Kevin Dahlgren, this morning:


Man, that far-right conspiracy theory about disordered cities....

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They will probably clean these places up a bit when the Democrat vote "harvesters" arrive.

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The women screaming were probably being raped.

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That's not a bad guess.

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It’s sad that the urge to rape survives longer than the need to eat or, seemingly, the need to stay conscious.

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Mar 16Edited

There is a need to find better ways to improve the prospects for those who have been lost to addictions. The more conservative rural life (in which I was raised decades ago) focused on character and moral worth. I could be biased but there is little that I can see in democrat policies that do anything significant to lift people up, the opposite seem to occur. It is a complex issue.

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You can replace America and USA with any EU-nation save Hungary, both for your post and that american version of 'Mein Kampf' you refer to.

Just to be clear - "White Rural Rage" is what reminds me of 'Mein Kampf', not your writing!

Did you see the rebuttal in Reason from two of the researchers cited and used as sources?


"The overarching argument of White Rural Rage is that ruralness can be equated with racism, xenophobia, conspiracism, and anti-democratic beliefs. But rigorous scholarship shows that rural identity is not reducible to these beliefs, which are vastly more numerous outside rural communities than within them. To get to a conclusion so at odds with the scholarly consensus, Schaller and Waldman repeatedly commit academic malpractice."

"Academic malpractice" is the polite, in-house and non-actionable term for what in normal english simply means "faking the facts to fit the arguement" and to purposefully misquote, misconstrue and outright commit academic fraud.

In other words, the authors of the piece in Reason are saying: "This is bullshit and lies!".

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Very glad to see that piece in Reason.

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Mar 10, 2024
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> When you read Trump's recent tweet lauding the Covid vaccines to the point of claiming they cure cancer then their argument falls apart.

No it doesn't.

Do you have a background in rhetoric, epistemology, ontology, set theory(!), any of these things?

> Trump is as stupid as they are

You have no way of knowing:

a) How stupid Trump is.

b) How stupid the people you are comparing him to are.

Are you able to realize the substantial irony here, Human?

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Well noted Johnny

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Mar 10, 2024
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It has to do with the constituent parts of the overall argument (that has now been deleted), and whether the these parts are comprehensive.

Why do you ask, Mr. Raven? Are you interested in philosophy, rationality, etc?

Please answer comprehensively, and truthfully (which is similar but distinctly different (in fact, though typically not in experience) than honestly).

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Mar 10, 2024
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> I am an Oberlin College philosophy major, and I can tell you there is nothing difficult to parse here having to do with epistemology or set theory.

Did you learn about the difficulty of proving (necessary to upgrade Belief to Truth) claims of nonexistence in your philosophy classes? How about Direct vs Indirect Realism? How about the psychology of normative cognition?

How about semiotics (I'm getting at the way you use the word "is", which (allegedly) means "to be")?

> Trump is ...

When you are referring to Trump, do you believe that you are referring to Trump *the thing itself*, or do you believe there may be an intermediary in play?

And if you manage to get the correct answer, can you think what the intermediary may be? And for bonus marks: what it is composed of?

> You can can attempt to blow clouds of metaphysical smoke up people's asses but that is where the rubber meets the road.

And you can engage in rhetoric (did you study that, philosophy major?) and framing, and I will point it out, and then wait to see how you (your *trained* mind, technically) reacts. Will you continue with Meme Magic, or will you apply some of the things you've learned in school (or at least try....have you studied free will yet?)?

I will be waiting on the edge of my seat to find out.

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Refreshing comment. I've entertained this lens, but inevitably get yelled at for defending Trump.

For anyone else reading this, the point of these arguments is NOT to defend Trump. It's about limits of knowledge.

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Is this simulation we're in not downright hilarious!! I just can't get enough of it lol

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Mar 10, 2024Edited
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Fully agree, just not the with the Gnostic smoke. Someone's been telling you lies about Gnostics.

They were far more interested in the truth than any of the Abrahamic religions, and paid dearly for it.

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Mar 11, 2024
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Mar 11, 2024Edited
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The human "chose": Meme Magic, dodging of 100% of the questions asked them about their "facts", and as a cherry on top: soothsaying. This is not very surprising.

I wonder if this is why the general public (and even most philosophers) have such low respect for philosophy.

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Mar 10, 2024
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At least Trump never forced the jab on anyone

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Mar 10, 2024
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> Say what you will, but I don't need to do any of the things you suggest.

In an absolute sense you sure don't, but if you desire your (sub-perceptual) model of reality to more closely match the real thing, you would need to.

> Just look at what he said. It is remarkably ignorant.

Are you able to realize the relevance of this to your claim about "reality" here?


> It is without any scientific merit, and it is devoid of morality.

Even if your predictions here are true (I always love teasing people about confident claims of nonexistence, and the "smarter" the person the more fun it is): so what?

