
Detail on California's bleak revenue picture from the legislative analyst's office:


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A very interesting line from that report:

“Sales tax collections have been essentially flat, despite above-average growth in consumer prices.”

I’m sure Newsome with cite this as evidence everything is fine. Reminds me of the child selling pencils for $30K each – “I just need to sell ONE…”

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Or Mr. Burns trillion dollar bill?

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In the last couple years, "The monthly mortgage to purchase a typical California home has gone from $3,500 to $5,400. Some effects of the Federal Reserve’s actions have hit segments of the economy that have an outsized importance to California. In particular, investment in California startups and technology companies is especially sensitive to financial conditions and, as a result, has dropped significantly. For example, the number of California companies that went public (sold stock to public investors for the first time) in 2022 and 2023 is down over 80 percent from 2021."

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For something like forty years, aside from short downward blips like during the Great Recession, both rents and the cost of buying a house have outpaced inflation and wages. This is why we have those 170,000 homeless Californians, not counting the couch surfers. Both parties are owned by real estate developers and the NIMBYs who bought their houses decades ago.

It is not about ideology, but it is about the money. If the Democratic Party was really for helping people, they would have done something about this twenty years ago. Don’t look at the Republicans because as with the California Democrats, they have all the bad parts of their national party and none of the little that is good

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The cost of housing is a problem, but its one that really doesn't have that much to do with the homeless population, despite the repeated insistence of the idiots who run SF

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As one who has enjoyed the ever increasing disjunction between housing costs and wages for forty years, I must strongly disagree. Until about 1985 or so, it was possible to rent a room, maybe even a studio apartment, on a retail worker’s pay. Today, such an apartment is two thousand dollars. $21x40 hours is $3,360 gross per month. It is not guaranteed that you will start at this high amount and there are those pesky taxes to pay. One can say that addiction, mental illness, and shipping in more homeless are the reasons, but until housing and income matches, it does not matter.

The margins for error and the streets is narrower ever year. Really, there is nothing left for disaster. And the rightly described idiots have done nothing to improve the situation. Honestly, this describes the entire state of California right now.

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At this point I just assume that everybody saying "Newsom killed it" are either being paid or they're just CTIL-ish sockpuppets. How else could you say something like "Newsom just brought the facts and DeSantis wouldn't answer a question?"

Theater about theater. Blah.

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Reality is not a priority to communists.

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For the same reason that a good tan is not a priority for vampires.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

All of the Left’s ideas essentially involve flight from reality. Borders aren’t real. Biology isn’t real. The physics of energy production isn’t real. Limits to spending aren’t real. All cultures are fungible. And on and on...

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Frightening but I think they actually believe it.

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Some of them for sure, but literally every "plan" we see from government lately starts with "pay off the influencers to amplify this message......"

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California politics is a meme. Gavin Newsom is reptilian Patrick Bateman, Scott Wiener is a soy bugman, and the rest are NPCs. Has SF reverted back to its regular hellscape after they cleaned it up to save face in front of their Emperor Winnie the Pooh?

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SHIT, I meant to illustrate this post with a picture of "Gavin Newsom," and I forgot until you mentioned it:


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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Is that Sam Brinton’s leg on GN’s shoulder?

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That is the one!

You killed what can't die with that one, Chris my man.


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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Chris Bray


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Here’s something REALLY scary: Gavin Newsom would be flattered by that comparison.

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I'm waiting for the day when it is discovered that California voting has been rigged for decades. It has to be. I have a hard time believing so many people are so absolutely stupid.

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Not a coincidence that the start of mail-in ballots led to single-party rule -- in CA and the rest of the west coast.

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Commifornia is a red state. I’ve been here for 60 years. It was red in the 80’s until it was taken over by communists...a slow infiltration. After all, it did have 55 Electoral College votes.https://www.latimes.com/projects/la-pol-ca-california-voting-history/

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I hear you. We lived in the East Bay 1989-95, & during the 1992 Senate election campaign, Barbara Boxer debated Bruce Herschensohn on the radio. Herschensohn said the first Federal agency he would eliminate would be the Dept of Education, as it did nothing the state couldn’t do for itself, and thus was a waste of money.

Boxer literally gasped, and said “But…but…you can’t HAVE education without a DEPARTMENT of Education!” Boxer won by 4.9%, and served for 24 yrs.

I’m convinced that CA residents got used to good government under Republicans, and started voting for people who promised the most government, never realizing the incompetence of the Democrats. Hell, blacks have been voting for patronizing white racists since 1932 (91 yrs), longer than they’d been emancipated (67 yrs) at the time. Most voters just don’t expend the effort to find the truth.

