The Red Sermon really did seem like a deliberate provocation. Along with a lot else they've done. The other possibility is that they're so insanely overconfident, so charged up with blind hubris, that they think they can continue poking indefinitely without provoking an explosive response when patience gets exceeded. Then again, they'd dearly love to have an excuse to take their secret police and riot mobs fully off the leash, so it's very possible they know exactly what they're doing.
It's not just Dem/GOP, it's OLIGARCHS, City of London, Venetians... This is much bigger than just the USA and our little fake political parties, I say. And I agree, it's a deliberate provocation.
So true... It's their arrogance that will bring them down, as is always the case with psychopaths. Arrogance, and the absolute inability to understand Human Nature.
Was just talking with a friend about this today. I said I never wanted to battle anything but the heat of midday by sitting under a tree, but when 'you make peaceful resolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable.' To misquote JFK. And we all know what happened to him. I don't know, though. I've got your six if you have mine. Let's start by en masse not paying taxes to fund* the deadly shenanigans and go from there? Use something else for currency? There's got to be something besides killing them all and hoping God sorts them out. I worry war, like cocaine, only begats more war.
I wish peaceful succession was an option. Red states and blue states agreeing to disagree. We're a constitutional republic but don't act like it. As like Rodney King lamented, it's a damn shame we can't all get along. I know the globalist agenda wants the whole pie for 'capitalist stakeholders' alone to be decision makers and slicers of said pie. We are to be content with the crumbs and ze bugs while they enjoy upper crusts. But we'll see how the midterms go. I'm out on a limb when I say they'll be meddled with. I know I'm not alone in thinking Biden is illegitimate president who was fraudulently installed.
Agreed on 2020. Issue now is how egregious the vote count on the midterms will be. Will they hide it again? Or will it be even more obvious, yet another provocation?
It's my view that a lot of the division in the US is deliberate. Divide and Conquer... it's so EASY to do, and sooooo effective. It's been going on forever, and now is at fever pitch. The bubble of Covid stupidity is leaking air, the Nasties are getting a bit nervous, and much of our youth appears to be utterly brainwashed, and "triggered" at the slightest suggestion they are being toyed with...
The die has been cast...but we can play another game? I wish we could colonize Latin America and Canada. Make a North American empire. Together with our hat and our pants, we can make this continent great again. But wish in one hand, right? Let a girl dream.
We will from Imperial Imperatives march South soon enough.
The Mexican invasion- invitation really- North is prelude along with Mexico’s suspicious destabilization lays the ground for our sudden coming discovery of shocking, shocked ! scandal to our South.
Why this is an Outrage!
Something must be done (it already is of course) and we cannot tolerate this any further!
Empire’s endure if they gain space, which means resources and time, which means lands.
We do to Mexico what Pakistan did to Afghanistan- strategic depth - what we do to Europe now via Ukraine.
Empires fall. Every single one of them. I can't think how doing the same "colonizing" we're HATED FOR around the world is going to solve anything. Look at it this way: We in the USA, and in Europe as well, are about to experience an economic collapse like we've never known before. Our fiat currency, caused and exacerbated by the Parasite Class hoarding all the wealth and slowly drawing it all upwards, decimating the middle class and stomping the poor for decades, is going to cause suffering the likes of which we've never seen. It's gonna get bad. Maybe that's what you're saying, too, but I'm just saying it this way. It's a sobering future to look at.
It gains resources material and men - they shall fight our wars.
England, France survived Germany by being Empires.
Rome survived in history’s toughest neighborhood by Empire, it survived its internal civil wars of the Republic’s fall by being an Empire.
It isn’t even at all incompatible with Democracy as Athens, Rome*, England and France prove. It’s incompatible with ours 🇺🇸 because our government internally is incompatible with us, with anything, with each other- we don’t have an actual government in terms of Power- we have a Feudal system in Federal Skin. That’s endless conflict until someone wins.
Not unlike Rome.
*Rome did not fall because of Empire, it fell because the Aristocracy couldn’t come to terms with the plebes, nor each other and the strongest Aristocrat Octavian won.
I totally agree!! I would love to start by NOT financing their destruction of our country and way of life. Clearly, they are VERY aware that not paying taxes is on every American’s mind, they are planning for it. Openly planning for it. In fact, we are currently financing our own opposition with massive future debt.
Rest assured these psychos know exactly what they are doing. They are doing it, at this point, openly and with extreme intent. And without pushback.
Yes. And the only way we'd get away with not paying taxes is if it's MOST OF US refusing. If it's just 85,000 of us, they'll just shoot us and call it "Death from Covid."
