Now I have no firm opinion, other than being a pragmatists, on this issue;

But why don't they contrast a woman's right to killing a human, in utero (after let's say 4 months), vs. no choice in taking a death vax .

How many examples of clear contrast do these idiots not capitalize on?!

If nothing else for their own political expediency.


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The opposition will come back with “we never mandated it”. They already are. It’s sickening.

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"What lockdowns? That never happened."

"No one was forced to take the vaxx."

"We couldn't have known, let's not point fingers."

Gaslighting in full swing. What's worse is they believe their own lies.

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If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

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Obamacare is an abomination.

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I used to be a Democrat as I was not very smart in my youth. I was pro-single payer and was mad that Max Baucus banned single-payer advocates from the health care reform hearings. Around the time of the hearings, I was standing in line at a single payer forum at a theater in Portland I was talking to Adam Klugman and another man came up to us and said not to worry, that what is now known as Obamacare was designed to destroy the health care system and that would bring about single payer (socialised medicine like Canada).

I'll never forget that.

Thirteen years later and health insurance costs have increased over 500% since then and health care is like the Canadian system in that the wait to see a specialist ends up killing people.

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Whether or not they believe their own lies doesn’t really matter, does it? The results of their actions are the same. I don’t care if people are ‘useless idiots’ are intentional evil ones…does it even matter?

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None of the liberals or even the moderates I know would ever admit the vax is deadly. I am not even sure they can acknowledge it to themselves. The pro-vax crowd seems to have moved on.

I am pro-life, but I am more libertarian in my thinking these days. More and more I don't really care. Abortion is killing the republicans chance time after time. I'd really like to see bipartisan legislation making abortion legal in all fifty states. We need to give the general public what they want on this issue and move on. If I don't want the government telling me to take a vax, why should I feel entitled to tell a woman to not use abortion as birth control? Again, I don't like it, but I'm feeling libertarian on this issue.

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Please remember that the whole issue here is misrepresented!! The crux of the matter is that abortion is a STATES RIGHTS issue. That is what the Supreme Court violated in Roe v Wade; and that is what was overturned. The federal government has NO business mandatating anything about it. Period, end of story. The pubbies are too stipid (willfully? deliberately?) to make that clear. The Dems capitalize of make it a ‘woman’s rights’ issue; and by and large they are successful at that - after all women are soft targets for a lot of bullshit reasoning.

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They are winning the strategy because the press only reports the dems point of view.

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As the press does with all issues.

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I fully understand the State's Rights issue, and wish all of this were more palatable. However, I have witnessed many people I know casually, lose their minds over the overturning of Roe v. Wade, people that otherwise may have been able to see other issues. I would love nothing more than to keep the issue of abortion and forced vaccine mandates separate. Unfortunately as the most recent election shows, fewer people are turning out, and the left is emboldened by the failings of the right. In my blue state, the number of blue-haired women and the men that associate with them that are singularly focused on taking down the right over the issue of abortion is shocking. Next door to my state is a conservative state (one I am considering moving to) that made most abortion illegal. The number of people here, and even in that conservative state that are railing against the Roe v. Wade outcome is significant. Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, even a lot of conservatives assumed it was settled law, and I believe many were shocked by the outcome. I know plenty of hard-core pro-life people, but they don't seem to be anywhere near the majority. Wouldn't it be better to win and have a chance to do something about the southern border, vaccine mandates, spending money on foreign wars, and getting control of our debt? Sadly, even if we ditched the pro-life stance, the current crop of republicans has shown no interest in fixing any of the issues I listed. We seem screwed either way. And even though I think Trump is our only hope, I still do not forgive hime for Warp Speed and his "beautiful vaccines." I thought his tone on Twitter/X was funny, but I could see how much damage it was doing and think it was a bad move. So, my stance is that backing off on the abortion issue may give us some small glimmer of hope. If we continue digging our heels in I suspect we will continue losing while sticking to our morals. "Elections have consequences'" and being on the losing side means you get nothing.

