I love that story about Washington. I used it when I taught history. It says so much about service and sacrifice.

Today's military: What can I say? I retired in 2005, when it was still "Don't ask, don't tell." Today it seems like it's "Do ask, tell all." And so I guess I'm now officially old and crotchety.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

But George Washington was white privilege, or something.

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When your military becomes just another bloated, waste of an institution your country is in trouble, big trouble. These soldiers are being lead by imbeciles, and if the shit goes down, people will die due to it. I’ve always respected the military, but my 18 year old son, whose contemplated that path, has been told to avoid that shit show like the plague. Although, if I just showed him this cross dressing freak doing his sick tok show, that would be enough for him to say, “no thanks”. Our enemies are salivating at our insanity.

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You think that's bad. Last September the Canadian military suspended all dress regulations. Want to parade in fishnets, lipstick, and green hair? You do you, baby, bring your whole self to work.

Interestingly dyed hair took off almost immediately. You couldn't complain about the desecration of the uniform, that would be hate speech and get you court martialed. I'm guessing it was a silent protest.

On the Navy Queen: does this mean USN stock will drop like Bud Light? Asking for a friend in Beijing.

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"My bet is that most Americans don’t know the officer corps of the Continental Army plotted to execute a military coup, or at least gestured at being willing to."

....raises hand...

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

“The thing I see in our historical moment, over and over again, is the growing habit of institutions to focus on things that fall outside of their purpose, which grows around the decay of cultural norms.” Outstanding summation. And every day I see all of this in every sector of my life. Just today I was looking at some anatomy illustrations from a legit text book for a class I’m taking (16th edition) and not only did they blend the male and female genitals together on a male illustration, they did actually have a female illustration....with a bunch of tattoos on her hip. Sigh.

Chris, I’m absolutely riveted by how you weave historical context in with current debauchery. Back in the early 90’s my husband was on the first carrier to put 500 women on it. Ironically it was the USS Washington. 4500 guys and 500 women. On a ship not retrofitted for 2 sexes. Let that sink in. As a pilot, who needed enough sleep not to take out an entire deck while landing on the 3rd wire, he was shoved from a 2 man room to a 12 man bunk. Then all the “unplanned” pregnancies started - 65% pregnancy rate on that ship- the women were flown off the ship home and the rest had to take double and triple duty. Then cue all the accidents and several deaths due to lack of sleep and manpower (yes I said MANPOWER- I’m a Navy wife of 30 years, just try coming at me for that comment). It was the biggest sh*t sandwich Clinton every served us. So here we are 3 decades later. I am absolutely not surprised this is happening.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

These anecdotes, however heightened (I mean GW is the GOAT and I assume most Navy service members aren't stunning and brave shemales), speak to the reigning ideologies and worldviews of their times.

GW: honor, courage, sacrifice for something greater (and for a better future for his progeny and his countrymen), in service of God, Country, freedom.

The Village Person In the Navy drag star: nothing exists but the Self and its many needs and manifestations, all of his life and our lives (and I assume the lives of the people he knows) come secondary to Self-actualization, maximum personal autonomy, with the conception of freedom being whatever feeds his desires and flatters his ego in the moment (his Authentic Self™), subject to daily revision, with a level of hatred for those who won't "validate his identity" that Ol' George never worked up for the Redcoats, even on his worst day.

The Stars & Stripes should be updated to reflect the true ethos and sacred values of modern America, and be changed into a simple mirror, so we can better see the only thing that matters to us.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The drag queen thing confuses the hell out of me. How is it an identity? Isn’t it just acting and generally fucking around? It’s offensive to almost everyone. Can the other guys (it’s always guys, right?) come dressed as butterflies or narwhales? What if the women started play-acting Mr.T?