Oh, absolutely!! Has to be a huge majority that is willing to not pay taxes and face the wrath. Clearly, the Biden Corp, Dems, and leftist’s have no boundaries when it comes to their agenda, wants, and the destruction of America.
Remember the “summer of love” when Portland and other cities were burning??
No, I can't say that I do, as far as Portland goes... The Summer of Love in '67? I was 6 and a half. ;)
But I agree with your ... chicken? Photo? LOL Love it.
They're destroying us, they think. But somehow I think it won't work. We shall prevail, and I don't think there will be the mass starvation they're planning. But it IS going to be sketchy for a while. People will rally, but I find that right now, probably MOST of the US still has NO IDEA what's coming...
This sounds familiar, like Starve The Beast (which now starves us but slowly) and Drain the Swamp (which drains us dry).
Perhaps until one is as serious as the opposition and can win one should not rush enthusiastically into already sprung traps, with corpses of the last ones to think this ... displayed -
I feel it's important to compare notes and not be afraid. I'm also concerned about the SAFE-T Act in Illinois come January 2023. People are taking to calling it a real-life 'Purge'.
Never a better time to become a gun owner anyway you want to look at it.
"God made some men tall and some men short. Sam Colt made all men equal."
It's been a long day... I don't know that I can look at all that tonight.
I'll just cut to the chase regarding my views: The Nasties (Venetians, Black Nobs, Oligarchy on Steroids) are planning to severely de-populate and utterly control whoever makes it through the culling. They have no problem slaughtering billions. They are so utterly EVIL that most people can't even understand it. There is no problem for them to make us starve, turn our children into sex slaves for perversion's sake, kill off half the life on Earth, and even destroy Earth altogether, because they think they can live underground after that. They. Are. Utterly. Insane.
I took a very quick look at the Safe T Act, (ha, sounds like the same middle finger title as the Patriot Act!) and IF that even gets passed, it's just another kick in the face and will contribute to, or be the cause of, uprisings and unrest and the eventual destruction of this Parasite Cabal... They may have a vast underground hidey hole but they forget that we can plug it up...
We've been subverted by malignant foreign powers at the highest levels. I fear Kaczynski was right about technology after reading 'Industrial Society and its Future'. I know how that sounds and frankly I'm sorry to worry people about things outside of their control.
I haven't read Kaczynski's book, but I was only just thinking of him ... yesterday? A couple of days ago? Anyway, I was wondering if he wasn't right on. Hmmm!
But I tend to agree with you, and while I'm not really a complete Luddite, I do think we're in up to our eyeballs, to our detriment and to the Bad Guys' ease of manipulation... So, I think you can talk to me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not a nutter. ;)
Also, I think even if we don't Control, per se, we certainly can have an EFFECT, and maybe a rather huge one... We do outnumber the Nasties by BILLIONS.
Thanks for the backgrounder showing many instances of political violence in America. Common denominator is The People responding to governmental overreach. And boy howdy is our gov't reachin' over these days. Not even a reach around.
They've been after the guns for decades. It's always been presumed that they would take the guns before advancing the more radical aspects of their agenda. Either something has convinced them that they must advance the agenda in spite of not having seized our guns, or something has emboldened them (permanent corruption of our voting infrastructure?) to do so in disregard for what had seemed their long-term plan.
Gun nuts (1980): "Guns now, your other rights next."
Everyone else: "Morons."
Government (2022): "We need to stop disinformation. There are limits to free speech, and we intend to set them."
I agree. But I do suspect some past presidents believed in, and followed, the constitution. Eisenhower, for example. Others circumvented clauses as they went their merry way. Think FDR or Johnson. And now, of course, the constitution is simply ignored as having no relevance to the agenda of the day. Witness Obama or Biden. Interestingly, virtually ALL of the legislation, (and jurisprudence), that has so thoroughly circumvented the framer's intent has occurred when Democrats occupy the White House.
Elimination of the second amendment is merely a routine step in the path to totalitarianism. They have merely taken steps to speed up the process. Undoubtedly made possible by advances in technology that have enabled the virtual elimination of free speech, and significant curtailment of the freedoms of assembly, movement, and religion.
America was forged in violence and has always been a violent place. A lot if that violence was provoked and/or committed by the Government. But show me part of the world that isn’t a slaughterhouse. I’ll wait, but I won’t hold my breath. European sophistication- spare me. More bad political ideologies resulting in more dead innocents have come out of Europe than anywhere else. But you can get truffles with your genocide, so they have that going for them. To paraphrase HL Mencken ( who has his own issues), every decent person is ashamed of their government. Currently we’ve got a government that really deserves our opprobrium. Fascinating to learn about Biden launching his career via fundraisers with terrorists, but not surprising. He’s the ultimate opportunist.
