Oof. Is it feigned stupidity or the real deal? I honestly can’t tell at times.

She was definitely being paid to be there. Literally. I pity the fools of her district. 🤦‍♀️

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Their laughter brought me back to high school when the teacher said something so obviously idiotic. Classic.

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Truly . . . wow

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Substack... is that a new sandwich at Subway


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Or new pancakes at IHOP.

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"Mr. Luther, it has come to our attention that you have been publicly claiming that we have made you consume worms. Not only has no such thing been demanded, our values as a democratic society lead us to advocate a plant-based diet, within which a diet of worms can play no part."

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This is BRILLIANT. Truly, Chris... a masterpiece. Nothing to add but GRATITUDE for finding levity in this shit show. Keep it comin'!

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What about the ACTUAL question from Rep Johnson of Georgia to the Head of the Navy. Paraphrasing- If you move all your equipment to Guam, isn’t there a danger the island could capsize?

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I had the same thought!


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I don’t know. Another great demwit from Texas, the dishonorable Representative SJ Lee is still waiting for the Mars rover to rover over and look at the flag planted on the moon. 😱

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I caught the livestream just before Mrs Garcia started her five minutes. I sat there gobsmacked. She didn't even understand that literally anyone could go to Twitter and find Matt Taibbi's posts, so there was no reason to give them to both Republicans and Democrats. If they were interested, all they had to do was look them up.

She didn't know who Bari Weiss is, she thought there were just three journalists that Musk allowed to see the files.

She was a raging idiot, and an insulting one at that, and her Democrat colleagues were not any better, at least the ones I caught.

I know I'm probably in the wrong crowd to ask this question, but were Democrats always this bad and I didn't notice? They don't seem to be liberal anymore. They're just . . . Democrats, just picking their side and defending it no matter how stupid, insane, totalitarian, and insipid they look.

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Note especially this aspiring totalitarian:


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I caught that. I would love someone to make him define "criminal" speech.

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I was quite surprised that no one asked him exactly that.

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I'm sorry for the rant. This is clever and just the comic relief I needed. I am just shocked by the behavior to the point where I think my sense of humor has faltered a bit.

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That's described my father in law over the thirty years I've known him. Huge racist, and anything is fine, so long as it helps his "team."

He has rejected me and my kids outright since we're unvaxxed. 😖

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I'm so sorry. I don't understand people.

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SubStack - is that a new place to put the unvaccinated?

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Outstanding! How long were you waiting to find the occasion to unleash your Reformation jokes?

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I've been thinking about Martin Luther mailing feces to a door for years, and now we can thank Sylvia Garcia for releasing that one from its cage.

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Bottled it up since middle school?😂

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I just want to pat her on the head. "Awww... She still reads the newspaper!" There is a great line in *Quiz Show* that describes the moment well: "It's hardly Jefferson and Lincoln down there anymore."

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Woman walks by a man eating a burger, and says,

"You know, a cow had to die for you to eat that"

Man says: "he might have lived, if you hadn't eaten all his food"

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Honestly, I don't quite understand what Substack is either. Free-speech ghetto? NSA testing area?

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Given the evidence, its hard to believe she actually reads. Anything.

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While I appreciate your sex positivity Mr. Luther, nailing Theseus against our church doors is an act of public indecency we just cannot abide.

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Mr Luther:

Have you considered that you're not being inclusive when you say the only way to heaven is through Christ? If you'd just add a few more ways to heaven besides through this Jesus whom you seem to be obsessed with, we could proudly put our DEI stamp on your crusade.

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Members of Congress not understanding what Substack is is the best news I've heard all day.

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Chris this is the funniest thing on the internet today thank you

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Only our best and brightest.

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