Some years ago I had dinner with a friend of a friend -- he was a journalist at The Economist -- but he had quit and was somewhat distraught (and tight on $ as he was working for some indie outlet and that does not pay)
He said to us -- the perception that people have of journalism is generally that we are sent out to seek truths - that is completely false. We are given agenda and sent to get quotes and narratives from 'experts' that support the agenda. If we determine the agenda is incorrect and write an anti-narrative story the editor will tear it up and remind us of the agenda. If we continue to reject the agenda in favour of the truth we are fired.
I have been approached for interviews with main financial outlets --- they definitely had an agenda and I was considered an expert on the issue. They asked leading questions - I informed them that this was not the case at all - there was no evidence to support their assertion.
They wrote the story and had an anecdotal comment from one person who would have no idea of the big picture on the issue ... and they painted the picture they wanted. I was not mentioned nor was anyone else who disagreed with their agenda.
More recently I was involved in the Wellington protests against the vax. I'd observe the situation at parliament then return to my hotel to read about a narrative that conflicted completely with what I had observed.
What we see in the MSM is pretty much all false... except the sports scores.... the MSM exists not to inform - but to control what the masses think. To control the masses.
I suggest watching Century of Self for more on this.
Shortly before COVID, a survey of graduating students from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU was done, asking why they chose their particular career path. Among the other choices, "Advancing social activism" was chosen by 97% of graduates on one particular round of the survey.
These are not people interested in chronicling, reporting, or informing. These are ideologues with an agenda from the moment they are taught the propaganda skills they will use across their career.
P.S. I had a similar experience at one of the last COVID protests I participated in shortly before moving away from NYC. Apparently we were all Republican white supremacists.
An entertainment reporter who used to work at the NYT wrote about the NYT being guided by narratives. He wrote that at the beginning of the year the executive editors would determine the agendas they were going to focus on that year. The editors would then create narratives for the year that would support the higher level narratives of the execs. Then it was the job of the reporters throughout the year to write stories that fit those narratives.
I was a military officer for many years and got to peak behind the curtain on many things where the media straight up lied. I’m not talking subjective, big picture stuff like of a war is going “well” or “poorly.” I’m talking specific details in high profile stories.
It’s easy to see the media is biased and has their own agenda, as you said. Just pointing out the double standards makes that obvious.
Most people don’t have access to insider information and when they do it mostly consists of their own expertise. It’s easy to see the media’s terrible reporting in these instances as born from incompetence. See: Crichton’s Gell-Mann effect.
The information I had involved a situation that received multi week media attention and even a congressional inquiry. The media didn’t just lie regarding what could have been explained innocently, but called the eye witness whistle blowers “conspiracy theorists.” They “debunked” (using a fact checking outlet, of course) the eye witnesses by citing a pentagon spokesman. The were willing to trash eye witnesses on the word of someone who wasn’t there. Of course, the narrative they created protected politicians and oligarchs at the expense of calling normal people liars. This is the pattern the corporate media always seems to take.
Forget bias. Forget stupidity and incompetence. The media is evil and actively works against the interest of the public. Trump was far from perfect, or even good, but his description of the media was spot on.
Man, what's wrong with, you? I've avoided interacting with you, just like you suggested, for months. Why do you follow me around trying to one-up or make lame corrections or detractions like someone with no ideas of his own?
Look at the metrics on the last three comments. Who do you think you're impressing? How do you think this reflects on your ideas?
Following you around??? LOLOL I thought Substack was kind of a FORUM...
You really think highly of yourself. I have not said ONE THING to you until you decided to cancel me. Really, and now you're gaslighting me? You know what? I really don't give a moldy crust of bread what you think, and I don't need your whining bs. So stop talking to me.
Somewhere there is a propagandist in some random totalitarian country sitting with his mouth open just staring at Twitter thinking, "Damn. If it was just that easy here."
The truly frightening thing: these people believe every word they're spewing out of their mouths.
So...the dollar amounts they keep throwing around these days seem made up. Like money just doesn’t mean anything. This group of climatologists (harhar) gathering in some country somewhere to pontificate...then pay each other obscene amounts of money...for what, exactly? Millions, billions, trillions...this is all Monopoly money at this point. Right? We made up the word inflation, a recession is what we say it is, and here’s another billion for...well, whoever. And millions of 20-somethings literally ran to the polls because they don’t care about safety or financial future...they just want to kill babies.