America was a MUCH less violent place when the Native Peoples were as yet unmolested and decimated and pretty much wiped out...
Native Tribes here were vastly more evolved politically and socially than white folks of European descent have ever been. It's quite educational and even uplifting to read about how they lived, and could be an excellent lesson for us when we are finally able to get to the task of reinventing our societies here in the US and in Europe. I'm not saying the Native Tribes had no conflict or that they never had wars, but it's like black & white compared to the European (and US) Death Saga. It's almost like they had it figured out centuries before we-- still haven't. But I think some of us do have a clue. We can work on this!
There’s much to be said for the Iroquois Confederation’s rule that any policy or law must pass the Seven Generations test: what are the effects 7 generations out?
Seven generations out from what point? I almost feel like the answer, unless it's in the future, will almost surely be Failure... Tell me what you think. I know I went off on a long response to your first comment, and yesterday I wasn't even online at all, but I've been thinking about you, and feeling sort of connected somehow with what you were saying and perhaps how you are feeling, and it has made me feel stronger, knowing what you think, or really, just a little bit of what you think... Your comment came from the heart, it was honest, and it moved me and definitely broadened my perspective... Thank you for that. Sounds maybe a bit, I don't know-- I'm very intuitive and I feel connected to you, or to the feelings and thoughts you projected in that comment you made. I've included you in my prayer list...
So... tell me, are you speaking about 7 generations from the American Revolutionary War? Or... ?
The RED video was hilarious! so funny! They must think everyone is stupid. Ridiculous how he is projecting onto the *evil Magas* democrats own tendencies and inclinations. Thanks for the laugh.
Two things I've found remarkable about this current "MAGA extremism" rhetoric:
First is the idea that "anti-government" sentiment is an "extremist" view (thank you Alexander Myorcas for that little laugh). Our country was built on "anti-government" sentiment. Even today, you can find very few "regular" citizens that like the government. At the least, they are derisive and dismissive of it, finding it more inconvenience or frustration than help. At most, they are outright hostile toward it. The "extreme" point of view is that the government is to be trusted and deferred to. The only thing that keeps people from acting on that hostility, so far, is the cost-benefit analysis. The government doesn't have a monopoly on violence, but it does have the lions share of the market, so if you're going to take the government on, you better be damn sure there's no other way around it. Of course, the corollary to that is, if you're in the government, you at least want to leave the people the illusion of being able to make a change electorally or you'll set off a revolution (something I think the Democrats understand all too well, which is why we're seeing all the J-6 and political purging, as if they haven't learned that historically *that* has done little more than buy time for the aggressors).
Second is the hypocrisy of Biden's comments of political violence. The BLM riots were *nothing* but political violence. The overriding message of the riots was "You do what we say or we're going to keep looting and burning shit down." If that's not political violence, I don't know what is. Yeah, I know they called it "cries for social justice," but that's only a euphemism for political violence. So by giving tacit approval to the BLM riots, the Democrats have left themselves no room to complain about any political violence on the right, including J-6, although I realize they still do.
I think BLM was clearly infiltrated and undone... That's what the CIA is very, very good at: turning everything upside down, and setting people at each other. Anything to keep us from focusing on the REAL problem... The Filthy Rich.
Interesting to note, too-- the "anti-govt sentiment" you describe has a lot to do with the fact that when they were building this country, ONLY THE WEALTHY were able to BE the govt. Even to have the vote, one had to be rich. It's been about the VERY WEALTHY dominating the working class and the poor since waaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Seems clear to me we need very much to examine this whole money/wealth/inherited prosperity situation and find some solutions, because it's been THOSE people, the Parasite Class, I call them, who have been the cause of most of the suffering for thousands of years.
Nice summation. And, yes, the anti-government sentiment comes from a long history of a large underclass of people understanding that the government was *never* meant to work for them. In fact, it's there to save certain elevated groups *from* them.
The raids on individuals homes by the FBI in recent days are more than a little alarming. Seems they wanted to restart the “war on terror,” only they’ve been priming roughly 1/2 of the country to view the other 1/2 as the terrorists we’re at war with. I
Democrats have got to be really frustrated right now, they keep poking Republicans/conservatives and they just rollover and give in. Raid the homes of 41 Trump supporters and Republicans just sigh and put their heads back down and "go along to get along". My mantra for this year is "Democrats are the number one existential threat to America, Republicans are number two" (I might have it backwards). Still with approximately 50 days until the election we might still see some real fireworks. How many Trump supporters do they have to raid/purge before someone registers a complaint?
