If I ever live my life based on what a politician says, I deserve whatever the hell happens to me

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Unfortunately they can and do enforce their say.

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Not true, you and I share this world with people who are less intelligent, as well as people who have higher IQ's. We watch over and protect those who are simpler, we listen and learn from those with higher IQ's. I would never say that the Ukrainian people "deserved" the Holodomor - the mass starvation by Stalin in the 1930's. That's what's happening now on a worldwide basis.

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The IQ test is for learning disabilities and the rest is fraud.

High IQ seems to correlate with sociopathy and they have nothing to teach us, they are the ones telling us to Die, and manipulating procedural outcomes to kill us.

That is what is happening now we agree on.

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Today at a restaurant in Portland OR....half of just the staff wearing masks, none of the customers...on my check I wrote 'look up 'mask induced pneumonia' with a sad face....they do not see their 'forever fear' as 'forever consent', but it is.

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Minds are conquered, one itsy bitsy insane thought (they can make you buy into) at a time. Confusion is a huge tactic of mind control. Gaslighting for power is based on the concept that they can turn you around and get you thinking YOU are the crazy one. Trust me, I was married to 2 narcissists. God finally plopped a beautiful, kind and not-threatened-by-me man who reaffirms me daily—my third husband (because my man-picker was broken!) When we ask the question, "How did we get here???" It's time to start saying NO. Push back. Jordan Peterson describes this tactic of control and the process by which they achieve this, in a Joe Rogan interview on YouTube (look it up) about behavior modification and how the left is using this, little baby steps at a time to get us believing nonsense through shaming, and threat of force. The abuse gets to be too much and we eventually acquiesce and relax our guard. Then they start up again and push the line a little further back because the first line became normal for us. Pretty scary.

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They sell "fear." And at the same time they sell the notion that they alone can "protect" us from the things we are brainwashed into fearing. They've been doing it forever, and the tactic seems to always work. But now more so than ever. My take-away: America is NOT "the home of the brave." Most Americans don't want to be "free" either. They want to be controlled and to comply/obey. So as it turns out, we know how Big Brother became Big Brother in the first place. The people were clamoring for him to save and protect them.

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Hey Australia is up with with America in fear and morons!!..we have had rubber bullets fired into crowds and police bashing people protesting...none of our politicians ever defended us..

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They sent the batons and bullets.

They’re crushing you.

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They are trying to crush all of us..a small % are awake and resisting in a variety of ways..the rest have lost their minds and are beyond savings..

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The Luciferian idiocracy wishes to kill you. Whether it is because they greedy & stupid, or fully consumed by evil doesn’t really matter - they need to be removed from all positions of authority & influence. We owe it to future generations.

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This is Lucifer’s attorney of Record Eric Holder. My client insists you stop abusing his Evil and Majestic Name by associating him with these people.

Lucifer has rights too.

SCOTUS has confirmed them, it’s called the Miranda decision.

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Thank-you for that smile. I really need a smile now and again.

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The past few years have definitely red-pilled me -- and apparently many other people -- but looking back, I see the groundwork for their recent power grabs has been laid down over the past few decades. Centralized control, concentrations of power, corrupted institutions, globalism, hollowing out and undermining the middle class, the increasingly top-heavy administrative state, the elimination of the traditional beliefs and norms, the financialization of the entire economy, etc., etc. We're like the proverbial frog in the pot of water, except that it's not just getting hotter, it's already boiling. Fortunately, the clowns running the show are increasingly bad at lying and clumsy about implementing their schemes. Add to that external conflicts with competing systems (e.g., Russia, which is not making nearly as many unforced errors as the Biden Administration is), and there is a glimmer of hope that we may be able to create something good when our current sclerotic regime collapses (God willing!).

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Milan Kundera: "But, he said to himself, whether they knew or didn’t know is not the main issue; the main issue is whether a man is innocent because he didn’t know. Is a fool on the throne relieved of all responsibility merely because he is a fool?"

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As Chris points out, they are either fools or Machievellian manipulators who want to harm people (or solidify their control). Either explanation, these people are cancers on society.

If you are in Camp A, you need to be shamed and ostracized.

If you are in Camp B, you should be shamed, ostracized ... and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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Yes but I’ve seen this movie, it was called Iraq. OIF.

Other movies by same Franchise - a very successful and profitable franchise- were called Syria, there are ongoing episodes being played now in Libya and Ukraine, I suspect Mexico.

Its now playing in America.

