The white pill here is that the citizens of New Mexico simply did what we should have been doing all along: refuse to comply, openly, loudly, publicly, and rudely. And it worked. The policy collapsed, and the governatrix and her pet expertresses were revealed as empty powersuits.

The next time, it will be that much easier to simply ignore her. And those like her.

If we'd done this from the beginning the mandates would have collapsed overnight. No masks, no lockdowns, no closed businesses, no social distancing, no vaxx. It all would have fallen apart before it got rolling.

They're engaging in a huge game of let's pretend, LARPing as intellectuals and leaders, and for the game to continue the rest of us need to agree to pretend along with them.

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Well said, and a lesson that needs to be widely applied.

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Unfortunately here in Melbourne Australia non compliance resulted in getting shot with rubber bullets, bashed by police, fined huge sums of money and riot squads patrolling in armoured cars. Police could force entry into your home without a warrant at a wim.

A crowd of armed Americans seems to have the effect putting petty tyrants in their place!

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Americans looked at what was happening in Australia, Canada & New Zealand and jaws dropped in disbelief & sadness. These were supposed to be the “rational” countries. Most students ask themselves how the German people could go off the rails as badly as they did in the ‘30s, and based on the West’s COVID disaster, now we know. Not even the example set by Scandinavia could dissuade the tyrants.

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They all seem to be professional politicians.

Much like worms but less useful

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Sep 14, 2023
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I’m not young and used to donate to Greenpeace before it became a greeny commie organisation

There is a big difference between protecting an old growth forest and a climate change activist

Here in Victoria Australia from next year ALL logging of native forest is banned. We have communist Premier behind that one. Thanks for the link 👍

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So very many of the compliant bullies were LARPing too, pretending to themselves and all around them that they were courageously living through the most deadly plague in history (whose tragic victims they knew only from stories, "case" counts and mathematical models breathlessly reported by the media for their viewing pleasure), and "doing their part" to save their fellow man, or human, or fellow person, or whatever inclusive language was called for.

All the while those in the laptop class blogged about how they were getting more time with the family, enjoying working remotely, and having socially-distanced, fully masked, and compliantly limited-in-number parties in their spacious backyards. It is painful to have to say that members of my family fell into this category.

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I had quite a few people in my own circles who fell into that category. I'm a member of the laptop zoom class myself, so I suppose a class traitor because I was outraged about it all from day one, and the only one on Zoom calls who would point out that there little work from home staycation was being bought at the price of economic dislocation and emotional suffering that they themselves were not paying.

The only thing I ever got in return was blank stares. It literally does not occur to them to think about how their actions affect the rest of society.

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My suggestion for the lockdowns was that anyone in favor should forfeit 35% of their pay. Would have ended them quickly.

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They are truly brainwashed

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Of course. If they did bother to engage in any empathy for people outside their bubble, they would just conclude that small business owners and working class people were deplorables whose lives deserved to be destroyed.

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This is not emphasized enough - the sheer love of drama among the Covidians. I have no doubt that many of them were genuinely afraid, either for themselves or for loved ones, but most of them were just excited to be part of something huge. It was like the Blitz for them, but with zero chance of getting hit by a bomb.

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Same here😣

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Grisham got away with having an assistant pick up expensive jewelry for her from an allegedly closed-due-to-her-lockdown jeweler in Santa Fe.

It makes sense that she figured she'd probably get away with this as well.

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not to mention a lot of booze. But liquor stores opened way before anything else did.

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But Planned Parenthood as well as the Mexican border NEVER closed.

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true dat. Gotta make sure the lower classes aren't reproducing too much.

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Note these twin policies, unlimited abortion and unlimited immigration, have the intended result of replacing the original population with a non-native one that is more easily manipulated and eventually enslaved.

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respectfully disagree. Planned parenthood was founded by a eugenicist. Margaret Sanger wanted to "improve the race" by pushing contraception on undesirables like the poor and minorities. Most planned parenthood clinics are in ghetto neighborhoods--that's no accident.

And the"original population" here in the US are indigenous, so...

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This is what we've been saying for years!


But in that story is a lesson for the control crisis: The controllers don’t have nearly the power that they project. They rely on the public to be enforcers. During the covid portion of the control crisis, Washington state leaned on business owners to enforce covid mask rules — threatening them with the loss of their business license in a move that mirrors Obama’s threats against Washington’s marijuana dispensaries. (This is perhaps the most despicable thing Jay Inslee has done in a long list of despicable shit Jay Inslee has done.) The actual police said they have other problems they’re already ignoring and they didn’t have time to be the mask police.