In a single eighteen-month period during 1971 and 1972 the FBI counted an amazing 2,500 bombings on American soil, almost five a day set off by nearly a dozen radical underground groups, dimly remembered outfits such as the Weather Underground, the New World Liberation Front, Puerto Rican liberation groups and the Symbionese Liberation Army.
I began to write a reply about the American Indian Movement, mentioned by Chris, and the political violence the group used in the 1970's. I've been no fan of AIM, in fact, I've often shared the name most tribal leaders of the time referred to it as, "Assholes In Moccasins."
"Treuer is not afraid to take on some of the more high-profile Native Americans, including addressing corruption among the hierarchies of some tribes and the leadership of the American Indian Movement, a radical and sometimes violent group from the 1960s and 1970s. He says many Indians muttered under their breath that AIM really stood for "Assholes in Moccasins.""
I'm old enough to remember stories of AIM violence, Russell Means as the radical protagonist. And when I saw the news of Nathan Phillips confronting Nick Sandmann in DC, portrayed as "brave Vietnam Vet Native American elder, facing the smirking white privilege MAGA teen who calmed his fears singing an old inspirational AIM song for strength" I knew Phillips was a long-time activist experienced in using political violence. I also knew that the corporate media powers no longer saw AIM political violence as a bad thing, their violent history now celebrated. When political violence succeeds its often characterized as, "brave and courageous." Practitioners of it celebrated, lionized.
Which made me rethink how I've thought of Russell Means, what he stood for. Compared to what I was told to believe he stood for. By both those who supported him and those who opposed him. He has some profound insights he shares that were prophetic. He dishes the radical Marxists who tried to ride on his movement's coattails to usher in their Marxist revolution. And he dishes the capitalists found on the right who exploit the people and lands they control. Suggested reading.
My takeaway is that my whole life I would have taken issue with Russel Means' characterization of European society and our systems I've believed to be superior. Reading his words in 2022, especially having witnessed these past three years, the rapid and willing abandonment of reality by so many among us, even among the American Indians he was speaking to who allowed their minds to become "Europeanized" has been astounding. And while I enjoy the benefits and ease of life within the society that the European mind has created, I find myself sympathetic to the concerns and beliefs Russell Means shared with those who would listen to him. I was not one of them. My mind was not open to his message before. He makes many valid, sensible points. That in light of the transhumanist push and push for complete digital surveillance and a social credit system of mind control pushed by Marxist and Capitalist powers a return to ways of living that are more in harmony with nature looks more and more desirable every single day in comparison to a Dystopian future. Proving that as long as our minds remain open we're never too old to learn new tricks, or ways of perceiving the world around us.
Not to mention the political violence and destruction on Jan 20th 2017 and in 2020 as both had a considerable impact on challenging the 2020 results; everybody was scared crapless to do anything.
Chris - I forgot to start my comment with GREAT ARTICLE, sir. As a person who has been to war for this country we should always have a handle on what has transpired within. Have a wonderful weekend.
The Red Sermon really did seem like a deliberate provocation. Along with a lot else they've done. The other possibility is that they're so insanely overconfident, so charged up with blind hubris, that they think they can continue poking indefinitely without provoking an explosive response when patience gets exceeded. Then again, they'd dearly love to have an excuse to take their secret police and riot mobs fully off the leash, so it's very possible they know exactly what they're doing.
I also see it as deliberate provocation. There are just too many provocations. And each one is a missed opportunity for GOP pushback. Tells a tale.
It's not just Dem/GOP, it's OLIGARCHS, City of London, Venetians... This is much bigger than just the USA and our little fake political parties, I say. And I agree, it's a deliberate provocation.
Tactical ability is required when you are present as opposed to paying others to be competent- the others are the commons.
Strategic meddling and dabbling works at safe distance.
The riot mobs and security services numbers are far too few for war on the terms they’ve declared.
They’re burning down the house they live in and declaring Jihad on the fire department.
Half these people couldn’t drive their own getaway cars, they have been on chauffeured limos or Uber their whole lives.
So true... It's their arrogance that will bring them down, as is always the case with psychopaths. Arrogance, and the absolute inability to understand Human Nature.
Not sure if arrogance on its own bring them down ,
In fact I’m pretty sure its others acting with equal or greater ruthlessness.
I’m certain it doesn’t happen on its own .
It's so easy to overestimate politicians though. It helps to keep Afghanistan, and Iraq, in mind. Russia as well.
Was just talking with a friend about this today. I said I never wanted to battle anything but the heat of midday by sitting under a tree, but when 'you make peaceful resolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable.' To misquote JFK. And we all know what happened to him. I don't know, though. I've got your six if you have mine. Let's start by en masse not paying taxes to fund* the deadly shenanigans and go from there? Use something else for currency? There's got to be something besides killing them all and hoping God sorts them out. I worry war, like cocaine, only begats more war.
