
Full post on this coming soon, but a reader has reserved a bunch of very nice campsites near Medford, Oregon for June 24-27, next to the river. Save the date, if you want to come. Tom Nichols and Anne Applebaum warmly invited.

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

I wish I could.

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I’m jealous of you all who go. I’d love to!! If you guys plan a camping trip in Canuckistan for next year, I’m in!!

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Chris Bray

People like Pomerantz have operated as if treating the famous speech by then-attorney general and future Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson not as a warning, but a how-to guide. It was he who said that “the most dangerous power of the prosecutor” is the ability to “pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted.” Jackson explained that, given the variety of laws on the books, “A prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone.”

Democrats have decided to sacrifice higher-order values in order to engage in blatantly political selective prosecutions, and it ought to worry fair-minded people regardless of political persuasion.


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The problem isn't the Democrats, it's the system.

Any system that allows this is clearly unfit for purpose and needs to be scrapped and replaced.

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Systems don't abuse themselves.

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I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to guess you mean "the system is fine, we just have the wrong people running it." Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If that's what you mean, then why does it seem like the system always gets the worst people running it? Serious question.

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I didn't mean to be short with you. But yes, I do believe that in this case (the judicial system, which is by no means perfect), the system is being grossly abused by the left. I think this has been happening for a while now in a variety of ways in no small part because so many law schools today teach law as a vehicle for implementing social justice and other “progressive” causes, and students are graduating under the impression that, so long as the ends justify the means, the law can be bent and subverted and abused.

I just came across another example today:


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Be as short as you want, just be honest.

I agree that this is happening, but if a system can be abused in such a way, doesn't it make more sense to change the (or replace with a new) system?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does (not what you intended it to do).

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Any system, anything non-physical that requires human implementation can be abused. The system is only the system that it is because the people implementing it are doing so in line with the system's *intended* purpose. As Adams (iirc) said, our constitution (the best system of government ever devised) only works for a moral/religious people. Putting absolute faith in systems is putting absolute faith in men in the (pretend) absence of God.

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I hear more and more that law schools are teaching that the law itself is NOT an enshrinement of justice (critical theory), and that lawyers and judges do not serve justice by serving the law, but rather the law has merely been an instrument of Power to be employed to achieve whatever ends a group or individual desire. The courts are merely arenas, the law merely weapons.

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But who is “gaming” the system?

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If it were not just the democrats why are only conservatives being targeted?

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The Purpose Of a System is What It Does.

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It DOESN’T bother them at all because they’ve so far been mostly immune, and thing they’ll always be immune.

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

It's not just who is selectively prosecuted, it's who are the carefully not.

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Great point. Apparently, all federal prosecutors are reasonable folks as, according to James Comey, no reasonable one would bring charges agains Hillary Clinton, though they didn't have to dig far to find criminality. Comey identified the crimes she would not be charged for at a news conference explaining her selective non-prosecution.

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and of course Biden couldn't be charged because he's just a kindly old man who is demented.

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They just sit around and spend thousands of taxpayer dollars looking for something to punish this guy because their political masters demand it. Like....what the fuck!

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MILLIONS !!. not thousands.

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This is deeply disturbing, but it's been happening for a while now in other ways from Lois Lerner and all those IRS audits on conservatives to James Comey letting Hillary off because supposedly no one would prosecute her.

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Yes, and leave us not forget our Dear Leader (current) who will not be prosecuted because, according to Special Prosecutor Hur, a jury would likely find him to be a "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory..."

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Chris Bray

Perhaps most disturbing is that so many people do not find this disturbing. People do not see that they, too, are threated by the system targeting someone because of who they are rather than what they have done. I am saddened.

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A lot of people find it disturbing. Many of them would like to do something about it. However, you quickly run into a brick wall: all LEGAL means of redress, including voting, are so thoroughly corrupted that the only way to correct any of it is to act "illegally". And most people still have enough to lose to make them hesitate before crossing that line.

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

This reads more like an autobiography of Lavrenty Beria than a supposed officer of the court in a liberal democracy. As Beria is quoted as saying “show me the man and I will show you the crime”, this seems to be the operative phrase being used by both state and federal prosecutors. Trump’s sin is he serves as the populist avatar the Progressive constitutional arsonist wants to use as an accelerant to burn the system down, like the Soviet Stalinist purges led by Beria and the Cheka from the 1930’s through to his own execution in 1953.

In many ways this shows the fragility of the regime, as it moves through the arc of persuasion to coercion to tyranny, and like the Soviets, ending in chaos and destruction. As has been shown innumerable times, the utopian end of history, never ends well.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Chris Bray

Thanks for reading this drivel so we don't have to. Imagine being so confident in your misconduct that you can write a book and take a media tour to talk about it? It is frightening to behold the bland people with endless budgets doing whatever they please with money extorted from the populace (and the future populace) they rule over. At least Trump gets press and has expensive lawyers unlike those poor Jan.6 detainees, who I believe are still held in relative poor condition for some "Trespassing" in the "People's House".

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

At least one doing 20 years for remaining in Virginia or Maryland instead of going to DC.

