Don't forget the alleged-bartender debutante. "Mutants" I guess is a good way to sum this all up. We are governed by mutants. And not the cool kind with metal skeletons and laser eyes. Just the kind two brains, four ears, a nose and a pair of eyes short of having two heads.
Don't forget the alleged-bartender debutante. "Mutants" I guess is a good way to sum this all up. We are governed by mutants. And not the cool kind with metal skeletons and laser eyes. Just the kind two brains, four ears, a nose and a pair of eyes short of having two heads.
Don't forget the alleged-bartender debutante. "Mutants" I guess is a good way to sum this all up. We are governed by mutants. And not the cool kind with metal skeletons and laser eyes. Just the kind two brains, four ears, a nose and a pair of eyes short of having two heads.
Good pickup on the bartendress/upper middle class Neo-Marxist. I should have mentioned Commies, damn it.