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

I think he's coming up with his stripper name wrong, but maybe those rules have changed, too? My bigger comment is that when I was in the full-time workforce, the whole "I shouldn't be able to smell how you spent your weekend" idea was basically how we operated, too, and I was a consultant. Maybe you had a close friend or two on your team with whom you'd talk about your private life, but broadly speaking, your manager and your client had no idea what you did on your own time. The more generic a personal detail was, the more people who might know it--I remember a colleague checking the Carfax from his work computer, and we talked a bit about VINs--but I can't imagine any of my former employers using me as a "digital ambassador" with a picture of me in clubbing clothes and the handstamp from the Roxy. It's difficult to imagine what the company would have gained. I would have thought the same would be true of the US Navy...

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Reading this I'm reminded of those brave Marblehead Massachusetts men, who seemed to be in every battle in the New England states, ferried Washington's troops from Brooklyn when Howe had them trapped and about to be destroyed, who fought in their little ships against the most powerful navy at that, time hammer and tong, winning about as many as they lost and driving the Brits crazy, and displayed tremendous ability to suffer and yet be victorious, repeatedly. They and their families suffered egregiously and they suffered very high death rates from battle and disease. True patriots. I wonder what they would think of how far this republic has fallen and if they would sacrifice so much if they had to do it again.

Danny Huckabee

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The Post story isn't clear, but would it not be safe to assume that Yeoman Kelley's social media "clapback" had the approval of someone higher up the chain of command? Or do service members have more or less free rein on social media nowadays?

I can't tell you how this ends. But I worry it may entail a carrier group sitting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The American people may or may not take solace knowing there was tremendous "diversity" and "inclusion" among the dead.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Thanks Chris!

This is why I subscribe. To learn.

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In no way does this prepare our sons and daughters to be able do difficult things that will require pain and GAF about something more than themselves.

But we deserve this because of our gross moral complacency.

Our collective desire for comfort, convenience and status while being entertained has weakened us to the point that we have no ability to weather actual difficult times. And those will inevitably occur.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

It’s not even the sexually deviant aspect of this “non-binary” burlesque jackass (pronouns Hee/Haw) that’s the salient aspect of this Marxist propaganda national trolling to my way of thinking. I really don’t care what an adult does jn the drag queen dressing room. What matters is the public projectile 🤮 sharing of every private peccadillo. This is no accident of course. This fool is an exhibitionist, a deviant (sorry- the norm implies and defines deviation) and is happy to tell the world. No matter if it embarrasses peers publicly and the institution of the Navy, or the people who foot the salaries thereof, us . But what Commodorette Juanita Paulina Jones is missing here is that Hees getting used by the Commies. Just like the featured trans spokespeople, the valedictorian “Dreamers”, the proud celebritard serial aborters, they are temporary props in the long war against American values and decency. They are paraded for one reason only - to piss everybody off. You don’t actually think the Dems expect everybody in the horrible “employed, heterosexual, married with children, goes to church now and then and loves America” category to suddenly say”Now there’s a fighting drag queen we can all be proud of! And her mascara is so artfully done!” No, they know you hate this. That’s the point. Now I’m sure this queen is fierce in battle, even if a nail gets chipped, but the second order effects are - nobody joins the Navy, at least besides other drag queens, nobody wants to fund the Navy, nobody wants to say they were in the navy, and our enemies, who don’t apparently spend their military efforts trying to assuage every fringe element of society start to get some ideas. This is dumb and dangerous. That’s why you don’t vote for Democrats, as if you need another reason. Don’t worry, tomorrow something even dumber will remind us of this again.

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Tales of valor have come to an end, a long-time coming, for the American military. My father, who retired an Army Sergeant Major at the age of 43, having served in WW2 and Korea, said at the time of his retirement that he had no ambition to become an officer, for he did not respect the calibre of the men in those ranks. This was over 60 years ago.

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May 10, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Though the claim might be to give the impression of "inclusivity" to promote recruitment to the military, showcasing how it isn't rigid and old fashioned, in fact the goal and purpose of this type of media may in fact be the unbelievable wish to keep the numbers low.

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