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Love your comment. But one thing – the obscenely flawed infection model from the ICL reflected a 3.4% IFR. With seeming wildfire transmission, the U.S. was looking at 11 million dead. Oddly, the rejection by some citizens of the resulting fear was completely correct, but not rational in the moment. There was no countervailing evidence at the time. That came later. For me, it was the first mention of the virus’s size vs. the size of gaps in masks. I finally called complete BS on the gov’t upon the first mention of “boosters.”

The utter political & financial corruption and deceit throughout the entire COVID fraud is a lesson we desperately need to teach our descendants. Experts are not angels like Sam Jaffee’s Professor Jacobson in 1951’s “The Day The Earth Stood Still,” but rather demons like Ian Fleming’s “Dr. No.”

There is ZERO chance Gov. Lujan will be impeached with Dems controlling 64% of both houses of the NM legislature, despite there being ZERO authority for her action in NM state law or its constitution. I think the best we can achieve is an injunction against her diktat and to hang her would-be despotism around every Dem politician’s neck.

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Can I just add that standing your ground isn't enough, it's just the start?

You need to take a step forward, and another and another to keep them running.

Otherwise, they'll just come back stronger and meaner than before.

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Yes. Precisely. They need to be bullied.

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"If we'd done this from the beginning..."

Yet I can't shake the feeling that it was necessary to live through the COVID era in order to arrive at the point we have today...

Enough people went into COVID with a naively trusting view of experts and government and the news media such that dissenters were too few in number and too easy to dismiss as conspiracy theorists and cranks to expect a critical mass of self-conscious pushback to come together. There were "reopen" protestors in April and May 2020, but they didn't achieve critical mass.

We all had to see the countless outlandish absurdities of the COVID era to become convinced of just how depraved and delusional were the powers that be. I know it's true to some extent even for myself, and especially for a number of people around me. I suspect it must be true for a very significant number of Americans.

Look up all the blog posts and Twitter threads of testimonials on the subject of "when did I finally realize COVID was a scam?" For some it was when public health scolds pivoted at supersonic speed from condemning Republican "reopen" protestors to embracing Democrat George Floyd BLM rioting. Other said it was when the medical authorities dismissed natural immunity and demanded everyone vax. Others, when the vaxxers pivoted from a 2-shot course to endless boosters. Etc. Etc.

The American people, in 2023 and going forward, aren't going to put up with the same baloney that we were, on average, willing to endure in 2020. Not by a long shot. Fundamentally, that restores a lot of my hope in this nation.

Let's see how much uptake those new boosters get - the ones that were approved like yesterday, for everyone ahed 6 months and up, on the basis of studying like 20 mice and a few computer models. Let's see.

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100! and with a lot of ridicule and laughter ... adds to the joy of just carrying on.

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Agree 100%! However this situational also involved law enforcement that stood their ground against unconstitutional bullshit. Pretty common in Florida, but I’d wager to say it’s not common in blue states. Unfortunately many times cops do what their told, not what’s right.

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Sep 13, 2023
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i'd actually like an honest account of how many people really got both first shots. i heard about a lot of people with fake cards. if they had had the courage to stand with those of us who didn't take either the shots or the fake cards, this would have been over much sooner. i have a feeling that the percentage of "fully vaccinated" (i realize the target keeps moving) is smaller than the CDC thinks

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“…if they had had the courage to stand with those of us…”

What, exactly, was I supposed to do to “stand with you?” I got the first 2 shots b4 catching on to the bullshit, but I realized that if I’m “protected,” then my neighbor’s vax status was irrelevant. I live in TN where there were ZERO vax requirements (other than imposed by Medicare on doctors’ offices). There were no anti-vax protests (or mass deaths either), so I’m unclear on what you wanted me to have done.

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i think you've missed the point of my comment. i said i wished that the PEOPLE WHO GOT FAKE CARDS would have been honest about their status. the people who got the shots didn't need fake cards; they had legit cards.

my point is only that if the PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T GET THE SHOTS BUT GOT FAKE CARDS, maybe in order to save their jobs which is understandable, instead of getting fake cards, joined the ranks of the unvaccinated, our numbers would have been greater and as a bloc, we'd have had more power.

i'm sorry you got the shots- i hope you haven't been damaged and won't suffer future damage- but i'm glad you caught on to the bullshit. anyone who opens their eyes to what is going on is admirable in my book.

it's the people who double down and insist that the shots are "safe and effective" while getting their 7th booster after having covid for 5 times. that's some kind of brainwashing!

please reread what i said. it was not directed at you or anyone who got vaccinated. nor was it directed at anyone who honestly didn't get vaccinated. i would just like it if the people who got fake cards and no shots came clean

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Sep 13, 2023
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Substack, at least Chris’ stack, is very respectful. X, OTOH, is a cesspool.

