I want to scream at the media, text, podcasts, TV and radio. This election was rigged. The Dems have it figured out. All the states that had problems in the past, and who did not clean up their election processes defied the red wave. The states with fairly honest election processes saw a huge red wave. The largest was in Florida, the state with the best election process.

Poor Kari Lake, Blake Masters and Adam Laxalt. I have not the slightest doubt they won their races with substantial margins.

I would try to get an audit of the voter rolls in Arizona and Nevada, at the least. Steven Crowder did a man on the scene audit of voters in Nevada after the 2020 election. His people learned that many dead people, illegals, out of staters, people who had their mailing address in the highway median, people who live in those tiny post office boxes, etc. all somehow managed to vote by mail in ballots. Amazing.

Mass mail in ballots are a recipe for disaster. How many ballots were rejected? Normally it's about 10% because the signatures don't match. Did those folks in Maricopa REALLY check and match all those signatures on all those mailed in ballots?

The Democrats have mastered the steal.

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Only because Republicans tolerate it. Oh, not ALL, but most. And the Republican establishment is completely OK with it.

This is so depressing. I look forward to SMOD.

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Feckless turds, the lot of them. They'll probably get the house, absolutely nothing will change and they'll whine about not being able to accomplish anything because of the rOaDbLoCk that is the senate. It's a feature, not a bug.

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Shut the whole damn thing down and go local, I say.

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Never forget the Republicans "allowed" that to happen out of their own fear. That includes most of their voters. They laid down imo during the 20' election.

Just like the Patriot Act; all of the changes to elections in 20' will never go away.

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The entire thing is a SHOW, nothing more.

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There's probably NO difference between the two "parties." Exchangeable, in the end. And all a big farce for us to feel like that's our only possibilities are these two clown clubs. BOLLOCKS! I say toss 'em ALL out on their fake, pathetic ass.

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If you don't think there is a difference you come to Florida and see the results of Republican leadership.

I shudder to think what might have happened if the vote shenanigans in Palm Beach and Broward Counties in 2018 had been successful. Those two counties always seemed to be able to "find" uncounted ballots by the ten thousands a day or two after all the other counties had finished counting and declared their totals. We could have had Andrew Gillum, Democrat, drug addict.

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Of course. I wasn't clear: When the Dem's are in power, the Repubs are good. When the Repubs are in power, the Dem's are good. This is the dog n pony show we've had from the git go. Two-party systems are bullshit.

Now, De Santis may be a very good guy, and different somehow, from all these politicians (it has happened, here and there, it's just kinda rare). I'm not saying it's a concrete, absolute thing. I'm saying our govt., BOTH sides/parties, is owned by corporate oligarchy, and if you don't think that's true then go and listen to people like James Corbett, Whitney Webb, Matt Ehret, et al.

I think we're on the same page, pretty much!

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An audit? In Maricopa County? What a brilliant and novel idea. I wonder how it would turn out. Maybe ask Brnovich?

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They took their urban game National. That’s all.

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So, was John Fetterman a masculine man when he was chasing an innocent black man with a shot gun? Or just a plain ol' spoiled racist?

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Depends. Was he wearing cargo shorts?

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Something tells me he was.

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He puts his weed and tater-tots in his cargo pants.

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And a hot pocket for later.

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Funny how the left trots out masculinity as a “good thing” when it suits them then relegates it back to the “toxic” bin when it goes against the whole “future is female” (not that they’ll define what a woman is) BS we’ve been force-fed the past few decades. You learn everything you need to know about a group watching what they do with great amounts of power when it is handed to them - let’s just say I’ve never been more ashamed of the state of womanhood. Especially as it concerns what we allowed to happen to our own children.

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Oh, yes, they define a "woman" as: a woman with a penis.

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That black man took his Crudites

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dulting is hard, and it’s now a verb, because you know, grammar and language are racist and stuff. I’ll never forget when I put down my game controller for 3 minutes during a particularly gnarly 18 hour straight Grand Theft Election 5 sesh to hear Giant Eggplant Fetterman make this crucial point during the election. When asked about PA energy production, he said “ Gorp! Ski daddle, mustard on my shoe.” That’s when I knew he had the right stuff. He looks Presidential in his hoodie and shorts. Wait a second, mister, you may be saying. ( My pronouns are smoked packer brisket/ 300 Blackout. ) You can’t make fun of a stroke victim! That’s cerebrovascularaccidentophobic.

