Here’s a manufactured structure I just described, showing up again a few days later.
I don’t have the patience to dig into the details, and you wouldn’t have the patience to read that, but Elon Musk has suspended the Twitter accounts of journalists who shared the real-time location of his private airplane after a stalker used the information to block and approach a car carrying Musk’s five year-old son. Musk said that real-time posting of personal locations amounts to the delivery of “assassination coordinates,” and announced a new blanket rule forbidding that practice for all accounts. This is, of course, a sign of rising fascism, and a national scandal, and the banning already has its own Wikipedia page.
There’s no way to exaggerate the hysteria of the response, and MSNBC (for example) promptly labeled the banning of journalist accounts a “threat to democracy.” Many headlines stripped away the personal location angle and just said that Musk was banning “reporters who cover him.”
And Elon Musk is also, of course, literally Adolf Hitler, a calm explanation you can find on an infinite number of insignificant Twitter accounts:
The people warning that Elon Musk was erratically forbidding journalism declared that the banning of journalists on Twitter was “unprecedented,” and wow the gaslighting. No one’s ever been banned from Twitter before, obvo.
Now, exactly one week ago I wrote about an embattled Los Angeles city councilman who was baited into an angry response to a mob that chased him and invaded his personal space, after which a slow-motion video stripped out the context and made that councilman a vicious attacker:
So, again, you’re going to see this over and over and over again. Without debating the details, because I don’t care, Musk perceived a threat to his family, and narrowly banned a set of journalists from posting over his view that they had specifically posted or linked to his real-time location, and the real-time location of his family members. Someone blocked and rushed at a car that his five year-old son was in, possibly having found that location on Twitter, and Musk responded — which became instant fodder for a flood of hysterical stories and social media posts warning that Elon Musk is forbidding journalism, which is exactly like what Hitler did in the 1930s, and oh no THE RISE OF FASCISM!!!!
Musk: Stop telling people exactly where my five year-old son is in real time;
AOC: “Lay off the proto-fascism.”
That’s insane, but it’s not insane insane — it’s a calculated game.
1.) Deliberately provoke someone
2.) Get a response
3.) Isolate the response from its context and use it to play victim and scream “Nazi!”
This maneuver, which is pretty much Saul Alinsky 101, has been called DARVO for a long time: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. It’s a common feature of domestic abuse and the American political culture, two milieus that increasingly blend into one.
Attack someone, get them to hit you back, and then play the “he hit me!” narrative.
It’s a weekly event, now, in some form or other, and it’s roughly as predictable as the sunrise.
"Thursday Night Massacre" LOL
We must urgently begin a Nuremberg Trial to investigate these crimes against humanity. Who will ever forget where they were the night a few "journalists" lost Twitter access?
Proto-fascism! (Yes, fascism is when someone loses Twitter access, not when the FBI secretly works with corporations to suppress speech.)
These people really are hysterical narcissists, and being banned from Twitter is the best thing that could ever happen to them.
The 21st century is without a doubt the stupidest century in all human history.
Whenever there is a coordinated social media response to any news you know that you are being gaslit.