Its highly improbable that most of those rocket surgeons and brain scientists will ever make that connection. They have successfully demonized evils like free speech , police, and firearms. And are working really hard on doing the same to fossil fuels, fertilizer, and farmers. When they are cold and hungry, they won't blame their narcissistic sociopathic rulers. They will blame the farmers and truckers, and of course, those greedy oil companies.
Until about 4 years ago, I was somewhat optimistic. Then I was on the fence for a couple of years. Discouraged - but hopeful. (Trump was a terrible disappointment! We bought his used car, but the wheels fell off.). Then two years watching the country disintegrate.
This week we elected, honestly or otherwise, way too many literally dead, brain dead, morally dead, and just plain insane would-be rulers. My glass is way more than half empty.
There is only one topic worth our blood, sweat, tears and time until it's a topic no more. That topic is stolen elections. We are no longer a self-governing people, people.
the main problem is that states have codified into law stealing elections, so its "legal". Ballot harvesting, compulsory mail in ballots, ramked choice voting, weeks of early voting. All these things are rife for fraud, but proving it will be almost impossible. How do you know who filled out that signed and sealed ballot that was harvested?? What happens to ballots placed in drop boxes, all with valid signatures, what is the chain of command.?? What happens to early ballots that are placed?? When are they tallied?? Who handles all the mail in ballots when they legally arrive?? Is there pollworkers from each party at the elections office daily, assuring these ballots are not compromised, or destroyed?? Every democrat run state will implement these practices and make them "legal". Unless republicans get on the ground and start harvesting ballots themselves, make sure they are always overseeeing whats going on, the steal has been codified and cant be stopped.
Umm....Ms. O’connor reports on video games and bad tv shows, many of those cartoons , ie sh!t that doesn’t matter or add value to the discourse. Perhaps someone should inform her that she is at least one step below a citizen journalist? what she's saying is, she's embarrassed to the point of anger that completely untrained private citizens can do her job at least as competently as she can on their own.
One things for sure, watching the entire idiocracy collapse under it's own weight is going to be something to savor. Never has a greater group of idiots had so much for doing so little.
It will collapse under its own weight -- timing uncertain -- but we're on the same ship. It will be hard to savor it, 'cause they'll destroy us when they destroy themselves.
“Trust me, I went to journalism school.” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha—takes breath—hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-—
I’m dead now.
Seriously, though. I’m coming around on the whole “enemy of the people” thing.
It’s important to familiarize yourself with the various terms used in the Soviet Union communist China to best explain life in a cartel run Kakistocracy dominated by Plutarchs, Duopolies and monopolies. Bring back justice, competence, ethics, morality, freedom and capitalism, lock up the criminals, reform voting and Make America great again. Otherwise it’s just one grift, con, war, Drag Queen story hour, perversion, and pandemic after the other. As long as the malevolent psychopathic narcissists are in charge black is white and white is black. Gaslighting 24/7. And it’s to be understood the leftist ideologies from socialism, communism, fascism, and environmentalism are all nihilist. Their goal is not simply depopulation but exterminating human beings. Moreover the exact same people are involved from WII and the Cold War - its simply now their children and grandchildren who are running the show. They are once again celebrating and embracing sexual predators and putting them in charge of youth just the exact same way Hitler had done. Stalin put only the worst, most depraved people in charge of the political prisoners in his gulags. The communist method of putting the ‘marginalized’ ( corrupt, incompetent, bullies, deviant and often a combination of all ) in positions of power is once again reflected in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Where your identity (class) determines what you get, where you work, your position, what you eat, where you sleep the same as social credit system and ESG. Party members are 100% entitled and the rest are plebes to be used and abused, experimented upon and lied to. Endless levels of incompetence and backwardness rules the lives of the political underclass. Knowledge is supplanted with ideology and 24/7 gaslighting.
Hey, the party's always hoppin' inside Versailles, the only peasants you see are the ones who pour your champagne or who have been blessed to clean out your chamberpot, occasionally over the sounds of laughter and the harpsichord you hear someone mention a peasant's revolt, but hey that's what soldiers are for, and even if we can't kill em all, they would never revolt and overturn God's natural order, they realize that we were born to rule and they were born to serve, and that no other way is or will ever be possible...right? Right? Don't they??
