that ignore biological realities by feminists and their media supporters.

It has been a long time since we burned women at the stake, lol.

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For real— who watches this stuff? Who follows a boring childless couple about their trip to Costco?

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Other boring childless couples that shop at Costco.

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I don't begrudge anybody if they want to live that way, but leave the cringe videos at home :/

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Funny, i feel the same way about lgbqutxyz

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We're Double Income Childless Keypunchers

Fixed for ya.

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20 years from now, it'll run on a loop at fertility clinics.

Joking aside, here is the real harm: I am in my 50's, kids off to college, my biggest regret is not marrying my wife earlier so we could have more. (It's easy for me to say, I have the easy job). I wasn't really thinking of kids (but not proudly childless) in my 30's. My kids are really examples of my wife's maturity over mine... But would we have made such a decision if surrounded by happy DINKS, or at least would it have delayed the decision a few more critical years?

We are surrounded by traps, Trans, Fentanyl, Most college degrees, Vaccines, etc. that exist to trap you (though all have the telltale but nauseatingly smug ambassadors)

By the time you realize the con, they already have your money.

Encouraging self destruction seem to be the top social function right now.

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I never make it through a day without thinking, and usually saying, that we should have had more children. And very much yes to your last sentence.

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Not that you are ever short of material, but "Encouraging self destruction" sounds like a Bray article...

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I take solace in the fact that history belongs to those who show up for it. My line will continue, these chimps will be forgotten on the ash heap of history.

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So say we all. I was too busy up my own ass about how to afford more for too long and nature decided for us.

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“…would we have made such a decision if surrounded by happy DINKS…”

That’s the thing – most are not happy, or certainly not pleasant to be around. And they compensate by focusing on consumption, even if only Costco pizza. There is little risk that ppl who derive their lives’ value from what they spend rather than what they do will persuade a family oriented couple to forego children.

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In a pre social media context I would agree.

But kids are being tricked into "aspire for this because this is happiness" type memes. And if bombarded with enough of them, (even if the actors/champions are only faking it for a few minutes, nd that is all/most of who they "meet", then that becomes reality.

What wont happen is for some of the viewers to go to the local fertility clinic waiting room for persepctive.

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I think pre-Oct 7, I might have disagreed, but the explosion In virulent anti-Semitism across campuses (following the summer 2020 REAL insurrection) suggests there’s more influence in SM than adults admit.

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Good news.. apparently they’re not interested in procreating...😂

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For all the angst about population decline, how much of this is really just God rearranging the furniture? People like them aren't going to make it. Plenty of people are having kids. After all they explain population by the number of children women have, 1.6 kids etc. But I know plenty with two and some with three. Many with none.

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I thought dystopia would look sort of a dusty sandy yellow maybe? Certainly barren and windswept.

Turns out it looks like perky losers skiting about their shallow consumerist lives, eating Pizza at Costco.

Just goes to show, that while evil often doesn't look like you expected, you definitely know it when you see it.

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Everyone should get to choose how they want to live their life, but this DINK propaganda is just total crap. Especially the mass consumption religion.

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I understand childlessness among brilliant, driven people who just have to [insert great task here]. But...Costco. The mass consumption religion makes no sense to me at all, in any very basic way.

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Indeed. Michelangelo I get. Mr and Mrs Progressive whose idea of total freedom is spontaneous brunches and occasional city breaks? Not so much.

And anyway brunch is much more interesting with three year olds throwing food and randomly screaming, lol.

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I don’t understand the point of paying a Costco membership if you don’t have kids. A family of four or five has to buy loads of consumable stuff way more than a childless couple.

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DINKS are the same as YUPPIES when I was growing up in the 80’s. Nothing has really changed, has it?

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And most of the Yuppies were hippies before that! ;)

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Pardon my french, but I wouldn't piss on these losers if they were on fire and screaming for help. And they misspelled "dumbasses" as "DINKS"!

I’m laughing so hard I almost pissed my pants, so on second thought, maybe I could help them out if they were in a fiery bind, hmm?

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Having kids would be the only thing that would make a life like that bearable. You’re not a monk or a soldier; you’re not a great artist or an undercover cop. You’re just a drone for managerial neoliberalism stacking Funko Pops on an IKEA shelf in your pod. The only thing that could redeem a life like that is that it was part of a sacrifice to bring new life into the world, working a meaningless job and doing nothing worthwhile with your mind and body only because you are putting that aside for the benefit of another. These people threw away any purpose in their lives for the sake of selfishness, and it’s not even their own selfishness that benefits- the real winners here are the managerial state and the Democrat Party.

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Wish I could give you more than one like for that.

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Once you have a kid is your Costco membership automatically revoked?

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When I was a kid the only families I knew with costco cards were the mormons with a dozen kids and those with parents who managed social functions like church picnics. You had to justify your need to shop in bulk. I guess this went away at some point? Or did they just boil it down to asking you to step on a scale?

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