Well, I AM a credentialed expert as a BPS Counselling Psychologist (not a counselor but actually a field that lies within the expert areas of Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists but without prescribing capacities). The harm is not enacted on the perpetrator but on the child. This approach dismisses the destruction of the child’s world view that it is fair, and adults will not harm me., known as shattered assumptions. This harm is also seen in physical abuse cases -note ABUSE. And abuse results in traumatic scarring (PTSD).
Dismissing paedephelia as simply another ‘choice’ disregards the impact on the child entirely. A child cannot consent as in ‘actions of two consensual ADULTS. Assuming that children have legal capacity turns our understanding of childhood on its head. We see children as ‘innocent’, unknowledgeable of impacts of actions and requiring protection from parents.
And where will this ‘reframing’ lead? See the grooming gangs in Britain where police dismissed family and victims by saying a 12 year old can give consent. Or see the Programmes of Sex education down to 3 year olds in Wales and across many US States.
Paedephelia and cannibalism are the last taboos from Judeo Christian ethics. They’ve been reframing what is ethical for some time such as all the C19 decisions that an individual does not have bodily autonomy. And if this is carried forward into society, children will know from an early age that they too have no rights to what happens to their bodies.
What of rape? I do wonder how this counselor would reframe it. ‘Someone who likes to physically or mentally overpower another to force sex’? It has been somewhat decriminalised through it’s parcity of prosecutions in the grooming scandals that involved both minor attraction and rape. So let’s just say it’s ok.
You are exactly right! An Adlerian psychologist with extensive experience dealing with children who have been sexually abused. This evil abuse shatters a child's innocence for life and disrupts their likelihood of having a decent life.
It is evil on so many levels. It is classic grooming. I makes children distrust their own thoughts and feelings, and trains them to trust people of "authority," be that a teacher, politician, government worker, or an adult who wants to touch them in ways they inwardly know is wrong. Lefties don't care about the shattered child; they want the shattered adult who will acquiesce to any demand that "people of authority" issue. I know you know this. Your post just lit my sense of moral and ethical outrage.
There is no 'Judeo' Christianity. Judaism is based on the Babylonian Talmud and is anti-Christian to the core. Aren't they clever to be able to link it onto Christianity as they do everything in their evil power to destroy it?
There is no “they” there. It is Christian sources that some time ago decided to strengthen the appearance of historical Christian theology by bolstering it with the acquired and correct originating source, Judaism.Furthermore, neither the Babylonian, nor the Palestinian, Talmuds are anti-Christian. Finally, “they” are not possessed of, nor are “they”attempting to destroy anyone or anything with the imaginary “power” which you impute to “them” in your vicious and bigoted comments.”They” and I wish you a full recovery from your illness of your soul , the baseless enmity which has over the millennia caused , and causes now, such evil.
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
As I read this I thought it would be perfectly logical to replace the references to sex with children in this article with the word rape, as children cannot consent to something that they don’t understand. Thanks for validating that.
It's interesting how often (like all the time) apologists for pedophiles ignore the damage to the child victims. I have known a few adult women in my time who had been sexually abused, at ages from 3 to 14, and every one of them was damaged goods. Like, impossible to have a lasting, normal relationship with a man damaged. One of them I compared to juggling live hand grenades just to be around her.
You know a pig farmer? Make friends with one if not. Since the state (I’m meaning those in capacity to change societies zeitgeist regarding paedophilia and cannibalism) are now promoting these abomination behaviors, it will be up to society to rid themselves of these aberrations within their midst. Just make sure to smash the pedophiliacs or rapists teeth first with a hammer. They can hurt a pig’s digestive system. Not to mention it leaves evidence.
I try not to speak of where I am willing to go regarding certain topics. It’s not the type of stuff that should be discussed in proper society or in front of women. Except when the topic of children is concerned. The harming of children will not be tolerated. I also will not filter the levels I am willing to go to ensure their safety.
My last name in my fathers native language literally means Keeper of the Hedge. I fully understand it’s meaning and what that position entails. It’s who I am.
Swine are amazing animals. Highly intelligent and emotional beings. They aren’t an animal who once tasting blood, desire it to where their destruction becomes necessary like dogs or other animals. Plus, you also get the added benefit that they lovingly produce mankind’s best natural treat. Bacon.
The character Bricktop in the film Snatch has a scene where he explains pig behavior. It wasn’t made up for the scene in the film. It’s one time in a film where a real truth of life is used to give dramatic effect.