> So, I stand by my comment. I will not, however, spend the next eight months of my life arguing with people who defend this moron. And he is a moron.

Humans tend to prefer remaining as they are instead of improving, and you're welcome to it, but watch out for the consequences.

> And, my background is in epigenetics, lipids, and embryogenesis.

Ah, I have a "scientific" thinker on my hands do I?

> Again, he is remarkably ignorant.

You are welcome to your opinion, and you are also welcome to avoid distinguishing opinion from fact (but again, note that there may be consequences).

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Mar 10, 2024
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> Of course I am welcome to my opinion. And you are welcome to yours.

a) Please represent your opinions as opinions, not as facts.

b) Are you asserting or implying (perhaps unintentionally) that everything I've written here is *only* opinion, or that all opinions are equal?

> My opinion: Trump is an idiot.

Agreed, as are all humans.

> I feel certain of this fact with regard to the Covid mRNA vaccines, which is what my original comment was about.

You weren't a fan of Operation Warp Speed, that Trump supported?


> I do not need to spend any time "improving" this opinion of Trump

This reasoning style has been covered above (poor cognition can have negative consequences).

> but I will spend time improving my understanding of the mRNA vaccine-related science

You may *aspire* to it, but be careful assuming success. Also be careful assuming that science is the only domain that has substantial relevance to covid or vaccines.

> For now, we can see that the mRNA vaccines are triggering mutations in the PI3K molecule which can (and will) trigger cancer and autoimmune pathways in vulnerable people.

Excellent work. Does science have any insight into the harm caused by their behavior, and that of their fan base?

> If you have a counter-argument against this claim then state it, smarty pants. Tell me why Trump is not an idiot regarding the mRNA vaccines? Make your case.

See above. Now, let's see how "you" respond, Human. Considering your lack of even acknowledging much of what I said above in response to your "laying down of the facts" (which we have now found to be something other than that), I am not getting my hopes up.

> I genuinely hope you enjoy your day.

You as well!!

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Mar 10, 2024
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Israel, being smart, is no country's friend but its own. However, it is our ally.

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Mar 10, 2024
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More soothsaying Mr. Raven? Do you never tire of dabbling in the supernatural?

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Just as I figured, another f*cking, damned N*zi. You should read the Bible. You'd find out what God has in store for unrepentant anti - Semites.

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Mar 10, 2024Edited
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Mr. Raven, they do and they have. Just sayin... look at h ere an now. Of course there is a chastisement coming and they will receive their dues... though they do not believe it now.. they will then...

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Mar 10, 2024
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Wow, anger issues, Mr. Raven, are quite evident in your posts. Why be such a hater of Israel/Jews? Some demons have taken over your heart and head. Look within. And love thy neighbor as thyself.

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2 Kings 19:35, N*zi.

I may go outside, but it's because I don't want to stink up my apartment with the smell of vomit.

I look terribly Jewish, don't I? And "Bobby Lime" is such a Jewish name.

Eventually, in time or in Eternity, you will be confronted with the evil which you embody. I hope it is in time, and that you will repent and believe on The Lord Jesus Christ, who happens to be King of the Jews.

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It doesn't matter. The book's title is the point. Yokels are angry. They are angry because they are not us, they are poor and outside the city. Losers who are racist.

It works for its intended audience.

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Not going to argue against that - but I am going to claim this:

The EU-provinces and the USA and the rump remnants of the British Empire are all too far gone along the path to total corporatism, for reconciliation to take place.

Hence, the book and rebuttals to it are more useful as a tool for further marginalising attacks on such people as its authors, as the majority of the population be it rural or urban are not aligned with their views or experiences.

By higlighting all such examples of globalist fascism-in-woke clothing and exposing them and their real beliefs, the wedge can be driven deeper and as that happens and also as the 2/3s who are not engaged in any kind of politics perceive the shift and find deeper emotional truth with one side than the other, a great many on the woke side will start to change.

First as fence-sitters, then as fence-jumpers. It's happening to gaming journalism and video games development as we speak - the "sensitivity readers" and "diversity consultants" are being "right-sized" and the venture capital used to fund their propaganda-platforms for the last ten years have run out.

I think this, not just to try and be uncharacteristically optimistic but from a cynical perspective: woke as a brand is played out. It needs to be replaced with "the new cool" and the capitalist overlords are already preparing to clean house and to declare "we have always been at war with East-Asia", i.e. that they have always been about family values, traditions, blah blah blah.

To capitalists and communists alike, nothing has any value but its instrumental value to the user, after all.

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Attacking ordinary working people has nothing to do with 'fascism' in either theory or practice. WWII would like their propaganda back.

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Query: clarification of statement required.

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I was responding to 'globalist fascism-in-woke clothing'.

