Here comes the predictable maneuver.
Background first!
I’ve written roughly four trillion times about the moral and psychological rottenness of California State Senator Scott Wiener — including my very last post here — but today I have to point you back to what I wrote when SB 381 was defeated:
That bill would have allowed children as young as 12 years old to get mRNA injections without parental knowledge or consent, and I was one of the many California parents who forcefully, repeatedly, aggressively, loudly, persistently demanded that the legislature kill the bill. The senate, to its eternal shame, passed the disgusting thing; then the assembly, after some diddling and waffling, defeated it. Even in California, there are things that go too far. But then Wiener instantly ran to the news media to do this:
It’s The Response™. People disagreed with me! That’s violence! You can’t just have a different view of something — all expression of disagreement with a Woke Savior is harassment and intimidation. Misinformation, brainwashed by propaganda, anti-vaxxers, blah blah blah. Amazing that he forget to get “white nationalism” in there. Everything is Nazis, Scott. Try to stay on your game.
And so this week, after Wiener tweeted that it’s transphobic to notice or speak about the grooming behaviors used by pedophiles, he was widely criticized.
Now, here’s the good part. Wiener tweeted a threat he got after the “groomer” controversy, and look at the text of the threat very closely (you may have to click on the tweet to see the full text in the box below Wiener’s message, which sometimes loads and sometimes doesn’t):
It still has the grammar suggestions and cursor bar that appear in DOCUMENTS YOU’RE TYPING YOURSELF.
So then this happened…
…and then he came up with this:
Yes, the message says “your office can’t even pick up the phone.” And you can accept that it’s plausible for Wiener to have typed up a transcription of a message without mentioning that he was doing it. But the absence of self-awareness, in the rush to display a hostile message, is…psychologically interesting. California is releasing thousands of felony-convicted pedophiles from prison; Wiener did author the legislation that substantially decriminalized transmitting HIV without mentioning that you’re HIV positive to the person you’re having sex with. But the problem, you see, is that people speak in angry tones about those choices. That’s unacceptable! So one message to a state legislator’s office is hostile and angry, and that proves that people who disagree with Scott Wiener are vicious morons who want to hurt people.
These are the most predictable people in the history of the universe. Their playbook is a page long.
See also the now-private Twitter account of the crazy-eyed Ottawa public schools trustee who tried and failed to re-implement a mask mandate for students:
People forcefully opposed Nili Kaplan-Myrth’s policy measure, so “there’s no human decency anymore.” Disagreeing with them is an act of cruelty, you monsters. You should be kind and just submit to their every whim, for the sake of kindness. Being normal is far-right behavior!
Unquestioned submission to their premises is being nice. You do want to be nice, don’t you?
So weird how the supply of hate crimes never seems to meet the demand.
Masked phone call. Now THAT's safe.