What drives our rabbinical caste mad is that we smelly benighted rubes still insist on doing our own thinking. We may have other values, anything from patriotism to just wanting the damn border closed, when they have already told us—repeatedly!—that these are the wrong values to have and are in fact dangerous, possibly evil and fascistic. They have read all the books and have all the right credentials and are the makers and wielders of all the new cutting-edge moral tests—why can't we just shut up and OBEY!?

Our liberal clerisy know everything except how arrogant they seem to the rest of us, and how so much of their vaunted "compassion" resembles contempt.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

What's most fascinating is how they are continually reacting to a strawman of what us hicks actually believe.

The gender stuff is the clearest example - they think us rubes willed into existence every disparity between men and women using pink dresses and "math is hard" Barbie, so they reify these things and turn them on their head... Without attempting to understand empirical reality at all.

And we finance it not just through tax dollars, but through deficit spending.

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One of our modern ironies is that to be a validated member of our "thinking class" means you have to stop thinking. (Because tripping over a wrong thought means banishment.)

Our liberal clerisy have backed themselves into so many corners (moral, social, political, epistemic etc) that they can't really debate, as they've lost that ability and also because part of the price of entry (and status maintenance) means you can't even acknowledge that your opponents may have a valid point somewhere.

Thus they are left to throwing public tantrums and debasing themselves.

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I learned long ago the great rule of corporate America, 'If you never do anything then you never do anything wrong.' The rule for the ruling class seems to be, 'If you never think you never think wrong thoughts.'

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I've pointed this out before, but:

the good news is that the elites are panicking.

the bad news is that the elites are panicking.

so, they might just destroy themselves in the process, or they might win and be able to set up the new soft totalitarian system of their dreams.

I go back and forth every 10 days or so.

regardless, they really are clueless how many ordinary people hate them. after the Mar-A-Lago raid last year, they basically resurrected his campaign as martyr/proxy for the people, and now they are really agahst that after 91 indictments, the public support him even more! they still don't understand Trumps political judo 7 years later!

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"they might win and be able to set up the new soft totalitarian system of their dreams"

We know this is the plan, a CCP-style party-state backed by surveillance and social-credit scores (if they lock in CBDCs, it's game over), and they will do anything and everything to make it happen—their success or failure will be the big question of this decade.

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yep, if they pull off the CBDC thing we are truly screwed...

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This was always the predictable result of weaponization of government. And they won't stop at Trump. A journalist documenting 1/6 was just found guilty on four misdemeanors today......

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Only a traitor to the American ideal, and America itself, would weaponize the government against the American people.

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And they are traitors to the American ideal. They always have been, and always will be. Dumbocraps are our Nazi party. IMO

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They will never stop this behavior. They will kill him if they can, as well as anyone who supports him. It's totalitarian mass formation psychosis and they have no limits. Study what the socialists did in the Soviet Union, the Reich, China, Pol Pot, in Cambodia, and elsewhere these people have seized power. If you're a pagan or atheist, there's nothing you can't justify in your quest for power. The Dems, with some help from the RINO's, are going to drive our society right over a cliff and for them, the sooner, the better.

Place your faith in God, but keep your powder dry.

Danny Huckabee

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Sadly, I agree. I have known since high school, (over six decades now), that our flirtation with socialism was going to put an end to the Founder's "great experiment". We live in perilous times. I never expected to live to see the purges and pogroms begin in the formerly 'free' world.

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During my gun collecting days, I managed to buy ≈30K rounds of various calibers to go with ≈50 weapons. Upon retirement, I moved that mass from Texas to East Tennessee and pondered if I’d been excessive. No more. I fear they may be fired in anger. I see in my mind’s eye a celebration outside the White House akin to after the death of bin Ladin, but instead being about the crushing of the Progressives and their apparatchiks in government. We’ve seen them coming at us for 77 yrs, and have been too busy doing our jobs to take notice. If Marcuse & the Frankfurt School pricks had been fired, none of this current turmoil would be happening. But the snowball is SO much bigger now…

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Don't forget that progs hate each other as much (or more) than we hate them. They want us to get violent. Don't let the urge overtake you. Instead, needle them and turn them against each other.