My best to you all, all the same.
And regardless we should be careful. Could end up mind, body and soul servants to the machine. Slaves to technocracy or something even worse.
87,000 new IRS employees, with arms, might have an impact on folks choosing not to pay taxes. They are gearing up for confrontation.
I wish peaceful succession was an option. Red states and blue states agreeing to disagree. We're a constitutional republic but don't act like it. As like Rodney King lamented, it's a damn shame we can't all get along. I know the globalist agenda wants the whole pie for 'capitalist stakeholders' alone to be decision makers and slicers of said pie. We are to be content with the crumbs and ze bugs while they enjoy upper crusts. But we'll see how the midterms go. I'm out on a limb when I say they'll be meddled with. I know I'm not alone in thinking Biden is illegitimate president who was fraudulently installed.
Agreed on 2020. Issue now is how egregious the vote count on the midterms will be. Will they hide it again? Or will it be even more obvious, yet another provocation?
It's my view that a lot of the division in the US is deliberate. Divide and Conquer... it's so EASY to do, and sooooo effective. It's been going on forever, and now is at fever pitch. The bubble of Covid stupidity is leaking air, the Nasties are getting a bit nervous, and much of our youth appears to be utterly brainwashed, and "triggered" at the slightest suggestion they are being toyed with...
No, there isn’t.
They have decided,
They decided.
Joe read his lines, they wrote them.
Alea iacta est.
The die has been cast...but we can play another game? I wish we could colonize Latin America and Canada. Make a North American empire. Together with our hat and our pants, we can make this continent great again. But wish in one hand, right? Let a girl dream.
We have colonized Canada.
We will from Imperial Imperatives march South soon enough.
The Mexican invasion- invitation really- North is prelude along with Mexico’s suspicious destabilization lays the ground for our sudden coming discovery of shocking, shocked ! scandal to our South.
Why this is an Outrage!
Something must be done (it already is of course) and we cannot tolerate this any further!
Empire’s endure if they gain space, which means resources and time, which means lands.
We do to Mexico what Pakistan did to Afghanistan- strategic depth - what we do to Europe now via Ukraine.
Don’t wait for the Dream - you’re in it now.
Empires fall. Every single one of them. I can't think how doing the same "colonizing" we're HATED FOR around the world is going to solve anything. Look at it this way: We in the USA, and in Europe as well, are about to experience an economic collapse like we've never known before. Our fiat currency, caused and exacerbated by the Parasite Class hoarding all the wealth and slowly drawing it all upwards, decimating the middle class and stomping the poor for decades, is going to cause suffering the likes of which we've never seen. It's gonna get bad. Maybe that's what you're saying, too, but I'm just saying it this way. It's a sobering future to look at.
Uh, whose suffering?
Who suffers Whom?
There’s no common good just power.
Solve? It solves the problem of strategic depth.
It gains resources material and men - they shall fight our wars.
England, France survived Germany by being Empires.
Rome survived in history’s toughest neighborhood by Empire, it survived its internal civil wars of the Republic’s fall by being an Empire.
It isn’t even at all incompatible with Democracy as Athens, Rome*, England and France prove. It’s incompatible with ours 🇺🇸 because our government internally is incompatible with us, with anything, with each other- we don’t have an actual government in terms of Power- we have a Feudal system in Federal Skin. That’s endless conflict until someone wins.
Not unlike Rome.
*Rome did not fall because of Empire, it fell because the Aristocracy couldn’t come to terms with the plebes, nor each other and the strongest Aristocrat Octavian won.
I totally agree!! I would love to start by NOT financing their destruction of our country and way of life. Clearly, they are VERY aware that not paying taxes is on every American’s mind, they are planning for it. Openly planning for it. In fact, we are currently financing our own opposition with massive future debt.
Rest assured these psychos know exactly what they are doing. They are doing it, at this point, openly and with extreme intent. And without pushback.
Yes. And the only way we'd get away with not paying taxes is if it's MOST OF US refusing. If it's just 85,000 of us, they'll just shoot us and call it "Death from Covid."
Oh, absolutely!! Has to be a huge majority that is willing to not pay taxes and face the wrath. Clearly, the Biden Corp, Dems, and leftist’s have no boundaries when it comes to their agenda, wants, and the destruction of America.
Remember the “summer of love” when Portland and other cities were burning??
No, I can't say that I do, as far as Portland goes... The Summer of Love in '67? I was 6 and a half. ;)
But I agree with your ... chicken? Photo? LOL Love it.
