Those Sisters of Perpetual Grotesquetude make me want to puke every time I see them.

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"Sisters" of Perpetual Grotesquetude

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"Pickle is a respected drag artist, you monsters."

No, Pickle is not just a respected artist, Pickle is a DRAG LAUREATE, and don't you forget it. If there were a Drag Nobel, Pickle would be in the running for sure, first prize material, a million bucks.

They tried the DQSH in the tiny library nearby in Chester, Vermont, and it did not go as smoothly as they planned. One of the library board busybodies actually looked at the website of the invited queens and, even in our leftie state, was really unhappy with what he saw. He was concerned about children seeing that child-inappropriate website, assuming, correctly, that kids would surf on over. Result: entire library board resigned, library director who started the whole thing was let go, whole new slate of people in charge. Meanwhile, the local pizzeria invited the queens to perform there, so we get our pizza elsewhere.

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That's as it should be. Not on the government dime or property, so no library shows. Do it at some other private venue. There are parents taking their kids to these things, those kids aren't driving themselves to this perversion, sad, but true.

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Drag Pizza? That might just draw a crowd and save that joint from covid BK, the other disease going around. Well, likely played out by now, the victims mostly dead.

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"the news media watched as Lindsey Horvath tried to slip her Pickle into the library."

This is why I always read your posts.

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If they outlaw strollers, only outlaws will have strollers.

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“Pickle is a respected drag artist, you monsters.”

AND a “drag laureate” whatever in the F that means…

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The drag laureate! I wanted to laugh and cry, simultaneously.

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Laugh Cry Puke.

LCP moment. I like that. Sums up so much of my day.

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Right? My first response was a chuckle, then sort of a sinking realization that "Drag Queen Laureate" might actually be a title a CA government would bestow. There is probably a little medal and everything. It might be the one being worn in the picture.

I can't tell if it is satire or reality anymore.

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Crowned by the entire city council. $15,000 government stipend.

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Even with all the other horrors, that is still in the top ten most awful things I've heard this week.

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Whew... I ... see, now... this is... wow. This is one to save, because I don't think people can really grasp how ridiculous CA truly is. They think they do, then this sort of thing crops up. If it was just like a "Hey, we had a contest at a drag show, and the winner was named 'Drag Laureate' and got a little plaque," that'd be a bit weird, but whatever. The fact that it comes with FUNDING, a two year stipend... that's just next level.

"Pickle gave a rousing speech followed by a crowd-pleasing musical performance."

Presumably Pickle hummed while pleasing the roused crowd, which was thoughtful, I suppose.

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Worst hummer I ever had.

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Hmm I guess the WeHo peeps are chill with their property taxes. 15,000 here, 15,000 there, pretty soon it adds up to chump change.

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Weho has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on rainbow crosswalks, which local voters support by big margins:


Money is less important than loooooove, or something.

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There's an expression south of the border, Dios los hace y ellos se juntan. Where I live, the clams don't grow on bushes.

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YOU gotta be SHITTING me! Mind completely blown. SO so creepy. Pennywise has got nothing on these clowns. A stipend. That’s settled then. These MUST be the last days.

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No words.

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How many meals would that provide at a homeless shelter?

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Wow. Just wow.

It's not just "Pickle"; look at the faces of all the brown-nosers around him (it is a him, right?) You'd think they'd won the lottery or something, or maybe it's like having their picture taken with Santa. And who spent hours decorating those cookies? This is a mass-insanity event.

I can actually imagine some of our highly useless legislators in Montpelier getting on board with something like this. Please, California, don't give them any ideas.

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I’ll tell you who spent hours decorating those cookies. Some bakery where the city council ordered/purchased them, most assuredly on the taxpayers’ dime. You think the city council or unpaid volunteers would do that?! Nope.

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Satire is dead. Killed by reality.

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It would not surprise me at all if West Hollywood had an official Drag Laureate.

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It means: Oh goodie, now I can appoint my gerbil German Shepherd Laureate. Zhe quacks in iambic pentameter.