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Sep 14, 2023
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no, not at all! when you think of the $$$ that was spend on a mass propaganda campaign, it's a wonder anyone got through it. how old are you? i'm just 70 and i remember the same thing happening in 1976 with the swine flu "scare." the rushed out shots were pulled after a number of people died and more got GBS. my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair- no flu shots for me after that!

and you did see, eventually, what was happening and you admit it. think of how many just can't- look at the idiot canadian health ministers, having a masked and socially distanced press conference to tell everyone to get out their masks and take their boosters! it's absurd. those people cannot be excused or forgiven.

nor can the people who cheered and gloated whenever an unvaccinated person died, who demanded that all our rights be taken away because they were scared, who called the turn in your neighbor hot line.

nor can the doctors who, to save their own asses, treated patients in ways that they knew would kill them, who echoed the old nazi refrain "i was just following orders."

nor can the presidents, prime ministers and kings who, instead of saying "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" said "oh my god, people! you're not afraid enough yet! now is the time to really panic!!"

nor can the media who never questioned or pushed back, who gushed over dr fauci.

nor can the scientists who feared that covid came from a lab but covered it up to save their grants.

next time anything like this happens- ukraine, climate, the next pandemic, hyper inflation, political pressure to vote for biden, the theater around prosecuting trump for anything you can think of- you'll realize that it's all a show, that nothing they say is true.

welcome to the club! and take some IVM to get that spike protein out of your body.

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Sep 15, 2023
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i was a theatrical costumer but have a life long distrust of conventional medicine from many experiences. whenever my dad was in the hospital, i never left his side. i studied his condition until i could talk with any doctor at their level which rendered them unable to talk down to me.

the worst feature of science/medicine is hubris. the doctor always thinks he's right, that he knows your body better than you do. they're so sure they have all the answers and then, when their certain "cures" don't work, they blame the patient.

question everything. science is totally corrupt. look at how it's funded, how drug development happens, why there's no liability for vaccines.

just look at the way the trials were run. i have two friends, a married couple, who volunteered for the moderna trial. the husband was in the treatment arm and the wife was in the placebo group. after only TWO months, the study was unblinded and the control group all vaccinated. right off the bat, you can't say "safe and effective" because you have no idea.

the husband went right out and got himself two pfizer shots! he's the subject of an ongoing trial, for god's sake!!! did he report his "extra" competing shots to the trial investigators? no!

then there was the sneaky way they approved the pfizer vaccines. the companies had total liability against harms under the EUA but you can't really mandate an "experimental" medicine. then again, once you get a vaccine on the childhood schedule, it has permanent liability protection but the FDA wasn't ready to approve the shots for children. what to do? how do you get full approval and still keep your legal immunity if the shot isn't approved for babies? so they approved Comirnaty, the brand name, but didn't make it available in the USA. you could only get the BioNTech vaccine. of course, they're identical BUT the approval documents clearly state that the two vaccines were medically identical but "legally distinct." so everyone who thought they were taking an "approved" shot was really not. that allowed pfizer to keep it's liability protection until the vaccine was put on the childhood schedule and enabled the arts organization that i spent 40 years working for to mandate it so pfizer got the best of both worlds and i lost my job.

if you wanted to inspire confidence and not engender "vaccine hesitancy" wouldn't you make your approval process as by the book and unfishy as possible? it's like they went out of their way to arouse suspicion.

then they censor doctors, shut down facebook groups that are discussing vaccine injuries, ban people who post about the lab leak. that just makes you think that something is really wrong.

i never intended to take the shot but i didn't care much either way. once this shit started happening, they made a mortal enemy out of me

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Agree. But, I’ve given up on ever again getting accurate, statistics on anything. I’ve found that I can make my own decisions without any ‘studies’ or ‘data’.

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true, but i'd like to know just out of curiosity

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The whole situation is crazy. "Criminals are out of control so we must disarm the law-abiding"

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That's all it's ever been about. Fewer than 500 people a year (much fewer than the number culled in Chicago annually) die from any kind of rifle, yet the democrats are targeting AR-15s with a vengeance these last few years. Absolutely idiotic, if the goal is to reduce homicides. Absolutely understandable, if the goal is to remove the most effective, available weapon from potential reactionaries.