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You betcha John! I know it’s been said a million times, but…TERM LIMITS! No government entity should be living off the tax payers as long as these parasites have! Someone like Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, and countless others should have sailed years ago (Republicans as well).

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But I think “term limits” should be more broadly applied: No person should be able to work for the government for more than 10 years, whether elected, appointed, or Civil Service. The military should be an exception, but those years of service should count against the civilian 10 yr limit, as should state government employment. Civil Service pensions should be discontinued, but an enhanced 401(k) would be OK.

Oh, and signing or modifying any IP royalty agreements while a government employee will be a felony for both signers. (The “Fuck Fauci Reform Act.”)

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Oh wow! Love this.

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I no longer identify with any political party. They can all kiss my 🍑!

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Totally agree. But I read another substack that brought up a good point that you most likely should go with a party that is established and reform it from within. It has a history that is difficult to replace. Republicans now are just a little less worse than Democrats. If only conservatives could coordinate like the Democrats...

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I now think there should be qualifications to vote. You have to contribute to have a say.

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Interesting that a citizen needs to pass an FBI background check to exercise their 2nd amendment rights, with harsh penalties for providing false information, but simply confirming that you are who you say you are to vote is too high a bar for the Democrats.

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It's their soft racism that "black people aren't smart enough to get an ID" BS. Republicans need to do a better job of calling them out on that. "Where are the black people, the minorities who aren't able to get an ID?"

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It is. I’m a former CA resident, born and raised. Family was very involved in elections/politics--there is zero chance a Republican wins, the fix has been in for decades.

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Ah, my lovely home state of California. Born on third base but thinks they hit a triple, currently in middle of getting thrown out sauntering self-righteously towards home plate.

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I'm willing to bet, when the dust settles, CA will have an increase in population.


That giant sucking sound in Ca?


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I think NYC is making up for all the people it's lost (and still is losing) from outmigration with all the "migrants" bused or flown in daily.

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Taxpayers out

Dependents in.

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Didn't watch the debate because I wanted to see how it would be "covered" by the elites. After I read a single comment that said Newsom corrected DeSantis' pronunciation of Kamala, I knew that Ron had trounced him. When the best thing you can do is to correct someone's pronunciation, you are fighting a losing battle. Time to Gavin to have a meal at The French Laundry to celebrate his ability to pronounce Kamala better than anyone else.

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By the way, I think Trump would have to admit that DeSancatimonious schlonged Newsom.

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And yet Trump won again. Funny how that’s working out.

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Has he corrected Kamala herself, given that her pronunciation of her own name changes from time to time?

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California is a liability.

Simple as that.

It ought just be sold off to the highest bidder and then forgotten.


Us folks in NC, VA, WV, TN, and KY - we have disdain for California and consider that state nothing but a liability. At least the folks in my neighborhood, best I can tell - as for the folks in DC - they are even a bigger liability than CA - go figure....but when the dust settles - CA can go eff itself.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

There is a lot more to California than wankers in SF and LA. The problem out here is that crazies and lunatics from around the rest of the world keep coming here.

Pelosi isn't from California. Neither is Scott Weiner.

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I lived in California shortly after graduating and the place is remarkable in some ways. Since then, I've been there many times to various locations - SF, LA, Bakersfield, Chino, Colton and others. Decades ago with my parents when they came to visit we did the drive on Highway 1. I regret not visiting some of the "National Parks / National Forest" areas, but there is only so much time in a day.

The beauty of the place can't be denied - it is just the gubment there has become witless and hapless with so many decisions that seem to make no sense....

Couple that with ongoing "water issues", earthquake and fire potential, and other "issues of concern", I consider the place a liability.



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Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

"ought just be sold off to the highest bidder"

Suggested edit: "has been sold off to the highest bidder"

The new owner just had a quick look.

Wonder what he thought of his new toy?

edit for typo

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If you speaking about Xi - my guess is he said "no thanks"


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No, what Xi probably said is, “Thank you for the ports Gavin!” Whoever has control of ports, water, etc = POWER!

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I dunno. He might see it as a beachhead.

Just shovel the feces off to the side, and land your troops.

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Bottom line is most of the country I think considers CA feces already!

So - we could care less who claims ownership of said misbegotten place all hollywood and full of lies obvious.....us hill folks - we don't take too kindly to fancy CA ignominy.

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That’s a very small part of CA. Geographically, I think CA is one of the most beautiful, abundant states in the USA. This state could kick ass if we got rid of the government.

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Well - if so - have at it I reckon cause CA is a liability and if somebody is foolish enough to try to acquire it when the citizens themselves are departing, then that is a bad dream squared I reckon - but as long as the payment for it goes to the central coffers then who gives a flip I reckon....of course the central coffers themselves are likely to be raided for the sake of the peasants and whatnot who have had enough of both CA and central authority!