They're destroying us, they think. But somehow I think it won't work. We shall prevail, and I don't think there will be the mass starvation they're planning. But it IS going to be sketchy for a while. People will rally, but I find that right now, probably MOST of the US still has NO IDEA what's coming...
Just looked your woofings - wonderful!!
BLM riots after George Floyd’s death….
Media called “mostly peaceful” and “summer of love”….
Yes, my chicken is VERY smart!! 😃🐓😃
This sounds familiar, like Starve The Beast (which now starves us but slowly) and Drain the Swamp (which drains us dry).
Perhaps until one is as serious as the opposition and can win one should not rush enthusiastically into already sprung traps, with corpses of the last ones to think this ... displayed -
Refusing to pay taxes is the only way. Then again, they can just print it.
I say one excellent thing we could do is to take down these gd 5G towers...
A little more digging. I'm sorry again if this is disturbing or hijacking Mr. Bray's post:
I feel it's important to compare notes and not be afraid. I'm also concerned about the SAFE-T Act in Illinois come January 2023. People are taking to calling it a real-life 'Purge'.
Never a better time to become a gun owner anyway you want to look at it.
"God made some men tall and some men short. Sam Colt made all men equal."
It's been a long day... I don't know that I can look at all that tonight.
I'll just cut to the chase regarding my views: The Nasties (Venetians, Black Nobs, Oligarchy on Steroids) are planning to severely de-populate and utterly control whoever makes it through the culling. They have no problem slaughtering billions. They are so utterly EVIL that most people can't even understand it. There is no problem for them to make us starve, turn our children into sex slaves for perversion's sake, kill off half the life on Earth, and even destroy Earth altogether, because they think they can live underground after that. They. Are. Utterly. Insane.
I took a very quick look at the Safe T Act, (ha, sounds like the same middle finger title as the Patriot Act!) and IF that even gets passed, it's just another kick in the face and will contribute to, or be the cause of, uprisings and unrest and the eventual destruction of this Parasite Cabal... They may have a vast underground hidey hole but they forget that we can plug it up...
I agree, though it's hard to talk about to most people without sounding like a nutter or Luddite.
We've been subverted by malignant foreign powers at the highest levels. I fear Kaczynski was right about technology after reading 'Industrial Society and its Future'. I know how that sounds and frankly I'm sorry to worry people about things outside of their control.
I haven't read Kaczynski's book, but I was only just thinking of him ... yesterday? A couple of days ago? Anyway, I was wondering if he wasn't right on. Hmmm!
But I tend to agree with you, and while I'm not really a complete Luddite, I do think we're in up to our eyeballs, to our detriment and to the Bad Guys' ease of manipulation... So, I think you can talk to me, and I'm pretty sure I'm not a nutter. ;)
Also, I think even if we don't Control, per se, we certainly can have an EFFECT, and maybe a rather huge one... We do outnumber the Nasties by BILLIONS.
I appreciate your optimism and hear you completely when you say it's been a long day and we outnumber them. Take my number, if you ever want to vent.
Okay, I got it, now you should delete it, just to be prudent. ^_^
They think they are smarter than they are
Thanks for the backgrounder showing many instances of political violence in America. Common denominator is The People responding to governmental overreach. And boy howdy is our gov't reachin' over these days. Not even a reach around.
Which is precisely why "they" are coming after our guns now!
They've been after the guns for decades. It's always been presumed that they would take the guns before advancing the more radical aspects of their agenda. Either something has convinced them that they must advance the agenda in spite of not having seized our guns, or something has emboldened them (permanent corruption of our voting infrastructure?) to do so in disregard for what had seemed their long-term plan.
Gun nuts (1980): "Guns now, your other rights next."
Everyone else: "Morons."
Government (2022): "We need to stop disinformation. There are limits to free speech, and we intend to set them."
Gun nuts: "Told you."
I agree. But I do suspect some past presidents believed in, and followed, the constitution. Eisenhower, for example. Others circumvented clauses as they went their merry way. Think FDR or Johnson. And now, of course, the constitution is simply ignored as having no relevance to the agenda of the day. Witness Obama or Biden. Interestingly, virtually ALL of the legislation, (and jurisprudence), that has so thoroughly circumvented the framer's intent has occurred when Democrats occupy the White House.
Elimination of the second amendment is merely a routine step in the path to totalitarianism. They have merely taken steps to speed up the process. Undoubtedly made possible by advances in technology that have enabled the virtual elimination of free speech, and significant curtailment of the freedoms of assembly, movement, and religion.
Yeah, but not as blatantly as they are now!