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Valorisation of fetishes and kinks is a luxury pastime. So are the attendant hysterics and sanctimony. People who struggle to make ends meet are mostly disinterested—until it's forced on them. Then they say, "No!".

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Agree. These are products of affluence. The collapse will fix it all. There is rarely demand for drag queens at food banks.

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I lived in Texas from 1980-1987. In a rundown Section 8 neighborhood. My Mexican neighbors were way more conservative than I was. (For the record I was a free-market First Amendment absolutist libertarian. Later I had kids and became a Catholic and now I think we'd mostly align on the important issues.)

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Mexicans leave Mexico because of crony capitalism, that and cartels run Mexico. They come North believing Rs are all big capitalists and Ds are for the little people. They are pro family, entrepreneurial, want the regulatory burden off them, anti abortion, Catholic/Christian. Mexicans are all Destined to be Republican. DeSantis, Cruz etc. versus Biden Pelosi.

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Is this the case though? I keep reading this from conservatives, then read polls that indicate they vote D en masse. Plus they represent a considerable demographic shift, one I am told is indifferent to the constitution among other things.

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Ask yourself who run the public schools and where the kids are going. Oh....

But, spit in their face enough and they catch on pretty quick.

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I am not clear what point you are making.

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Their kids are indocrinated in school and bring it home to working parents not engaged in the culture. It takes a kick in the teeth to get the parent's attention.

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Yes, I see. It is shocking we have got to this point.

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It is a generational thing. Bit by bit. The Mexicans I met while doing business in California were pro Trump entrepreneurs.

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I have no doubt there are self-made ones. But the volumes now entering means tens of millions of very limited Aztec peasants. So the prognosis is poor because it is uncontrolled. Rapid demographic change like this means fewer and fewer will ever become American.

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That is true, at a certain number assimilation win’t happen. But I also think Mexicans are not Guatemalans.

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There is still a dilution effect we cannot easily discuss. But the bigger issue is why take any immigrants? The US, like most western nations, already has more rocket scientists and brain surgeons than it needs. All it really does is lower wages and erode cohesion.

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They’re big mad that average Americans don’t want their woman-face sex minstrel shows in a public setting in front of toddlers.

“What do you mean Pickle can’t wave his dick around in a kindergartener’s face in the library!? Are you some kind of far-right bigot!? How are we ever to teach tolerance if men can’t dress up as caricatures of 19th Century gothic whores and twerk in front of our 5 year olds while we cheer and clap like seals and stuff dollar bills down their girdles?? Next you’re going to tell me you’re against sterilizing and mutilating my 11 year old girl because she likes baseball and wears dark coloured baggy clothes!!”

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I do think this is close to the truth. There is a contingent of gays whose neurosis has convinced them kids who are not exposed to adult themes in childhood will grow up to hate them and harm them. Mental illness obviously, but it is definitely a driver.

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Frankly, those gays are probably right. Now ask yourself what this says about homosexuality.

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I don't think it is right. We have traditionally been quite restrained about such things in the modern era.

But to your point, I suspect this is projection at play. Today we do not discuss the basis for their neurosis, which tends to be self-loathing. That was understood better fifty years ago.

Some in the gay community have commented that a great deal of the homophobia accusations are in fact just generalized anxiety experienced by gays about their own lifestyle choices, the risky behavior, the multiple partners, the drug use. None of it forms the basis for a stable life, and that anxiety get projected onto a fictional homophobic enemy.

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It actually is not easy to have a ‘stable’ life. Life is precarious. We raise children to have skills that create good middle class taxpayers, even though we all to some extent don’t like that lifestyle. Even doing that few really lead the stable lives we envision is the norm. Throw in disease and 100 sexual partners a year and stability isn’t going to happen.

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I have some relatively stable gay couple friends. They are very much against the ‘gay’ lifestyle, including Pride parades etc.

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I have this experience too. Essentially conservative gays. Even then they are wilder than straights, and have external partners. The average length of a gay male relationship is four years.