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Is it really pro life? I prefer the term anti murder. Maybe it’s me.

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I don't disagree. It's more that I try to use the least inflammatory phrasing in sharing my opinion. The most I can expect from the people I associate is for them to politely disagree. If I don't word my dissenting opinion properly, it turns into a heated argument, and then nobody wins.

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Yes, I agree - the truth is very ugly. With respect to President Trump and the vaccine effort - the duplicitious, criminal scum in several of our government “health” organizations was likely not visible to him. He’s a believer in the progress of technology etc., and the concept that Fauci et al would promote a dangerous treatment protocol was unthinkable. Beyond the pale. No matter what Trump would say after the facts started surfacing, is problematic. No one seemed to need the Hospital Ship in New York, eh? The massive number of mostly older people killed by the rush order of ventilators didn’t turn out well either.

Why Fauci would even be in the position to define and promote The Protocol after the horrible AZT debacle in the 1980’s (“safe and effective”) just blows me away. That sick SOB should have been removed from any health related position back then. The Deep State within our “health sector” is truly sick and twisted. The ground level ones that bought the propaganda are bad enough, but the upper administrative folks seem to be all in on the depopulate to save the planet thingy. Or at least to depopulate deplorables in flyover country.

It’s hard to face the fact that these deep blue dems (a misnomer for the Marxists they are today) really are OK with killing “inconvenient” people. Especially the ones that killed their own children, for convenience or whatever - they truly hate pro-child people with a passion.

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I could not agree more. Being unvaxxed in a community of people that thought it was heaven sent was eye opening. I've been called names and had people tell me I shouldn't be allowed to participate in society. The covid years taught me to keep my mouth shut. Now, because I don't express my opinion, people I associate with assume I think like they do. I've learned from living in liberal areas for a big chunk of my life that many liberals assume that everyone thinks like they do. What I've heard has been eye-opening, and sad.

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Indeed. Those of us that recognized the red flags with the jab - and there were many along the way - were/are viewed as retrograde idiots at best. The only thing that I can say in defense of the herd’s rapid ostracizing of us is that it’s very hard to come to the realization that people, professions and institutions that are supposed to be trustworthy really aren’t…We are biologically hard-wired so to speak to not readily admit that we’ve fallen for a lie or con job. What was/is especially hard to take is the casual venom that surfaced real fast.

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Same here. Friends turned on me. But now it's like they have forgotten it completely. Like a husband who gets drunk and beats his wife bloody then wakes up the next day all lovey dovey and asks what she did to bruise her face up so badly.

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Notice abortion was basically 'settled ' until just before 2022 midterms, when democrats needed a huge boost.

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Is that about when Lindsay "fist-bump" Graham suggested the federal government ban abortion?

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We are contrasting a vaccine with killing a fetus. Huh? I get the point but don’t like the metaphor.

As for using abortion as as a birth control method - after all these years snd all the other methods easily available it seems so ridiculous...

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The entire argument seems ridiculous. I am only commenting on what I see from people I associate with. The large majority of people I associate with not only felt strongly that Roe v. Wade should not have been overturned, the issue turned them into single issue voters. None of these people are particularly well thought out or knowledgeable, just like most of the country. But they now feel emboldened to do everything possible to make sure a republican never wins again.

I am single, and sadly using online dating apps to try to meet someone, which is a pathetic chore at 55 years old. On those platforms ~70% of the women write in their profiles "NO TRUMPERS" or something similar. I am also looking in the conservative state I am considering moving to, and there are still a majority of women writing the same stuff on their profiles. I am pro-life, and I understand being morally opposed to abortion. However, what I see in the general public leads me to believe this is a losing issue.

Even many conservative women I know were appalled by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I have no idea how many abortions are performed in a given year, but I hope it is not a particularly large amount. I just don't know the statistics. Unfortunately I don't see the pro-life stance helping our cause. That doesn't change my position about being pro-life, but this Q and A was started around losing elections. I am only bringing up an issue that in my experience has been a huge negative for republicans chances at elections.

