Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

If you're a pedophile, gay or straight, you want to into teaching, coaching, the clergy, healthcare, or politics. This way, you can access children surreptitiously. The last one of the list I think is the worst because these people write the laws and can enforce them with the previous groups.

This is what happens when people with no faith or moral values gain control of society. Thank you for sharing this and the other cases you identify, so we can fight. I would bet a large part of the population there has no idea what is coming.

Danny Huckabee

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

On the other hand, Nicola Sturgeon has been forced to resign as Scotland's First Minister today, largely because she was obsessed with foisting this kind of trans nonsense on people. So there is a way to defeat these loons. Gird your loins and get your terf on, my friends.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

For a little context, you must be 18 to get a tattoo in California where they enshrine cognitive dissonance into law. Remove a healthy teenager's breasts: gender-affirming. Tattoo a little heart on one: better call Saul.

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Are there enough millstones for all the necks in need of one?

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"The legislative fantasy of a post-family society is a fantasy of legislative parenting. It makes Scott Wiener and Erin Healy and Marko Liias your mommy. It’s not about rights; it’s about power and dependency, and the institutionalization of human existence."

Thank you. As with most things, the "trans" issue is a distraction from a larger problem.

Though I do find it ironic that the same people that determined offspring can stay on their parents' insurance until they're 26 because they're not an adult are the same ones crowing about allowing children to permanently alter their bodies at 12 because they get it in their head that liking toy trucks means they must be a boy. It gives one the mother of all headaches.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

So let’s see...the State now wants to assume responsibility for your child’s sex education, gender selection (with unlimited choices), health as it concerns rape, molestation, physical abuse, pregnancy, and a few other things, but parents remain liable should they allow their child to walk unaccompanied two blocks to school?

Maybe it’s time to simply sign all responsibility (and liability) for your child over to the State at birth...no, wait...that’s exactly what they want! You produce ‘em, they’ll raise them to become perfect clones of themselves. Problem solved!

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Is pedophilia and the psychopathic inclination to mutilate and sterilize children natural to the left, or is it something many on the left have come to accept so they are not exiled by their "identity" crowd?

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Nothing shows confidence of your beliefs like closing the comments off on Twitter.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

"Family" is now considered extremist. Fantastic.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Ms. Healy’s husband must be thrilled to death to hear her views on family

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Here’s a “bold” word of advice: LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE...it’s none of your business! Mind your OWN side of the street.

These government groupies are all useful idiots. I don’t even know how they get this far.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Weiner, Healy, et al sound exactly like the hardcore eugenics crowd of 100 years ago. Their arrogance knows know bounds and is only surpassed by their ignorance of history.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

This is horrifying. However in the UK, we still have the opposite - no matter how vile and abhorrent the family circumstances, social services will do all they can to "keep the family together" sometimes resulting in the death of the children they were supposed to protect. Its a crazy, bewildering world in which we live.

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Feb 15, 2023Liked by Chris Bray

Boy have we come a long way.

Pretty sure you'd get a good ass whoopin', when I was a kid, even if you just insinuated this crap.

Harmony in a world of difference...

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Marko Liias is a Luciferian. When we hit critical mass with all of the worms like him who have crawled out of the septic tank over the past 5 years, there will be a price to pay. You can only push decent people so far.

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I don't want to live in a world where 12 year olds are celebrated for being able to get abortions. Yet no one is asking what of the man who raped the 12 year old.

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