I had to read this twice it is so far outside my periphery and I don’t completely understand. But I do agree where children are concerned it’s time to say it -even if it is impolite. Far more unacceptable is denial of unspeakable harm to them.
They are not worth the time to invest oneself to that level. Unless you had been on the receiving end of their crimes, im not too sure many are actually that sadistic.
Plus, ever clean a chipper? Many many moving parts to clean with just what they are supposed to get dirty with. My cousin worked for a rental place in Connecticut where someone had sent his wife through one. This was back in the 1980s. Had to clean it after police were done with it. Said you can never get it fully clean.
There is one taboo yet remaining from the Judeo-Christian heritage, that has not (yet) been breezily dismissed by the Counselors to the Degenerates. What about bestiality? Isn’t it time, that the clever wokesters announce that intellectuals have acknowledged that it is OK to fuck your dog? Or someone else’s dog?
UPDATE- since my Aug.12 comment, I learned that the sexual degenerates practicing bestiality, and those who are “into” paedophilia or pederasty are even more sophisticated than I had surmised. The following news reports were published within the past few days:
1) the recent sudden outbreak of monkey pox in the Seattle area includes two dogs which have been diagnosed with the homosexual pox, with one case being that of the homosexual pox an Italian Greyhound owned by a pox-affected male; the dog has large pustules on her abdomen, and a large open lesion on the thin upper vaginal wall ( ugh !).
2) of the five children diagnosed with the homosexual pox,two were the children of a poxed homosexual male married couple.Of course, ordinary parental care and/ or contact could be a possible cause in this case , such as bathing, dressing and undressing, hugging and kissing, feeding, etc. in addition to assumed possible paedophilic acts.
So, yes, the degenerates are ahead of the curve,and have left no hip, woke sin unenjoyed. Oh, I forgot about cannibalism…that really bites.
They already tried that one about 4 years ago, once the democrats won the mid terms under Trump, they dropped that ball, and went in straight for the normalization of pedophiliacs.
I had been thinking exactly that too. In such a way we can make more acceptable pagan behaviour and erase the enemy of the world’s powers and principalities- G*d in his entirety.
Ok so what I got out of this is 1) you are into lifeguards, (which is totally fine. I’m not judging you.. unless it’s David Hasselhof) and 2) #MicroMerrick is a weenie.
Our country has been taken over by mentally ill people, weenies, and their highly credentialed enablers.
"You couldn't possibly understand" is right up there with "do the work", "do better", and "be kind", all of which get an automatic response of "fuck you".
What a devastating and spot-on critique! One needs to watch out for these semantic tricks in all mainstream plandemic-related 'news' and statements, like you suggest. I would only add that the contemptible Merrick Garland never mentions Donald Trump by name---Trump is depersonalized as "the former president" over and over, a giveaway sign of Garland's hatred and contempt for former President Donald Trump.
Sadly some are experts on 'minor attracted persons' having been their victims. Someone who suffers from diabetes is more of an expert than a doctor. A farmer and a gardener are more of an expert on growing food than any agribusiness employee or green lobbyist. Julian Assange and Steven Donziger and numerous whistleblowers know more about how governments no longer serve the people or justice but their own self interest....there are experts and the qualified - sometimes the two are not the same.
remember the good old days of NAMBLA? for those of you who missed it: the North American Man Boy Love Association lobbying at the time to get the age of consent lowered to like 3 or something unthinkable. of course they were empowering their "members" to be fully actualized and feel no shame for their predilections. they were a purely homosexual group. the minor attracted persons, i guess, can be anyone.
i remember thinking at the time that a little shame was probably a good thing and that the internet had enabled these perverse old men, who thought they were alone and felt deep shame that for the most part kept their base desires in check. here they were in a group- strength in numbers- where they realized that they were not alone, that there were others like them and that they could be proud to lust after toddlers.
it seems anyone can get a license for anything these days. would you pay that "woman"- if that's how she identifies- for advice? not in a million years!!!!
I wish I was still teaching logic. I'd use this column as a great dissection of common fallacies. It is strange how we've gone from "don't trust the man" to "trust the man" so quickly.
Now it does not surprise me at all that Obama wanted this guy to be on the supreme court. Safeguarding Americans you say? Gee, I thought this was sending the message that if we can search the home of a former POTUS we can search anybody for any reason. It was Obama after all who declared the POTUS could kill Americans without a trial, and did. And he still is defacto godfather of the Party.
As for normalizing child rape, isn't that complicity? What say you, Garland? Are you paedophelia adjacent too?
