"Thursday Night Massacre" LOL

We must urgently begin a Nuremberg Trial to investigate these crimes against humanity. Who will ever forget where they were the night a few "journalists" lost Twitter access?


Proto-fascism! (Yes, fascism is when someone loses Twitter access, not when the FBI secretly works with corporations to suppress speech.)

These people really are hysterical narcissists, and being banned from Twitter is the best thing that could ever happen to them.

The 21st century is without a doubt the stupidest century in all human history.

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"The 21st century is without a doubt the stupidest century in all human history."

I want to debate that point, but, well, I'm not sure anyone can.

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The challenge is in finding some to take the other side. Do you know, personally, anyone, anyone at all, who would take the position that humanity has not reached apex stupid?

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I'll argue that we probably haven't reached the summit yet.

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I too, am occasionally niggled by that thought - then I look around, and think, sorrowfully, "Nah, we stopped growing food, building homes, providing healthcare, or educating our offspring. Many of us just stopped having children". Any polity that knowingly, deliberately, undertakes cultural/societal suicide MUST have achieved peak stupid.

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hmmmm.....cant think of anyone!

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Why are you humming?


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helps unfreeze my brain!

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i realize it is a very large (and unverifiable) blanket statement, and the Dark Ages could get pretty bleak, but we def take the cake just based on sheer volume (our production of moronic opinions is like a daily tsunami) and also on sheer hubristic arrogance, i.e. 21st century humans really believe the technology they control (or vice versa) and a morality of fundamentalist Egalitarianism makes them history's apex Homo.

I just hope I'm still alive when all the illusions du jour crumble into dust, I'll probably be needing the laugh.

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CP... as a historian (of rebel calibre), the Dark Ages was actually an era of human knowledge far supassing anything we have to day. This was led by the Irish Monks (one third of whom were women) and almost all had families. The most famous monk of all was a woman. The Irish Monks, from the 3rd century, rescued history of Greece/Rome and illuminated democracies of the time.

By the 7th century, the homosexual/paedophilliac leadership of Rome had a gutsful and introduced celebacy to Christianity, mainly as a way to defeat women and the proliferation of knowledge, which seriously threatened their power base.

The resultant repression, which intensified, created the real dark ages which lasted until the 1960s when it was pushed back massively by rebelious youth. They are now reclaiming their empire, conjoined by the new allies of the Zionists, the plutocrats.

In 2003, I discovered that public library books on this period of history, plus all mention of more recent democracies, had been excised and burned. This has been global.

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Yes, the Irish! Read Thomas Cahill’s “How the Irish Saved Civilization”. Excellent history. Well researched.

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thx! i love cahill

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Great book! I want to read that again. Thanks for mentioning that.

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Yes, indeed. And all that "witch" burning was to get rid of all the women in medicine, so that men could take over... which eventually ended up with the Evil carnival show we know today as "Pharma." Yuck.

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maybe you're old enough to remember this:


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HA! I yam, but I don't, so fangks! ;)

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Wow, dude. What a simple and clear unmasking of such an evil conspiracy Men.

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What was the real role of St. Patrick? Did he kill snakes or burn all the books in Ogum? Who were the Welsh Bards and who killed them all (when and why)? Who was Boudica? What is the Roman Deception? Who was King Cormac? Ever read John Toland's Celtic Antiquities? 18th century British and Welsh antiquarianism is pretty cool. Many of those books are still in the public archive. Is the triple harp an ancient British instrument or was it invented in baroque Italy?

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Dear…….P: you have really piqued my interest. Especially in n mentioning the Welsh. In the past few years I have been developing a desire to explore the mysteries of Wales. Your other matters call out for study also. Thanks, P.

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You have to dive deep to study Wales. ;)

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At one time, the bards of Britton were on all the isles. They started in Ireland and ended in Wales around 1280 when King Edward 1 ordered them all killed. The bards were the historians and chroniclers of ancient Britton. If you wanted to be a druid or other professional, you had to be a bard first. Bards trained for three years on their harps and had to learn several modes of song and a lot of history.

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I dunno about all that other stuff, but the "snakes" in Ireland were the PAGANS.

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i love this stuff!

Hey, if u have a book recommendation about the Dark Ages/Irish monks pls feel free to share.

Thanks for the info.

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An entertaining series of books are the Sister Fidelma mysteries. Fiction by historian.