To which I say, balderdash. The election is a joke on the voters. This election and the 2020 farce, which brought demented second rate crime boss and human sniffer dog Uncle Joey to 1600 -you -know -the -thing -man are proof positive of the fact that Dems just want semi-microwaved rewarmed bodies who can comply with voting instructions, and presto change-o, Mathnasium dropout Democrats alive, dead, and manufactured will vote for them. Katie Hobbs? Her claim to fame is being incompetent and a twice sued (and lost 3 million dollars of taxpayer money) bureaucrat for racist workplace policies. That’s literally her resume.

She didn’t campaign or debate. She couldn’t debate anyway. She didn’t have to, so it didn’t matter. The Dems and their anti-MAGA GOP confrères have deep expertise in multiplayer cheating and looking the other way. Meanwhile, some of us, who used to be described as normal Americans, are pissed off, and bewildered at the never ending stupidity at all levels while we develop advanced TMJ problems from gnashing our teeth.

The closing of the American mind has reached the brainstem level. We literally have practically decerebrate Senator and Fake President bodies that can start global conflicts and assign bathroom privileges to oppressed people with limited bidet options. It’s like a movie sequel: Dumb Frankenstein. Hand me my pitchfork.

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So you read the book. Neil Postman is possibly my favorite author on the subject of mass media, culture, and technology. I am not sure how he saw so far ahead.

I first came across his books through while reading the book The Shallows by Nicholas Carr - I believe Nicholas Carr quotes from him. Neil Postman's book Amusing Ourselves to Death is probably his best work. I'll stop recommending books or I'll feel compelled to read every book you recommend. Keep up the great writing.

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Questioning the integrity of anything is now fascist.

Because if there's one thing fascists are known for, it's questioning authority.

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A Fascist knew how to die.

- Il Duce

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Surgery yet?

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Last week. Still on too many drugs to write well and too crippled to sit at a desk very long. But soon, I think. I'm so bored.

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Get some bolt cutters...

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I'm sorry, I don't get it?

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Pooh-pooh, caca, shit

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I'm really sorry. I'm still not following this at all. Bolt cutters = shit?

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“...cause fascists believe in reducing the power and importance of government:”

Exactly this. The “anti-fascist” are idiots who don’t understand that fascism requires a strong central government and thusly ask for a strong centralized govt to stop fascism via...fascism.

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Its not the ideas but who counts the ballots-

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Interesting how words are chosen without reference to their meaning. Blue-collar refers to a laborer, generally not found in shorts and a Hoodie. If he was in grease stained coveralls or a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt that would be blue collar chic, cargo shorts and a Hoodie identifies him as a lay about idiot who is ashamed of his disgusting body, notice the combination of winter clothes and summer. He wears the shorts for comfort and the hoodie to feel hidden, a lot of teenage girls with body issues do the same thing but they at least have the good sense to wear long pants when they wear long sleeves.

Not sure I agree with your point about literacy being a major distinction of adulthood, I think pretty much every civilization has recognized this difference and codified it, often with literacy representing a different grade of maturity you might say, similar to citizenship in Greece or Rome or property ownership in colonial America. But the phenomenon you are pointing to is certainly real, the easiest proof would be the disappearance of the 'coming of age' story, which before the leftist capture of entertainment was perhaps the number one type of story told. But you can't cast a fifty year old useless wreck in the Wonder Years.

The truth that we need to start waking up to is that there has only ever been one real attempt at universal literacy, it was Reformation driven, parents reading the Bible with their children, all other literacy efforts have been pale imitation of that and the imitations are dying. Take Japan or Korea as a good example of an imitation. They put on a good show and then quickly descend into NEEThood, or should I say NEEThoodie, which as soon as the easy money days are over, which looks to be right about now, is a hop, skip, and a jump away from serfdom to whoever has a lien on you. I suspect China is on that same trail but they rose(towards universal literacy and Western type society)later and will fall a little later.

