The same people do the same things, over and over and over. You'd think we'd start writing things down so we could learn from the experience.

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That's crazy talk!

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What the saying?? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity? Something like that. It’s the libs credo.

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This fable seems appropriate given contemporary political trends:

"THE FROGS, grieved at having no established Ruler, sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving their simplicity, he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash..."


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And the scorpion will act according to its nature.

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Those who would not learn from history etc., which is why the educational system is specifically designed to churn out illiterates with the memories of goldfish.

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You had me at "sniveling shitweasels" I laughed so loud and hard in this cafe.

Yes. That.

Let's suppress free speech, censor the internet, censor anything and everything actually (because feelings!) for our democracy and safety! It's insanity. Truly.

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It is an excellent pejorative worthy of adoption by all champions of free speech that I, for one, intend to wield against these sniveling shitweasels at every opportunity.

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Feel free to add to the list, sniveling shitweasels is too kind.

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Defending Our Democracy Values™ requires that the people be silenced and their preferences systematically excluded from policy making.

The historical irony is that in the US at least it's been Democrats who have been making this argument for a century and a half. Or maybe it isn't ironic at all and 'democracy' isn't what we were told it was.

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Chris Bray, substack, our comments. How they gonna shut us up? You can't get the pee out of the pool. Talk about losers! They aren't even fighting the last war. We don't have sources anymore. We swim in the information ocean. Nothing can stop free speech. Even in China, they watchin' the same screaming videos of Shanghai in lockdown. I went to send the video to someone in Guangzhou - they'd already seen it.

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Anytime Robert "third" Reich is near, dismantling of free thought is not far behind. This tool seems to have no problem with other billionaires owning media. BUT they're good oligarchs. Prince MBS set a Saudi record a month ago, with 81 lopped off heads. Funny how Herr Reich has no problem with him being a Twitter co-owner...

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Yes, jewish robert reich is a nazi. Without Hitler! , muh constitution, and Reagan normie cons would have no historical narrative.

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“Abolitionist bullshit,” lol!

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Thanks Chris for the historical background. What can one say to people whose jaws don't drop at the absurd assertion of Robert Reich? Really? How many of you were born yesterday? And his name is Reich! Of course that's not how he pronounces it, like Gene Wilder insisting his name is "Frank-en-steen!"

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"Max Fucking Boot." So perfect. I ❤️ U.

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Fanny Trollope complained in 1830 that one of the worst things about America was the constant spitting. She also hated the way Americans only cared about making money.

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Max Boot pressure on face, Robert 3rd Reich... Really enjoyed this, thank you. An intriguing history. The thought that has fascinated me for the last several years is, as Eugyppius recently opened with, "Most people are wrong about most things." It's almost unbelievable to me how inextricably we are bound to the tint of our glasses, (rose or otherwise).

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What to max boot and reich habe in common?

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A selfless love for "our democracy"?

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Fascinating. Fantastic reporting, bringing this to bear on the current situation.

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Another great post by you, Chris Bray, thank you. Love the history parallel here and commitment to one of our core values as a country. I have a middle school & high school student and the discussion of “critical thinking” and “discerning opinion from fact” is absent in their public school education. I’d love to see our future generations learn those critical skills. As we know, our brains gravitate towards gossip and the most scandalous ideas, we need skills to overcome that primal thinking and discern what is real. 

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See www.grandoldpartisan.com for more information about the history of the Republican Party.

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I'm going to be fact checking some of your Southern History for context. Brion McClanahan of the Abbeville Institute is the foremost authority

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Like a dog to it’s vomit so the goofball normie conservative to the “democrats are the real “racists”!”. Pathetic. Look at any major merican city, crime stats, or any social metric and tell me those evil White, Southern racists were wrong. As awful a tyrant as Lincoln was too bad he didn’t live to ship them back to africa.

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Well written, Chris. You do have a way with the alliteration—sniveling shitweasels. 😆 Too bad the proponents of the 1619 project haven’t extended their research. Slavery was the product of elites landowners. Just as open borders provide woke corporatists with cheap labor.

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