Was at a fundraising dinner this past week where the person sitting next to me did exactly that. I tried not to notice, and tried even harder not to laugh.
NZ govt created a completely fake "domestic terror threat" with the sinister-sounding name "The Aotearoa Dozen".
NZ government responded to the threat with the full force of government, which included the formation of a Ministry of Truth, called "The Disinformation Project".
Your ability to not only watch but investigate, think about, write, analyze and ultimately entertain us is such a gift. Cause really, a sharp stick in my eye is more appealing than listening to the drivel.
Kyle Rittenhouse’ life was saved by Drew Hernandez, a citizen journalist.
Fuck off, corporate monsters.
Some years ago I had dinner with a friend of a friend -- he was a journalist at The Economist -- but he had quit and was somewhat distraught (and tight on $ as he was working for some indie outlet and that does not pay)
He said to us -- the perception that people have of journalism is generally that we are sent out to seek truths - that is completely false. We are given agenda and sent to get quotes and narratives from 'experts' that support the agenda. If we determine the agenda is incorrect and write an anti-narrative story the editor will tear it up and remind us of the agenda. If we continue to reject the agenda in favour of the truth we are fired.
I have been approached for interviews with main financial outlets --- they definitely had an agenda and I was considered an expert on the issue. They asked leading questions - I informed them that this was not the case at all - there was no evidence to support their assertion.
They wrote the story and had an anecdotal comment from one person who would have no idea of the big picture on the issue ... and they painted the picture they wanted. I was not mentioned nor was anyone else who disagreed with their agenda.
More recently I was involved in the Wellington protests against the vax. I'd observe the situation at parliament then return to my hotel to read about a narrative that conflicted completely with what I had observed.
What we see in the MSM is pretty much all false... except the sports scores.... the MSM exists not to inform - but to control what the masses think. To control the masses.
I suggest watching Century of Self for more on this.
Shortly before COVID, a survey of graduating students from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at ASU was done, asking why they chose their particular career path. Among the other choices, "Advancing social activism" was chosen by 97% of graduates on one particular round of the survey.
These are not people interested in chronicling, reporting, or informing. These are ideologues with an agenda from the moment they are taught the propaganda skills they will use across their career.
P.S. I had a similar experience at one of the last COVID protests I participated in shortly before moving away from NYC. Apparently we were all Republican white supremacists.
An entertainment reporter who used to work at the NYT wrote about the NYT being guided by narratives. He wrote that at the beginning of the year the executive editors would determine the agendas they were going to focus on that year. The editors would then create narratives for the year that would support the higher level narratives of the execs. Then it was the job of the reporters throughout the year to write stories that fit those narratives.
All the news that fits indeed
Project Veritas caught a CNN creature describing this exact process.
I was a military officer for many years and got to peak behind the curtain on many things where the media straight up lied. I’m not talking subjective, big picture stuff like of a war is going “well” or “poorly.” I’m talking specific details in high profile stories.
It’s easy to see the media is biased and has their own agenda, as you said. Just pointing out the double standards makes that obvious.
Most people don’t have access to insider information and when they do it mostly consists of their own expertise. It’s easy to see the media’s terrible reporting in these instances as born from incompetence. See: Crichton’s Gell-Mann effect.
The information I had involved a situation that received multi week media attention and even a congressional inquiry. The media didn’t just lie regarding what could have been explained innocently, but called the eye witness whistle blowers “conspiracy theorists.” They “debunked” (using a fact checking outlet, of course) the eye witnesses by citing a pentagon spokesman. The were willing to trash eye witnesses on the word of someone who wasn’t there. Of course, the narrative they created protected politicians and oligarchs at the expense of calling normal people liars. This is the pattern the corporate media always seems to take.
Forget bias. Forget stupidity and incompetence. The media is evil and actively works against the interest of the public. Trump was far from perfect, or even good, but his description of the media was spot on.
The writing's been on the wall for decades now, but Murkans and other living dead can't read.
Being legitimate is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.
(paraphrased from Margaret Thatcher)
Margaret Fucking Thatcher was a psychopath nasty scumbag ho.