But our enemies have told us they intend for civilization to have fallen by 2030 and this is their only project that looks to complete on time and within budget, so can we just assume that they won't let a pissant thing like an election get in the way of that? Might be time to get serious about turning this thing around.

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It has the feel of a piece reported by a Martian: "He was known to wear cargo shorts, a type of cloth covering preferred by the poors."

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This was how we knew he would become senator and why we implanted his neck with a mind control device. We worried it was so large it would be noticed but all important humans expect members of the poor to have unexplained growths so it only enhanced his appeal to the other members of his apparent caste

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The poor wear Cargo Shorts?

Where? PA is 🥶 cold.

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I know a lot of working class people and not one of them would vote for that damaged phony Fetterman.

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No one votes.

Ballots are collected, and sorted.

A machine called a computer “adjudicates” the votes. I read the manual.

Its 1775 and the British showed up on an empty field and win by default, or did something else happen?

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In Chris Bray fashion he nailed the dismount:

“Family-friendly drag queen brunch: A world without adult secrets that wall off grown-up things from children. Children are just smaller versions of the grown-up meatsticks that, like, get it on and stuff.”

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When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. — 1 Corinthians 13:11

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And then 0 Corinthians 6:66

And then Covid came, and I was an adult, and I put away adult things, and became a pedophile, and put away adult things except for Story Time.

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We are seeing the fruits of our education/indoctrination system. Large faction under 30yo have zero critical thinking skills & a narcissistic worldview. Wait, did I just describe those under 3 yo?

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Greta Thunberg should have been a warning shot. A kid with irrational fears stemming from a neurological condition was launched to an international stage. As if we should listen to her and join in her neuroses. And we did.

Also, I worked my way through a very, very long talk by Sister Becquart of a Catholic council that’s heading up some Catholic Church reforms (the synod - which I’m still trying to understand) - and she repeatedly said how they’ve run a council with a lot of youth and they are listening to the youth and what THEY want out of religious service and religious life as they approach “synodality” over the next few years.

I’m not Catholic, but all I kept thinking was, oh, boy. Buckle up, people. It’s gonna get even weirder.

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These are the woke people in the church, wanting excuses to shape the faith according to the latest claptrap. They are happy to listen to outsiders but not to the faithful. It is destruction from within, kind of like our country.

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Greta's a Rothschild. What more do you need to know about her?

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What ties does she have to the Rothschilds?

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She's Lionel Walter Rothschild's great-granddaughter... which makes her a cousin of Klaus Schwab. Small world, eh?


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LMAO inbred redneck heiress

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So. Now it's ok to be a man?

Albeit a man in cognitive decline.

Gillette will have to update their toxic masculinity commercials.

Imagine being the sort of person who watched that debate and saw Fetterman open the night with 'Good night' and STILL voted for that.

Ow, my balls!

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Saying good night at the beginning of the debate is being MANLY. Not sure how I could have missed that at the time.

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"Is this guy messing with me? Good night? I like the cut of his gib! I don't need to see more. Change the channel, honey."

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The ballots were mostly collected on the Dem side before the debate.

This concept of voting...

...it is dated, in fact past due, a rotted vegetable on the shelf.

Rather like the Jr Senator from PA.

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The "invention of childhood" thing needs a bit more nuance. As an earlier commenter 100% accurately said, this is culturally specific.

To expand: the protracted 'apprenticeship' is Eurocentric-bourgeoise. It's not so much about acquisition of secrets as acquisition of discipline (see also Pierre Bourdieu, Foucault, and Jeff Schmidt's book Disciplined Minds). Another way of putting it is that drilling, and conditioning, are considered optimum for future professionals. It's not the learning of secrets so much as learning the appropriate way to perform the role and prove that one has a safe pair of hands. This helps to explain the strong correlation between obedient professional (not least academics) and Covid-compliance.

Elite folks may go through similar processes of drilling but tend to believe in "breeding"... is having the right parents.

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I've seen people say we're the example of what an 'Idiocracy' is.

For example, 'mask denialists should live in an Idiocracy'.

They live in an inverted reality.

"Twitter girl. Define fascist for us."

"You're a fascist for asking me to define what a fascist is."

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