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It sounds like we're on the same page with libertarianism. Agree. I don't think turning over Roe has been helpful overall.

But its a winning issue for 60%+ of folks. People in general think it's a women's choice. That doesn’t conflict with expecting these procedures are done rarely and in a responsible time.

It's a local winning strategy (even up to State races) not one that'll be net positive during the general.

If nothing else its a good defense; perfect way to deflect and ride both sides.

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think the timing was suspicious?

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Planned and directed

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It almost feels like this was planned or "planted" by the left. The overturning of Roe v. Wade sure hasn't helped the republicans. I don't see this as a winning issue at the State or Local levels, and certainly not at the federal level. The conservative states that have embraced the opportunity to make abortion illegal are pretty reliably voting red anyway. However, the massive demographic shift that happened during covid has made many of those areas more purple. I think republicans are treading on shaky ground with abortion.

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Yeah that's a good point.

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According to The Hill: Among pro choice supporters were one-third of the Republicans polled, as well as 85 percent of independent women.

Nearly two-thirds of women supported the proposed amendment, while about half of the surveyed men did. Support was also the strongest among young voters, with nearly 70 percent of those aged 18-34 supporting the measure." https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4115739-almost-60-percent-of-ohio-voters-back-abortion-rights-amendment-poll/

Given majority support Pro Choice for medical decisions, it would make sense for the Republican party to move to DEFUND TAX PAYER SUBSIDIES to Planned Parenthood so no one is forced to pay for someone else's medical choices rather than continue govt intervention in medical decisions in denying abortion options for any reason. it's odd that R's would want the country thrown into communist chaos & death (200 million deaths in the 20th century under leftist regimes) rather than give up your ability to throw a woman who was raped or had medical/physical issues & sought an abortion, along w the doctor who tried to help her, into prison. Seems like moving to defunding Planned Parenthood thereby removing tax obligation to support something against your values be a better option in helping R's win elections.

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Defunding Planned Parenthood should have been done for exactly the reasons you stated.

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I seem to remember with roe v wade tossed, it’s up to the states. Hm. I don’t see the problem with that. In fact, the supremes never should have taken that case, ever in a million years. And btw, here’s an idea if you think it’s ok to kill a baby, stop fucking. I know, it’s rocket science, but those penises carry a virus called sperm. It works most of the time. Hmm. Try closing them thighs, ladies, and boys, you make it,you support it. What a concept.

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Please, dear. Give me a fucking break. How many abortions do you think would need to be performed under those circumstances? Really? One tenth of one percent? And so you would fight so hard for that one tenth of one percent? Bullshit. It’s a states right, and most states allow that caveat. So I repeat, if you don’t want a child,but can’t wait to fuck that man of yours, use some preplanning. Or get morning after pills. You can stock them in your medicine cabinet. But to kill a child that would live outside the womb,is barbaric, for your convenience to be able to fuck away at your convenience. Who’s the moron?

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What a moronic comment. Pls tell me you're not stupid enough to fail to grasp the concept of rape, incest, a pregnancy that entails a fetus w no stem cell that would be born stillborn and MANY other medical & physical & economic issues involved. If so, it's your ass that your head needs to be pulled out of.

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Well said

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Controlled opposition turtles all the way down.

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Mr. Gardner, question for you: Have you noticed that Gato doesn't talk about finance much? And he insinuated that SS going into the stockmarket would have been a good choice since 2008 because its up 200%? What do you make of that?

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ss going anywhere but directly out the door would be better

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And the SS that I paid into, I’m entitled to get out. And I paid a lot in. But to use it for any other purpose, was a crime at one point.

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Morally yes. Legally no.

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Our government, Democrats and Republicans (or the Uniparty) seem to hate Americans. Printing money for Ukraine (kickbacks - 10% for the big guy) and now Israel is great. The Covid tax-exempt stimulus lion's share went to large corporations and friends and family of politicians. Ron Wyden's wife got 1.5 million. One of his sons is a private broker.