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Globalism is fascist, but global rather than national; woke is the latest iteration of the class of useful idiots acting as the proverbial drip hollowing the stone.

Hence my expression.

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“ordinary working people”

You think “ordinary workers” were exempt from one-way Gestapo trips? There was nothing unique about the practice of Nazi

propaganda that distinguishes it from other countries’. Translate WRR into German and the motif would parallel.

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What makes you think I claimed that the state police practices of National Socialist Germany were - or even could be - any different from those of any other modern, complex state?

Also, the dispute was about implying 'globalism' was 'fascism', not German National Socialism.

While it's true that German National Socialism under the NSDAP was inspired by Italian Fascism, they are not the same thing. Both considered themselves to be 'democracies' and, in fact, both were 'democracies' even more so than any current 'democracy' in the Anglo-sphere. The exigencies of war (obviously) altered their behaviors, but the same occurred in the 'democracies' of North America and the British Commonwealth.

As for 'propaganda', you're going to need to explain what it has to do with the issue of 'globalism' or 'fascism' and *exactly* what you mean by 'propaganda'.

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1) “you're going to need to explain”

Not one of us here “needs” to explain anything to another. You can argue and ask pointed questions, but you damn sure don’t set diktats.

2) As to introducing “propaganda,” you wrote “WWII would like their propaganda back.”

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The only way to fight back is to apply raw power and might.

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Skilful usage of philosophy is even more powerful - with adequate volume and skill, this behavior that our entire system is infested by (not a single human is innocent) could plausibly be wiped from the face of the planet permanently.

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Surely both?

Philosophy (or semantics, smeiotics, rethorics, all the terminology) when we debate like now - but that won't help much when some group of peaceful protesters are descending on your neighourhood.

I see the reasoning - the philophy as you put it - as part of a well-rounded exercise routine, to be paired with the equivalent material counterparts, both on individual and collective levels.

Kind of how the classics did it. Mr Broad Shoulders was a wrestler at first after all.

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Good point. I am a big supporter of having the prospect of extreme violence on the table as an option. In fact, I believe a very small amount of targeted violence could reduce net violence dramatically. All power is wielded by people with squishy bodies.

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But then it does no harm. If Mein Kampf is only read by Nazi believers, no one is recruited. Does it inspire a few lazy “Nazis” to get off their asses and vote? Maybe.

There is the possibility that WRR was published just to make a few bucks – a way to exploit the Left’s mania over Trump to extract a few dollars from weak thinkers eager for reinforcement. Of course, that suggests self-awareness – the knowledge by the publisher that the book is BS.

I agree with Chris’ overarching thesis – that the media is 100% manipulative and 0% informative. I mean, what else do you call commentators who describe Brandon’s SOTU speech as great oratory?

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Publishers are just as prone to jump on bandwagons as any other business. After the success of *White Fragility* we saw lots of material on the topic. Also keep in mind that publishing has a 12+ month lead time between acceptance and publication.

This was almost certainly conceived by the authors and publishers alike as a money-making scheme. But while it's succeeded in getting some negative coverage, I don't think it's going to reach *White Fragility* levels of popularity or influence simply because that whole anti-Whiteness craze is already past its sell-by date.

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the tv networks weren't the only corporate media who made a killing taking truth ministry money

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"What else do you call commentators who call Brandon's SOTU speech great oratory?"


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🎯 (In their native Chinese: 党员)

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You have to understand that being part of the movement isn't binary, but a spectrum, and it is for those that are in the serious believer range that the book is for, to be used as a tool of argumentation to pull those in the "sorta sympathizers but not 100% on board" range closer. That is why the academic (citations at least) book format is important, it provides the sheen of legitimacy via appeal to an agreed upon authority on truth. So when the Party people are telling their less committed targets "Look how bad all those rural people are!" and their targets respond "Well, I don't know... my aunt lives out in the sticks and she's alright," the Party can respond "Well, maybe she is, but have you read this book? It very clearly shows what the problem is, which is exactly these people who are horrible on average. It's science!"

You see the same thing with academic studies that find, purely coincidently no doubt, exactly the findings that the author's political overlords wanted, and thus the study gets famous and pushed on tv and the authors are doing interviews all over etc. Never mind that every other study shows the opposite, and no serious academic takes the new one as gospel that overturns all the others. The point is to have the legitimacy to claim the claims you want so there is always one thing people can wave to say "Look how right we are about this!"

No matter that in 5 years they will be arguing the opposite and there will be another book or study showing that, about as often as not by the same authors...

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I take your point. (I have to keep in mind that I’m not normal. At age 19 in 1974, I read a TIME magazine article about Nixon & Watergate that said “Nixon claimed (blah-blah-blah).” I thought “Why ‘claimed?’ Why not ‘said,’ or ‘stated?’” Ever since, I have viewed media language with skepticism, and validate stories (of interest) with other sources. (True for sources on both sides.)

