I have a similar problem: family members whom you love and care about who simply will not listen to reason or opposing opinions. Not one to give up - or give in - I developed a strategy that worked like a charm. I gave them an ultimatum: Either you agree to sit for a least one hour and LISTEN to highly-credentialed experts, with no axe to grind or monetary incentive to protect, or you will never see me again (and they know I mean it, because I've done it before). The outcome: one agreed hour became nearly three and I have converted hard-core Faucinistas into even harder-core anti-vaxxers who cannot believe they were so easily conned. Audi alteram partem.

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I am curious to know what experts and sources you used to persuade those people.

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Drs. Macullogh, Malone, Wolf, are really all you need. Dr. Naomi Wolf (https://dailyclout.io/) has uncovered so much fraud at Pfizer it will be a miracle if the company survives. Steve Kirsch and Alex Berenson are also excellent resources - vaxxed democrats usually are. Here's an interesting video: https://rumble.com/v197mj7-eua-amendment-request-for-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-for-children.html?mref=9yobh&mrefc=2

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i posted Dr Wolf's pfizer substack and facebook and they took it down

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Thank you for writing about this. You've illustrated a delicate problem that many of us are facing.

When some people hear a contrary view, they ask: why does this person feel differently? What are their reasons? Such people want to understand contrary views.

But when other people hear a contrary view, they say: this person is evil or stupid. Such people don't want to understand any contrary views. They may not even understand that contrary views are possible.

We waste everyone's time when we try to reason someone out of a view they did not reason themselves into.

That frustration with the current hysteria has led me to pour my energy into actions, not words. I want to become the healthiest person possible, through scientific study of nutrition, training and lifestyle. Improving health outcomes is the only satisfying answer to the death cult.

Where the others fall ill, let us stay well. Where they are weak, let us grow strong. Where they are indulgent, let us practice restraint. Where they are miserable and fearful, let us be joyful and brave. Cede the propaganda war to the empty talkers, and occupy reality instead.

So it was that I haven't been ill beyond a sniffle these last two years, despite flouting every public health directive. I have learned a great deal about physiology and psychology and put it to work improving my athletic performance in measurable and relevant ways.

Of course, we could become Olympic gold medalists in middle age, and some of these people would still have zero respect for our healthcare opinions.

But I'll tell you who is paying attention: our children.

They'll never forget who wore masks and who refused. They'll never forget who got sick and who stayed healthy. They'll never forget who took drugs and who "just said no." And they will understand that they have choices, too, even when everyone around them is choosing differently. They will grow up wanting to understand contrary views.

Public denunciation by family members is no fun, I know.

But in the end, whose experiences matter more: those of our sons and daughters who are just starting their lives, or those of their insane elders hell-bent on destroying their own?

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"Occupy Reality"

My new slogan.

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"That frustration with the current hysteria has led me to pour my energy into actions, not words. I want to become the healthiest person possible, through scientific study of nutrition, training and lifestyle. Improving health outcomes is the only satisfying answer to the death cult."

People reacted to my description of my choice in remarkably dark ways -- ohhhh, you've been EXILED to sleep on the GROUND!!! -- but I meant exactly what I said: I realized that I had a respiratory illness, so I went camping. I went outdoors into fresh air and sunshine. It made me feel much better very quickly. The first leg of my "health outcomes versus the death cult" answer is to GO OUTSIDE. I'm absolutely sure that this is the best medicine in the world. Get out of bed, off the couch, into the world. And yes, I hope my daughter sees this very clearly.

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Nature is the healer! I feel the same about the beach. Clean air, natural sounds, sunlight, bare feet on the earth. We are not meant to be caged and the worst is when we get used to it. How much illness and unhappiness is simply the consequence of living in a human zoo?

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Love this. Yes.

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I love this! Yes, only time will tell on this and "the waiting" will be very hard in a number of ways.

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I finally watched The Big Short over the weekend.

Christian Bales portrayal of Michael Burry constantly having to defend himself because he looked at the data in detail hit home. “You think you know more than Alan Greenspan?”


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The book is amazing so far. Only 2 chapters in but can’t put it down.

Michael Burry “it occurred to me that no one knew what they were talking about”

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"I see a set of people I despise and want to confront, and I see a set of people who’ve been coming to my birthday parties for several decades. Their views are more or less aligned."

Yup, same here.

A little over a year ago, having been instructed by my sister that I shall ingest mRNA or be forbidden from visiting her kids, I compiled a report explaining why I couldn't submit to these vaccinations any time soon. (Shit you not, it was a reasonable report: well-supported, non-dogmatic. Just basic obvious shit: like they didn't test the vaccines for transmission, I'm not really at risk, these are new and I'd like more time, etc.).

Anyway, "fuck you and your FUCKING SCIENCE!!!" -- times a dozen, for 30 minutes -- sums up the browbeating I earned for endeavoring to myself the best way I knew how.