But the average American - they want us dead, especially the elderly now on Social Security. That's their plan for Social Security Trust Fund going bankrupt in 10 years.

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Yeah but when it comes to principles you can't apply them to some situations and then not on others. Had the FED no QE'd and kept rates at 0% for almost 20 years the stock market wouldn't be too far off the bottom it hit in 08. Remember when the SP 500 was 666? That was my point, you can't shot holes in SS and then say well yeah bush should have put it in the stock market because its up 200% since 2008 without acknowledging why its up in the first place.

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The Republican would have won in Kentucky this year if he received the same amount of votes as 2019. RINOs are useless and demoralize their own base, but at least they are not mutilating kids. The Supreme Court might be the last institution left that can save us from the clown world left and their kangaroo courts.

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The Supreme Court is just as politicized and compromised as the other politicians. They will not come charging over the hill to rescue us. They could have done so in 2020, but instead they shirked their duty and chickened out.

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Yep. SCOTUS is compromised and cannot be trusted.

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True dat. The pubblies LIKE losing because the senators and congress critters make more $$ that way. The Uniparty rules here; oh sure they put up a show every few years of standing up for their base supporters but the elections have been a farce for at least a couple of decades.

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I sincerely hope you are right Yuri, that there is something that might save us.

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They did win! The damn cheating again stole the elections!

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I think your thoughts are correct. Republicans are fed up with the republican party. I also believe the apathy along with corrupt mail in voting and pathetic verification of voters and vote counting combine for the loss. I have written my republican congressman and senator and have received pathetic lip service. When I ask them to repeal the 17th amendment I get nothing.

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And a lot of Democrats are fed up with the Democratic party. Both parties have become interested only in their own power maintenance. The sooner we can ignore parties and vote for individual candidates, the better. Unfortunately the system has been engineered to make this difficult if not impossible.

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Bingo! You have only to look at how the candidated that actually run on a MAGA, or conservative or - for the Dems a “centrist” position don’t get funded. Both parties are corporations, never forget that. Their purpose is to make $$, not to serve or propect the people, much less pay attention to preserving the lanes for government functions laid out by the constitution.

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Not just the funding. Independent candidates face an almost insurmountable hurdle even getting on the ballot. And look what happened to Bernie in 2016. His own party knee-capped him. I was disappointed he didn't go independent then.

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Not independent, you mean? I don't disagree. Once he kowtowed to Hillary, he turned into a DNC tool, assuming he wasn't one already. I've become a lot more cynical since then.

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Not to mention the giant payoff for playing ball with the DNC.

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1. The Republican candidate was just black Jeb Bush. Red State GOP leaders still think that they can run anyone with an R after their name much like their national counterparts still think it’s 1991 regarding our superpower status.

2. Trump won’t be the only one to sense an underserved market. The next guy, though, will go in understanding what he’s up against regarding the system and will have to be prepared to clean house in a non-metaphorical sense. Trump is a boomer with a residual sense of political normalcy; he actually gave an interview to Bob Woodward. His Gen-X successors won’t be so conditioned.

3. Everyone paying attention senses that this upcoming election is existential; the winner will have to jail the loser and as many of his supporters as he can, both to appease his own supporters and to head off unrest. Too many promises have been made and too many accusations leveled. I think that the most engaged are ignoring lesser contests and keeping their minds focused on next year.

4. I hope I’m wrong.

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1000% agree with everything you said, including you hoping you're wrong about it all. But on a gut level, I know you're not wrong. The regime hates us and wants us either dead or enslaved. They've dropped their mask of sanity enough times that all but the wilfully blind understand we are being governed by absolute psychopaths. This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

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I agree. In NM last election the republicans ran a dumbass ABQ weatherman that lost the previous election for Senate. Two years later they ran him for governor. Absolute joke but I held my nose and voted for him. Better than our gun grabbing bitch Governor

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IMHO. This is almost always the problem. Mediocre ( lousy ) GOP candidate. "Welp, he/she is better than the crazy Commie they are running against, so I'll vote for him/her."