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If you want info on the Irish Monks, search in a private library. All publicly accessible books, except Cahlill's, have been destroyed.

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CP... You got talent, mate. Keep it up, and go to town. I'm glad you are on our side.

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Saying nothing here

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Ever read a book called "The Brain That Changes Itself" ?

Fascinating. We shouldn't have stopped memorizing and practicing reciting long stretches of poetry and other kinds of writing, with proper pronunciation and so forth...

It's made us idiots without any vocabulary... The language is degenerating.

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“ The language is degenerating.”

That’s because these idiots think grammar is racist.

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lol And grammar is racist because they're idiots!

Let us go fishing, or maybe square dancing, and forget them. :)

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Havent read that but it sounds similar to Oliver Sacks, whom I've read a lot of...

It seems that at a certain invisible point, America Inc. decided it preferred a populace of perpetually addled consumers over a populace of thoughtful, engaged citizens. (And I don't think it was a very hard sell, as most people prefer a simulacrum of freedom bolstered by heavy doses of Soma over the hard work of independent thought and governance.)

And voila, this is what they've got.

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Yeah, and I'd say the choice was made more by the rat bastards (oligarchs) than some kind of conscious decision by the peeps themselves...

But yeah! I love Oliver Sacks, too, and so I feel sure you'd like this book. Here's what it looks like... maybe try ThriftBooks? ( I NEVER use Amazon... )


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"Thursday Night Massacre" or as I prefer “The Day Elon Broke the Left”

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Whenever there is a coordinated social media response to any news you know that you are being gaslit.

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What bothers me is some yahoo posted the location, and some drone (so to speak, at least for now) was there to make the interception. That smacks of coordination and planning.

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I am not sure that the right has a response to some of Alinsky's tactics, e.g., use their own rules/laws/moral code against them. This allows them to play as dirty as they wish, while calling us out as hypocrites if we violate our norms. Our system cannot exist without already decent, law-abiding people. If ANY others are allowed in, whether by importation, immigration, or invasion, it cannot stand.

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The power of these tactics is that other people notice them and honor them as real. That power is fading, because it works less well the fifty-trillionth time they use it. Eye-rolling becomes an increasingly powerful response.

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When anyone rolls their eyes at me, I just pick 'em up and roll 'em back.

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Our Constitution and our laws were based on an educated populace that voluntary agrees to abide by both through the honor system since our military is not allowed to police us (or wasn’t at one time). There are not enough police to watch us every minute so we were supposed to watch ourselves. That is all gone and is now being replaced by a surveillance state which Musk, I’m afraid, has probably assisted in setting up. He is getting a taste of what the rest of us are experiencing and, rightly, he doesn’t like it. I am hoping he sees it’s not OK for the rest of us, either.

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I like the acronym DARVO, but the tactic is, as you said, as old as Alinsky, and I've known it for decades as "defensive biting," after the way dogs and other animals are goaded into violent behavior that they are then punished (euthanized) for.

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I agree with Elon's actions...free speech is one thing...doxing is something else. He didn't permanently ban those accounts...he just wants to make a very good point... 'Doxing is not appropriate on Twitter'.

It's a good point. No one on any side of the political landscape should be doxing people on Twitter.

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All is fake. FF, distractions, scripted. The End

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I agree with you.

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They’ve already been exposed for the frauds they are, now the only way for them to salvage whatever’s left of their trashed reputations is to win at any cost...that way they can control the narrative going forward and make themselves into the “saviors of democracy.”

These people are shameless!

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They've been winning "at any cost," for quite awhile now.

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A cost paid by all of us!

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As always. 😞

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They are.

It's ironic, tho, isn't it, that here is Elon being justifiably angry about his exact location being advertised to the public, while he is simultaneously (more or less) launching a shitload of satellites into space... to watch us and everything we do and everywhere we go.

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Mostly in order to sell us something.

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Watch this... Get a beverage, it's nearly 2 hours. Everyone should see this...

It's not about surveillance, really, but it's what we need to know.


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Interesting take…I’m not sure it’s fair to say Elon is launching satellites “to watch us”…perhaps it would be more charitable to say that the information his communication satellites handle “can be misused to watch us” by rogue governmental agencies.

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Really?? You think he's just putting internet stuff in space?

Show me. I am not afraid to be wrong.

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I said his satellites were “communication satellites” that could be misused. If you think he knowingly built satellites to spy on the American people, “show me, I’m not afraid to be wrong” either.