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Yea, people like us that really pick things apart are rare, and worse most people who DO pick things apart generally only do so in situations where it validates their priors. Hence "microaggression" nonsense from people who are sloppy as hell with their own language use. Most of the propaganda value of this sort of thing is feeding into that confirmation bias of people who are on the fence, and telling them "Oh, no those people who disagree are wrong, here's some very basic evidence to convince yourself of that. Just go with your feelings and follow us, it is completely right."

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I dunno, I think the first time after someone catches "The Authorities (tm)" in obvious bullshit it makes them more likely to look for more bullshit. That starts a cycle of spotting more bullshit, and since there's so much of it, eventually you develop a rule that "I'm going to assume this is bullshit until proven otherwise", which turns out to be a great rule.

That said, not everyone does this at the same pace, some are much faster than others.

The problem is many still believe their propaganda that the dissidents are in the minority, I think the opposite is true. I always take the time to talk to strangers, and statements like "Well, I think there's baby-rapin', baby-eatin Satanists at the top of the pyramid" are much more well received nowadays than say, just a few years ago...

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Sometimes, but I notice that Gell-Mann Amnesia is extremely strong for many, possibly most, people. And frankly, most people don't pay enough attention or know enough to recognize BS. So they miss almost all of it, then when they spot it they just figure "Eh, he was wrong about that" and then go on believing everything else they want to.

As to majorities, it really depends a lot on where you live. I swing between very rural and relatively urban areas, and the differences in assumed beliefs is very large. Notably, both areas have their BS blind spots as well.

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“…many still believe their propaganda that the dissidents are in the minority, I think the opposite is true.”

The proof will be in November’s election. If people who believe things are bullshit still vote for the incumbent, then those people’s beliefs are irrelevant. It’s only people who react tangibly to new-to-them information who matter in this context.

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Assuming there's a fair accounting.

If they had the majority they wouldn't have had to engage in absentee voter fraud last time.

That alone should prove they're not in the majority, but there's other signs (e.g. all the polls are push polls, except perhaps Rasmussen).

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A Democrat would argue that the fraud was an “insurance policy” that turned out to have been unnecessary.

To my mind, there are a series of incontrovertible pieces of evidence: the vertical blips in the blue lines on the vote total graphs in the swing states occurring between 1am and 6:30am on Nov 4, 2020. Sudden huge blocks of Biden-only votes flowed in, contravening patterns in all tracked elections.

The only known comparable pattern emerged in the 1948 Democratic primary election for Senate in Precinct 13 of Jim Wells County, Texas, when 202 county residents voted unknowingly in alphabetical order, 2 for Stevenson and 200 for Lyndon Johnson, giving Johnson the win by 87 votes out of 988K statewide.

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Lara Trump was on FNC yesterday in her new role making noise about how the RNC will be unrecognizable this year in its prodigious vote harvesting efforts in all swing states. We’ll see…

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Fortunately, trying to manufacture reality with propaganda, astroturfing, and pay-to-play papers isn't holding up to well against reality. Hell, it doesn't even hold up well against half-assed MS Paint memes.

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I don't know about that. Higher education is dead, having been replaced by an indoctrination and propaganda machine, and I don't see a lot of motion towards it returning to an institution that seeks truth in a rough and ready fashion any time soon. The US government has gotten both bigger and less efficient every year for the past 70+, and finding people who want to cut it or shrink it in particulars is difficult.

I think that outside of a few obvious piles like COVID (which many still adhere to the official narratives on) there are many issues for which the propaganda works just fine.

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"there are many issues for which the propaganda works just fine"

For now.

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High quality critique!

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Like the Jan 6 entrapment plot and lawfare persecution of Trump, this book is a direct attack to demonize and stop any sort of MAGA or similar dissent from the desired arc of history as prescribed by leftists.

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I’m SO sick of that phrase (“arc of history”). When I was a child, it was uttered rarely, and actually meant the “arc of history.” Now it means “my line of pseudo-intellectual bullshit that purports to support the latest scheme to fuck you over.”

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They are Satan’s disciples. They worship the devil. The evil cult is much bigger than we can possibly imagine.

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All true, but the issue is whether pushing trash like this actually changes minds, vs. just reinforces beliefs held in closed minds.

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I disagree. It would do plenty of harm. It reinforces already present disdain for ordinary folks. It may not create it, but it keeps it alive.

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Disdain is an ancient emotion. There will always be those who elevate themselves in their own minds by looking down on others. The absence of such books won’t change that tendency. The only thing that can change it is a respected leader advocating against it, e.g., MLK (in conjunction with Federal law) posthumously leading the bulk of the South away from racism.