Want to cut murders by 70+%? Make it illegal for a certain subset of the population to own guns. But since 90% of that subset happens to vote democratic, there's no way that's going to happen.

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The way to cut murder by 70% ?

Solve 70% of the murders.

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A new class emerges every year to take the place of the fallen. The inner city is a conveyor belt of death.

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Brought to you by the Party of Death: as a baby in the womb, as a child sleeping outside her cast iron bathtub, as a senior late in years. The Dems will bring in assisted suicide from Canada where they advocate suicide for mere depression…

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Yes, it is definitely coming. It's rather surprising that it hasn't been advanced yet. They're too busy trying to destroy the family, first.

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It is illegal for a felon to buy or possess a gun. That should be good enough.

As for the racist insinuation, go pound sand. Every human being has a right to self defense. Their demographic or how they vote has nothing to do with it.

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Take your racist accusations elsewhere. I did volunteer work for 15 yrs in one of the most violent neighborhoods in the US.

So, the truth is now racist? Tell that to the FBI database.

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I don't give a shit where you volunteered or what your personal experiences are. When you judge an entire group of people for the actions of some in a group, you've lost your way. You're advocating for something no better than what the woke crowd are currently doing.

We all lose, if we follow that road.

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Yes, actions are much greater than your holy outrage. And I did drag my butt 10-20 hours a month on my day off to provide health services for free to those poor, overwhelmingly black people. So, as for charge of racism

...get lost/take a long walk off a short pier (circle one.)

Of course there are differences in groups of people. They are consistent and verifiable over large periods of time. Charles Murray has pointed it out. James Watson disclosed his findings and even the co-discoverer of the Double Helix was brought down by political correctness, for his efforts. Substack's El Gato Malo has hinted at this obvious point.

Men are unequal, and no amount of happy thought will change that. We are only equal before God.

(If you want your head to explode, read the Lincoln-Douglas debates. See what Abe's thoughts were on the matter.)

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Your worldview and lack of commitment to individual liberty is unfortunate.

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Well, yeah! The law-abiding might take out some of the criminals, while they're criminalizing! We wouldn't want that now, would we?

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those criminals are Democratic voters and they might not vote if their in lockup

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The UK has almost no legal guns per head; and yet there are more murders per head than in the US, last time I checked: if they want to murder someone, they simply use some other means, usually a knife.

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The UK is looking at “knife control.” At some point, trimming trees will be a regulated activity b/c the branches could be used as clubs. I look forward to a society that is seething in murderous rage, looking desperately for a weapon, ANY weapon with which to vent…

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Two hands can do a lot of damage, but you have to be up close. It would seem weapons evolved to increase the distance necessary to inflict harm. What troubles me now is the large number of stories I read that involve gunshots as messages--representing honor, revenge, territory marking--

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As a firearms connoisseur of sorts, the evolution was to increase accuracy at existing distances, which then led infantry commanders to increase the range over which to try to exert control. My own rationale for carrying a firearm is the same reason I use a power saw rather than a hand saw to cut 2x4s– there is no reason to exert more energy than required to get the job done.

As to “messaging” through gunfire, they’re only channeling von Clausewitz: “War is the continuation of politics with other means.” In the prehistoric environment that is the drug trade, violence is the only language. Unfortunately, liberals will never understand that they are the primary architects of the descent of American black civilization from comparable social attributes (vs. whites) in the 1950s to the cesspool in which they’re living today.

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Someone ran over a guy with his car so you have to give yours up!

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And now a federal judge has blocked the enforcement of the order:


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Kudos to the judge but he should have gone one step further and issued a bench warrant for the “governors” arrest.

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Exactly. That might send a chill down the spine of the next democrat girl boss or effeminate man who wants to trample on the Constitution.

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Surprising because he is a Biden-appointed judge.

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El Gato Malo was warning about this state taste of "emergency power" back in 2020. They are now fully addicted and like any addict it's gonna get UGLY.

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Yep. We were screaming about it and they called us grandma killers.

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Funny (or not) given what is killing grandma these days...... I know someone in a nursing home and they loose a few with each round of the "science". We are up to 7 or 8 rounds. Almost time for a free toaster.

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"Almost time for a free toaster"


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It was a meme ahead of it’s time in late ‘21. I think when 3 shots started to be the norm. It’s now a sick joke 😢

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it's not just the power, it's the financial incentives. peggy hall v. orange county board of supervisors, "we can't end the emergency because then the money stops."

and meanwhile the military-industrial complex is morphing into a plandemic-industrial complex because that's what's getting all the funding now

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There is a lot of power in the people simply refusing to comply.