She didn't relent, recruited dad to her side, and so I became a leper within what had always before been a relentlessly close group. I don't have any other branches of family to cut off, so I'm in this terrible non-space where I resent the hell out of them, they resent the hell out of me, and even though we're currently in a happy valley where we finally visit without masks, it's all gonna change in the fall when I don't get the newest shot and masks are vogue again.

In conclusion...

Well, Mattias Desmet's new book is way better than I anticipated. The depth of his framework, which traces our troubles to the very (technocentric) understanding of the universe we inherited centuries ago, is helping me understand this long Covid moment and my role in it. And to mentally prepare for the long haul. Chris' substack, too. Keep writing, it's appreciated!

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Damn. That’s like a mirror image of my family.

Thank god for good friends…

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Man, sorry to hear that. My girlfriend and I have really bonded over our shared abhorrence of new normality, but I'm in the SF Bay Area so all my other friends are down with all the worst of it.

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It's quite the dilemma. In Denmark (all restrictions are gone) everyone is now acting as if the last two years never happened. It's quite bizarre, but to be honest a relief, quite a few relationships to very close family and friends wouldn't have survived another year.

Now those family and friends are busy funding the ukranian suicide squads with donations, but as long as i keep my mouth shut i'm at least allowed at their table.

Some of them fed me before i could feed myself.

But something has changed, a devide has sprung forth, and I'm truly disgusted by the people who peddled it. Different choices could have been made, instead of ridicule, ostracism and hate they could have choosen compassion and understanding. I can't blame my relatives for trusting the leaders of their country, the media and the health agencies domestic, foreign and global.

You can't live an ordinary life if you don't, i know from experience. But to experience these institutions turn my closest relatives and friends against me has shattered parts of me that can't be put back together. A cold numbness has seeped into relationships which should have been filled with warmth. This is not forgivable.

Different choices could have been made, even if you dont know science, you should know human decency.

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I am so sorry, brother. My family members on both sides generally agree with me on these issues for the most part, or won't engage the debate, so I have not had to deal with this kind of interpersonal/familial strife. The Oligarch's plan to divide and conquer us is working very well. Refuse to be insulted and bullied by brainwashed people. It is their loss. Resist and be free.

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Does your wife (or whoever it is in your family that you're taking these "precautions" for) not read your writings? :)

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No. She knows about it, read a bit, and doesn't like reading it.

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That must be very hard for you to bear. She doesn't know how lucky she is to have such a thoughtful Thinker right there with her. Always remember we readers appreciate what you do. You have great skill as a writer conveying complex things.

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We experienced this with our synagogue. Their "covid committee" decided last December that you couldn't enter the building without proof of vaccination or a medical exemption. My kids were basically barred from Hebrew school because their pediatrician refused to write them a note. We have been members there for nearly two decades, we spent half of each week there for years, and to be treated like this hurt a lot. But we refused to be bullied into taking this experimental gene therapy. The rabbi is at least trying to get this committee to loosen the restrictions, but it's led by a bunch of crazy lefty professor trust-the-science people...

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The destruction of religious communities as a place of strength and refuge is very very very dark. Along with the destruction of family, this one just destroys me.

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My wife and I were disinvited to my grandson's Bar Mitzvah because we haven't been vaxxed. I don't think the breach with my son's family will ever be healed.

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My brother in law and his wife have cut themselves and their baby off from most of the world and won't even let us dirty unvaxxed lepers near their baby who, btw, will be getting as many experimental shots as the doctors let them have. Tell me how that makes any sense.

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Incredibly sad, but entirely familiar.

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I am so sorry. It's utterly ridiculous that they did that.

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Except of course it’s not really “the science”

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Jun 22, 2022
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Not when you live in a city that only has two...and the other one is even more crazy. It's ok. My faith is unshaken. I'm not Jewish to please these poor delusional people but because I was raised in it and respect its teachings, which, btw, never say anything about turning against people because of some leader's edict.

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Breakaway congregation.

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Warning, anecdotal evidence!

I have a friend, who has a friend, who's x-wife rushed thier 3 kids in to get the shot as soon as it was available. Who could blame her?The risk of death to healthy children was/is super duper high, of course, maybe.

Now his son is experiencing heart failure that began presented a day after Fauci ouchi. Correlation is not causation though, so ignore that fact. Probably just bad genes or something.

Just imagine how bad it could have been if the boy had contracted the dreaded disease, which is still possible with the shot that protects him from dying from an ailment that doesn't kill healthy children. Oh, I guess he is no longer a healthy child. Good thing he is protected now, kind of.

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My immediate family is split on the jabs. My spouse was happy his employer got earlier access for their employees. I had misgivings from the get go - saw some of the prior to 2020 research and that the animals died after challenge in mRNA trials. Then my spouse had heart palpitations after the 2nd dose (and kept it from me for over a year!) Oldest kid got it to attend college in person (which ended up being in dorm room online school). I said my younger kid can't get it, even to go to college - i.e. I won't pay for tuition (spouse is onboard with young kid not needing it, but won't recommend against jabs). Limited his choices - and he's NOT happy about it. Says all his friends have been jabbed and they are JUST FINE. Which I know isn't true for all of them - I'm friends with one of the moms and her kid had passed out and was told to drink electrolytes to help with blood pressure issues.

