"How do you know the waiter has brought a journalist the wrong food? Because the journalist points at the plate and says, 'These tacos are white nationalism, climate denier!'”


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Great link Chris 💩🦨💩👍🏼

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Dad jokes of the current thing. Love it!

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Great article, but it leaves off (to me) the most hilarious part:

The "journalists" complained that Tucker was in Russia to interview Putin and HE'S OBVIOUSLY A TRAITOR FOR DOING THAT.

Then Tucker said "Nobody in the west has interviewed Putin" and the media screams "WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO INTERVIEW HIM FOR YEARS BUT HAVE BEEN REFUSED!!"

Wait......but you just said interviewing Putin was treason..........

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There is absolutely no self awareness in journalism. It’s mind boggling.

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Catch-22: The only journalist Putin would agree to be interviewed by must be the kind of stooge who shouldn’t be allowed to interview him.

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What do you mean “allowed”? Allowed by whom, exactly?

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Well they're just waiting for a more authoritarian leader to replace him.

Oh wait...never mind. They never thought to ask the most obvious question:

What does Russia look like post-Putin?

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Unicorns and candy canes?

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Yeah and little cherubs and garden gnomes

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Clearly he does not understand the new_normal_new_world_order democracy Gnomenclature!

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Perhaps because that's what we elect to "govern" in the West?

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Gender unicorns... all the way down.

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it most likely looks alot like russia today. And Putin isnt going anywhere anyway, unless he drops dead of natural causes. The neocon warpigs just need a bad guy to point the finger at to keep that war spigot running. Putin, Hamas, Houthis, its all the same.

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I doubt Russia will get another leader as restrained, competent and thoughtful as Putin after he retires but he has set the nation on a solid footing so even if his successor isn't as good they'll do okay. My main concern is his successor won't be as even-tempered and restrained when dealing with the submental child-leaders of the west, but we'll probably have collapsed by then anyway and we'll have an opening to replace our lot of incompetents. That's what I pray for anyway.

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Medvedev. In college, I heard about an engineering class taught by an Asian professor who was considered tough. He would tell his students, "You fail my class you have to take it over. Next time my brother teach it. I'm the *easy* marker."

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Do any of these people remember ABC traveling to Afghanistan to interview Osama bin Laden circa 1998? Did it come up on Twitter at all last night? The interviewer, John Miller, wrote a long reminiscence about it in 2016: https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a1813/osama-bin-laden-interview/

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The Osama bin Laden interview was cited, along with a dozen other times Western journalists had interviewed Putin. Putin probably stopped giving interviews when he realized that these "journalists" were just propagandists.

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You perfectly captured mainstream media's doublethink: "We need to arrest everyone who disagrees with us about politics or else we’re going to lose our system of open society to authoritarianism."

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Fuck the EU. We saved their sorry asses two times in the last century. Even though I don't believe for a minute Putin has any designs on Western Europe, as far as I am concerned he is welcome to it, free of charge. That way we can direct our valuable resources to more worthy pursuits like trans rights in Saudi Arabia.

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Putin isn’t dumb enough to go after Western Europe directly, he knows he’d get his ass handed to him, the EU and US are not Ukraine. I believe he’s content to watch the US waste money and reputation propping up the penis pianist.

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not sure our fighting forces could beat russia on the battle field. The numbers are low, the leadership is incompetent and the moral is in the shitter.

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Don't forget veterans! There are a whole lot of unhappy veterans right now. Afghanistan and that effing shot mandate forced the best ones to quit/retire. Never forget - there are no ex-Marines! Semper Fi! You're right about leadership being incompetant. The real soldiers don't have that cranial-rectal inversion going on or Milley's "white rage/empty brain" syndrome.

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Don't be so sure about that. It was always a fact, even during the Cold War when NATO was a far superior force compared to now, that if the Soviets had wanted to overrun Europe they could have. Of course that would've been madness and likely nuclear holocaust, not to mention the Soviets had enough headaches managing the satellites they already controlled so a pan-European invasion as never on the table. IMO the whole thing was a contrivance to funnel trillions to the MIC and keep us all on edge and pliable while our leaders looted and cheated us of our money and rights. Same as it ever was.