Then you either lose because your candidate actually stands for nothing and is an undifferentiated milquetoast weakling, or they win and you get Communism-lite.

We have to bite the bullet at a certain point and put the wimps out to pasture.

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Doesn't #3 feed into #s 1 and 2? It's hard to remain optimistic when everything seems to be going down the tubes. People doing corrupt things with impunity. "Try and stop us, suckers!" And the media cheerleading every step of the way. Russiagate, and now the Twitter files and Missouri v. Biden, are stories that are far more significant than Watergate ever was but all the MSM wants to do is bury them. I'm an old codger and I've always been pretty cynical but I never thought I'd be terminally cynical. I come to Substack to maintain my sanity.

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State numbers show Trump doing very well in battlegrounds. RCP aggregated has him up a point. Betting Averages up four. Presidential elections always have better turnout. Trump far exceeds the Republican party in turning out unlikely voters.

Are voters discouraged and intimidated? Who isn't? Election integrity is an unknown unknown. There's a case to be made (Mollie Hemingway) but media headwinds are heavy. The 2020 was the siren call. The 2024 will be the Rubicon. After that, casting a vote won't mean much.

Seems to me, most of us will stick it out one more just to find whether elections are totally broken are not. It's worth finding out.

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Nihilism is a philosophy you adopt when you know, absolutely know you're going to lose. It isn't cool, it's pathetic. Pathetic. The opposite of courageous. Not voting is stupid until you absolutely know voting is pointless. Right now, objectively, there isn't enough data. We know for a fact that the four years of Trump were way better than what we have now. In fifty years of voting no president EVER did more of what he said he was going to do than Trump. I voted in every election, mostly to no avail.

Things are bad. The Republican party, largely, sucks. It may feel easier to give up. But that's the coward on your shoulder telling you that you'll be cool if you just give up. Think of it this way: what the hell are you doing wasting your time here on Substack writing all these posts if it really doesn't matter? Voting once every four years is much easier.

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Look, I know you all don't think your country is worth much, but that's because you were lied to by your kindergarten teachers. It seems that even though you may consider yourself a moderate, a conservative, a libertarian, or an old school liberal you have nevertheless absorbed and incorporated the progressive message that the USA js no better than any other country, and worse than most. That is a fallacy, in spite of everything: slavery, indigenous peoples, the nauseating and compromising aspects of democracy. I suggest you deprogram yourself by getting an education, a deep education in American history. Read writers that didn't publish in the last twenty years. Read De Tocqueville. Read Gary Wills on Lincoln. Read five Lincoln biographies. I think you're not disposed to fight and resist because you don't have a distinct idea what you're fighting for.

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You are dead on the money describing the sea of deliberate ignorance produced by our ‘education system.’

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Well I live in one of those battlegrounds, and I’m not voting for someone who bought Fauci’s act hook, line, and sinker.

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You're a democrat, in other words.

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Thats fine, you go back to locking yourself at home, masked and drugged, telling us all what a wild success THE FIGHTER is.

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If you look around at what's happening to this country, and can't support the one candidate who might actually win and change that trajectory, you're not a serious person—or you're a democrat. There's no other way of looking at it: the perfect is the enemy of the good.

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I'm in the UK, Chris, though have spent a lot of time in the states and I am interested in your politics.

The situation over there is highly analogous to our situation here, and as far as I can see to the situation in every country in the Anglosphere.

I'm essentially a conservative (old school) and thus have always voted for our Conservative Party (roughly speaking, the equivalent of the Republican Party over there).

I have been a member of the party twice (both times I resigned my membership in disgust at the direction of the party).

I have canvassed for candidates at elections (i.e. knocked on doors, made phone calls et cetera).

I'm about as natural a Conservative party voter as it gets.

At the last general election, in 2019, the Conservatives were returned with an 80 seat majority – I won't bore you the details, but that is essentially enough to do pretty much anything they wanted.