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And that said, what I just posted, should be on YOU, not on me... To show me he's a swell guy who just wants to "help" us. ;)

I don't trust billionaires who put thousands of satellites in space to be harmless. So show me he's harmless. You seem to have a strong feeling that he is. Got evidence?

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Well, it comes down to whether you believe these giant tech companies and the Deep State are working really hard to let us talk to each other (while we're being censored out the wazoo), and the plan to end privacy, tell us where we can go, when, and for how long, what we can eat, how we're going to "own nothing and be happy," be chipped, be tracked, and so forth...

Do you believe what they're telling you? That these satellites are for "communication" by US? I think they're for "communication" alright, communication of where we are, what we're doing, and whatever else they want to know, whenever they want to know it. I mean, they're TELLING US the plans... Are you saying you're not aware of this, because it does seem that many people are trusting that this is all just harmless tech, for our benefit and convenience. I have seen SO MUCH of the complete opposite being explained and pretty much bragged about, it seems strange that anyone could have an idea that it's all benign. But I'd have to go find a bunch of videos and articles to show you, because I don't save all that stuff, it's like saving articles about how Nixon's guys broke into the Watergate... It's considered a given.

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I’m sorry sir (or madam) I do not share your cynicism…at least to the degree your suppositions regarding Mr. Musk’s nefarious activities might suggest. The justification you offer presents some logical challenges…”I don’t trust billionaires, Elon Musk is a billionaire, therefore Elon Musk is untrustworthy.”

Additionally, your insistence that I attempt the logical fallacy of proving a negative (i.e., that Mr. Musk is “not” nefarious) would suggest that engaging in further discussion along these lines would prove fruitless.

But I do appreciate your point of view.

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Interestingly, Blaze News is reporting that the "journalists" have been reinstated based on a Musk Twitter Poll. I've got whiplash...


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Well, dang. You did call this one. And it showed up shortly thereafter in the most dramatic way possible. I wanna know how tracking his plane led to people finding his car with his kid in it. That’s not public information, like flight trackers can be.

It has been amusing to see the meltdown of people screaming about their rights of free expression and the fainting fits over the evil power wielded by one person. While the full details about the FBI pretty much running twitter gets just a “meh, so what?”

If your kid is put in danger, you lash out. You strike first, ask questions later. To me it shows the real physical danger he knows he’s in. And it’s ironic that people don’t find that reason enough to take action, when they trip over their own noses to the ground when Biden says he doesn’t want the laptop story circulating because it shows sensitive photos of his son. (Dude - no one cares about those. They care about the collusion with foreign governments, but whatever.)

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MKnight... A person with clear vision and both feet on the well-reconoitred ground. Glad you are on our side.

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Again, I point out his surveillance satellites, thousands of them, in space...

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"Kick the dog until it bites you. Then shoot it for being a bad dog."~Curtis Yarvin

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What I find fascinating is that this tactic stopped working for me when I was about 7 years old, and not long after that it quit working for my little (at that time) brother. Who buys this nonsense? Has our mental maturity fallen to that of early elementary kids?

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Thanks for pointing out the technique. How should it be handled?

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With mockery, and by ignoring their pathetic fake social injuries as much as possible.

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Only last week I was complaining to HITLER(TM) on Twitler about this and he went full HITLER(TM) on me.I was literally shaking and then I threatened to move to Canada and Mastodon’t and got a lot of support from my Bichon Frisée and Keith Olbermann’s nose barber. It was super micro aggressive and I felt marginalized as an LMNOPE=MC2 triple binary non-lactose intolerant gluten denier. I hope this doesn’t happen again or I may have to threaten to move to Provence or Positano.

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You hit the nail flush on the head. Pure Alinsky tactics are in play with this set of actions.

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AOC is the argument against college makes you smart

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That coverage confused me.

Here is my take: I trust Musk not one inch. But fact is he has waived the former censorship, which could easily spread to other platforms, so the fascists reacted and threatened Musk's son. So Musk responded the only way he could, he banned the journalists who provided "assassination coordinates".

Actually, Musk would know who he is up against and I happen to know he was very close to the mark, if not right on target. He would have the details and I do not.

While not optimistic, I effing hope Musk keeps this up because he is one person in a position to deal the NWO leader's network a death blow.

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It's the "keeping it up" that's interesting, beyond the idea that they are happy to have millions of us glued to some screen or another, as addicted as a tent full of junkies...

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