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There was a Canadian documentary series in 1982, called "War", that admitted as much. They said if Russian tanks poured through the Fulda Gap (whatever that is) into Europe, NATO would be overwhelmed within days and would be forced to use tactical nuclear weapons.

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Last year the EU decided they would send 1 million artillery rounds to Ukraine. After they tallied up who had what, they couldn’t find a million between all of them. Germany has sent most of their super tanks to perish in the Ukraine.

Russia has moved its economy to a war footing for over two years. I’m betting they have several million artillery rounds. The US army has less than 100k active duty members at this point. Historic low. US marines, less than 30k. Not a good outlook.

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I agree with you completely. Would Western Europe be any worse if Putin took over every country? They’re about as FU as you can get.

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For me I first noticed this about thirty years ago. I had a five year bout of ill health. Which I fixed. With little to no help from doctors. But they did give me a diagnosis, meaningless, but they gave me one. So I read research on what they told me. It was garbage. Really shocking as this was the first medical research I had ever read. They would write an abstract, saying what they intended to do. Then, give an overview of what they found. Then I would get into the actual numbers. AND THE NUMBERS DISPROVED WHAT THEY SAID THEY PROVED!! They would then conclude with a ‘just as so and so and so and so found, we found….blah blah blah….but more research is needed’. I would then look into their noted previous research findings. Same thing. So and so and so and so never found what they claim to have. They didn’t. But it was accepted. They repeated it. And…..GIVE THEM MORE MONEY!! That is all it was.

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My family went through the same medical maze for more than a decade. The combination of arrogance, ineptitude and gaslighting got so bad that my older daughter was invited to give a talk at a Congressional hearing. Luckily, my wife took matters into her own hands and healed my daughters and herself after doctors said it couldn’t be done. By the time Covid came around, we were prepared for all the lies they told us and the pressure they were putting on everyone.

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The book "Bad Pharma" explains it all.

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Classic Orwellian doublespeak - "more research is needed" MEANS "give us more money".

I suspect this defines virtually ALL modern medi/pharma research.

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This is being noticed now. The claims in the abstracts and conclusions of scientific papers contradict the data in the paper. At least 30% of the research results cannot be replicated, and most research is never subject to replication attempts because no one is willing to pay for it.

I'm seeing scientific papers in the press claiming results with outrageously high sigma values, basically claiming there's only one chance in a trillion trillion that they are wrong, followed a month later by a different paper from a different team claiming the exact opposite result, and with even higher sigma values. It's beginning to look like a lot of what we consider to be "settled science" is garbage.

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Send Kristol, Frum, Max Boot, and all the neocon warmongers to the front lines ASAP. That would end the war by tomorrow. Sadly they have brought their grift to Substack at The Bulwark: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-lick-boots-at-the-bulwark

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Twenty years ago, as an E-5, I signed the Kagans up for visits from a recruiter. I feel good about this.

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Thank you for your service.

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You must be very competent, and a good guy. All the top Sgts, E5s I have ever met were good guys.

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I blundered into the rank, because I got called back from the IRR and they counted all of my time at home as time in service and time in rank. So I may be an exception!

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Nothing you have written makes me doubt you are a good guy.

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If I had to hire an E5 or an ex Captain/Major etc sight unseen? No question. I would hire the E5.

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Just like Gen Hayden recommended for all unwaxed people. That evil son of a bitch actually tweeted that unwaxed Americans should be sent to Afghanistan.

Recall, active duty Court, Marshall strip of rank and pension, and let him die in a military prison.


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He has a point about unwaxed people. Those hairy armpits - ugh.

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Its the unvaxed women with their hairy feet and those thick pads of callous on the soles of their feet from running around barefoot all day that scare me. I do like how they growl when they have sex though.

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God has taken care of Hayden. He's had a stroke, but continues to be a neocon/Deep State demigod, interviewed by obsequious twits. He babbles incoherently, and the twits sing his praises.

Seems like God's punishment.

Oct 10, 2023: Hayden: ""I was surprised to wake up this morning and discover that many MAGAnuts had lost their minds over my suggestion that 'Coach' Tuberville not be considered a member of the human race," Hayden tweeted on Tuesday. "I stand by that view. I'm wishing you all a nice day even the intransigent Tommy Tuberville."

