That feeling when it would have been so much better if he'd simply appointed a horse...

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Caligula doesn't seem so crazy anymore

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The real one wasn’t.

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Both senators, Secretary of State, and Attorney General were all appointed by emperor Gavin - not elected. Sacred California Democracy!

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And such wise choices he made.

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Imagine, after years of hard work, being introduced to a team at a new place of employment exclusively by your intrinsic characteristics.

“Hi everyone, this is Beezy Steder. Beezy, being a heterosexual white male is a great addition to our team!”

Now imagine how vapid and soulless you’d be to be happy with such an introduction!

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Sounds refreshing to me!

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I mean . . . could be worse.

I have no idea how. But I'm certain it could be.

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Give it time.

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She’ll be fundraising his Presidential bid.

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And THAT boys and girls, is why he chose her.

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11B make it all better


Worse come first

But go both ways for a change

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I understand that the Duchess of Sussex herself, Meghan Markle, was on the not-very-short list for the position, so while I feel really sorry for California - and the rest of us, to be honest - we all did dodge that particular bullet.

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she would have been the new AOC

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Strangely, I think AOC is smarter than Megan Markle - admittedly the bar is on the floor for both of them.

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ha! can't even.

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If Newsom were looking for a vacuous, self-righteous, tedious twit, Markle would be a shoo-in, but maybe she hasn't bought off enough of the right people yet.

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100. One of the funniest things ... "insufferable grifter": https://youtu.be/fj3fROxnu8A?si=JDzY42ydTPo2fAL_

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At least Markle was at one time a California Resident.

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Nah, We are doomed

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Flirting with disaster, eh? :)

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This is the action of a party not worried about elections in the slightest. Abandon ship.

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As in the demise of the Roman Republic, patronage is decisive and votes are ornamental.

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So...the Senator for CALIFORNIA is from Maryland? Did I read that correctly?

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Newsom's office promised last night that she would register to vote in California before she's sworn in. They did not promise that she would pretend to live here.

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California politicians figured that since most of the state’s population is either: Hollywood narcissists or drug using/smuggling/growing/trafficking or outright illegal immigrants or recent “legal” immigrants or Democrats, there’s nobody to object to whatever they do.

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and in that assessment they are entirely correct.

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There is also the third of the state that gets paid working for the local, state, or federal government, is in a union, and is registered Democrat. A big bloc.

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My God, this senate appointment by Gruesome is farcical. What’s truly sad is the majority of the California voting public is not paying attention and won’t even know what just happened.

I would laugh if Butler ran for the full Senate seat in 2024 and won, displacing Adam “Shifty” Schiff, Katy Porker, and Barbara Lee.

What would the Democrats think of Gruesome then?

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My liberal relative only commented “strange choice” when I mentioned it to him. That’s the best they can do. Meanwhile I spouted enough expletives this when I read about Greasy Gavin’s appointment that my cats are still hiding under the furniture. 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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So, let me get this straight...the California constitution allows people who do not reside in California (and I suspect, in this case, never have) to register to vote? And I thought NYC was pushing the envelope in wanting to allow non-citizens (including illegal migrants who will be issued emergency green cards) to vote!

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She has a house in California as well as Maryland. Not registered to vote in California and has never voted here, so I’m sure she has a great grasp on state issues. 🤡🤡

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But according to Section 3 of your Constitution (I'm a Canadian), she has to be a resident of the state at the time of appointment. I don't notice any change to that requirement amongst any of the subsequent amendments.

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Given that all members of Congress do these days is go on social media and cable news to cheerlead for the President in their party and bitch about the President in the opposing party, not knowing anything isn’t quite as much of a drawback as it might have been 30 years ago.

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With the occasional on-air flatulence to emphasize one’s perspective.

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It's easy:

If you were an asshat with a terrible record and lacking the aptitude to do your job, what type of person would you hire?

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I can't resist.

YOU, RG. I would hire you.

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I wouldn't hire myself. I'm unmanageable

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It could be worse, maybe. Caligula appointed his favorite horse to the Roman Senate. Is she better or worse than horse? There already numerous jackassees in the Senate, so I guess it would depend on the horse breed. She a bipedal jackass, like most all the Senate. A horse would be much easier to bribe: an apple or some sugar cubes.tough call.

Danny Huckabee

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"Is she better or worse than horse?"

I don't handle tough questions before noon.

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A horse can not pass legislation.

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Edge Horse

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You beat me to that one, Danny.

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The august Senate. Check the “openly black lesbian” extortion artist box, boys. We just need an illegal alien who runs somebody over and gets off scot free and an Islamic terrorist celebrated at Ivy League schools as Senators and we will have run the gauntlet of victim groups. We have had stroke victims, con artists, thieves, mobbed up Clintons, mobbed up New Jerseyites, lesbians, bisexuals, people of many colors, people who identify as other colors, fruitcakes, closeted Lindsays, , dumbasses, the demented, sexual assaulters, RINO traitors, Hawaiian morons, knee padders, climate tards, CCP bagmen, Did I say thieves already?, lawnmower salesmen, cretins, dweebs, blowhards, delectos, crybabies, two faced liars, sociopaths, wimps, dingleberries, tokens, octogenarians, nonagenarians, cartel bagmen, vegetarians, twerps, ghouls, goblins, ogres.

Of course it’s illegal to represent a state you don’t live in, but nobody cares about this requirement.

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"it’s illegal to represent a state you don’t live in, but nobody cares about this requirement."

I suspect it might be more accurately stated - "it’s illegal to represent a state you don’t live in, but nobody cares about "legal" any more."

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Don't forget the alleged-bartender debutante. "Mutants" I guess is a good way to sum this all up. We are governed by mutants. And not the cool kind with metal skeletons and laser eyes. Just the kind two brains, four ears, a nose and a pair of eyes short of having two heads.

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Good pickup on the bartendress/upper middle class Neo-Marxist. I should have mentioned Commies, damn it.

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when congress is completely staffed by laphonzies, people will beg for the blackrock computer to take over

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Strong dystopian vibes from this maneuver.

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STRONG dystopian vibes.

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Gavin Newsom may be John Adams' nightmare, but what is worse is that which Adams could never envision: A complete breakdown of all self-correcting measures, a uni-party of insiders who have dismantlement all checks and balances and even the voting system to beyond even a patina of representation.

That is what this Appointment represents.

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This is not an appointment that represents in any way a fear of an election, a complete confidence that it is controlled.

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To think that I'd live to see race, sexual orientation, and fundraising ability be the key determinants of ability for public office! John Rawls certainly didn't see this coming.

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This reminds me of Hillary Clinton when she moved to New York to qualify to run for US Senate and then she "won." Rigged system. Biden "wins" from his basement, right. We do not live in a democracy, let's get that straight.

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An almost perfect California progressive choice. But not trans so a definite fail.

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