Irrelevant. She's still the one that said it.
Oh, my god, I'm SOOOO SORRY your honor, why didn't I check avec toi before commentina?
YOUR comment is irrelevant, since she WAS a psychopath nasty scumbag ho. Byte me.
Man, what's wrong with, you? I've avoided interacting with you, just like you suggested, for months. Why do you follow me around trying to one-up or make lame corrections or detractions like someone with no ideas of his own?
Look at the metrics on the last three comments. Who do you think you're impressing? How do you think this reflects on your ideas?
Why can't you stop pestering me?
Following you around??? LOLOL I thought Substack was kind of a FORUM...
You really think highly of yourself. I have not said ONE THING to you until you decided to cancel me. Really, and now you're gaslighting me? You know what? I really don't give a moldy crust of bread what you think, and I don't need your whining bs. So stop talking to me.
You've been canceled? That's awful! Tell me how I did that.
I'd be happy to stop talking with you- as you already requested- but you don't seem to want to return the favor, so. No.
Wish you weren't so fucking awkward, bud.
“The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.”
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Live not by lies.
Somewhere there is a propagandist in some random totalitarian country sitting with his mouth open just staring at Twitter thinking, "Damn. If it was just that easy here."
The truly frightening thing: these people believe every word they're spewing out of their mouths.
Blink and we're that random totalitarian country.
So...the dollar amounts they keep throwing around these days seem made up. Like money just doesn’t mean anything. This group of climatologists (harhar) gathering in some country somewhere to pontificate...then pay each other obscene amounts of money...for what, exactly? Millions, billions, trillions...this is all Monopoly money at this point. Right? We made up the word inflation, a recession is what we say it is, and here’s another billion for...well, whoever. And millions of 20-somethings literally ran to the polls because they don’t care about safety or financial future...they just want to kill babies.
Twilight Zone, indeed.
Wait until they figure out that diesel fuel is required for them to get all their little what-nots.
Its highly improbable that most of those rocket surgeons and brain scientists will ever make that connection. They have successfully demonized evils like free speech , police, and firearms. And are working really hard on doing the same to fossil fuels, fertilizer, and farmers. When they are cold and hungry, they won't blame their narcissistic sociopathic rulers. They will blame the farmers and truckers, and of course, those greedy oil companies.
Spot on. Maybe the average Joe will wake up at that point. Because when the elites get cold and hungry things could get dicey in a hot second.
Honestly Andy, I think that's what has to happen.
Until about 4 years ago, I was somewhat optimistic. Then I was on the fence for a couple of years. Discouraged - but hopeful. (Trump was a terrible disappointment! We bought his used car, but the wheels fell off.). Then two years watching the country disintegrate.
This week we elected, honestly or otherwise, way too many literally dead, brain dead, morally dead, and just plain insane would-be rulers. My glass is way more than half empty.
FETTERMAN. Really people?!
Biden and Fetterman in 24''s a no brainer!
You noticed? Are you a registered, credentialed, "expert"? It is (just) possible that between the two of them there may be a few brain cells. Or not.
There is only one topic worth our blood, sweat, tears and time until it's a topic no more. That topic is stolen elections. We are no longer a self-governing people, people.
It's so obvious. Wonder how long it's gonna be before people say NO MORE?
Maybe when they're behind the walls of a "camp"?
You have to wonder Mads if that's the only peaceful way to resolve this?
On the other hand, it could definitely make it not so peaceful if the government and elites don't have anymore cookies in the cookie jar.
Yeah. Sounds good to me!
the main problem is that states have codified into law stealing elections, so its "legal". Ballot harvesting, compulsory mail in ballots, ramked choice voting, weeks of early voting. All these things are rife for fraud, but proving it will be almost impossible. How do you know who filled out that signed and sealed ballot that was harvested?? What happens to ballots placed in drop boxes, all with valid signatures, what is the chain of command.?? What happens to early ballots that are placed?? When are they tallied?? Who handles all the mail in ballots when they legally arrive?? Is there pollworkers from each party at the elections office daily, assuring these ballots are not compromised, or destroyed?? Every democrat run state will implement these practices and make them "legal". Unless republicans get on the ground and start harvesting ballots themselves, make sure they are always overseeeing whats going on, the steal has been codified and cant be stopped.