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Learning he had a stroke has struck me right in the solar plexus. It showed me my own hatred, which is not a good look for anyone.

His continued hatred of MAGAnuts does still boil my blood--but he's also a dying boomer...

I think what is more accurate is how this made me feel about my own rhetoric, and how I need to reel myself in.


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Wow. Learning this absolutely DD deflates my hate balloon.

He is not a good man. But suffering a stroke puts the hardship on his family more than him.

My immediate response when reading your post was a small prayer…asking forgiveness for my own hatred, and for Hayden and his family.

Best outcome would be for someone, optimally a previous subordinate of his, to punch him right in the nose. To do that to a stroke victim is just like punching a baby….takes all the joy right out of it.

God does work in mysterious ways…

Thanks for the update Kent.


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I would have tended to agree, except....

Instead of his experience glimpsing his own fragile mortality humanizing him, it seems to have energized him to redouble his own vile hatred, and his own failings, and his vile Russia-Russia-Russia focus, and PC-Prog "Global Warming."

Here's an interview from July 2023: "Gen Michael Hayden, former DIRNSA & D/CIA on Protecting & Preserving the US Intelligence Community"


No regrets, no humanizing. If he'd just fade away, I could feel a little compassion for his suffering.

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Certainly not a repentant man...I was planning to look up when he had his stroke last night. Just did. 2018. My thought last night was that maybe the stroke has influenced his unhinged hatred of the right. Maybe.

Some of my vitriol should be pointed at these a$$hats who continue to interview him as well. If he was just an angry 'stay off my lawn' retiree, no one would care. Instead the legacy media uses him as a tool against Trump, MAGA, and 1/2 of the country. That is just as, if not more, egregious.

Sad truth is that previously I admired this chump. I worked SIGINT. I know people relatively high up at NSA. We met when we were young NCOs in the Army. I thought I knew the 'truth'...

...sucks to learn you've been manipulated your entire life...


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Yep, I was both a siginter and a CIA ops officer.

But I saw through them pretty quickly, and was unable to handle the bureaucracy--which mostly means that their values were not my values--got what was good for me and got out asap.

Hayden is/was especially egregious. He was at the forefront of the war on those who exposed the illegal operations that the IC carried out. Then he was at the forefront of the Russia! Russia! Russia! hoax. Then he was at the forefront of the Hunter Biden laptop denial hoax. And on and on.

Hayden is a detestable Golem-like Deep State/neocon creature--squirming out of his slimy cave to cast aspersions and hatred on those of us who live in the light. Regardless of blood leaking in his brain, or not.

I'm still convinced that God struck him down.

And yes, those who worship at his feet are just as detestable--they're just Deep State groupies publicly demonstrating their fealty to their masters.

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Would also end the neocons, so that's another win!

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You will never get rid of them. Actually they will outlive cockroaches.

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Strap on some snowshoes and have those bleepers clear a minefield.

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Perhaps because my mind doesn't want to accept it, I have to keep telling myself that, unfortunately, we really are in the sort of world that Orwell created, where 2+2=5.

The transformation will be complete when they actually build the physical gulags, which I fear they will (because how can they not?), rather than merely gulagging people off social media and out of work.

All bets really, truly, are off. The world you thought you inhabited was either never really there, or was sort of there but is in the process of being destroyed.

Without some sort of radical change of course, it has all gone.

Without it, the future you thought your children would have they will not have.

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This is my worry too. You may have seen the meme. They are doing it again because you didn't hang them last time. We have become fat and lazy and trusting of authority. Many are dependent on the regime, so they'll never revolt.

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“They are doing it again because you didn't hang them last time.”


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They’re already building the gulags, just calling them ‘illegal migrant housing’ for now. It is hard to wrap your mind around though. I think most people come up against a bit of a wall when thinking about what the future looks like for their kids & grandkids. Maybe people will become more awake & engaged as that bleak future picture sinks in if we don’t turn this around.

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That is usually my way in when trying to get through to people. What will the world look like for your children. With all the schemes, including colossal migration, it will look like no job, never owning a home or having children, and likely being killed by someone who doesn't even speak your language.

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I agree, and yet, if we really believe this, why are we writing these thoughts in public?