America was forged in violence and has always been a violent place. A lot if that violence was provoked and/or committed by the Government. But show me part of the world that isn’t a slaughterhouse. I’ll wait, but I won’t hold my breath. European sophistication- spare me. More bad political ideologies resulting in more dead innocents have come out of Europe than anywhere else. But you can get truffles with your genocide, so they have that going for them. To paraphrase HL Mencken ( who has his own issues), every decent person is ashamed of their government. Currently we’ve got a government that really deserves our opprobrium. Fascinating to learn about Biden launching his career via fundraisers with terrorists, but not surprising. He’s the ultimate opportunist.
Europe, Europe, uh....
Nope, can't think of any violence there!
That was Obama who launched at Bill Ayers.
Mind you Bammy is 3d generation IC baby
America was a MUCH less violent place when the Native Peoples were as yet unmolested and decimated and pretty much wiped out...
Native Tribes here were vastly more evolved politically and socially than white folks of European descent have ever been. It's quite educational and even uplifting to read about how they lived, and could be an excellent lesson for us when we are finally able to get to the task of reinventing our societies here in the US and in Europe. I'm not saying the Native Tribes had no conflict or that they never had wars, but it's like black & white compared to the European (and US) Death Saga. It's almost like they had it figured out centuries before we-- still haven't. But I think some of us do have a clue. We can work on this!
There’s much to be said for the Iroquois Confederation’s rule that any policy or law must pass the Seven Generations test: what are the effects 7 generations out?
Seven generations out from what point? I almost feel like the answer, unless it's in the future, will almost surely be Failure... Tell me what you think. I know I went off on a long response to your first comment, and yesterday I wasn't even online at all, but I've been thinking about you, and feeling sort of connected somehow with what you were saying and perhaps how you are feeling, and it has made me feel stronger, knowing what you think, or really, just a little bit of what you think... Your comment came from the heart, it was honest, and it moved me and definitely broadened my perspective... Thank you for that. Sounds maybe a bit, I don't know-- I'm very intuitive and I feel connected to you, or to the feelings and thoughts you projected in that comment you made. I've included you in my prayer list...
So... tell me, are you speaking about 7 generations from the American Revolutionary War? Or... ?
The RED video was hilarious! so funny! They must think everyone is stupid. Ridiculous how he is projecting onto the *evil Magas* democrats own tendencies and inclinations. Thanks for the laugh.
Two things I've found remarkable about this current "MAGA extremism" rhetoric:
First is the idea that "anti-government" sentiment is an "extremist" view (thank you Alexander Myorcas for that little laugh). Our country was built on "anti-government" sentiment. Even today, you can find very few "regular" citizens that like the government. At the least, they are derisive and dismissive of it, finding it more inconvenience or frustration than help. At most, they are outright hostile toward it. The "extreme" point of view is that the government is to be trusted and deferred to. The only thing that keeps people from acting on that hostility, so far, is the cost-benefit analysis. The government doesn't have a monopoly on violence, but it does have the lions share of the market, so if you're going to take the government on, you better be damn sure there's no other way around it. Of course, the corollary to that is, if you're in the government, you at least want to leave the people the illusion of being able to make a change electorally or you'll set off a revolution (something I think the Democrats understand all too well, which is why we're seeing all the J-6 and political purging, as if they haven't learned that historically *that* has done little more than buy time for the aggressors).
Second is the hypocrisy of Biden's comments of political violence. The BLM riots were *nothing* but political violence. The overriding message of the riots was "You do what we say or we're going to keep looting and burning shit down." If that's not political violence, I don't know what is. Yeah, I know they called it "cries for social justice," but that's only a euphemism for political violence. So by giving tacit approval to the BLM riots, the Democrats have left themselves no room to complain about any political violence on the right, including J-6, although I realize they still do.
I think BLM was clearly infiltrated and undone... That's what the CIA is very, very good at: turning everything upside down, and setting people at each other. Anything to keep us from focusing on the REAL problem... The Filthy Rich.
Interesting to note, too-- the "anti-govt sentiment" you describe has a lot to do with the fact that when they were building this country, ONLY THE WEALTHY were able to BE the govt. Even to have the vote, one had to be rich. It's been about the VERY WEALTHY dominating the working class and the poor since waaaaaaaaaaaaay back. Seems clear to me we need very much to examine this whole money/wealth/inherited prosperity situation and find some solutions, because it's been THOSE people, the Parasite Class, I call them, who have been the cause of most of the suffering for thousands of years.
Nice summation. And, yes, the anti-government sentiment comes from a long history of a large underclass of people understanding that the government was *never* meant to work for them. In fact, it's there to save certain elevated groups *from* them.
Thanks, and Exactly so.
Politics is war by other means.
Once again, Chris, you cut to the chase.