Top of Conservative voters' priorities were and are things like protecting our borders, getting rid of woke bullshit in our schools and universities, dealing properly with crime, ending the waste of public resources on stupid and pointless projects (such as the £120 billion high-speed rail project, which was initially budgeted at around £20 billion, quickly spiralled out of control, and was really only ever designed to get you from Birmingham, a city in our Midlands, 100 miles or so down to London 15 minutes quicker than the ordinary trains - that is, it was mad at the original price and insane at the eventual price, and has recently been effectively cancelled anyway, not that the taxpayer will get his cash back), and so on.

Instead of doing any of the above, our supposedly conservative government has provided over an increase in illegal immigration, an increase in woke bullshit, an increase in crime, and an increase in waste.

I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even I have finally worked out that I am voting for people who tell me they will do one thing and then do exactly its opposite once elected to power.

I am forced to conclude that I no longer live in anything resembling a democracy (the only other party with a realistic chance of forming a government in the UK, the Labour Party, will do everything that this current shower do, only harder and faster) and that, instead, our politicians are all working for other forces than the British electorate.

This will all sound extremely familiar to you, and indeed, I would not be surprised if there is not some American reader of a British culturo-political blog making exactly these points from your side of the pond to ours.

It is unclear to me what we do about it; friends of mine tell me repeatedly that they no longer intend to vote, but it seems to me that, as you say, this just gives these awful people carte blanche to do as they wish.

I also follow Jeff Childers, and he has recently been making the point that – in the US at least – you have the opportunity to vote out many of your law enforcement, officials, judges, and state governors et cetera (who often have collectively far more power than a mere figurehead such as the president).

If I were a septic tank this is what I would strongly be pursuing.

Unfortunately, no such option is open to us on our side of the Atlantic.

Yours, despairingly, from England.

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I read the Daily Sceptic and Spiked every day, and can’t believe some of the stuff going on there. Immigration, the Covid “inquiry”, the health service, trans insanity... My family has been in the US for many generations but are mostly British, Scottish and Irish. I remember, as a child, my family have long dinner table conversations about kings and queens and thinking it was so strange! (I guess British history as a regular dinner chat was!) My son and his girlfriend went to London on a bucket-list nine day holiday (they went to an Arsenal game) Oct 9 and were there when all the pro-Hamas protests were happening. It was the first time in my life I was scared because a loved one was in England, of all places.

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It's still reasonably safe - we have about 700 murders a year in England and Wales (whose figures are combined because of an historical artefact) and I imagine another 100 or so in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

You can reduce your chances of being murdered to virtually zero by not marrying a violent drunk and keeping away from a few areas of the country.

I live in a village which literally has one or two very minor crimes a year.

But it's obviously a lot less safe than it was and we're yet to find out what the ongoing mass immigration of unknown men from antithetical cultures will do.

My main concern is with the unresponsiveness of the political levers; we're pulling them but nothing is happening. It wasn't like this even ten years ago, though in retrospect you can see the path.

They have realised that they can get away with pretty much anything.

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Democracy is dead the world

over. Died on Jan 6, 2021. We are now run by a globalist Eugenicist oligarchy. These people don’t mind if we have a world war with the BRICS countries. Welcome to what I call the Neo-Fascist Technocratic Dark Age.

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I think it died before that. It died little by little, then all at once.

Our own government killed both RFK and JFK and got away with it.

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I certainly vacillate as to giving up or believing my vote matters. I am fed up with all of it and on the other hand I've never been so involved in politics and I give Trumps transparency while he served credit for that. To me, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party have morphed into one big grift.

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The Uniparty.

Check out Todd Herman if you are so inclined - he's a podcaster who used to be a radio talker in Seattle. But he had to not speak out against certain things and not speak about other things. So he quit, moved to Idaho and is doing alright on his own. He holds no punches.

I don't know if it's better to vote for a Republican beholden to the same people Democrats are. But then again I think any Republican is better than all Democrats. They may not be ideal, but they are not Socialists.