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The fact that the law officers in charge saying they wouldn't enforce an illegal edict from a self-important slimeball, didn't hurt either.

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Bandit, that is a very real and important fact, in the equation, for a couple of reasons.

1. It illustrates just how important those county, city and state electoral race are. The fact that there was no law enforcement or prosecutorial leaders willing to enforce the tyrannical power grab, was half of this being a successful resistance. Had any of those establishment entities taken the opposite stance, it would have gone much differently.

My point, local elections matter, big time.

2. Related to item 1, when defying a "law or mandate" make sure you go in prepared for the consequence. I'm sure none of the Jan6 protesters, who are still incarcerated, thought or planned for it. Sure you may be totally in the right, but that does your family little good, when you're sitting in a cell and having to empty a bank account for bail or legal fee. My point is, go in eye's wide open and mentally/financially prepared - that includes your family. Additionally, get your house in order, before you ever face something like this...finances, contingency plans, etc. People rarely do this ahead of time and it wreaks havoc with those who still have to navigate life, while you're locked up.

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All women like Grisham know how to do is nag compliant citizens. That's it. The more compliant you are, the worse the nagging will be.

If you're out slinging fentanyl and illegally carrying a Glock with its SN filed off, she won't do a thing, because being a girlboss means being a hectoring shrew, not enduring the ever-so-harsh charge of "racism" and certainly not going She-ra on someone she knows (despite her fantasies) would mercilessly crush her skull.

If you legally carry to protect yourself (even if you a woman who needs protection from an ex), you're who she'll hen-peck, because you're who she CAN hen-peck.

Nothing left-wing women do has anything to do with achieving an objective. Ever. It's all about feelings and status signaling.

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"No one needs a personal computer"...(paraphrased): Ken Olsen, President of Digital Equipment Corp. Probably in the early 80's.

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Not wishing to sound sexist but if a male "lawmaker" had banned guns, she wouldn't have said his safety was being threatened by folks questioning his decision. But when a woman makes a decision like that...."oh you can't question her, you're being misogynistic and akshully you're posing a real threat to her safety". Pi$$ off. Comments like that give feminists a bad name.

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In a way, Caroline Orr Bueno isn't wrong. Governments can do all kinds of tyrannical stuff under the aegis of an "emergency." The question is how much tyranny the governed are willing to accept. I'm not sure the story is over in New Mexico, though. Sounds like a temporary setback to me.

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Police refusing to comply is a temporary setback. Citizens refusing to comply is the end.

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Keep an eye on Illinois. Governor signed a law banning and forcing citizens to register their AR-15s. He said there would be consequences for not doing so. All but 2 or 3 county sheriffs announced that they viewed it as an infringement on the 2A and would not enforce it.

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the ugly comes when the two are at odds

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I’m not Confucianist by any stretch, but the “mandate of heaven” is apropos, as is Peel’s principle of “policing by consent”.

Legitimate authority is granted by the willingness of the people to consider it legitimate. As fewer people accept legitimacy, authority is eroded. Heavy handed action to maintain power erodes trust and undermines legitimacy further. Eventually enough people say “enough” and the tipping point is reached.

“Failed states” are failed because the population doesn’t accept the validity of the state and everyone looks out for themselves.

I don’t accept the moral concept or the means of the accelerationists, but their analysis is spot on.

The managerialists are intellectually not equipped to oppose accelerationism, because they cannot comprehend it.

The man who murdered so many in Christchurch is evil, but he is no white supremacist and the NZ Labor government reacted precisely as he intended. He won, despite his arrest and conviction.

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Chris, major points for the Baghdad Bob reference. He's top shelf meme.

I believe, on a psychological level, this is only partly about guns. I think the driving impulse for people like Lujan Grisham is impotence when confronted with fundamental citizens' rights. I suspect many of her ilk are less bothered by senseless death than they are by their inability to interfere with responsible people going about their lives without government permission.

There are so many ways to tackle and reduce violent crime. Yet politicians eschew practical solutions for these empty gestures that signify nothing but gnashing and wailing at things they don't have a right to control, and are ineffective anyway.

Try this instead: Expand gun rights and citizen competence in being their own first responder. Teach kids to respect guns while they're in school, with gun safety classes. Bring back high school shooting sports teams. Have police departments sponsor and teach self-defense courses, up to and including lethal self-defense with a gun.