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If the choice is live in fear, keep your head down and pretend everything in the garden is rosy, or stand up and point out what is going on, I choose the latter option.

Apart from anything else, if we don't do that, and try to wake more people up, we are going to be steam rolled.

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A gulag to hold over 100 million Americans? Many of them armed? Not going to happen. They can't even control the Texas National Guard. They should've picked a smaller cohort to direct their insane hatred at. It only works when they're less than 5% of the population.

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You don't need a gulag to hold 100 million. You need gulags to hold a few hundred thousand, plus show trials and executions - now instantly televisable - pour encourager les autres.

It doesn't pay to be complacent.

The list of places where governments have imprisoned and even killed millions of their own citizens, with the assistance of the police and army, and their fellow citizens (whom they have carefully radicalised over a period of years, note), is long.

After his own gulag experiences and subsequent exile from the Soviet Union, Solzhenitsyn made the point that all it took was a lack of resistance - if they had physically attacked the NKVD/KGB as they came to arrest them, the NKVD/KGB might have backed off.

But they acquiesced.

I'm writing from England, where we have been disarmed by our government.

Yes, you are armed. So the US is one of the few places where the population - if it has Solzhenitsyn's missing will - at least has the means to resist.

If the police come to arrest you, you can fight back meaningfully.

But if a significant number of woke, authoritarian, bullying cops or soldiers were prepared to stand off and hit you from range, you'd be toast.

Will the police kill you for fighting back, or will they side with the government? I expect a mix of the two, but if you shoot Officer Dave then his friends may not be well-disposed to you, no matter their beliefs.

Will the Army be called in - and, if they are called in, will they obey a neo-Stalin? Your current top brass would obey him in a heartbeat, and you're losing standard patriotic American grunts at a rate of knots and replacing them with... who? Remember Spenser Rapone? He was the newly-minted 2Lt who posed at his 2016 West Point graduation wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt and showing his hat which bore inside it the message, 'Communism will win.' A hundred years ago there's a fair chance he'd have been lynched. In 2017, he was discharged from the US army to a comfortable life at a woke university. In 2024, would he even be discharged? I suggest it's quite possible that he'd be fast-tracked. Things are changing, at pace.

How many people would resist? How many are actually prepared to die for their beliefs? How many are prepared to die for their neighbours? How many will rat out their neighbours?

These are all imponderables. I hope we never have to find out.

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There are one million gun owners in my state. When the legislature proposed new laws to infringe our Constitutional rights even further, a protest was organized in the state capital in front of the legislature. Of those 1,000,000 gun owners, 300 showed up. The legislature ignored us.

A law-abiding gun owner - a black woman from a neighboring state - drove into my state, made a lane change without signaling, and was pulled over by the cops. She handed over her license and registration, and her gun owner card, and notified the officer that she had a gun in the car, as required by law in her state. She was arrested, charged with illegal gun possession, and threatened with ten years in prison. There was barely a peep from gun owners in either state.

There will be no meaningful resistance.

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Then people will get what they deserve.

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I am beginning to think what is coming is not collapse, total takeover or triumph of the masses. It is a culling of the obedient, the fat and the conformist. I think many will acquiesce and they will be killed for their troubles, even if it is some kind of medical intervention. Covid was essentially a gullibility test as well as a test of conformity.

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I suppose everyone has a tipping point - it's probably about recognising what is (or may be) happening.

Your million gun owners might have reacted differently if the plan had been a total overthrow of the 2nd Amendment, and if they had also understood that there was a plan to cull them.

I'm not saying this is what is planned, I'm just saying that people react differently to different stimuli.

Whatever the ultimate plan, one of the cleverest things governments are doing is proceeding incremementally, with caution, with cover from the media and the sheep.

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"...you catch yourself muttering but you JUST SAID…."

It's very disconcerting when you first notice this coming from some source you've been taught is authoritative. I distinctly remember an incident from so long ago it was before woke-ism or DEI back in the stone ages (the 70's) when I was in college. I read a paragraph in a textbook for a history or political science class that I couldn't make sense of. My usual response to such a thing was to skip such a paragraph and ignore it. This time I resolved that I should really carefully read the paragraph, so I could understand it. On careful reading, I realized that the concluding sentence flatly contradicted the topic sentence, and the sentences in between bounced from one to the other. That was why I couldn't understand it. That incident changed my life profoundly.

