Chris, if you lived in the DC metro area for a few years you would be conditioned, and this would not surprise you at all. This is where I learned how that world works, in staff meetings. “After this meeting, get Steny on the phone for me.”

It’s a club. Occasionally you will find someone who understands inside there, but for the most part it’s like a different universe. In there, this woman is mainstream. When Clinton came in, all the real defense intelligence people got the boot. Guys I knew did four tours in Vietnam in the USMC, and then went to work for the agency in Laos or Cambodia. I got to know them because they got fired from there and were replaced by No Bueno types. Clinton was deeply involved with the agency when he was Governor of Arkansas. They used his state as their base for running drugs and munitions for the Contras. This is how he became President. Ask Bill Barr, he knows all about it. After that, these people have been in total control of the country, and this is most unfortunate.

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I think many of us are coming to that same conclusion, unfortunately. Obama certainly kicked it up

a notch. What to do? I want my country (and neutral military ) back...that my countryś defense and intel does not get involved in domestic politics (and no more foreign interference either).

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If you want no more foreign interference, then you’re going to have to name them. There is only one nation that brags about owning us and that we do everything they tell us to.

So.... Name them. The truth will set you frei.

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What's also alarming is we've entered a new realm where the media isn't captured by the state like in communism.

In the current situation, the media is leading out front - and has to some extent captured the state/politics.

That might be uncharted territory?

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The Broadcasting Board of Governors gives the MSM its talking points every morning at 4.

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I wonder if they know we know that?

Or are they in their little thought cages and can't imagine the plebs could figure it out?

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They know that some of us know, and they're concerned enough about it to funnel money into places like this.

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They control the media, with our tax dollars, with money that went to Ukraine and came right back, with money we spent in China, with a percentage of profits from drug and human trafficking across our borders, etc.

When they need hard cash, they have their own press and plates to counterfeit currencies. It’s old, but it is in really good condition.

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How would one even write satire at this point? Is it possible? What level of genius level creativity must one possess to even think of anything which hasn’t already been done?

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The Babylon Bee is in the process of rebranding themselves from the best site for satire into the site of prophecies.

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Don’t confuse DOD civilians or DOD funded Wonks with the uniformed military. Very different people, very different rules. This is abhorrent to the Oath to the Constitution and non interference in Civilian politics is sacred. Fraying but sacred.

Now the fraying of course comes from above.

She will be smiled at and addressed as Ma’am or Sir.

Behind the mask of professionalism is 💀 gritting its teeth.

Discipline is like that.

Now they are fools to undermine our moral code , admittedly corruption being their strong suit, but they are still fools.

If your organization and so discipline which is 99% from within (basic training instills it, it has to, but by the end even the middle its internal) if your military’s discipline is based on an oath (it is) and the moral code has non interference in politics as its Holiest of Holies (it does) you’re a mad fool to undermine that code. We are not ruled by fear, certainly not fear of this wankette (my god these wonkers are a dime a dozen, imagine the younger version of the Kagans that she is, she’s a carpet bagger). She’s a nothing.

This brings me to next points;

1. Chris do not drink too deep of these people’s poison, don’t look too deep into their abyss. See James Jesus Angleton.

2. Chris this is an Op. This is a demoralization Operation. Its Intel Chris. You’re like Jack in Chinatown with these humps on a good day. These are not good days. The object here is to not only demoralize the military and discredit it but drive a wedge between the people and their soldiers. Remember we came from the people. She’s a , er, ah Twit, yes, carpet bagging off our sacrifices, and your tax dollars.

Don’t drink their poison.

And take regular days off. This is like researching and investigating serial killers. That’s going to try a soul.

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"...my god these wonkers are a dime a dozen."


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Carpet Baggers. A consistent plague of war.

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"And take regular days off. This is like researching and investigating serial killers. That’s going to try a soul."

Excellent reminder for all of us!

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TLW, interesting perspective. I have no doubt you are right about the aim of the narrative. The serious people in such fields would sooner set themselves on fire than allow any publicity. Whenever anything about intelligence appears in print, you can be 99% certain we are being played. I never cease to be amazed how the academics and other researchers fall for psy-ops that are pure bull-####. The holes in the narrative about the Cambridge spy network are big enough to accommodate a bull elephant.