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> We have traditionally been quite restrained about such things in the modern era.

The modern era, i.e., when people started exposing children to adult themes in childhood.

> Some in the gay community have commented that a great deal of the homophobia accusations are in fact just generalized anxiety experienced by gays about their own lifestyle choices,

"Homophobia" is best thought of as an anti-concept, similar to "transphobia".

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I agree. It is all so tiresome.

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The phrase "...woman-face sex minstrel shows..." deserves applause!

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No it doesn't. It's a cheap way of feeling clever while avoiding having to face the source of the evil.

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“Woman face” is a term that should be used more often as it gets to the core of what is going on - minstrelry.

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No it shouldn't. Comparing what's going on at these drag shows to minstrelry massively downplays its seriousness.

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This Pickle ain’t kosher.

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He might be. Half way through the act you’d probably at least be able to rule it out, even if you couldn’t confirm it.

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“You don’t have to be White to be a White supremacist” said some member of the smart people

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Never forget that Larry Elder is “the black face of white supremacy.”

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The NYT recently reported on a black fellow who sucker punched a tiny Korean lady on the subway, all caught on surveillance. They claimed he had been influenced by far right white supremacists. Lol

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Hack, he probably considered Koreans honorary Whites because they're successful.

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They are being consistent as per their fore-runners in the race-business?

After all, the Waffen SS - which must be the epitome of race-as-foundation-of-policy, contained over 4 000 volunteers from India, a gaggle of various africans, thousands of turks, arabs, azerbadjani and assorted other decidedly "off-white" (if you pardon the expression) peoples.

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I would imagine the Indian volunteers were Indian Muslims. Hindus are steeped in non violence.

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You'd think so, but no - hindus are absolutely no strangers to violence, that's pure fiction.

The core of the legion were hindu nationalists rebelling against british rule of India, and they left a lasting legacy of anti-jewish ideas in the hindu nationalist and liberation movement.

You can look up what Gandhi thought of jews, f.e. That also serves to show how selectviely western media narratives have always been, in their obsession to cleave some culture or other as "good" or "evil".

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Hindus are non violent. I was walking through a small town in India when a gang of monkeys came through. It was like being in a small town in Montana when a biker gang came to town on a Friday night. The monkeys were vicious and rude. They would jump on a table of fruit and grab some and snarl. Then toss the fruit away, grab some more, and then walk off. Everyone was frightened. A man I was with asked me ‘do you have a monkey problem in Canada?’ I said we didn’t - no monkeys - but if we did we would have it for two days. I told him we would kill the monkeys and none would ever return to the town. He was aghast. ‘You would not kill the monkeys!’ ‘Of course we would.’ He was shocked. They don’t even kill mosquitoes for the most part. However...if you have a car accident and stop, not a good thing to do, they will pull you from the car and beat you senseless. You might die. Even if you are a passenger in a cab!

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You can if you have the time and inclination look up raw data here, and compare it to the FBI database for the US:


Or we can use Wikipedia's article on violence/nation (though Wikipedia isn't a real source:

Homicide rate for India in 2021 was 2.9/100 000. For the US it was 6.8. Mexico 28.2. Japan 0.2. China 0.5. Sweden 1.1. Lithuania 2.6.

Not very violent if we look at homicide. However, the fourth most common crime against women in India? Rape.

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Rape is huge. Brahmins rape servant girls. Dalits rape Brahmins girls. The servant girls don’t report it. What is the point? The Brahmin girls won’t be able to be married if word gets out. So they don’t report it. Any culture that is sexually repressed has a rape problem. Child sexual abuse of males in India is big. Everywhere in Islam boys are raped.

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Monkey bites are very toxic. You can die from an untreated bite.

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Interesting. I guess that makes sense, the anti British attitude. Still 4000 out of hundreds of millions isn’t much.

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Ca 4 500 that saw combat; more than 10 000 overall, and the anti-jewish and violent sentiment was not unique to these, not by any means.