Moralize and racialize the vax mandates: they hurt black people too. Call them groomers and pedos - because that is what they are.

If you are still working, come to terms with the fact every job is temporary, come up with a backup plan, and go after the woke loons in the office hard (demand that they provide metrics for their objectives - when they cannot, point out that they are validating each other's feelings and belong in a therapist's office, not at work).

Don't back down. Don't apologize. Accept whatever your worst fate may be, then take it right to the line.

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“Don't let the urge overtake you. Instead, needle them and turn them against each other.”

As a former U.S. Army soldier & “expert rifleman,” I will not agress an unarmed civilian. I will however respond to aggression in my immediate vicinity, e.g., the Floyd riots. If and when civil war breaks out, a war-based analysis of use-of-force rules will be required.

I’m retired, courtesy of a “tap-dancer” boss 17 yrs my junior. As a CPA, I cannot do otherwise than to tell the unshaded truth, which is anathema to many in the modern era. For example, in 1990, CA enacted the “reasonable woman” standard for judging sexual harassment. My employer brought in a feminista instructor to present this material. (Who else but an activist would know this crap?) She made the comment about the (statutorily undefined) standard “You are responsible for knowing and complying with this standard.” I raised my hand and said (from memory) “That compliance requirement is unconstitutional. The statute explicitly rejects the ‘reasonable person’ standard and defines prohibited conduct according to the perception of women, which leaves 1/2 of the population with no knowledge of what the law requires. The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected criminal laws which do not define the prohibited conduct.” Needless to say, if the feminista had had Superman’s laser eyes, my ashes would still be smoking 33 yrs later.

Back on topic, I don’t think needling the crazies will get the job done, because their weapon is not their dogma – it is the fear of organizational leaders (government, clergy, corporate, nonprofits) to confront the insanity. They desperately fear being called “anti-(fill-in-the-blank).” It is responses like the Bud Light boycott that will move the needle (pun intended) re: corporates. We are already seeing deep schisms in major Protestant denominations over trans issues. Nonprofits are a problem; most no longer get their principal funding from the public. And those that do in many cases have become a mere “lens” for guiding political contributions of members, e.g., the ACLU & SPLC.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

We disagree radically in our temperament and our approach. I have utmost respect for yours. You have the high ground. That said, I did get two woke VPs fired recently with mine.

Yes, the Bud Light thing worked. We need to continue that kind of thing. The bottom line is that the world runs on competence. If enough people stop taking shit from people who don't deserve our allegiance, they are done.

Fight it how you can, brother. I'll do it my way. They'll die from a thousand cuts.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

“The bottom line is that the world runs on competence.”

Not at present, and the large cities & businesses of America reflect that sad reality. Rational voters would step back, but Chicagoans voted for an enhanced version of Lori Lightfoot’s agenda. I’m reminded of this famous exchange from a Hemingway book:

“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.

“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”

Seems like the trajectory of American civilization.

At present, we’re living through “Atlas Shrugged” brought to life.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Exactly. Unless we go Mad Max, the demand for consultants will be very high. So competent people should not put up with shit.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

The effort to destroy Trump will take down the remnants of the republic, too.

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Unless some of the courts start breaking some of the momentum of this open lawfare, then yes. It's poison.

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First Class Honours in Ebonics


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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

We need someone even more aggressive than Trump. After Covid, it should be abundantly clear that there are no rules with these "people". None. Remember that when we get the upper hand.

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A US version of Pinochet may be the "best" outcome. Or least bad. Trump is a deal maker, and seems to fail at that last killer instinct because he still believes there are rules.

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I hope one day Matt Gaetz will be that man.

But, any action to have legitimacy must be done within the rules.


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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

What passes as leadership in the country these days lost legitimacy a long time ago.

A new level of peak insanity is reached daily.

Here is my response to most things these days - “No thank you”.

No shots.

No masks.