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I think the Kentucky governor got easily reelected for the same reason WV senator Joe Manchin kept being reelected. People LIKE them and they managed to stay close enough to the center to not tick the voters off. They're familiar and comfortable. Manchin is finally being booted because he voted one too many times with the democrats. Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with this rationale, but I think that's what's going on.

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I think we all know what they'll do to Kennedy, and it's not indicting him. I've seen some crazy theories where they do it after he gets elected, with Tulsi Gabbard as his VP. I don't know what odds I'd put on before vs. after. The corporations that control the federal government are not going to walk away from the nice thing they have going for themselves.

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I fear you may be right. We have to consider the past and the Kennedys and the fact that they have refused secret service protection. Smells like a set up.

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Since when has voting Republican made a difference? I stopped voting years ago. I did vote for Ron Paul, of course.

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The Republican establishment used to say that voting libertarian was a "wasted vote". But it was really the votes for RINOs that were wasted, or worse than wasted.

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They really aren't RINOs. The Republican establishment is what real Republicans are. The handful who vote the way their constituents want - maybe a dozen - could be called RINOs.

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Hard to argue against that. And so the Reagan era, that many think of as the epitome of the Republican idea, was an aberration at most.

This suggests that the, let us say, populist right should completely disassociate itself with the Republican party. It's interesting to note that if we did, and if no one who voted for Trump voted for any Republican, the almost no Republicans would be elected.

We would have destroyed the Republican party. And Americans would have to face up to the truth that we live in a nation with a one-party system. Right?

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The name is conservative. And you’re correct,there’s about ten. Ten out of 535 doing the will of half the country. Yay.

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I know what you mean, but "conservative" doesn't apply to our situation. We don't want to maintain the status quo against change. We want to radically undo many of the things that have been done. We want to end "drag queen story hour", "transing" children, Critical Race Theory, DIE, ESG, affirmative action, endless illegal and legal immigration, etc. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen with less than 2% of the Congress on our side.

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What is the highest office ever achieved by a libertarian?

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If you mean "elected" office, from Wikipedia:

"Libertarians won four elections to the Alaska House of Representatives between 1978 and 1984 and another four to the New Hampshire General Court in 1992. Neil Randall, a Libertarian, won the election to the Vermont House of Representatives in 1998 running on both the Libertarian and Republican lines."

If you count libertarians elected as Republicans, like Rand Paul, then U.S. senator and governor (of New Mexico).

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Amash changed to L in office.

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There were 6 major offices up for grabs in Kentucky, including Governor, Treasurer, Attorney General, Auditor, Secretary of State and Ag Commissioner. All but governor got about 750,000 votes or more.


Somehow, though, all those red blooded Kentuckians dragged themselves into the polls, cast a ballot for AUDITOR (who I guarantee most didn’t even know who was running), and only gave the GOP Republican candidate , Daniel Cameron, about 627,000 votes. I call bullshit. We would have voted in a rock over Andolf Beshear, who put ONE QUARTER of Kentucky’s total population on the unemployment line, destroyed 40% of small business, shuttered churches, closed schools, mandated worthless masks, and coerced the injection of a bioweapon, all for a common cold virus with an IFR no different than a seasonal flu. Ky had the worst response to covid and the fake public health emergency on the entire planet, being the only state (in the worst country) to be in the top 3 states with both covid deaths and jab deaths per capita! How does a pathetic POS wet noodle of a governor, employing a psychopathic incompetent Commissioner of Public Health (married to an Immunologist!!), become the ONLY Democrat to win? Mail in ballots and easily rigged voting machines, that’s how. It didn’t hurt that Beshear is also the CCP’s man.

We can debate voter intent til the cows come home but maybe, just maybe, it’s much simpler than that.

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I can think of no reason they won't find a reason to indict Kennedy. Maybe they'll charge him with endangering lives for speaking out against the not-vaxx, which officially is still the best thing ever despite the mountain of evidence for, well you know the thing.

