Some professionally inane Canadian political onanist recently wrote an analysis of the “Freedom Convoy” for the Washington Post — here’s Google’s cached version. Here are the second and third paragraphs, and abandon hope, all ye who enter here:
This, ladies and gentlemen, is shit. I apologize for using arcane academic terminology, but it is shit. A movement that shares “authoritarianist politics” is made up of “rage-soaked antigovernment types.” They’re fascist libertarians! They wanna seize absolute power so they can, so they can, SO THEY CAN like, use it to…to…you know, to not have any government. They’re authoritarian anti-authoritarians, word salad something something Trump something. It’s a pile of random words smashed up in a ball of, I’m repeating myself, pure shit. This person has no thoughts of any kind. He’s chanting slogans from a list. There’s nothing in there — hundreds of words of nothing. Meanwhile, here’s a headline:
You’ll be shocked to hear that the body of this essay goes on to warn that the convoy is also about “white nationalists” and “climate change deniers.” It’s like they have a bucket of this shit next to their desks, and they just slop it all over the page in random order whenever an editor pokes them with a stick. How do you know the waiter has brought a journalist the wrong food? Because the journalist points at the plate and says, “These tacos are white nationalism, climate denier!”
Doing its part, the CBC helpfully explains that the convoy may be assembling in Ottawa because Putin said so:
Elsewhere in the Washington Post, a brilliant cartoonist subtly sums up the Canadian convoy with a single word:
See the nuanced message, there?
So, okay: There’s a coordinated effort between private pharmaceutical corporations and central governments to reject medical autonomy and force people, under a coordinated mix of state and corporate coercion, to inject a state-incentivized corporate product into their bodies. The people who are against that — who argue for informed consent and individual medical decisions centered on personal choice — are fascists. The marriage of state and corporate power is democracy; opposing it in favor of individual freedom is fascism. I think we all remember when Mussolini marched on Rome with the banners that said, “Whatever, man, everybody just do your own thing.”
There’s nothing in any of this. It’s a wall of noise, a tsunami of shit-gibber. You can’t argue with any of it, because none of it is an argument. We have thousands of people in academia and politics and the news media who have no function or ability beyond quacking a series of noises that have been loaded onto their chanting loop: fascism white nationalism trump racism misogyny putin bzzzzt, fascism white nationalism trump racism misogyny putin bzzzzt, fascism white nationalism trump racism misogyny putin whirrrrr [machine enters ‘power saver’ mode].
Our culture is a hole full of shit. All I can tell you, for now, is that you should try to stay out of it.
"Quacking" is appropriate because these people are doubleplusgood duckspeakers:
The intention was to make speech, and especially speech on any subject not ideologically neutral, as nearly as possible independent of consciousness. ... [A] Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgement should be able to spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets.
It’s always we libertarians’ fault for pursuing our centuries old goal of taking over the world so we can leave everyone alone.