No lock downs.

No bankrupting the country by printing money endlessly.

No open borders.

No illegal immigration.

No soft on crime.

No mutilation of children.




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Bob Newhart on SNL

"Just stop it"

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"Just say NO!"

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If Trump can "manipulate" every "questioner" then the "questioners" aren't very good, are they? I voted for Trump twice, but I wouldn't exactly call him suave or brilliant in the department of rhetoric.

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Yeah, but even a jackass seems smart and talented when the truth is on his side. I didn't vote for Trump either time but the truth has mysterious powers to make arguments more compelling.

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The man became a "billionaire" with his rhetoric.

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I love the parallels to Idiocracy.

Save our democracy by ensuring the US is a one party country, and let’s all elect Dwayne Elihanzo Mountain Dew Herbert Comancho.

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President Comancho at least loved his country

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Yes! Love this movie. It’s scary how prophetic it is though.

Trump has made appearances in professional wrestling :)

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It wasn’t “prophetic” – It was a warning of the certain outcome of our trajectory. What many do not grasp is the Dems WANT that outcome. As Satan famously declares in Paradise Lost: “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.”

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Don't forget how we need an endless destructive war circling the drain of increasing violence and debt. It's not just Trump they want to bankrupt.

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We're going to escalate in Ukraine, and Trump is very dangerous. I mean....

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PS Gosh not like we have any missing F-35s or anything

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We need to end the war against Russia so we can go to war against China, where 99% of the products Americans buy are manufactured, otherwise Putin will win.

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"Hundreds of thousands, even millions, of russians and ukrainians must die to save Our Democracy!"

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Oh no, perish the thought! Trump would have actually avoided WW3, just imagine, we couldn't have that could we . . . ? What would Mika and Joe say!?

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

My God, this Ruth Ben-what’s-her-name has taken Trump Derangement Syndrome to new heights! Doesn’t that woman have a day job? Her screeds are nothing but spittle and vile, yet she does manage to give Olbermann and Meathead a run for their money...ya gotta’ give her that!

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In fairness, she at least as stupid as she is crazy.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

My head hurts now.

And so does my logic.

And my common sense.

And my soul.

So, thank you for pointing out the madness, Chris. I think.

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The article was the analytical equivalent of a paralyzed gymnast. As badly as I wanted some insight it was too hard to look at. I had to put it down. And so when I saw your post, I knew I was in for a treat. Turns out your analysis of their 'analysis' is way better than primary analysis anyway. Awesome quote from Marcuse. I think I will borrow it Wed as we take to the public square where public union leaders are promising to shout us down in the name of tolerance.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

And how many of these meatheads even know that we are a Republic, not a Democracy? Not a one of them, that’s who. These are the same boobs trying to stop the free dissemination of pocket copies of the US Constitution to 8th graders. The visceral hatred is depressing- the schoolyard bully on steroids who is the last to “pile on” in a schoolyard fight. https://texasscorecard.com/local/leander-school-district-walks-back-rejection-of-pocket-constitutions-for-students/

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It feels like it’s almost time. Just sayin.....

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

...as I read your comment, I am literally blasting a song in my headphones, off of youtube....by sheer coincidence, maybe, or maybe the Grace of God....

The song? "Time Has Come Today", by the Chambers Brothers....

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Such brave souls, our opposition. Since they can't win the argument they strive to silence the argument. No more persuasive banner announcing just how consequential President Trump is could be unfurled. Financial slaughter of the Trumps will fail as countless attempts at reputation slaughter have. That will leave only one other form of slaughter. Desperation will mislead the gleefully corrupt. The result will not be victory on our part but rather suicide on their part. We all want truth to triumph in our lifetimes. The brave among us will ensure that it does.

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The truth is three part story on this one. Sadly I think no one wants to see the real truth.

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And what are those three parts? What is the truth?

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These undemocrarts feel so entitled because they have been coddled, encouraged, rewarded, and raised up so much that they have become "sick" with power. They believe their own propaganda and feel fully justified in saying what they say.

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