Or do we think that publishing more overt racist screeds will expand the population of racists?

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As the "stakeholders" (you know, the people who fly into the WEF's Davos meeting every year on their private jets) cut off the energy, food, and other resources (these are the people who say "you'll own nothing, and be happy"), they know we'll actually be angry. They look forward to our destitution and anger as useful tools in their drive to control us:


[WEF founder: Must prepare for an angrier world]

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How to account for we, the angry, white (and non-white) "blue city" dwellers? We also "rage" -- where's our book?! 🤪

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It may be enough to win 48.2% of the vote, AKA a “Hillary majority”

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I hadn't thought of it as an "American Mein Kampf", but my first instinct says that's correct.

We (Americans) are being prepared for something very bad.

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Yeah, I got the same feeling just from the few snippets mr Bray quoted.

You (americans, that is) are being given the choice of being loyal or free, the purpose of that choice being to make the troublemakers weed themselves out, the way Mao did when he for a brief period allowed free speech, the better to register and identify potential opponents in advance.

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The problem with fly-over country and its inhabitants is that they are, for the most part, decentralized, can be self-sufficient, and still have a cooperative social philosophy. This means that they cannot be effectively controlled and coerced by a strategic cutoff of access to goods and services through a social credit program the way that city dwellers can.

The parents in fly-over country were the people who first raised the alarm and exposed the indoctrination of their children when the curtain was pulled back on the curriculum during Covid. This has resulted in school voucher programs being initiated in several states and more parents choosing homeschooling. This has short-circuited the long march through the academy and the destruction from the inside out of individualistic beliefs and philosophies such as personal responsibility, patriotism, religious faith, and/or a sense of communal responsibility to support and assist others rather than rely on government.

Because the people in fly-over country can't be readily controlled and still harbor individualistic as opposed to collective beliefs, they and their values must be discredited as uneducated, unscientific, backward, weird, wrong, and out of step with the "real" world.

Having the school curriculum exposed for the propaganda it is was a temporary setback. Now, useful idiots in the form of influencers and media personalities constantly bombard our youth with the message that middle-American values are stupid, ignorant, racist, bigoted, and, worst of all for the easily influenced, unfashionable. The persistent and pervasive message is, to quote the song, "conform or be cast out."

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Wow. I hadn't thought of it that way, Rikard.

Personally, I'm with team-reality. Even if it costs me everything. (Easy words until it does though. Then we find out if I'm right and they're true.)

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Want to write a pro narrative book called White Rage?

Irrespective of quality, expect every red carpet to be rolled out: Easy publishing deal, fat advance, massive promotion, sycophantic reviews, etc.

Want to write any analysis based in fact?

Eek out a living on sub stack.

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Waldman and Schaller obviously came to their conclusions first, then did their research

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Great source from Reason.

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Schaller and Waldeman, need I say more? Hint: of the tribe that belongs to the ones that claim tribe but are not tribe as the good book states?

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Beautifully done, Chris. This is why you are one of those stacks I ALWAYS read.

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Unfortunately they are not attempting to reach us with the white rural rage narrative. That is custom designed for the oversocialized educated professional class. It tells them all they want to hear.

They have no interest in the facts. It is at heart and emotional argument. You are better than them. Look at the low class behaviour they indulge in. They don't even eat kale.

The metropolitan types are basically running everything. And they are stuck in a cargo cult worshipping elites.

I do agree we have them executing a plan and screwng it up. That sums it up well.

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Exactly right. For all their education and credentials, the audience for this book is systemically misinformed on a range of issues from COVID to crime to immigration. When polled on questions of basic fact or statistics, they’re generally off by orders of magnitude. Their mental energy is focused on rationalizing their chosen narratives, not discovering truth.

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I recently had an argument with a mature woman spouting radical feminist talking points. X number of women in workforce, especially well represented in corporate America, all of contrasted with an invented 20th century where women were beaten, raped and abused.

All challenges to this made no mark. Hard facts like reports of plummeting female happiness and record levels of antidepressants prescribed to women but not men just ignored.

One example. But it was outright brainwashing. Unnerving to experience.

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Women like that just want to play victim. Sad, but they relish it. It’s who they are, their identity. They work at being unhappy & want the world to know just how unhappy they are & who to blame. They definitely won’t let the facts get in the way.

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On the + side, such women don’t reproduce.

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Fuck ’em then.

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I’m sorry, but I’ve pulled KP in the Army and had to clean out the grease trap for our battalion mess, and that was a delight compared to what you suggest. 😂

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How many female Soldiers were down in that nauseating pit helping you clean it out?

I've been down in several sediment traps at motor pool wash stations mucking them out. At least as bad as a grease trap. Never once was a female Soldier assigned to help us with the detail.

