Mistaking idiocracy for masculinity, Politico explains today that John Fetterman was elected to the United States Senate because he was more manly in public than Mehmet Oz.
Fetterman also connected with blue-collar voters by signaling an embrace of blue-collar values. There are many ways Democrats can do this, but Fetterman himself did it by appealing to blue-collar masculinity. The irony is that Fetterman himself does not come from a blue-collar background, but he was able to connect with blue-collar tropes and traditions.
Yes, it certainly is an irony that “Fetterman himself does not come from a blue-collar background,” but, see, he wore cargo shorts. So.
As an example of Fetterman displaying more blue-collar masculinity than his opponent, Politico goes on, Oz said the word “crudité.” And then Fetterman dropped the HAMMER on his girly little bitch ass, BOOM:
It call a vegabale tray, fag!
Neil Postman argued — and my thanks to the reader who suggested this book to me — that the printing press made the distinction between childhood and adulthood. In the Middle Ages, literacy was the rare possession of a priestly class; most adults didn’t read, and children didn’t read either, and so the stages of life were undifferentiated. The distinction between pre-literate childhood and literate adulthood didn’t exist. No one emerged, through stages of development, into the disciplined habit of deciphering abstractions and considering things that weren’t immediately present. The possibility of a thing called “childhood” begins, historically, when adults have written secrets and specialized knowledge, and people who are chronologically young have to grow into the moment when they enter the secret garden. They have to learn their way in.
But Postman also argued that the creation of electronic media — first the telegraph, but then really the television — began destroying the line between children and adults, creating a world of “adult children” and eroding the meaning of childhood: “But in a nonliterate world there is no need to distinguish sharply between the child and the adult, for there are few secrets, and the culture does not need to provide training in how to understand itself.”
Family-friendly drag queen brunch: A world without adult secrets that wall off grown-up things from children. Children are just smaller versions of the grown-up meatsticks that, like, get it on and stuff.

Hell yeah, bro, 12 year-olds gettin’ birth control without no parents bullshit gettin’ in the way! That’s progressive! By the way, here’s what an alleged CEO looks and sounds like, now, in the world of adult children and the erasure of the stages of life:
And speaking of cargo shorts and masculinity and CEOs:
To the extent that the vote was an accurate reflection of voter sentiment rather than merely a count of harvested ballots, what it looks like to me is that we’ve just had our first mostly post-adulthood election. While I very much doubt the honesty of the final vote count, the sewer of Twitterworld suggests the presence of shrewd Arizona voters who figured out that Kari Lake wanted to be governor so she could take away their Social Security checks, a benefit from a federal program not overseen by state officials:

And people who want to take away Social Security checks and make there to be less government are fascists, ‘cause fascists believe in reducing the power and importance of government:

If you doubt this, search Twitter for “kari lake fascist.” But wear some knee-length rubber boots before you try to wade into that one.
Post-literacy, post-adulthood elections.
I want to scream at the media, text, podcasts, TV and radio. This election was rigged. The Dems have it figured out. All the states that had problems in the past, and who did not clean up their election processes defied the red wave. The states with fairly honest election processes saw a huge red wave. The largest was in Florida, the state with the best election process.
Poor Kari Lake, Blake Masters and Adam Laxalt. I have not the slightest doubt they won their races with substantial margins.
I would try to get an audit of the voter rolls in Arizona and Nevada, at the least. Steven Crowder did a man on the scene audit of voters in Nevada after the 2020 election. His people learned that many dead people, illegals, out of staters, people who had their mailing address in the highway median, people who live in those tiny post office boxes, etc. all somehow managed to vote by mail in ballots. Amazing.
Mass mail in ballots are a recipe for disaster. How many ballots were rejected? Normally it's about 10% because the signatures don't match. Did those folks in Maricopa REALLY check and match all those signatures on all those mailed in ballots?
The Democrats have mastered the steal.
So, was John Fetterman a masculine man when he was chasing an innocent black man with a shot gun? Or just a plain ol' spoiled racist?