Umm....Ms. O’connor reports on video games and bad tv shows, many of those cartoons , ie sh!t that doesn’t matter or add value to the discourse. Perhaps someone should inform her that she is at least one step below a citizen journalist?
Many, many, many, many steps below. what she's saying is, she's embarrassed to the point of anger that completely untrained private citizens can do her job at least as competently as she can on their own.
Yeah, I'd be angry too.
One things for sure, watching the entire idiocracy collapse under it's own weight is going to be something to savor. Never has a greater group of idiots had so much for doing so little.
It will collapse under its own weight -- timing uncertain -- but we're on the same ship. It will be hard to savor it, 'cause they'll destroy us when they destroy themselves.
Chris, you are doing great work. Don’t lose your thread.
“Trust me, I went to journalism school.” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha—takes breath—hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha-—
I’m dead now.
Seriously, though. I’m coming around on the whole “enemy of the people” thing.
The surname 'Bankman-Fried' is surely some sort of Dickensian wind-up? A warning in full view.
He sure fried the bank, man.
It’s important to familiarize yourself with the various terms used in the Soviet Union communist China to best explain life in a cartel run Kakistocracy dominated by Plutarchs, Duopolies and monopolies. Bring back justice, competence, ethics, morality, freedom and capitalism, lock up the criminals, reform voting and Make America great again. Otherwise it’s just one grift, con, war, Drag Queen story hour, perversion, and pandemic after the other. As long as the malevolent psychopathic narcissists are in charge black is white and white is black. Gaslighting 24/7. And it’s to be understood the leftist ideologies from socialism, communism, fascism, and environmentalism are all nihilist. Their goal is not simply depopulation but exterminating human beings. Moreover the exact same people are involved from WII and the Cold War - its simply now their children and grandchildren who are running the show. They are once again celebrating and embracing sexual predators and putting them in charge of youth just the exact same way Hitler had done. Stalin put only the worst, most depraved people in charge of the political prisoners in his gulags. The communist method of putting the ‘marginalized’ ( corrupt, incompetent, bullies, deviant and often a combination of all ) in positions of power is once again reflected in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Where your identity (class) determines what you get, where you work, your position, what you eat, where you sleep the same as social credit system and ESG. Party members are 100% entitled and the rest are plebes to be used and abused, experimented upon and lied to. Endless levels of incompetence and backwardness rules the lives of the political underclass. Knowledge is supplanted with ideology and 24/7 gaslighting.
Nailed the whole thing in a single paragraph. Nihilism and gaslighting.
Hey, the party's always hoppin' inside Versailles, the only peasants you see are the ones who pour your champagne or who have been blessed to clean out your chamberpot, occasionally over the sounds of laughter and the harpsichord you hear someone mention a peasant's revolt, but hey that's what soldiers are for, and even if we can't kill em all, they would never revolt and overturn God's natural order, they realize that we were born to rule and they were born to serve, and that no other way is or will ever be possible...right? Right? Don't they??
Well at least the peasants know to pull their mask up between bites of cake
Was at a fundraising dinner this past week where the person sitting next to me did exactly that. I tried not to notice, and tried even harder not to laugh.
Mask = Dunce Caps
Well shit. You could have asked her what the fuck she. Was doing.
Yes, honey, now go to sleep.
Right. Let them eat cake dammit
Your readers might like this story of how the NZ government responded to protests while prosecuting a zero-COVID strategy.
He is definitely not a pro-YouTuber, but his style makes him all the more authentic.
NZ govt created a completely fake "domestic terror threat" with the sinister-sounding name "The Aotearoa Dozen".
NZ government responded to the threat with the full force of government, which included the formation of a Ministry of Truth, called "The Disinformation Project".
Sad, and hilarious.
Hope you enjoy, and thanks for your work.
Watching -- this is excellent.
Your ability to not only watch but investigate, think about, write, analyze and ultimately entertain us is such a gift. Cause really, a sharp stick in my eye is more appealing than listening to the drivel.
Shades of Jan 6 fed operation and many others in western nations. It's the cartel's favorite scam to destroy our right to assemble and to speak.
The Aotearoa Dozen kind of sounds like a group of disgruntled grandmothers and bakers.