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When I was in (72-75), women were “WACs,” and were assigned to totally separate units. While assigned to the 101st, I don’t remember seeing any at Ft. Campbell. So no personal data to compare.

My impression is that SOME male NCOs and officers spared (and continue to spare) females more unpleasant duties with the expectation of horizontal mambo sessions. One of the fastest ways to destroy unit morale.

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Bingo, and bingo.

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Agree. Not just the ladies either. But people are looking to justify their own low mood and unhappiness.

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The cutter is 'Did this actually happen to you?' Most of their outrage is theoretical.

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Pure theater. Fiction designed to trigger a sense of drama and all of it to reinforce the idea they had it worse in the past.

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"They had it worse in the past." This is actually the most important point. Because then, no matter what you use to show that these policies/ changes are obviously making things worse, they can just say "well sure things are bad but it's better than 1987 when women were forced to wear burkas and gay men were shot in the street!!" What's remarkable is that even though most of us were alive back then and know they are lying, our ability to self delude is so strong that it doesn't matter.

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These narratives tap into some deep need. So I don't think facts matter to them at all.

That said we cannot live like this. I am tired of the constant bullshit people believe. Women in particular seem prone to accepting any amount of bullshit.

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I hate those women. They are the ones who made a society that takes babies away from their own mothers. I hate them more than anything in the world.

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“Their mental energy is focused on rationalizing their chosen narratives, not discovering truth.”

Truth is racist, but their feelings are REAL truth.

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A mentor of mine repeatedly would remind me "Feelings aren't facts." It was very helpful for me to keep that in mind. When you insist that your feelings are reality, you are like a drunk driver in control of a high speed truck. It never seems to end well.

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I’ve always liked Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s 1983 quote: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

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Then there's FJB: "We choose truth over facts." Snopes says he didn't mean it, that he meant to say "lies" instead of "facts." But if you read "truth" as "emotion" or "feelings," that's exactly the left's method of deception.

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Yup, the whole BS about “living YOUR truth.”

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Like when Democrats routinely believed over 10,000 unarmed black men were killed by police each year when the number was in the low 20s.

Low 20s is still tragic, but it’s illustrative of how little data informs their strongly held beliefs

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And the indifference when it is pointed out. You simply can't feel those deep currents of racism they need to exist.

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Bill Clinton and the DNC did an amazing thing when they convinced people that voting Democrat meant they were automatically smart, informed voters who didn’t need to read much or bother researching their positions.

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I think this is the essence of good marketing. Make them feel superior using emotion. You can move mountains with that.

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Give them an easy route to superiority and a comfy seat when they get there, and they'll spend a lot of effort defending it. Or, at the minimum, they won't expend any mental effort to dislodge themselves from it.

They'll even ignore that they're just passengers who have no idea where the train is going. Is it going to paradise or a death camp? Who cares, as long as they feel great while they're riding it.

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Brilliant insight. Thank you.

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I think you are right. The more concerning rage (as opposed to justifiable and useful anger) dwells within the hearts of the types who wrote this book. They know their plans and methods are failing, are very angry about it, are now lashing out and casting blame onto others, and stoking a whole lot of hatred, all to avoid looking within to make sense of why they are coming to feel so ineffective and reviled.

Might be a good time for someone to start a Media Addicts Anonymous group.

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I think this is true. Their view is all these plans are failing because of you. You do not get it. You can't see the impending climate catastrophe. You can't grasp the importance of gender affirming care for 4 year olds.

Disdain is an expensive luxury.

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Luxury beliefs. Never touches them, but it sure does you.

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Confirmation bias is the most powerful of the propaganda drugs, perfected by the progs.

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> They have no interest in the facts.

Few people do, in an absolute sense...it is contrary to our cultural indoctrination....even scientists teach us to only consider certain facts, to shun strict epistemology, etc.

This planet is a mess.

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“Few people do [have interest in the facts].”

I must be weird – if I’m wrong, I want to know it and correct myself ASAP. I’ve hated it on the few occasions I’ve turned to have been arguing BS.

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I don't think I've met a single human who does not believe this about themselves. Perhaps you are exceptional, but how exceptional?

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I confess error publicly to the people affected.

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I am curious if you have achieved zero errors, and if so how.

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Like any (non-surgical) task in life, the important element is not achieving perfection, but in how you deal with failure.

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For this to be classified (in an epistemically sound manner) as known to be perfectly true, it would require a proof.

Luckily for you though, we live in a culture that outright rejects epistemology....so, you are correct! :)

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Your analysis of the seeming dichotomy between the evil genius and fumbling doofus vibes coming from the Establishment is right on the money. These people are great at plotting and scheming. They are the alphas of lying and manipulation. Not so much on understanding anything about how their schemes will work out.

