Telling people to not think a certain way that you do not approve of is "un-American".

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Goldberg apparently can't help but tell others what to think. But the best part of his screed there was how he's perfectly happy with all the actual events of the historically unique raid on an ex-President's home, but absolutely horrified by the panoply of events he imagines will happen.

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I am pretty sure that is why no one with a serious mind pays any attention to Goldberg. LOL!

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Ah, Jonah Goldberg. Reason #89 of why I stopped reading and paying for National Review.

You wouldn't believe the beating I got at every turn when I spoke out about COVID authoritarianism. Honestly, I don't even understand who those people are.

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Guess so.

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like the brain bug in Starship Troopers?

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The hypocrisy is astounding!! Now they are disturbed by threats to their safety when we have endured the “summer of love” where we saw anarchy in the streets and it was described as peaceful! No one was held accountable. When conservative members of SCOTUS have been harassed at every turn and the DOJ turned a blind eye and allowed it to happen. It’s like we are all being punked! They think we are stupid. They need to think again!!

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The idiotic Goldberg goes on and on in that G-File link about how the President has "no power" but it's the 536 OTHER elected officials who wield "the power" empowered by "the Parchment." He then makes this quite revealing assertion:

"But what I can’t get my head around is the idea that the solution to our allegedly bananifying regime is to put that browning, mealy, giant banana back into power."

What he fails miserably to connect the dots on, is that when ONE party aligns solely along party lines to dictate to the entire nation--especially those supporting the OTHER party--we no longer live in a CONSTITUTIONAL Republic, but most definitely a BANANA Republic. Especially when they use the profits of plunder (i.e., taxes & money printed out of thin air) to bribe the holdouts into going along with passing pure party-line legislation. The socialist democrats have weaponized the government against their "enemies," where that word, too, is now redefined as "anyone who disagrees with us."

SO, the President doesn't have any power unless it's Orange Man Bad. Talk about an incurable case of TDS! Once again, the G-File missed his targeted G-Spot.

This is the fight between Evil and Good. And I must keep the faith that Good will ultimately decimate the pure evil currently in the majority.

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I’m going to start sounding like a broken record, but, “fuck Jonah Goldberg“.

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Speaking that way is so un-American.

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Is “Sieg Heil!” more American?

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Do as I say, not as I do. Jonah’s book was really good, and I thought he was a sharp cookie. But then along came Donald J. Trump and Jonah done come down with a DEFCON 1 level case of TDS. He’s now devolved emotionally and morally to the point of being another Never-Trump Regime apologist be clowning himself wherever he can get a gig. Pull his string and out comes the autopilot Anti-Trump trash talk. Sad but typical of the janissary Conservative Inc. class shilling for the Left.

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This is a simple show of power. Yeah, we raided his house. What are you gonna do about it, pleb? It’s the 2020 election all over again. They are trying to instill fear and hopelessness.

The political process is broken beyond repair. The sooner we understand this, the sooner we can move towards real solutions.

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Agreed. I'll also posit they are trying to provoke a response. They would be delighted have a violent outburst from a wacko they can paint as a Trumper. One good example and suddenly any and all Trumpers are DVEs. The FBI gloves would be off.

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So 1776 was wrong then Dave?

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One “really huge” thing DJT has done is cause everyone to show their cards. We who are paying attention have had to look into our Freudian id for a deeper analysis. “Where do I stand?” “Who am I?” “What is my/the truth?” “What lines will I allow to be crossed, and what will I do or not do about it?”

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Exactly! Now we know just who is who.

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Jonah Goldberg was a very big reason I dropped my 20 year subscription to National Review a few years back.

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“I have no idea if searching the former president’s home was a wise decision. But from every account I’ve read, it was a lawful decision. Dictators do not typically seek warrants from judges when they send police to search the homes of their political opponents. Heck, if the reporting is to be believed, the White House didn’t even know what had happened until after the deed was done.”

Those were some broad strokes of logic that whitewashed a whole load of seething garbage underneath. That’s talent. And the sheer adulation in the comment section was kinda revolting.

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Best part is his assertion that dictators don't get warrants. Yes they do ya 'tard! From the corrupt judges they installed! That's the point!

Gaah! FJG!

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Exactly. Don’t dictators install lackeys at all levels of government to DO ALL THE DIRTY WORK FOR THEM? So they can appear as innocent (or maybe senile?) as possible?

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I couldn't finish

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Bhahahaha. Complete lack of one's self-awareness and principle.

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Except with us peasants, there is no "toning it down" to "avoid a media circus", but rather an all-out "go-go-go" kinetic assault on our homes and families with "F B I !!!" emblazoned on everything from jackets to jackboots.

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Living in a blue state and working at a college through the pandemic taught me some important lessons, many I already knew but never before had a need to articulate. Democrats living these places identify as democrats. The issues and events don't mean anything, the party defines their position and that's it. They don't question anything.

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Poor Jonah. He really misses being relevant. He bet big being a NeverTrumper and has never recovered.

May he just close his mouth and go find a real job instead of trying to be a "conservative pundit".

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Something happened to Goldberg. He used to be fairly rational and was fun to read. He used to have a running joke in his columns about his couch. Then Trump came along and we got the infamous "Against Trump" NR cover. He was part of the team. He has been insufferable since then. Agreed that we don't need this guy lecturing us about anything, and we need MORE people speaking up/waking up about our descent into Banana Republicness.

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There are but 2 camps, those that see the jab deaths and injuries, and those that do not. The raid and all it has generated is superflous to this and a distraction as far as I can fathom. It will not matter in the long run, should we survive this with any infrastructure intact.

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