One of Gandhi's greatest achievements was to pacify and keep together those factions that strove for violent rebellion against Britain, and for the establishing of various fiefdoms along ethnic lines besides "indian".

But that's me nitpicking, as per usual.

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That depends on the Caste.

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Well believing that two plus two is four, black is white, and a man isn't a woman makes one a MAGAt these days.

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Are you saying climate change isn't caused by transphobia? 😜

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Climate change is caused by all those guys on Estrogen having hot flashes!! It just hit me now.

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Excellent example of the elites enforcing laws onto an unwilling populace. They are huffing on Woke 24/7.

We do NOT have representative government.

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No pol in Canada represents their constituency. Our mayors represent ‘the world’ in Victoria. Not Victoria in the world. Justin’s main focus is always how the world is getting its way here, not Canada doing better in the world.

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Most of government is theater for plebs. A distraction. It is the permanent government that calls the shots. For them woke is a cult and its benefits are self-evident.

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The non-white population may yet save California. One can hope.

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No. They won't. They voted for this. The Democratic Party gives non-Whites White people's tax money and a higher level of status in the social hierarchy than White people. The browns and blacks will continue voting for the Dems as long as that is the case because they value those things more than they value their kids not having to deal with fat old men wanting to sodomize them in the library.

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Hard agree. Conservatives keep touting Hispanics as catholic conservatives. Polls indicate the exact opposite. Their abortion levels are high, for example. They are also culturally distinct, which no one seems able to discuss. Surveys routinely indicate they are indifferent to the constitution, for example.

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Mexicans hate big crony capitalism. Which dominates Mexico, along with the cartels. They move North and have been brainwashed to believe Dems align with them. One by one they move right. They are far more pro family than the average white person. And Dems are anti family.

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Even Constitutional religionist "patriot" types are afflicted by xenophilia.

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Why is that you think? It is not unique to the US. I'm in Britain and it is the same here. Vigorous efforts to claim some completely alien group are somehow kindred spirits who will align with us while they very clearly don't even like us. What is going on in people's minds?

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Sympathizing with and assisting foreigners is coded as a high status activity in the mainstream Western monoculture. This has been the case for a couple decades now. Most Conservatives are just stuck in 2005, and so they are conditioned to reflexively love the seemingly assimilated African like Seal or the working class Latino like Lopez.

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Yes I agree. When challenged on these initiatives you can definitely sense the smugness. You bigots just lack the vision we embrace.

All those liberal blindspots we saw during covid have equivalents here.

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"The Party" has had sixty years to fully indoctrinate and subjugate three generations into serfs for the crown. Inch by inch they have used Maoist long march strategies and developed a broad spectrum dependent class. This class is spread across all ethnicities, all religions, all political camps and all financial demographics. One can no longer silo people based on any of these historical descriptions. Black, white, green, yellow or brown, whole families have been made into unwitting soldiers for the cause, by the simple act of government handout. It is called many things, subsidy, tax break, incentive, assistance, refund, relief... all with the expressed intent of addicting more to the sweet honey of OMP (other people's money).

The simple fact that this shit show is even a debateable topic (having mentally ill, middle aged men, dressed up as bearded, clownesque sluts, "reading" to impressionable children, with government funding and parental consent), shows how close we are to the precipice of hell.

How will this end? That is still to be seen. But I can assure it must, or we will.

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Cultural collapse then civil unrest. That is how. It is not sustainable, to coin a phrase.

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Kudos to these parents and kudos to the police in this situation. They did the minimum required, which was protecting the freak show from being physically assaulted. My guess is the cops where on the parents side. Probably there wives and neighbors where part of the rally.

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Why is it a “good” thing to protect ppl from the consequences of their intentionally evil acts? These drag shows are not intended to increase tolerance – they are torpedoes aimed at the hull of Western civilization, fully intended to destroy us as part of “critical theory” & its premise of destroying society in order to rebuild it according to their plans.

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You have a point. But allowing Pickle to be beaten up, deservedly so as he was intending on sexually abusing children, would just mean 50 police would enforce gender bending twerking in public from that moment forward.

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