The raids on individuals homes by the FBI in recent days are more than a little alarming. Seems they wanted to restart the “war on terror,” only they’ve been priming roughly 1/2 of the country to view the other 1/2 as the terrorists we’re at war with. I
No, no, no.
It's not okay when YOU do it.
God, this is so simple.
"It's not okay when YOU do it."
Congrats - you've done it again. Summed up an entire moral/political philosophy in less than 10 words!
Evidently, "progressives" awaken every morning as totally new human beings with no memory of anything they said or did yesterday or the day before.
If that were not true, the people who wrote Biden's speech would remember the violence of Antifa after the election in 2016 and before the election in 2020 - not to mention all the years before and in between. Here is just one example:
They might also remember saying "Civilians do not need assault weapons" when Antifa shows up at demonstrations with AR-15s. Again, here is just one example:
No memory + No principles = No restraints. They can do or say anything they want.
Democrats have got to be really frustrated right now, they keep poking Republicans/conservatives and they just rollover and give in. Raid the homes of 41 Trump supporters and Republicans just sigh and put their heads back down and "go along to get along". My mantra for this year is "Democrats are the number one existential threat to America, Republicans are number two" (I might have it backwards). Still with approximately 50 days until the election we might still see some real fireworks. How many Trump supporters do they have to raid/purge before someone registers a complaint?
As recently as the 2020 riots.
In a single eighteen-month period during 1971 and 1972 the FBI counted an amazing 2,500 bombings on American soil, almost five a day set off by nearly a dozen radical underground groups, dimly remembered outfits such as the Weather Underground, the New World Liberation Front, Puerto Rican liberation groups and the Symbionese Liberation Army.
I do enjoy your historical perspectives! So rare these days!
Whiskey rebellion you say. Do tell.
I began to write a reply about the American Indian Movement, mentioned by Chris, and the political violence the group used in the 1970's. I've been no fan of AIM, in fact, I've often shared the name most tribal leaders of the time referred to it as, "Assholes In Moccasins."
"Treuer is not afraid to take on some of the more high-profile Native Americans, including addressing corruption among the hierarchies of some tribes and the leadership of the American Indian Movement, a radical and sometimes violent group from the 1960s and 1970s. He says many Indians muttered under their breath that AIM really stood for "Assholes in Moccasins.""
I'm old enough to remember stories of AIM violence, Russell Means as the radical protagonist. And when I saw the news of Nathan Phillips confronting Nick Sandmann in DC, portrayed as "brave Vietnam Vet Native American elder, facing the smirking white privilege MAGA teen who calmed his fears singing an old inspirational AIM song for strength" I knew Phillips was a long-time activist experienced in using political violence. I also knew that the corporate media powers no longer saw AIM political violence as a bad thing, their violent history now celebrated. When political violence succeeds its often characterized as, "brave and courageous." Practitioners of it celebrated, lionized.
Even when they're criminals. George Floyd was just one in a long line of criminal media heroes serving a larger purpose.
...Then I came across this old speech by Russell Means delivered in 1980 that I had never heard or read:
"“I Am Not a Leader”: Russell Means’ 1980 Mother Jones Cover Story"
Which made me rethink how I've thought of Russell Means, what he stood for. Compared to what I was told to believe he stood for. By both those who supported him and those who opposed him. He has some profound insights he shares that were prophetic. He dishes the radical Marxists who tried to ride on his movement's coattails to usher in their Marxist revolution. And he dishes the capitalists found on the right who exploit the people and lands they control. Suggested reading.
My takeaway is that my whole life I would have taken issue with Russel Means' characterization of European society and our systems I've believed to be superior. Reading his words in 2022, especially having witnessed these past three years, the rapid and willing abandonment of reality by so many among us, even among the American Indians he was speaking to who allowed their minds to become "Europeanized" has been astounding. And while I enjoy the benefits and ease of life within the society that the European mind has created, I find myself sympathetic to the concerns and beliefs Russell Means shared with those who would listen to him. I was not one of them. My mind was not open to his message before. He makes many valid, sensible points. That in light of the transhumanist push and push for complete digital surveillance and a social credit system of mind control pushed by Marxist and Capitalist powers a return to ways of living that are more in harmony with nature looks more and more desirable every single day in comparison to a Dystopian future. Proving that as long as our minds remain open we're never too old to learn new tricks, or ways of perceiving the world around us.
What a great comment. Many thanks for posting this.
Not to mention the political violence and destruction on Jan 20th 2017 and in 2020 as both had a considerable impact on challenging the 2020 results; everybody was scared crapless to do anything.
Chris - I forgot to start my comment with GREAT ARTICLE, sir. As a person who has been to war for this country we should always have a handle on what has transpired within. Have a wonderful weekend.