You will never unsee it and you will spend the rest of your life trying to open the eyes of the deliberately blind, which is roughly as comfortable as repeatedly banging your head against a chunk of concrete, and about as effective.
I know I'm making light of what is an enraging and frustrating situation that could easily destroy what it has taken 250 years to build, but it's a coping mechanism. I've noticed much the same thing, but I don't think I've seen it so eloquently summarized and connected, so thank you.
I am an expert in pedophilia as a victim of such behavior...
How DARE we ruin the life of 1 person over the fact that they have caused ruination of the lives of many in their pursuit of wanton perversion? They should absolutely face the opprobrium of all sane and reasonable people; NOT be uplifted as if they are victims.
What are people like this deranged, "credentialed expert" doing in reality?
They are elevating the life of 1 degenerate over the many ruined lives of their victims.
Ironic, isn't it?
The excuse they always use is something like this:
"Well, we must excuse this because this person was abused as a child."
My answer:
The very second that you become an aggressor; you lose ALL victimhood status.
To people like this monster who attempt to rationalize sexual abomination and debased degeneracy:
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20)
There WILL be an accounting for you and the other people who commit perversions, depravity, and debauchery against innocent children. You might want to cogitate upon that.
Self-Sealing Argument: The Self-Sealing Argument Fallacy occurs when an argument is made that no evidence can possibly refute, and yet there is no evidence that proves that the conclusion is true.
This can be accomplished several ways. One is to claim that the other person has some insurmountable deficit that prevents him/her from being able to understand the argument. Another way this is accomplished is by making the proof and the conclusion say the same thing. Another way is to rationalize away any evidence that conflicts with the argument, often, with just-so stories.
Well, I AM a credentialed expert as a BPS Counselling Psychologist (not a counselor but actually a field that lies within the expert areas of Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists but without prescribing capacities). The harm is not enacted on the perpetrator but on the child. This approach dismisses the destruction of the child’s world view that it is fair, and adults will not harm me., known as shattered assumptions. This harm is also seen in physical abuse cases -note ABUSE. And abuse results in traumatic scarring (PTSD).
Dismissing paedephelia as simply another ‘choice’ disregards the impact on the child entirely. A child cannot consent as in ‘actions of two consensual ADULTS. Assuming that children have legal capacity turns our understanding of childhood on its head. We see children as ‘innocent’, unknowledgeable of impacts of actions and requiring protection from parents.
And where will this ‘reframing’ lead? See the grooming gangs in Britain where police dismissed family and victims by saying a 12 year old can give consent. Or see the Programmes of Sex education down to 3 year olds in Wales and across many US States.
Paedephelia and cannibalism are the last taboos from Judeo Christian ethics. They’ve been reframing what is ethical for some time such as all the C19 decisions that an individual does not have bodily autonomy. And if this is carried forward into society, children will know from an early age that they too have no rights to what happens to their bodies.
What of rape? I do wonder how this counselor would reframe it. ‘Someone who likes to physically or mentally overpower another to force sex’? It has been somewhat decriminalised through it’s parcity of prosecutions in the grooming scandals that involved both minor attraction and rape. So let’s just say it’s ok.
You are exactly right! An Adlerian psychologist with extensive experience dealing with children who have been sexually abused. This evil abuse shatters a child's innocence for life and disrupts their likelihood of having a decent life.
It is evil on so many levels. It is classic grooming. I makes children distrust their own thoughts and feelings, and trains them to trust people of "authority," be that a teacher, politician, government worker, or an adult who wants to touch them in ways they inwardly know is wrong. Lefties don't care about the shattered child; they want the shattered adult who will acquiesce to any demand that "people of authority" issue. I know you know this. Your post just lit my sense of moral and ethical outrage.
Where is good and evil in all this?
Oh ignorant Judeo-Christian morality so unscientific. Not.
There is no 'Judeo' Christianity. Judaism is based on the Babylonian Talmud and is anti-Christian to the core. Aren't they clever to be able to link it onto Christianity as they do everything in their evil power to destroy it?
There is no “they” there. It is Christian sources that some time ago decided to strengthen the appearance of historical Christian theology by bolstering it with the acquired and correct originating source, Judaism.Furthermore, neither the Babylonian, nor the Palestinian, Talmuds are anti-Christian. Finally, “they” are not possessed of, nor are “they”attempting to destroy anyone or anything with the imaginary “power” which you impute to “them” in your vicious and bigoted comments.”They” and I wish you a full recovery from your illness of your soul , the baseless enmity which has over the millennia caused , and causes now, such evil.