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

His taped deposition is quite amazing. When repeatedly given an opportunity to deny breaking the law or violating someone’s constitutional rights this “officer of the court” refuses to answer claiming his right behind “self incrimination”. And not a fucking thing will happen to this POS.

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

And this is not just happening with the law. Look at the alphabet agencies and how they only seen to target certain businesses and political viewpoints and people and how these watch dogs like the aclu and splc only seem to target certain political persuasions. The legal system is only one facet of their multi pronged attack on their political enemies.

They scream about Trump being an authoritarian yet all of their actions show the left to be exactly that. Selective lawfare, censorship, gov’t agencies targeting political opposition, ignoring legal judgements, and on and on. The left used to try and hide it but Trump made them crazy so it’s all out in the open now.

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May 10·edited May 10Liked by Chris Bray

I wish I could say this is surprising but my cousins in WI were subjected to the very same

kind of malicious investigation and prosecution. They were big Republican donors. They were investigated for six years by the Republican AG’s office for financial fraud, prosecuted for two years and then exonerated when they found out that the State’s own forensic investigator revealed that what they did was not fraudulent. They presented this to the judge, who asked the State about it and a few days later they dropped the case. The AG even tried to get a gag order on them which the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an Op-Ed against as a violation of their first amendment rights. It Ruined their lives. All the stuff that’s happening to Trump was happening to Republicans like them and governor Scott Walker (who I personally knew) in WI 15 years ago. Including top secret investigations searching for crimes. Liberals (not just Leftists) WILL try to destroy you for power.

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I'm frequently surprised by how completely the John Doe investigations have disappeared from our political awareness.

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Every horrid thing a Leftist does ends up in the memory hole, comrade…

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It is impossible to overstate the seriousness of the fact that the legal profession is increasingly controlled by unethical activists who view the law as “suggestions,” when the law is inconvenient, or as a cudgel when they want to punish an opponent. Lawyers are required to take professional responsibility in law school, and must complete annual continuing education courses (including ethics credits), yet the profession is becoming a haven for activists who truly believe that their desired ends justify any means necessary. The fact that Pomerantz can publicize this without any self-awareness or fear of discipline tells you everything you need to know.

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

This is, literally, the "show me the man, I'll show you the crime" maxim in action. Sorry, who's saving democracy from what now?

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Trump, instead of being a Bad Orange Man, should have focused his life on being a nice black man, smoking crack and cold cocking elderly women on city sidewalks. Perhaps an easier play would have been being a brown "newcomer", innocently robbing retail stores and bravely setting up new business ventures on the sidewalk in front of those evil colonizers, who were asking too much for their stuff anyway. The DA tends not to focus their attention on poor minorities who are just trying to get ahead in life.

Trump's only hope at this point is to start identifying as an elderly woman named Donna. All rape allegations from crazy women will then become socially acceptable lesbian trysts ("grab them by the pussy" is vulgar coming from a straight white male, but beautiful love language from a transgender lesbian). All other perceived crimes would become understandable necessities by a woman trying to make it in a misogynistic hellscape dominated by white supremacist men (and one woman who murders her puppies).

He, sorry, szhee, would automatically become the first woman president. Donna Trump could be the woman that finally shatters that glass ceiling.

If Trump plays his, sorry, their cards right they might even get a discouraged gender studies major to self immolate in protest but, at the very least, might get a couple of fatties to go on a hunger strike for 2 1/2 hours. The only down side would be the cold cocking crack head that might be encountered out on the city streets. Even that could be a win because, unlike punching a boring "normal" woman, punching a transgender woman is a serious crime worthy of New York DA attention.

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How great would it be if he showed in court dressed like Kayla Lemieux,the trans Canadian school teacher, with Caitlyn Jenner by his side?? It seems to fit the theme of this clown-world kangaroo court.

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Perfect, love it!

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

The *only* thing Pomerantz suggests that is consistent with constitutional values and legal ethics is that “good prosecutors bring cases they might lose.” Rape cases are a classic example. But obviously the ADA has to believe that the alleged crime actually happened.

I’m unclear on why Pomerantz hasn’t been disbarred, with a copy of that book stapled to the motion as dispositive proof. Of course, we know the reason – it’s Trump and it’s New York.

Prosecutorial history is replete with prosecutors going after organized crime by sifting through evidence and discerning provable crimes (e.g., Al Capone & income tax). Obviously, the new thing here is ascribing invented criminal intent to common everyday actions.

If the jury convicts, I would demand the jury be questioned individually and required to explain the crime (in layman’s language). Based on what we’ve NOT seen so far, the only crime they could come up with is “being Trump.”

As the subtitle of Chris’s post suggests, Pomerantz deserves the “Lavrentiy Beria Achievement Award.”

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May 10Liked by Chris Bray

Great article! When the DANY raided Michael Cohen’s office, ignoring attorney-client privilege, America entered the post-Constitutional, banana-republic, communist era in which we find ourselves. They’re coming for this of us who don’t “think properly” next. Unless we get off our asses and vote ALL of them out office via Primaries, Generals and an Article V convention.


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I think that was a federal raid, but yes.

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