This brings us to shame, ostracizing and most delusional of all; Prosecution. They have the rights to all and monopoly of law and prosecution. Sir you are delusional, and....they’re gonna keep at it until we’re dead or they are...

Better abandon that delusion about laws, power is always sovereign and always was, always will be sovereign.

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Power is sovereign and transient. The Old Bolsheviks used the law to torture and murder, and thought they owned it. Then Stalin turned on them. The inventors of the special tribunals used to facilitate the Great Terror were tried and convicted by their own special tribunals.

The Red Guards terrorized China and exercised terrifying, wholly unchecked power...until Mao got tired of them and shipped them to collective farms.

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"The inventors of the special tribunals used to facilitate the Great Terror were tried and convicted by their own special tribunals."

That was the way of Madame La Guillotine too.

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They ALWAYS eat their own. Always. Totalitarian societies lurch from 'Warlord' to

'King' to 'Dictator' to 'Big Brother' to 'Uncle Joe', ad infinitum. There's always a new 'supreme overlord' in the wings.

The modern "Western Liberal" variant of this never ending cycle is our resurrection of the ancient Mandarin class. Absolute rule by faceless, nameless, totally unaccountable bureaucrats.

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Yes but that doesn’t help the tens of millions of dead peasants.

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Why do you say I am "delusional?" I agree with your statement:

"they’re gonna keep at it until we’re dead or they are..."

My vote is to simply opt out from their agenda.

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Mr. Rice Sir;

You would have to leave American soil to opt out.

And the delusion I refer to is Law.

In matters of life and death its the duty of soldiers and the doubtful privilege of Sergeants (me) to be candid. I don’t mean to offend or demean you.

And you have to leave American soil to opt out, and neither Canada or Mexico are far enough as both are sucked in already.

Canada now exists as a sort of cold but profitable Puerto Rico, Mexico has 10% of its population here but more important to the Mexican government is business and remittances.

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When I say I and others should opt out, I am referring to secession.

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Very well, that means what it meant last time but proceed.

We the people do need land.

Now the same merciless geography of winner must take ocean to ocean applies but it’s a start.

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It's not enough to be angry, anger is justified but it's not enough. This so called ruling class threatened, shamed, and bullied their own citizens, the people they are supposed to represent in to taking an experimental drug against their will. Lives were ruined, families and friends torn apart. We can spend years analyzing why they did it but in the end the no reasoning will absolve them of their malfeasance. We need to reject these buffoons and all the credentials they used to swindle their way to the top.

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I read an article in The Guardian this morning about how dangerous some northern CA towns have become because of the “extreme right”. The people who wear their masks are afraid to go to the store because of the fear of heckling by the freedom lovers.

The horror. The violence. There’s just no chance for unity anymore.

Then I listened to my sister-in-law tell me how in San Diego they will literally have to present a negative COVID test to return to school. So she’s just collected a bunch of them. They’ll grab one on the first day of school.

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Can't talk, have to go make fun of a story in the Guardian.

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Ohhhh, this is good. I found it, and wow.

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Please note the accusation of the “brain drain” taking good public officials. That was just gold.

Of course, I read it after a graphic article about one man’s horrific experience with monkey pox that felt like satire, only it wasn’t. It was serious. So very, blisteringly serious.

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The gay guy and the orgies and the like 30 or 40 guys he had been with? That one?

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Probably. Like he paints himself as knowledgeable and following the issues and an advocate for sexual wellness. He knows about the outbreak, etc. Then casually mentions having sex with several men in one weekend. I mean, priorities.

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Read a reprint of that story. 🙄 A$$hat$ at their best. 😑

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Actually, there's not much more to add except if it's incompetence, then we might have hope that they might learn. If it's malevolence, that's a much more serious issue because they won't learn and it will take a lot more than saying "no" to dissuade them from their course.

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Narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths don't learn.

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It is funny, I have very "smart" friends, that understand totally that masks don't work, but still wear them because "they might help some". Then I just read this, and it seems to somewhat explain why, https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-powerful-role-of-magical-beliefs-in-our-everyday-thinking/

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The bottom line identified!

"Whether they’re empty fools or malevolent geniuses, you have to know at this point that you simply can’t trust a single word any of them say."

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Key words: bottom line. Know your personal bottom line. My family moved, and we were willing to give up travel, forever, and more to avoid the shot. Personal autonomy above all. Whatever one’s bottom line is, know it. And have the courage to stick to it.

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I've started to use another phrase often - "the key to the operation." All along, the key to the operation for the Powers that Be was to get as many people as possible to take these vaccines.