Matthew 16:16-18
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
As I read this I thought it would be perfectly logical to replace the references to sex with children in this article with the word rape, as children cannot consent to something that they don’t understand. Thanks for validating that.
It's interesting how often (like all the time) apologists for pedophiles ignore the damage to the child victims. I have known a few adult women in my time who had been sexually abused, at ages from 3 to 14, and every one of them was damaged goods. Like, impossible to have a lasting, normal relationship with a man damaged. One of them I compared to juggling live hand grenades just to be around her.
Tragic. And they absolutely disregard the child. Makes me sick.
You know a pig farmer? Make friends with one if not. Since the state (I’m meaning those in capacity to change societies zeitgeist regarding paedophilia and cannibalism) are now promoting these abomination behaviors, it will be up to society to rid themselves of these aberrations within their midst. Just make sure to smash the pedophiliacs or rapists teeth first with a hammer. They can hurt a pig’s digestive system. Not to mention it leaves evidence.
I try not to speak of where I am willing to go regarding certain topics. It’s not the type of stuff that should be discussed in proper society or in front of women. Except when the topic of children is concerned. The harming of children will not be tolerated. I also will not filter the levels I am willing to go to ensure their safety.
My last name in my fathers native language literally means Keeper of the Hedge. I fully understand it’s meaning and what that position entails. It’s who I am.
Swine are amazing animals. Highly intelligent and emotional beings. They aren’t an animal who once tasting blood, desire it to where their destruction becomes necessary like dogs or other animals. Plus, you also get the added benefit that they lovingly produce mankind’s best natural treat. Bacon.
The character Bricktop in the film Snatch has a scene where he explains pig behavior. It wasn’t made up for the scene in the film. It’s one time in a film where a real truth of life is used to give dramatic effect.
I had to read this twice it is so far outside my periphery and I don’t completely understand. But I do agree where children are concerned it’s time to say it -even if it is impolite. Far more unacceptable is denial of unspeakable harm to them.
Wood chippers work also.....
They are not worth the time to invest oneself to that level. Unless you had been on the receiving end of their crimes, im not too sure many are actually that sadistic.
Plus, ever clean a chipper? Many many moving parts to clean with just what they are supposed to get dirty with. My cousin worked for a rental place in Connecticut where someone had sent his wife through one. This was back in the 1980s. Had to clean it after police were done with it. Said you can never get it fully clean.
That’s in my room 101. Falling into a pig sty, being trampled and eaten.
Oh no, big brother knows my fear. Better not mention all the others that creep me out.
There is one taboo yet remaining from the Judeo-Christian heritage, that has not (yet) been breezily dismissed by the Counselors to the Degenerates. What about bestiality? Isn’t it time, that the clever wokesters announce that intellectuals have acknowledged that it is OK to fuck your dog? Or someone else’s dog?
UPDATE- since my Aug.12 comment, I learned that the sexual degenerates practicing bestiality, and those who are “into” paedophilia or pederasty are even more sophisticated than I had surmised. The following news reports were published within the past few days:
1) the recent sudden outbreak of monkey pox in the Seattle area includes two dogs which have been diagnosed with the homosexual pox, with one case being that of the homosexual pox an Italian Greyhound owned by a pox-affected male; the dog has large pustules on her abdomen, and a large open lesion on the thin upper vaginal wall ( ugh !).
2) of the five children diagnosed with the homosexual pox,two were the children of a poxed homosexual male married couple.Of course, ordinary parental care and/ or contact could be a possible cause in this case , such as bathing, dressing and undressing, hugging and kissing, feeding, etc. in addition to assumed possible paedophilic acts.
So, yes, the degenerates are ahead of the curve,and have left no hip, woke sin unenjoyed. Oh, I forgot about cannibalism…that really bites.
They already tried that one about 4 years ago, once the democrats won the mid terms under Trump, they dropped that ball, and went in straight for the normalization of pedophiliacs.
I had been thinking exactly that too. In such a way we can make more acceptable pagan behaviour and erase the enemy of the world’s powers and principalities- G*d in his entirety.
Ok so what I got out of this is 1) you are into lifeguards, (which is totally fine. I’m not judging you.. unless it’s David Hasselhof) and 2) #MicroMerrick is a weenie.
Our country has been taken over by mentally ill people, weenies, and their highly credentialed enablers.
My phone makes that mistake everytime I write ill, too. 🤬
Bray expressed that like in the voice of the female fake therapist so your interpretation was unwarranted.