Imagine a state where the law-abiding are actually feared by criminals? What will that do to crime rates. Take a wild guess.

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And expand 2A to include autonomous non-lethal weapons. Someone breaks into my house in the middle of the night, they're dealing with pepper spray, blinding lasers, and grease on the floor while I arm myself.

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For a quick hack on chemical deterrents: foaming wasp spray.

Foam gives you a quick visual on accuracy (the head/eyes) for aim correction.

'course, I got a Plan B follow up called Winchester...

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My plan B is Fido. Plan C is Winchester.

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Seems kinda messed up to make fido eat the bugs, but I suppose he won't mind.

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My question is how do you get the wasps to foam? I suppose shaking the can would rile them up...

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The foaming wasp spray is a really good idea. Hadn't ever thought of that.

We don't have any firearms, but at this point the bear, the coyote, the fox family, and that evil, chicken-killing mink are pushing me to consider a critter gun.

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RFKjr talks about about taking guns to school for gun club meetings after school in an era where there were NO school shootings

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Yes. I’m the same age as Kennedy and my high school had a gun club. Members could bring a cased and unloaded handgun to school on meeting days. No one gave it a second thought. This was suburban Los Angeles, not rural Texas or Oklahoma.

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Treat "experts" like the media, every day is opposite day. Unfortunately common sense died to the scolds.

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Hmm, who is Caroline Orr Bueno, Ph.D, "RVAWonk"?


"Feminist. Behavioral Scientist. Freelancer. I study disinformation, psychological warfare, & the extremes of human behavior. Then I write about it for you."

Who the hell is @RVAwonk and how is she cracking the Kremlin's code?

US News, December 28, 2017


"A social sciences scholar studying human interactions on the Internet, Orr watched the cyber-war continue unabated in real time. Her Twitter feed plays an invaluable role in decoding the cyber-mysteries of Trump and Russia for the amateur sleuth and average reader alike."

"Garossino: Caroline Orr, as a doctoral fellow in behavioral sciences at Virginia Commonwealth University, how did you acquire such expertise in viral social media campaigns and the Trump-Russia controversy?

Orr: Well, like a lot of the other people who do this, I stumbled into it. My colleagues and I were looking at risk-based communication on social media. Do the behavioral and psychological theories that we’ve developed for real life apply to social media?

We studied topics from domestic violence to gun violence to Ebola to refugees, which set me up with a background to look at social media analytics from a more systematic framework."

"Garossino: As a behavioural scientist, do you have an opinion about whether exposure to this degree of messaging affects behaviour? Could it affect voting behaviour?

Orr: Behavioral theories tell you that if you want to change people’s behaviour, the first thing you do is target their attitudes and social norms. If you can make a Trump voter believe that other Trump voters support or oppose something, they’re more likely to take that view on as their own.

So a huge part of these hashtags campaigns and what goes on in social media is manipulation of people’s perceptions of what people like them support, think, and do."

FF - This "expert" is a professional PsyOps propagandist. Weaponized psychology, "behavioral science," aka "The Science (TM) of the Pandemic," "The Best Science" we must follow. I've written extensively about the role of weaponized, abusive behavioral science since 2020, and even before then on a much more subtle basis. These are professional liars. Information war combatants who's weapon is illusion, making you obey the orders of anti-constitutional forces who have commandeered our nation by making us believe they have power over us they do not have. To disarm us of our constitutional rights by making us believe we don't have them. Compliance is consent. Emphasizing the importance of non-compliance.

Expert liars and deceivers. That's all they are. Treat them accordingly.

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Dissertation on smoking cessation:


So she's a gun expert.

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She probably doesn't know 5.56 from .223. In fairness, she probably does know the difference between regular and menthol.

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I would like to know how much she was paid to float this trial balloon?

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Does my PhD make me an expert too. If so in my EXPERT opinion this women is an idiot.

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To clarify both these women. Grisham is scum to boot. She’s my Governor and she’s been horrible on everything

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yes. and the previous female governor was scum also.

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Insane or just stupid? Hard to tell with that governor. The broader question is for the voters who put into office: insane or stupid?

Danny Huckabee

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Actually, it’s evil made manifest. She actually believes she possesses the authority to unilaterally determine your rights on a daily basis. At heart, she’s a Maoist – “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” At some point, the ppl may take up American Maoists on that proposition.

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Same answer for the voters. It's hard to tell. 😏

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I’m just glad people are finally pushing back on these tin-pot dictators.

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