The country is in a bad way. The Canadians are going through their version of the same stuff. As are the Europeans. The people who wrote this book are paid by the regime to disseminate propaganda against regime opposition. It’s the same strategy as the BS about the non- insurrection of January 6. It’s the same with the attacks on Trump. They will just keep pounding the big lie into your brain and out on the media distribution channels to create the desired opinion consensus through saturation.

They need a big scary, ugly, enemy to fight, to unite their side and to distract from their bad deeds and incompetence. So they have created one: us. You know the regular people who work hard, pay the taxes, try to be decent, and thought we were all going somewhere together as a nation and as human beings, but it turns out we are not. We’re getting pushed off the bus by the regime.

People are angry. Not because they are stupid. But because they aren’t stupid. Because they see the insults and the conniving for what it is. They’re being robbed of their dignity, their status - which they earn, unlike the parasites running this shell game, their sense of place in the world. Not to mention the failures and economic malpractice diminishing their standard of living. It’s all real, not imaginary.

The homeless are now everywhere in the cities.

Arizona is nice this time of year. For the first time this week there were some homeless people in the strip mall parking lot adjacent to my office condo complex. Chateau de Dumpster. Not good for them. Not good for me. Then there were homeless people in a small area behind a masonry wall that separates the entrance to our neighborhood from a busy street. These locations are upscale enough, and 30 minutes apart. It’s gonna get worse as more aliens are poured in to swing the numbers and demographics to the Democrats for elections. Meanwhile they kill off the poor demoralized natives with fentanyl and meth.

I had to run some errands this morning before heading out for a family trip. Rushing around, I popped into a Walmart on the way home to buy some basic provisions so we wouldn’t have to shop after a long drive and I would have nectar of the gods- Coffeemate,in the morning.The store only had self checkout. As I was coming out I heard an old fellow behind me muttering about being pissed off and not going back there. I asked him what was wrong. He didn’t like having to check himself out. He sported a Vietnam Vet ball cap with an Airborne patch on it. He was a flinty old cuss, but nice. You could tell he was a handful when he was a younger man. We talked as we walked to our cars. He knew the score. He knew that he was being asked to do somebody’s job for free and pay more for the privilege. We lamented the fact that nobody wants to work now even when they get $15-18 an hour to start. He told me his first job working in a furniture store paid 50 cents an hour and he was ecstatic when he got a raise to a buck an hour. But that was different time and place and we aren’t going back there. I didn’t need to tell him that. That’s why he is pissed. He’s not dumb and he’s not wrong. We had a pleasant grumpy old man chat.

There are plenty of good people who still get up every day and try to do the best they can. The people running this country are not those people. They do not care about you other than to demand your obeisance and compliance with their f-d up plans. You owe them nothing.

We have to keep our humanity while we figure out how to take out the trash. They’re trying to make you make their fairy tales come true, because then they can say “Look here’s the archetype doing exactly what we said they’d do.” Don’t play that game.

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Great commentary! 100%👍.

“‘Look here’s the archetype doing exactly what we said they’d do.’ Don’t play that game.”

Good advice, but let’s be honest. COVID, ballot manipulation, the Jan 6 pogrom against even those who walked on the grass, FBI investigation of Catholic parishioners, and now the Trump jihad have all combined to move the Overton window.

The checks and balances are not working. Just recently, the Democrat Senate rejected the Republican effort to limit Congressional reapportionment ratios to “citizens” rather than “residents.” Illegal aliens tend to congregate in Democrat states and the vast number now present gives those (Democrat) states a 5% advantage in the House before ballots are even cast.

No realist can pretend that political violence is not a viable possibility. Not an outcome to be sought certainly, but that decision seems more in the hands of the aggressors than the aggressed. The 20th

Century is replete with examples of free people and their leaders pretending the aggression they were experiencing was “not that bad.” Do we REALLY have to pretend that Marc Elias is not as bad as a Brownshirt?

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White Rural Rage is inversion. The authors blame “far away” and “scary” rural people, many who are not white, who they blame for blocking the emergence of utopia. Unfortunately for them and the indoctrinated urban elites, it is, as Chris argues, their incompetence that is the problem, but not incompetence alone. Also, hubris. We, who nothing about anything, are going to tell you how you should do everything. We’re going to tell you what car to drive, what shots to take, when you can go outside, what sex your children are. For example, I live in NY. Why would I ever take advice on anything from Kathy Hochul.

One last point. I’m not particularly observant in my religion (Judaism), but I am educated in it and study religion with Orthodox Jews. I have no doubt that the hubris of our betters, who think that they can perfect God’s creation, is a directly correlated to their lack of religion, lack of knowledge of religion, consequent lack of respect for individuals (as opposed to artificial groups such as “white rural” people, and lack of humility.

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You're mistaken. Snobbery *is* their religion.

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This is one of the best substack posts ever.