Re your passing reference to James Jesus Angleton, I assume you have the famous quote about the "wilderness of mirrors" in mind. Angleton was a character, but intellectually and personally serious in a way that can only make one long for the days of old.

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Many thanks for bringing this to light and deconstructing her accusations to expose the hypocrisy in a way that even a leftist could understand. Would they acknowledge it? Probably not.

Thank you for providing me material to forward to others.

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Good luck. It's a shrinking but hardening population, conditioning themselves into ever greater extremes of doublethink.

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The Weather Underground and the spooks met in the shadows of history, and conceived a child. And what rough beast, it's hour come round at last, slouches towards the Beltway to be born?

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Too true! The history of radical politics reveals frequent interaction between revolutionaries and spooks. The 'Marxism' of Obama's mother was a cover for a career in the covert services, but the lefty/progressive sentiment as a whole was sincere, as that current was exceptionally strong within the Deep State during the Cold War.

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Fuck the fuckin fuckers!

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Well said!

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I don’t mean to be harsh, but sometimes you gotta say it!

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There's a place on Substack for beautifully drawn expositive prose, and then there's bumper sticker slogans. Both are important!

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How long are we going to keep paying for our own government to attack us?

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Thanks for this awesome two part article... So spot on.

Immediately this playbook reminds me of an old play. Operation Gladio. Blow stuff up, false flag, blame it on the opposition.

The weirdest part of all the smoke and mirrors is, how in the hell does anyone believe that "right wing violence is on the rise"? Where? I've never seen any.ust be the same place all the COVID deaths are happening

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"the spectacle of the radical pro-Antifa, anti-authoritarian scholar cashing her military-funded paycheck is nosebleed-inducing"

I prefer vomit-worthy. It seems that our entire government has been infiltrated, and now controlled, by anti-American totalitarians.

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But she's only following in the same tradition as all the Leftist academics who've been denouncing Amerikkka and its infinite evils since they started their (sadly) incredibly successful "march through the institutions".

If our higher-ed industrial complex is backed by the feds, if our student loans are issued by the feds and funneled directly to academic coffers, this means that some large chunk of every supposedly radical prof's paycheck comes from ol' Uncle Sam and his benevolent army of taxpayers.

Is this a great country or what? Wake up every day in your nice safe suburban house, drive to your leafy campus, have some coffee and begin your daily denunciations of all things European, sing your sad song of Oppression, and then make sure the govt drops its direct deposit every week.

And I bet in the past 50 yrs not one of our state-subsidized revolutionaries have ever entertained the thought that they're massive frauds and hypocrites.

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Clever Pseudonym, she is merely perpetuating age-old academic behaviour. The content of orthodox belief may change, but the parasitism endures.

The obnoxious thing, at least from my perspective, is not that they are hypocrites, but that they hog the resources available within the system and prevent the development and retention of good scholars.

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You're right. And I guarantee they haven't even considered the notion that they're doing this all at the expense of those children who SHOULD be at university.

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You are so right. Institutional capture has been going on for decades and the fact that we have been subsidizing our own demise is just as brilliant as it is ironic.

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Great writing but I'm not sure how you can devote the RAM to thinking about these people. Saddest part is they are neither bribed nor threatened. They are fooled.

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They have ANNOINTED themselves as “intellectuals” , which is much like the academy awards that Hollywood pats each other on the back with each year. You can only be in their high and holy club if you believe like them. They have soaked themselves in the stew of DC for so long, they are all in lock step and identical, there is NO individuality in their club. Sadly, they forgot, or didn’t study history. If you study every communist regime…everyone who participated in the takeover, was stabbed in the back, shot, buried, and had their wealth confiscated. This is the truth they are ignoring. Their offspring and extended families also. They are preparing their own “funerals” with eyes wide open. Sad.

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This is an important investigation.

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im sure she suppprts Antifa wrecking a “BIPOC” coffeeshop in Portland this week because they wanted to host a community dialogue with police. She supports Antifa because Antifa is sponsored terror, the “okay” kind, who woop when traditional americans get gunned down.

