This is all part of the Purge. It is a strategy to get rid of normal people and create a neo-feudal system of serfs and lords. Its working spendidly as I can attest here in North Idaho. At least it would seem the majority that are moving here are conservatives that want to save this state from the RINOs (that are mostly actually Democrats that run as Republicans) that are running it. But their kids seem pretty screwed up already...

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Let's see what California Politicians think when parents begin pulling their children out of public school en mass! Make sure they know why you are pulling out your child!

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So, this is the same Scott Wiener that shows up at pride parades in bondage gear, pushed through a law that made it legal for the HIV+ to have unprotected sex without warning their partners, and pushed through another law making it legal for gay men to have sex with teenage boys?

What a guy.

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Even more unusual, at the Folsom Fair, Scott is the most square and prudish one there.

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"They don’t care what you think. They don’t care what you want. They don’t care about your anger and your disgust. They do what they want. Your elected representatives do not represent you."

It seems clear to me, they have no idea of the anger against this. They are so certain of their superiority that all criticism disappears instantly into the vacuum of it, as in a black hole.

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They're clueless! Sri Lankan government found that out the hard way recently. You can only push people so far until they push back.

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They have cops & soldiers with guns - until they don't.

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I was going to say something about how bad California is until I remembered I live in Wa State where they tried to build a literal concentration camp for sick people.

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In NYS our fascist governor sidestepped the legislature where the concentration camp bill died a well-deserved death and has implemented it through the Health [sic] Department. The camps are being built in the state already. A friend told me there's a "FEMA type" camp not far from where she lives with a high fence with razor wire. There's a lawsuit against this blatantly unconstitutional and illegal act, which will be a test of just how corrupt the courts in NYS are.

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Rigged elections?

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"Abortion care" from "Scott Wiener" ... You can't make it up.

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THE Sarah Westphal?!?

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And who will take care of the vax injured kids? Then Weiner will be nowhere to be found. He is a sociopath, like so many of this crop of heartless, demented politicians.

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Our elected representatives obviously hold us in contempt. Our legislators are attempting to usurp the role and authority of the parent by handing the child the right to make adult decisions. Since they couldn't care less what parents want, this has to be dealt with at the family level. I know what I would do if my children were still minors and living with me: I would clearly explain the risks of the shot (there are plenty of videos out there of vax-injured people to show them) and the utter lack of benefit to my child. And then the consequences if my child decided to defy my judgment and do it anyway, and I found out because they wound up with an injury: I will not accept the consequences of decisions over which I have no control. Neither the state nor you, my child, has the right to put me in that position. If you nevertheless try, I will make you a ward of the state or emancipate you (depending on age). No child lives under my roof and in my care who does not respect my authority. This only flies if parents acquiesce to it.

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Scott Wiener somehow manages to be the author or a coauthor of nearly every detestable radical progressive bill the CA legislature shits out. With regards to consistency it's quite impressive, really.

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In spite of feeling powerless we must continue to pressure our assembly members. I know mine will vote for it but I will still call him out. He has nothing to lose as he is termed out and retiring.

Parents do not give up the fight! If we do not stand up who will?

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I’ve recently begun writing about California politics and the corruption and incompetence is shocking, even for someone jaded by politics. The sad thing is, tribalism is so strong in the big cities that people keep voting Democrat, no matter what. Soon, the only people left will be the very rich and very poor that cannot afford to move.


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And all of them—the very rich and the very poor—will still be voting Democrat!

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Portantino is one of many anti-gun Democrats, like Reagan, who is responsible for California being the only state in the union where the right to *bear* loaded arms is limited to the four outer walls of your house. I feel for you.

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I've never even bothered to try to talk him out of any of the gun stuff, because I knew he wouldn't hear a word of it. But this one -- no forgiveness, ever.

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Chris, There's a likeminded remnant community that agrees with you. Check them out at PressCalifornia.com

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I have it bookmarked.

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My God I hate these people.

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So, this is the awakening. It was a grave mistake to allow those other "long standing" practices in the first place. We felt pity for the child of abuse who needs therapy away from an abusing parent. But evil people like Wiener then use our pity against us. The exception to the rule should rarely, if ever, change the rules. We now know ceding ground in our families to the state only results in the state cleaving our families apart. We must retake all our ground. Now. There is no time to waste. Roll it all back.

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There is a nefarious movement to liberate children from the people consigned to protect them (parents) so they can be exploited. This is happening in our schools, now. It's demonic, and needs to be stopped. Get children out of the schools.

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