The news media folks are terrible at disguising these contradictions with their Humpty Dumpty proclamations, and I think there are now millions of us here in the US who no longer give them the benefit of the doubt, so most of us don't bother consuming their product anymore. I actually read an article from my local (San Diego) paper the other day that talked about a $56 million fund to move the rail tracks in part of north county away from the cliffs that close them with landslides after severe rain. Climate Change™ was mentioned at least 6 times, and part of the article mentioned sea level rise as one of the hazards. Even at their lowest point, the tracks are at least 8 feet above sea level, and even scientists who are convinced of sea level rise are only talking about 2 feet by the end of the 21st century.

What's really happening is cliff collapse after saturation with water. That has gone on forever. Where do you think the sand on the beaches comes from? Maybe God created beaches on the 8th day? Beach sand comes from the mouths of rivers and the dissolution of cliffs. We dam the rivers and reinforce the seaside cliffs (so rich people's homes don't collapse and get washed out to sea). Then we find that our beaches are eroding, and we transport sand from the Tijuana Estuary 50 miles or so north to restock the beaches. Why? Because there are no dams on the Tijuana River, so it still floods and deposits sand on the coast. Aren't the nature lovers the ones who are supposed to understand that "I fought Mother Nature and Mother Nature won," is the way of the world?

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The detachment from common sense reality is the core of this delusion that we witness online, and it’s bleeding into online people’s other life…their actual physical life.

More and more of my time spent with people is allocated to bringing them into the truth of their actual physical reality…and away from their opinions, theories and emotion-based principles.

Western civilization is drifting further and further away from the truth of nature.

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I see it. I see it in the landscape of Los Angeles.

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oh I would love to hear some examples!

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As Don Surber points out, a number of left leaning American quasi-journalists including Baba Wawa ( Barbara Walters ), creepy Charlie Rose, and others have interviewed Putin. Nobody got their Lululemons in a bunch. But now Tucker is Preppy Man Bad. The difference now of course is that the regime apparatchiks here are terrified that Putin may tell his side of the story and because our narrative is BS and dominated by liars, thieves, and crybullies, Putin the thug may be more believable. Crying wolf only works for so long. Defending “democracy” while destroying democracy only works for so long. FAFO.

Your comparison of Bill Kristol’s and David Frum’s carefully fabricated whining to a homeless drug addict having a psychotic break is hilariously apt. These guys are such desperate attention hoes. They make Kathy Griffin look like Spinoza.

Irving Kristol is doing barrel rolls in his grave.

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Irving wasn't so great either, according to an old hiking friend, a NYC Trotskyite, who knew him but didn't like him. Seems he had much the same personality as his worthless sonny boy.

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Your friend or Irving’s friend?

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A friend of mine (though we never saw things the same politically) was in the same Trotskyite circle as Irving, I imagine in the late 1930s or early '40s.

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Being a Trotskyite must have been quite frustrating, especially for Trotsky.

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Once they turned neocon, they've done well for themselves despite never being right about anything. Kristol, Frum, Kagan, Nuland, et al have never been closer to getting their revenge on Russia, even if it means the Sampson Option for the rest of us.

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Well let’s hope these dangerous dingbats are frustrated on that account. They’re never right, but they somehow hang on to power.

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And I admit I had to look up FAFO

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Fart Around Feral Otters. I've never understood that one at all.

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Bret Weinstein will steal that.

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Funny how your mind works🙂

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Proceed until apprehended.

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I have a hard time deciding which is more likely. Buffy from Columbia Journalism school is shilling for the global predators by writing gibberish, or she just does not understand basic logic. Probably both.

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"Buffy from Columbia Journalism school" is unfortunately incapable of recognizing logic, or coherent writing, as she has been taught neither.

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Buffy's not alone. I saw a short clip yesterday, maybe on Revolver News, of several college students from Kennesaw State ("one of Georgia's most innovative institutions in teaching and learning") who were stumped when asked "what's 4 x 15?" One thought the answer was 23, but then they all agreed it's 48. But hell, they're probably not math majors anyway.