Now why was this key? That's a more important question.

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And, really, they ALL have to be purged from positions of leadership or trust ... that is, if our civilization is going to have any chance of a decent qualify of life today and in future generations.

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Not only is the question irrelevant to whether we should listen to or comply with their demands, it's irrelevant to whether they need to be removed from power.

The only question it's relevant to is what we do with them after they've been removed from power.

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Actually about the remove from power part...

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One question you always should ask yourself when our so-called leaders and experts tell us something is, how do they know that? I have no doubt that I have reviewed a wider range of the available information on Covid, early treatment, lockdowns, vaccines, etc. than, to take one example, Justin Trudeau. If he was making decisions after consideration of the cumulative knowledge available, it would be obvious. But that’s not what Trudeau or any of these other leaders are doing. They are simply telling you what to do for unexplained reasons that happen to empower them. To many of us, their orders seemed evil and unsupported by evidence from almost the very beginning. We now know, without any doubt, that we were right. We are free people. We have no obligation to accept the arbitrary decisions made by the people we have entrusted to run our governments for us and our benefit.

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We trusted the media to ask the leaders how they know things, and they let us all down worldwide. Remove 'Journalism' degrees from colleges and universities because it doesn't exist anymore.

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Chris can a person be a complete moron and a genius at the same time? Probably not. So we have to assume that the Biden types are complete idiots, the WEF types are smarter than we think. Although their arrogance is going to lead to their undoing. Will they ever be held responsible for their crimes? Sadly, I fear not. Keep fighting, you are not alone.

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Types of intelligence. Lenin and Stalin (and Molotov and Dzerzhinsky and on and on and on) were dangerously clever and tactically shrewd, but they also sincerely thought that exterminating the bourgeoisie would quickly and clearly create a real earthly paradise. They were very very smart and as stupid as it's possible to be.

Lot of that going around.

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Look at most medical doctors in this country. Highly intelligent by objective measures. Also clearly easily brainwashed. Wisdom comes from both study and experience but it has to be sought. Even extremely intelligent people can go through life without ever achieving a modicum of wisdom.

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I'd be interested in hearing an inside view of this from doctors, because my impression is that state medical boards have threatened professional purges precisely because they know that a good number of doctors are not on board. I've ABSOLUTELY met the brainwashed doctors, and dropped a couple (as my PCP and as my daughter's pediatrician) because they ritually chanted that Covid-19 absolutely slaughters all living things –– death! death! death! –– and the flawless vaccine stops infection cold. Safe and effective, safe and effective! But I've talked to doctors throughout the pandemic who've rolled their eyes at the whole thing so hard they could've passed out.

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They are killing their profession. Do they not get this? Same with journalism.

To me, it's just massive groupthink and massive levels of cowardness - people afraid to go against the prevailing wind. This describes Inspector Renault, Louie in Casablanca.

But at the end of the movie, he said enough and finally chose a side.

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😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 "...rolled their eyes...so hard they could've passed out." Best like I've heard in awhile! Thanks for the laugh!

Edit: I can't type. 🙄

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The picture of the 4…wink, wink, Health Ministers, says it all. Whatever they say, do the opposite and run!

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All of these people are simply branch managers and other functionaries of the global corporate state and they know their one and only job is to parrot and inflict The Narrative, no matter how stupid or malevolent, no matter how inconsistent, no matter if it is opposite of what it was yesterday.

Just think of where all these people will be in 5-10 yrs (assuming they always swear public fealty to The Narrative and never dissent): perches and sinecures in academia or Big Tech, or maybe leading an NGO or other oligarch-funded foundation, or maybe a McKinsey consulting gig or some other finance/corporate Board position. And this doesn't include book deals, junkets, speaking gigs and fees etc.

Justin Trudeau et al just want to be as rich as Gavin Newsom or Barack Obama, to live behind the velvet rope in multiple homes w multiple servants, and the same for his kids and family.

And they will most likely have all their dreams come true.

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"Branch managers of the global corporate state" is great, and what a grim picture. Ten years of mindless chanting and they make you an associate dean or a deputy assistant secretary. Imagine trading your soul for those stakes.

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Hey, it beats working!

And in their world of neurotic status-envy, a gold-plated position as an emissary of global capital w the occasional speaking or TV gig (or getting your name in the Times!) is high-status and reads as "Important Aristocrat".

The soul of a functionary is a grim ugly place it's best to look away from (assuming it exists at all).

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