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Be careful…every state will be a victim, just like Commifornia. It’s already happening in TX…watch TX! VA and KY have already been infiltrated. I’ve been watching this closely over the years. Most people don’t realize how many “righties” live in CA! Our government has gone rogue. And there isn’t a thing any of us can do about it…real talk!

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BK, Newsom’stan is indeed a liability, but no way in hell should we let it go. I remember Newsome saying maybe California should secede when Trump won in 2016. Well if Trump should happen to win again and say they do secede, I’m an advocate of Col. Tom Kratmans plan that California should secede, so that we can recognize it, mobilize against it, invade it, conquer it, crush it, execute the leaders (after a trial, of course!) and then restructure it as a territory sin suffragio en perpetua, never to be allowed to vote in national elections like Guam and Puerto Rico. Having lived there for over 20years I whole heartedly support this.

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Your plan preserves access to ocean ports. 👍👍

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ha, ha, ha - that is too funny!

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When a minor comes to CA as a runaway and gets “safety” under SB107, he/she is either emancipated as a runaway or goes into foster care where he/she controls the gender interventions WITHOUT having to be 18 or get parental permission. That is why Wiener vote SB107. Make mistake. Wiener is the liar.

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As a person with family in Colorado (where I moved in 1970) and Montana, I can assure you that we have always viewed California as a far more dangerous foreign threat than China, Russia, or Al Qaeda.

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Colorado belongs in that deadly group.

You guys are Ca light.

Soon you will have mass exodus as well.

Don't come to AZ, we have enough problems trying to get our fair elections back.

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This sums it up: “skin-covered shells inflated with narcissistic heat.” Loathsome.

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Yep. That’s why this third generation Californian got up and voted with my feet 14 years ago. There’s only so much smug stupidity a man can stomach from his neighbors. At the time we said we were leaving, everyone asked us why? Now old friends and relatives are saying, “Yea, you guys were right.” California is beautiful, and I’d love to live there, but the majority of the population of the state are just idiots. You can’t cull the herd, so the best you can do is save yourself.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

But really, what was the point of this debate?

DeSantis m, although very good for FL, is going nowhere fast in the ‘24 race. His staffers and donors can’t find the exits fast enough. It’s getting a bit late for Newsom to enter the race via some sleazy DNC legerdemain ( Is there any other kind with the DNC?) Newsom has a horrible record running CA. Are they just testing out a national audience for the future?

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What's the point of any of them, really. The GOP debates with drooling idiot leftist moderators. Chris Christie getting in his zingers. It's worthless.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It's show business for the Uniparty. It's another part of the manque illusion of democracy we now have in lieu of actual democracy. You might argue that the Republican party is as well.

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No, look at all the amazing things House Republicans are doing with their majority!

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Oh yeah, my bad. I knew I forgot something this morning.

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All these nonsensical "debates" started with the Kennedy / Nixon presidential debate of 1960. The takeaway from that debate is that the people who only listened to it on radio (TV was still uncommon then) heard the arguments and concluded that Nixon won, while the people who watched it on TV saw Nixon's sweaty upper lip and five o'clock shadow contrasted against the suave, younger Kennedy, and said that Kennedy was the winner.

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Newsom has to show National Cred to Xi. Where others failed, Newsom got a summit, and Xi smiled. Newsom flat said no Chimerica Divorce. This is vital to China internally.

The Dems want detente with China. Newsom did it.

The Strategic politics is the same as Nixon to China, except instead of checking the USSR it’s to check the GOP of MAGA.

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I have to think about this one. But there’s definitely something going on with Newsom and the DNC that’s a bit o outside the box , so your explanation is interesting.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I only watched a short clip of the debate, but if the rest of the debate was anything like what I saw, the losers were anyone that watched.

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If migrants weren’t flooding in, imagine what the population decline in California would look like 👀

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When two issues I voted for years ago were overturned, I knew Commifornia was lost to the government, NOT the will of the vote! I’m referring to Proposition 187 (illegal immigrant screening) and Proposition 8 (gay marriage). I don’t bother voting anymore. It’s rigged.

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The Dems claim the “3/5ths compromise” devalued blacks even though Dems were the slavers. Well, the Dems are doing the same thing again – they have eagerly imported 3M illegals who don’t vote but nonetheless get Congressional representation (at the expense of actual citizens in other States). Latter day slaves, but without the whips.

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I believe the technical term is “gaslighting” which is, according to Merriam-Webster, the “psychological manipulation of a person that causes them to question their own reality, perception, or memories. It can be used for personal or political gain...”.

Yup, Gavin sure crushed that idiot alright!

Once again, in their adulation of the smarmy, greasy haired, Cheshire Cat grinning Newsom, the D’s demonstrate their preference for form over function.

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