
"How do you know the waiter has brought a journalist the wrong food? Because the journalist points at the plate and says, 'These tacos are white nationalism, climate denier!'”


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Great article, but it leaves off (to me) the most hilarious part:

The "journalists" complained that Tucker was in Russia to interview Putin and HE'S OBVIOUSLY A TRAITOR FOR DOING THAT.

Then Tucker said "Nobody in the west has interviewed Putin" and the media screams "WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO INTERVIEW HIM FOR YEARS BUT HAVE BEEN REFUSED!!"

Wait......but you just said interviewing Putin was treason..........

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You perfectly captured mainstream media's doublethink: "We need to arrest everyone who disagrees with us about politics or else we’re going to lose our system of open society to authoritarianism."

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

Fuck the EU. We saved their sorry asses two times in the last century. Even though I don't believe for a minute Putin has any designs on Western Europe, as far as I am concerned he is welcome to it, free of charge. That way we can direct our valuable resources to more worthy pursuits like trans rights in Saudi Arabia.

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For me I first noticed this about thirty years ago. I had a five year bout of ill health. Which I fixed. With little to no help from doctors. But they did give me a diagnosis, meaningless, but they gave me one. So I read research on what they told me. It was garbage. Really shocking as this was the first medical research I had ever read. They would write an abstract, saying what they intended to do. Then, give an overview of what they found. Then I would get into the actual numbers. AND THE NUMBERS DISPROVED WHAT THEY SAID THEY PROVED!! They would then conclude with a ‘just as so and so and so and so found, we found….blah blah blah….but more research is needed’. I would then look into their noted previous research findings. Same thing. So and so and so and so never found what they claim to have. They didn’t. But it was accepted. They repeated it. And…..GIVE THEM MORE MONEY!! That is all it was.

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Send Kristol, Frum, Max Boot, and all the neocon warmongers to the front lines ASAP. That would end the war by tomorrow. Sadly they have brought their grift to Substack at The Bulwark: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-lick-boots-at-the-bulwark

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

Perhaps because my mind doesn't want to accept it, I have to keep telling myself that, unfortunately, we really are in the sort of world that Orwell created, where 2+2=5.

The transformation will be complete when they actually build the physical gulags, which I fear they will (because how can they not?), rather than merely gulagging people off social media and out of work.

All bets really, truly, are off. The world you thought you inhabited was either never really there, or was sort of there but is in the process of being destroyed.

Without some sort of radical change of course, it has all gone.

Without it, the future you thought your children would have they will not have.

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

"...you catch yourself muttering but you JUST SAID…."

It's very disconcerting when you first notice this coming from some source you've been taught is authoritative. I distinctly remember an incident from so long ago it was before woke-ism or DEI back in the stone ages (the 70's) when I was in college. I read a paragraph in a textbook for a history or political science class that I couldn't make sense of. My usual response to such a thing was to skip such a paragraph and ignore it. This time I resolved that I should really carefully read the paragraph, so I could understand it. On careful reading, I realized that the concluding sentence flatly contradicted the topic sentence, and the sentences in between bounced from one to the other. That was why I couldn't understand it. That incident changed my life profoundly.

The news media folks are terrible at disguising these contradictions with their Humpty Dumpty proclamations, and I think there are now millions of us here in the US who no longer give them the benefit of the doubt, so most of us don't bother consuming their product anymore. I actually read an article from my local (San Diego) paper the other day that talked about a $56 million fund to move the rail tracks in part of north county away from the cliffs that close them with landslides after severe rain. Climate Change™ was mentioned at least 6 times, and part of the article mentioned sea level rise as one of the hazards. Even at their lowest point, the tracks are at least 8 feet above sea level, and even scientists who are convinced of sea level rise are only talking about 2 feet by the end of the 21st century.