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That was amazing. I have seen many similar videos though. College kids being asked what other significant positions has Joe Biden held before becoming President. Who fought in the war of Independence, and the Civil War. Half the college educated kids couldn’t answer these questions.

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Case in point Taylor Lorenz at Wapo. (op)

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They are shocked, Shocked, that people are not believing the official narratives anymore. What we are seeing is desperation and yes, insanity, as the definition goes, keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity.

Maybe their house of cards will collapse.....

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It absolutely will collapse, in some form, but when and how remains to be seen. It can't go on.

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Without question, the house of cards will collapse.

By the way, we are inside the house.

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I also suspect we are witnessing fear. At some level they have to understand all those polls showing loss of respect and trust for the media may translate into ropes thrown over lampposts. The media have served their invisible masters well and we have noticed the lies.

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The old New York Times building in NYC had a lot of lamp posts outside of the building. The new headquarters building has none.

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We are watching their house of cards collapse.

But I worry about the damage they may inflict on the world as they writhe and flail about in their death throes.

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I love the sweet, sweet tears of MSM "journalists" who have been laid off. Worthless human garbage.

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Maybe they are just misunderstood, you know, like Obama was, twice.

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That poor man.

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He was just too good for this world.

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I, like my counterparts in China and Iran, am relieved that my leaders are willing to do the hard work of choosing their opposition leaders and determining what ideas may be expressed. So selfless of them.

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I’m using Siri, so this might be ugly.

I don’t know where Charles Schulz found the brilliant voice for adults in the peanuts cartoons, but I have used that example for something not understandable for the past 40 years.

In fact, our advanced biology teacher in high school was named Mr. Hawks.

My best friend, while we were leaving the school to go smoke weed or something nefarious, opened the door to his classroom and screamed “Mr. Haaaaaawwwwwkkkkssss!” Just like he was coughing up a Lougee!

I laughed so hard a little pee came out.

I’m laughing now as I remember it.

Anyway, we would often answer Mr. Hawks questions with the adult peanuts voice. It was so damn funny.

Mr. Hawks struggled mightily with our class. You’ve got to be pretty damn nerdy to get pushed around by your students in 1986!

In the 80s the greatest fear of teachers was incompetence. Today it’s grooming.

I’ll take the dummies seven days a week.

I had a warm shower of schadenfreude reading the paragraph about the collapse of the media companies.

I also laughed out loud at Randy’s first sentence about what to do with the EU.

I spent a couple of years in Germany in the early 90s. They can suck it.

In all of this hysteria about Putin, Iran, the Palestinian genocide… What the fuck happened Nordstream?!?!

Did we seriously destroy a pipeline that kept Europe warm?

I wonder if someone could contact all of the boomers to have them turn off the news and all legacy media for two weeks. That would probably be enough for all of it to collapse.


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Sorry for my language but my defense is that my father was in the Navy (LOL). Plus I'm really getting pissed off at the pansy ass Europeans thinking they have any superiority over anyone considering how much they have f'ed up their continent.

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No apology needed!

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The german and danish investigations are ongoing, and the germans at least are (almost) openly stating it was ukrainian special forces saboteurs operating from a yacht, that did the deed.

Meanwhile, the swedish proescutor dropped the case yesterday, claiming not having jurisdiction. Curious that it took almost a year and a half to realise that, no?

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Yes, it was Ukrainians, in a small yacht. They had every reason to damage Germany as they supply Ukraine with weapons. The massive NATO naval exercises in the immediate area of the pipeline prior could not possibly have been an opportunity for US divers to plant explosives. The statement from Biden that Nordstream would be ended was just mis-speaking. The exclusion of Russia from participating in any and all investigations of the destruction of their pipeline is not suspicious at all.

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Wait…Hitler’s in Moscow? How can that be, I thought Hitler was at Mar-a-Lago? Uh oh, could there be TWO Hitlers?

I’d “almost” like to see them sanction, bar or even arrest Tucker…that might just prove to be the “tipping point” this nation needs.

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How many Americans would cheer the arrest?

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He and Trump could share a cell.

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I'm a Hitler, you're a Hitler, he's a Hitler, she's a Hitler, wouldn't you like to be a Hitler too?

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