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Kelly, that is it in a nutshell. The people attracted to the Left are responding to cues from the decisionmakers who control resources. So long as Antifa is supported by the right people, those who seek the approval of those people will support Antifa. Ideology per se is vastly less important than ingratiation.

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I don't feel very patriotic anymore. Can't believe I'm saying that.

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I have had similar thoughts lately, and realize that this is exactly what they want and are trying to accomplish, and realize I'm being psyopped and push it away.

Patriotism is to a set of national values and ideals, not to the specific occupants of a government at a given moment.

By that definition, I have never stopped loving America.

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I started flying Old Glory in front of my house full time three years ago. Several other houses on my block do too now, including some whom I know I wouldn't agree with on most of the important issues.

When it got weatherbeaten and threadbare, Mrs Shy had the veterans dispose of it properly and put up a new one, smaller but hand-sewn by veterans, all of her own accord.

Don't ever confuse the government with the People. This is our country.

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Your last sentence is a comfort.

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Agree. I just picked up a flagpole and flag.

About ready to get on the ladder and hang that baby up!

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Yeah. I agree. It's really hard to see this happening to our military.

Thx for the pick me up.

I still think things could get grim though...before they get better.

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No doubt! But I don't intend to be a woman without a country. That response to this situation doesn't appeal to me. If there ends up not being a country, I'll just be a viking raider. Being able to still be an American appeals to my better nature.

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You have my ax...

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You didn't strike me as someone willing to go full bad guy in the absence of a moral framework, but I'll take it!

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Well, I wouldn't condone the whole raiding and pillaging business in normal circumstances, but should I not be able to be an American anymore, well that implies things have gone a bit beyond the pale! I think many of the cases where that situation obtains one is nearly duty bound to strike back, because things have gotten insane. Sometimes a moral framework demands taking up arms. I hope it never comes to that, certainly.

Besides, just because you are raiding doesn't mean you have to go overboard with the whole rapine and murder business. I mean, who really needs a necklace made of dongs? What do you possibly pair that with?

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Cheer up. That’s not the military.

That’s a civilian carpet bagger.

She’s a Camp Follower.

Thanks to mass subsidies of college degrees she has a higher status than the historical women of the camp. I hope that is clear, or I can flesh it out.

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Eh. I'm not a child

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No offense.

I was biting off what I wanted to say, but no offense to you.

She's a Wh0re with a PhD.

Welcome to the 21st century when even the Barracks Wh0res have PhD's.

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Thank you. I caught my husband saying something the other day like "I hate my country," upon hearing about the latest vote to send more billions to Ukraine, and I quickly corrected him, "You hate our current government." He agreed to my correction (he's a very wise man).

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Your husband's reflexive feeling is not rare- which is why I strongly emphasize that this is being perpetrated at least in part on purpose to erode/destroy a sense of national/cultural identity.

A husband whose wife can actually change his mind is indeed a wise man.

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We change our own minds, if they change at all. Differences of opinion or perspective should be easier to reconcile between people in a loving and committed relationship. But it takes patience and empathy.

I don't want to say too much, but I live in a solid-blue city and Mrs Shy is not exactly on the same page as me, politically. It's been gratifying to see most of my family and neighbors gradually come around on the most acute issues, but I don't want to claim too much credit. They can call me a MAGA extremist or whatever, privately, but they can't call me a jerk. I'm much too kind and thoughtful in person.

It's hard to say how effective my approach has really been, but I think it's more effective than the harangue and bombast. Easier to sustain, as well.

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I'm more patriotic now then ever. Im sure I'm on some list as a result.

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Tree of liberty may need refreshing at some point?

We are most definitely on the LIST now!...;)

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I'll put myself on that list!

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Remember the bumper sticker:

I love my country

But I fear my government

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Are you old enough to remember how patriotic we were during the 84' Olympics?

I hope we get back to that place at some point in my life.

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Sure you can trust the Federal Government--just ask an Indian! (Old, sadly true, joke)

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She's there as a Demoralization Op.

Keep that in mind.

This is exactly her purpose, or rather the role she fills for others.