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Yes and no. Think of the AUDIENCE for White Rural Rage: An audience that doesn´t cook its own meals, clean up its own mess, wash its own clothes, fix its own stuff, etc., is an audience conditioned to view life as a READY-MADE STAGE, for the great performance called ME ME ME! That´s why it´s always healthy to DO YOUR OWN CHORES, no matter how rich and important society treats you.

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It was precisely this demographic who were rattled by the Canadian truckers during COVID. The people who rely on others to deliver their stuff, from pizza to life-saving medicine. They got a reminder their utopia is built on a foundation of reality. Same for the farmers in Europe.

That's why they are relaxed about mass immigration. Immigrants are people who bring them food. Servants. But when they are older they will be outnumbered then we will see how keen they are

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Too bad that the contempt that the patronizing elites have for so many Americans doesn't stay in the theoretical realm, it has real life consequences. The destruction of the family and thus the community being the most egregious. People lacking the support structure and the moral foundation will lack grit and hope to order their lives rightly. This is all around us as we see people giving up on themselves while the self-indulgent thrive in the incentivized disorder of the contemporary, immoral world.

It may be as simple as the evil spirit hating the good and wanting to overpower it. People are choosing sides and those with a traditional foundation will easily recognize the pattern.

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What you are describing is 'social Darwinism' in action.

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The authors of the book in question, their backers and their followers would starve to death without rural people. That is the true power as this develops. The food. They understand this and it scares them greatly.

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The people you wrote about today are far more real than the "rural white rage" morons. As are you. YOU and people like you are writing REAL history and doing the REAL reporting. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Chris!

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This one actually made me shed a tear Chris.

Thank you.

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As a rural kinda-white guy myself (w a mixed family cuz …. that’s America), I can assure you that I do indeed have plenty o’ rage. As do all my far-flung neighbors, almost all of whom also, btw, have mixed families. But ours is mostly a quiet rage. Unlike the noisy fascist fake liberals left in the cities. We go on about our business out here, day by day preparing to outlive outlast and ultimately defeat the beast. This is a war of attrition. We did not declare this war but we will win it. We already actually have. It’s only a matter of time.

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Last year I was hired by a company with its headquarters in North Carolina. The company flew myself and several other hires from California to Thomasville for training. When I went out into the stores and eateries, I was astounded by how friendly everyone was. Everyone I met, from a Walmart employee to a hotel custodian greeted me with “Good Morning,” or “Good Afternoon.”

The most amazing person I encountered was a woman working in a biscuit place. I went in one morning for breakfast and as I was waiting for my food, I noticed she greeted every person who entered by their first name. She was friendly and personable. After I got my food, I went back to the counter to get something else. The woman said to me, “What else can I get you, Brian?”

She gave me a funny look as I just stared at her. How did she remember my first name from a 30 second encounter 10 minutes before? Her uncanny ability to recognize my humanity was overwhelming. In a biscuit shop. In RURAL North Carolina. What’s sad is I didn’t remember her name.

I contrast this with Los Angeles County where I live, and no one will speak to you if you’re a stranger. I tried this North Carolina method of greeting everyone when I returned home and almost everyone ignored me. People here won’t even look you in the eye.

White rural rage, indeed.

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First the political/media class tried to change people’s minds. That didn’t work. Next up manipulation. That worked for a while until people not indoctrinated caught on. Now they try to marginalize/cancel/overpower those that won’t blindly follow their ideology.

What has separated the U.S. from other countries is our constitution and system of gov’t and up until recently the media. That’s why the radical left is so intently trying to control gov’t and the legal system. Get rid of the filibuster. Pack SCOTUS. It’s why the radical left established indoctrination in colleges and now K-12 schools. Look at the media, 90% of which blatantly lies to support an ideology. They are infiltrated by leftist college grads who wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them between the eyes.

Radical leftists ultimate goal, in my opinion, is to marginalize and then override the constitution. That document is all that is keeping this country from chaos and authoritarianism.

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"What has separated the U.S. from other countries is our constitution and system of gov’t and up until recently the media."

You're forgetting something even more important: The US has civilian ownership of more than 1/3 of the billion guns in existence worldwide, including the world's police and militaries.

IMO that matters a lot more than a piece of paper.

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We also were 90% white up until about 30 years ago. Not a coincidence that our rulers are so busy trying to replace us.

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Everything is a bell curve... including what people think about the “credentialed experts” who write books about white rural rage. Most of the folks in the bell curve have no idea they’re being manipulated. They’re asleep. They have have no thoughts about these “experts.” One end of the curve consists of other “experts” all nodding their heads together and living in the same echo chamber. The other end is populated by folks like you and you’re subscribers. We shake our heads at their utter foolishness. Professional gaslighters and liars. Our end of the curve is growing. The liars and gaslighters know it, and will double down on books like this.

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