What's really happening is cliff collapse after saturation with water. That has gone on forever. Where do you think the sand on the beaches comes from? Maybe God created beaches on the 8th day? Beach sand comes from the mouths of rivers and the dissolution of cliffs. We dam the rivers and reinforce the seaside cliffs (so rich people's homes don't collapse and get washed out to sea). Then we find that our beaches are eroding, and we transport sand from the Tijuana Estuary 50 miles or so north to restock the beaches. Why? Because there are no dams on the Tijuana River, so it still floods and deposits sand on the coast. Aren't the nature lovers the ones who are supposed to understand that "I fought Mother Nature and Mother Nature won," is the way of the world?

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

The detachment from common sense reality is the core of this delusion that we witness online, and it’s bleeding into online people’s other life…their actual physical life.

More and more of my time spent with people is allocated to bringing them into the truth of their actual physical reality…and away from their opinions, theories and emotion-based principles.

Western civilization is drifting further and further away from the truth of nature.

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

As Don Surber points out, a number of left leaning American quasi-journalists including Baba Wawa ( Barbara Walters ), creepy Charlie Rose, and others have interviewed Putin. Nobody got their Lululemons in a bunch. But now Tucker is Preppy Man Bad. The difference now of course is that the regime apparatchiks here are terrified that Putin may tell his side of the story and because our narrative is BS and dominated by liars, thieves, and crybullies, Putin the thug may be more believable. Crying wolf only works for so long. Defending “democracy” while destroying democracy only works for so long. FAFO.

Your comparison of Bill Kristol’s and David Frum’s carefully fabricated whining to a homeless drug addict having a psychotic break is hilariously apt. These guys are such desperate attention hoes. They make Kathy Griffin look like Spinoza.

Irving Kristol is doing barrel rolls in his grave.

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

I have a hard time deciding which is more likely. Buffy from Columbia Journalism school is shilling for the global predators by writing gibberish, or she just does not understand basic logic. Probably both.

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

They are shocked, Shocked, that people are not believing the official narratives anymore. What we are seeing is desperation and yes, insanity, as the definition goes, keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.

Maybe their house of cards will collapse.....

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I love the sweet, sweet tears of MSM "journalists" who have been laid off. Worthless human garbage.

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

I, like my counterparts in China and Iran, am relieved that my leaders are willing to do the hard work of choosing their opposition leaders and determining what ideas may be expressed. So selfless of them.

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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

I’m using Siri, so this might be ugly.

I don’t know where Charles Schulz found the brilliant voice for adults in the peanuts cartoons, but I have used that example for something not understandable for the past 40 years.

In fact, our advanced biology teacher in high school was named Mr. Hawks.

My best friend, while we were leaving the school to go smoke weed or something nefarious, opened the door to his classroom and screamed “Mr. Haaaaaawwwwwkkkkssss!” Just like he was coughing up a Lougee!

I laughed so hard a little pee came out.

I’m laughing now as I remember it.

Anyway, we would often answer Mr. Hawks questions with the adult peanuts voice. It was so damn funny.

Mr. Hawks struggled mightily with our class. You’ve got to be pretty damn nerdy to get pushed around by your students in 1986!

In the 80s the greatest fear of teachers was incompetence. Today it’s grooming.

I’ll take the dummies seven days a week.

I had a warm shower of schadenfreude reading the paragraph about the collapse of the media companies.

I also laughed out loud at Randy’s first sentence about what to do with the EU.

I spent a couple of years in Germany in the early 90s. They can suck it.

In all of this hysteria about Putin, Iran, the Palestinian genocide… What the fuck happened Nordstream?!?!

Did we seriously destroy a pipeline that kept Europe warm?

I wonder if someone could contact all of the boomers to have them turn off the news and all legacy media for two weeks. That would probably be enough for all of it to collapse.


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Feb 7Liked by Chris Bray

Wait…Hitler’s in Moscow? How can that be, I thought Hitler was at Mar-a-Lago? Uh oh, could there be TWO Hitlers?

I’d “almost” like to see them sanction, bar or even arrest Tucker…that might just prove to be the “tipping point” this nation needs.

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