I forward the awesome substack articles that show the malfeasance all around the government response and we've all had covid, yet all 3 think I'm a lunatic. My spouse is very supportive of me, not necessarily my ideas. Weird dichotomy. I never thought I'd be in this situation with him.

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My older sisters, both Boomers, jumped on the vax. One, a nurse, took it early, got a blood clout that almost killed her, and never really questioned anything about it.

The other went full Covid fanatic, stopping visits with her own kids, let alone others. For all she is a very bright person, her fears controlled her and she couldn't rationally address the matter. She is better now but not much.

Fears are so powerful. The narrative makers are masters at manipulating fears. When we let our fears rule us, we are easily controlled.

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For over two years we have been bombarded, relentlessly, non-stop, with, "Be afraid. Be very afraid!" Led by the media of course. Every public venue has succumbed. Silly, ineffective masks and meaningless temperature scans to access health care facilities. Useless plexiglass screens everywhere. Decals on floors to encourage "safe" distancing. Whatever that is. And half of the world bought in. As time goes on - it appears that there is little, if any, medical basis for all this fear-mongering. But the fear remains. As was intended.

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All the businesses need to break out their toolboxes and remove those ridiculous plexiglass barriers, and remove the floor decals, signs about masking and the like, plus no more requiring any employees anywhere to wear masks. Wouldn’t that be great?

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Yeah, it would be great - but don't hold your breath. I suspect the imposition of arbitrary rules with some kind of "medical" rationale will be with us for a very long time.

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The tragic part of tales like yours is that the top levels of government are fueling such divisions by lying about the "vaccine" and demonizing those refusing to go along with this show. It was all deliberate and for an evil purpose that will be revealed soon, I believe.

I sympathize with your situation. God bless you for fighting to keep your child unvaccinated. That must've been a very stressful time for you.

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It was awkward, but ultimately I knew my answer and stood by it. And will stand by it. Nothing to do but keep going.

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I too feel your pain, as so many others on here do as well. Had COVID last month (vaxxed, not boosted nor will I be). The last half dozen colds my kid brought home from daycare were far worse. But, to avoid my kid from not being able to go to daycare and my wife from having to declare a mistrial (she was 2 weeks into a 6 week trial), I quarantined. Did I want to, no. Did I think it was stupid, yes.

Earlier this year, my wife’s parents (have drank the evil turd Fauci’s cool aid and said, “Please sir, may I have another.”) were ultra pissed at me for not getting a booster. Her mother (vaxxed and double boosted) basically tried to guilt trip me by telling me, in not so many words, that I was going to kill my father in law (also vaxxed and double boosted). I should add he is 73, overweight and diabetic. I, too, tried to send articles, studies, etc to no avail. Anyway, my mother in law just got over COVID and my father in law, chock full of comorbidities, also just got over COVID. No problem. I’m just thankful I was no where around them or I surely would have been the evil spreader. I’m waiting for “when are you going to vaccinate our grandson”, who is 14 months. The answer: When Hell freezes over.

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The booster mania sent a lot of people looking for the exit.

1.) Do X or we'll be angry with you!

2.) Okay, I'll do X.


They just can't ever bring themselves to stop.

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It seems like the elderly are the most frightened, followed by liberal whites. I spend a certain amount of my time in my medical practice talking about reality—an elderly patient recently told me his mortality would be “100%” if he got Covid …

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Were you able to convince him otherwise?

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I certainly tried! I try to share stories from my friends, family and patients; To date I have only lost one of my primary care patients to Covid, definitively. I’ve definitely had a fair number of elderly patients get it and do fine. I also like to talk about my teenage daughter who got the J&J vaccine before going to college and then got Covid twice at college. She is just fine also.

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I’ve been through this in various permutations. The hard, sad truth of the matter is that while you are concerned about being thoughtful, rational, and considerate of others’ feelings, your indoctrinated Leftist family members/ friends are willing to instantly burn down the relationship, and won’t even bother to do any research from alternative sources of information to boot. They are perfectly willing to sacrifice you (and your kid btw )on a wokester ignorance pyre of dangerous propaganda. How good is that relationship ? In my world, not so much. Difficult situation. All too common. I would advise that these people are infantile, selfish, and potentially dangerous. They don’t know what they are playing at. It’s commendable to be the bigger person. And this is each individual’s call. But you may have to choose, and don’t forget how they treated you when you disagreed with them, because this brave new world is a window onto character.

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I'm man enough to take the blame for and be the evil villain any (mentally and emotionally weak) person my family needs to cope with their issues. As such, I hold the line. I hold back the flood like a strong dam, and I'm the reinforced concrete support pillar that can be leaned on in tough times. I'm asshole Uncle Nate. I'm mean dad. I'm that jerk of a husband. But common sense and based reality rein supreme in my house. Now, do you.

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Now we are really getting to the heart of the matter. We all have experienced this separation in varying degrees with friends and family. I love you sharing this very personal story. And on that note I am now going to officially subscribe. Thanks Chris.

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