Yeah I got that. It was just a joke. I don’t actually think he’s into lifeguards. Hope that clears that up for you.
It was really upsetting, and it interfered with my lifeguard orgy.
I hope you had floaties 😏
We no longer have Rule of Law, we instead have Rule of Sophistry.
"You couldn't possibly understand" is right up there with "do the work", "do better", and "be kind", all of which get an automatic response of "fuck you".
You’re nice. Those type of responses usually result in the one saying it assaulting my hand with their eye or mouth.
What a devastating and spot-on critique! One needs to watch out for these semantic tricks in all mainstream plandemic-related 'news' and statements, like you suggest. I would only add that the contemptible Merrick Garland never mentions Donald Trump by name---Trump is depersonalized as "the former president" over and over, a giveaway sign of Garland's hatred and contempt for former President Donald Trump.
Great point.
Sadly some are experts on 'minor attracted persons' having been their victims. Someone who suffers from diabetes is more of an expert than a doctor. A farmer and a gardener are more of an expert on growing food than any agribusiness employee or green lobbyist. Julian Assange and Steven Donziger and numerous whistleblowers know more about how governments no longer serve the people or justice but their own self interest....there are experts and the qualified - sometimes the two are not the same.
I am fully credentialed and have decades of experience diagnosing bullshit.
remember the good old days of NAMBLA? for those of you who missed it: the North American Man Boy Love Association lobbying at the time to get the age of consent lowered to like 3 or something unthinkable. of course they were empowering their "members" to be fully actualized and feel no shame for their predilections. they were a purely homosexual group. the minor attracted persons, i guess, can be anyone.
i remember thinking at the time that a little shame was probably a good thing and that the internet had enabled these perverse old men, who thought they were alone and felt deep shame that for the most part kept their base desires in check. here they were in a group- strength in numbers- where they realized that they were not alone, that there were others like them and that they could be proud to lust after toddlers.
it seems anyone can get a license for anything these days. would you pay that "woman"- if that's how she identifies- for advice? not in a million years!!!!
Anyone saying pedophilia is ok and just misunderstood turns my stomach.
Good essay on the language of those who redefine and speak pompously.
Apt comparison Chris!
I wish I was still teaching logic. I'd use this column as a great dissection of common fallacies. It is strange how we've gone from "don't trust the man" to "trust the man" so quickly.
Now it does not surprise me at all that Obama wanted this guy to be on the supreme court. Safeguarding Americans you say? Gee, I thought this was sending the message that if we can search the home of a former POTUS we can search anybody for any reason. It was Obama after all who declared the POTUS could kill Americans without a trial, and did. And he still is defacto godfather of the Party.
As for normalizing child rape, isn't that complicity? What say you, Garland? Are you paedophelia adjacent too?
Once you see this maneuver . . .
You will never unsee it and you will spend the rest of your life trying to open the eyes of the deliberately blind, which is roughly as comfortable as repeatedly banging your head against a chunk of concrete, and about as effective.
I know I'm making light of what is an enraging and frustrating situation that could easily destroy what it has taken 250 years to build, but it's a coping mechanism. I've noticed much the same thing, but I don't think I've seen it so eloquently summarized and connected, so thank you.
I am an expert in pedophilia as a victim of such behavior...
How DARE we ruin the life of 1 person over the fact that they have caused ruination of the lives of many in their pursuit of wanton perversion? They should absolutely face the opprobrium of all sane and reasonable people; NOT be uplifted as if they are victims.
What are people like this deranged, "credentialed expert" doing in reality?
They are elevating the life of 1 degenerate over the many ruined lives of their victims.
Ironic, isn't it?
The excuse they always use is something like this:
"Well, we must excuse this because this person was abused as a child."
My answer:
The very second that you become an aggressor; you lose ALL victimhood status.
To people like this monster who attempt to rationalize sexual abomination and debased degeneracy:
"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Isaiah 5:20)
There WILL be an accounting for you and the other people who commit perversions, depravity, and debauchery against innocent children. You might want to cogitate upon that.
Thank you for all you do. And strength to pursue justice and truth.
Self-Sealing Argument: The Self-Sealing Argument Fallacy occurs when an argument is made that no evidence can possibly refute, and yet there is no evidence that proves that the conclusion is true.
This can be accomplished several ways. One is to claim that the other person has some insurmountable deficit that prevents him/her from being able to understand the argument. Another way this is accomplished is by making the proof and the conclusion say the same thing. Another way is to rationalize away any evidence that conflicts with the argument, often, with just-so stories.