I just wrote about the Newsom-DeSantis debate at The Blaze, but the morning after is turning out to be even more revealing. Let’s put two things side-by-side.
First, California’s single-party-state club of politicians is swaggering around and high-fiving each other in highly public ways, this morning, ‘cause, like, bro, Gavin crushed that idiot DeSantis! From the personal account of a uniquely repellent and empty assemblyman:
Also, at exactly the same moment, California’s financial crisis is rolling over into nosedive territory as the capital flight associated with a crushingly obvious population exodus intensifies.
California is in the midst of an unprecedented demographic period: the state’s population is declining for the first time since records have been kept. Between January 2020 and January 2023 California lost almost 800,000 residents.
After the last census, California lost a seat in the House of Representatives because of population decline — and the people who run California are extremely proud of how good they are. It’s like watching a herd of preening Chads gathered around a pile of decomposing corpses at a nightclub to brag that hell yeah, dude, that hot chick in the sexy red dress is mine, bro, we did it all night dude, you smell that decomposing flesh? So hot. I’d like to see DeSantis try to score a hot dead chick like this, amirite?
Obvious decline;
Swaggering, preening, smirking pride.
What is this but the sociopathic elevation of performance above substance? Gavin was hella confident and smooth, baby, so those 170,000 homeless people dying on the streets don’t count. California is led by empty human beings, skin-covered shells inflated with narcissistic heat.
Now, here’s Senator Scott Wiener getting very angry that DeSantis and mean Republicans like him lie about the way California treats children:
The age of consent for healthcare in California is 18, you mean liars.
By the way, here’s another thought from the same Scott Wiener:
The scum of the earth.
Detail on California's bleak revenue picture from the legislative analyst's office:
At this point I just assume that everybody saying "Newsom killed it" are either being paid or they're just CTIL-ish sockpuppets. How else could you say something like "Newsom just brought the facts and DeSantis wouldn't answer a question?"
Theater about theater. Blah.