And it's working. See link.

The military families are staying away from the recruiters.

The military is generational.

This is the equivalent of The King of Scotland losing the Clansmen.


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I'm on your side. I believe you.

I'll take a look when I get to a computer. Eyes are getting bad...

Thanks for the link and your replies!

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Me either. Really sad.

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This is off topic but not really: To the people who don't feel patriotic or proud of their heritage I think the speech that Buster Kilrain gives in the Killer Angels defines what it is to be American and i like to hold onto it when i have similar feelings.

Well, if he’s an angel, all right then… but he damn well must be a killer angel.

Colonel, darling, you’re a lovely man. I see a great vast difference between us, yet I admire you, lad. You’re an idealist, praise be. The truth is, Colonel… there is no “divine spark.” There’s many a man alive no more of value than a dead dog. Believe me. When you’ve seen them hang each other the way I have back in the Old Country.

Equality? What I’m fighting for is the right to prove I’m a better man than many of them. Where have you seen this “divine spark” in operation, Colonel? Where have you noted this magnificent equality?

No two things on earth are equal or have an equal chance. Not a leaf, not a tree. There’s many a man worse than me and some better… but I don’t think race or country matters a damn.

What matters, Colonel… is justice. Which is why I’m here. I’ll be treated as I deserve… not as my father deserved.

I’m Kilrain… and I damn all gentlemen.

There is only one aristocracy… and that is right here (taps his forehead).

And that’s why we’ve got to win this war.

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An interesting scene that I hadn't watched before.

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The purpose of Operation Camp Follower with PhD, aka Dr. Orr is Demoralization.

It's working.

She's there as a Demoralization Op.

Keep that in mind.

This is exactly her purpose, or rather the role she fills for others.

And it's working. See link.

The military families are staying away from the recruiters.

The military is generational.

This is the equivalent of The King of Scotland losing the Clansmen.


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Welcome to the 21st century when even the Camp Followers and Barracks Wh0res have PhD's.

She is not however military.

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There's a giant DOD apparatus that isn't military as we think of it, but that draws its resources and status from living under the military umbrella. It's a corruption of the military purpose, and it's growing.

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Well it's been there quite awhile. That the corruption and blatant politicking as well as runaway ideology is running amok is indeed a symptom of our times.

The power in DOD is with the Civilians. At least since Robert McNamara. There are 900,000 DOD civilians and nearly every one of them outranks most Commanders. This is disruptive and creates enormous adminstrative meddling not to mention long distance meddling.

"The 10,000 mile screwdriver." This is one of the reasons the Goldwater Act of 1986 created regional commands such as CENTCOM, EUCOM, PACOM etc. The Chain of Command then flows from the President to the SECDEF to the Regional Commander who is a four star.

This is to prevent or at least mitigate bureaucrats or Pentagon officers without troops from meddling in wars and overseas operations. The mitigation has never been satisfactory.

The problem here is The Pentagon is in DC and in America. Since Biden and Pelosi crossed the Rubicon by using the National Guard to swear in Biden there shall be no mitigation, but what you call corruption Chris they call 'opportunity'. $$$ and even better the temptation to use power with raw force now that the precedent has been set.

Who is to check them?

Raytheon Board member and options holder SECDEF Austin?

Can Biden say cease these corruptions?

VP Harris?

But I return to my earlier point, this is demoralizing.

It's a demoralization Op, even though I'm sure Dr Orr is just being herself.

It's working.

People are walking away from the service in droves and their children aren't signing up.

That's the core of the military.

I can't honestly tell you if it's deliberately gutting the military to check a potential rival or just the reaction to we the fighting stock being hated by hateful people and it's just natural revulsion of the revolting.

Like I said Dr. Orr and crowd as I'm sure you noticed are just being themselves.

People will avoid them.

Yes, it's wrong, against the Oath, declaring half of America enemies of the State [that happens to be the half that fights] and probably against laws and regulations.

But we are a lawless land.

Laws and gracious the Constitution do not apply, only Power.

This creature Orr is an adventuress with a PhD drawn to Power and opportunity.

Who in our government or elites can gainsay her, at least morally?

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