Now, the interesting question is what happens. We could find ourselves in a situation in which the cadaver in chief goes into election day polling at 30%, pulls off a remarkable 85% of votes (after counting is paused nationwide because reasons), with more people voting than live in the USA, the opposition candidate getting more votes than anyone in history (except the incumbent revenant), and the regime claiming that not only did they win but the opposition candidate is illegitimate because indicted. Meanwhile the other side knows it's all kayfabe, the lawsuits are political bullshit, and the votes were mostly fake.

What happens then? In a society with healthy T levels, things start burning. But this is America, so. Lots of strongly worded tweets, perhaps. And the FBI being sent to round up the tweeters.

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See my post above.

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The Washington Generals have 6 wins (and over 14,000 losses) to the Harlem Globetrotters and you can easily find websites asking why, what can they do better? (Do you really think they go out and give 110% every game or might they know their lot in life as second rate washouts are happy getting a paycheck signed by the same person as their competition.)

The truth of course is obvious, but evil can "hide" in plain site if no one looks or talks about it because its mere mention is too unsettling.

You have heard of Occum's razor, Cochran's razor is "The most evil explanation is likely correct"

Which is why child trafficking, pedophilia, COVID 19 Origins, depopulation agendas, globalists, etc can thrive, because most of the population cannot fathom that level of evil.

(I can think of 20 reasons we have been told about the origins of COVID. Which one was eventually proven true? Was it the most evil possible explanation, hidden by the most eval possible level of collaboration?)

For those who are still questioning the loss on Tuesday...

The Republicans, like the Washington Generals, lose because it is their intention to do so.

The rigging of the games and elections are essentially the same.

(The Democrats could end illegal migration and the Ukraine war tomorrow, (huge voter issues), they don't. Why?)

So it makes analysis of bullshit and lies always pointless:

In 2019 the Washington Generals scored 705,000 points but in 2023 they scored only 627,000. Analysis?! They need to stop with half court shots and focus on fundamentals!

Joe Biden, Kamila Harris, Fetterman, Milley, et al are supposed to be pargon examples of meritocracy. Obviously they are not. What is the most evil explanation for how they were picked and how they got there?

Worse, even many of the most "awake" red pilled people still have trouble seeing this. How long will it take the population who wear masks, get shots every Pfizer Pfriday, and dutifully perform 2 minute hate TDS meltdowns figure this out?

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I don’t think it’s wise to elevate the re-election of an incumbent governor in an off-year election to a massive conundrum that needs explanation. That said, I’m with Jack a couple of notes up -- a libertarian for 40+ years who hasn’t voted for a Democrat since Jimmy Carter (I was 18 and was exactly as stupid as 18 year olds generally are) but I’m getting tired of voting for the kind of Republicans who get on the ballot at the state level and above and I’m about as excited about November 2024 as I am about my next mammogram.

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I was using that example to stand for the whole problem, but Republicans also had a terrible night in Virginia, and had awful midterms with the weakest imaginable Democratic POTUS. The whole party seems to be sinking.

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I can easily imagine it. Did you see The Guardian’s article about Trump? Apparently anyone still voting for him is just too stupid to pay attention. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/nov/09/trump-president-democracy-threat-media-journalism

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"Here’s what must be hammered home: Trump cannot be re-elected if you want the United States to be a place where elections decide outcomes, where voting rights matter, and where politicians don’t baselessly prosecute their adversaries."

The self-awareness of a lump of dirt.

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I don't think they act from lack of self-awareness. I think every insult and injury they inflict is intentional and to blithely say one thing and do the opposite is a key part of their strategy. Enough clueless, willfully ignorant voters on both sides of the aisle will believe them and vote mindlessly, and I mean that literally. Why else do we have geriatrics populating the government for decades? We get the government we have been engineered to believe we want in spite of proof that we haven't gotten that government going back generations. We are a zombie nation.

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Somehow the Brits always find a way to out-idiot the U.S. leftists.

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That, as far as I can tell, is very true.

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