Whatever thin cord still connected screenworld and meatspace, it seems to have finally snapped.
It’s been less than a week since I wrote that many of the people still dwelling comfortably inside American cultural and political institutions “are locked in an increasingly severe cycle of self-reference, not seeing anything outside of their ritual compliance circle.” My sense of that cycle of self-reference has gone this week from a persistent mental itch to — well, to something like this:
Is anything real? More specifically, is any depicted thing real, any media representation of the actual? It feels like a moment when real life and mediated life — life as it’s explained by intermediaries and gatekeepers — are both waving at the last little dot that represents the other culture’s presence as it disappears into deep space, going the opposite direction. Farewell, Politico. The New York Times has seen attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. Perhaps one day we shall see you creatures in the stars, CNN panel.
Take it from a professional journalist, we just don’t have the years of professional training that would allow us to see the world the way they see it.
They’re literally never wrong, because they’ve been trained not to be. Also, Sam Bankman-Fried is the next Warren Buffett, and the Covid-19 vaccines are 95% effective against infection and transmission, and aggressive federal spending reduces inflation. Maybe you people don’t have access to the many layers of culture professionals that would enable you to understand. It takes years of going to school.
Actually, yes: I believe that part.
Kyle Rittenhouse’ life was saved by Drew Hernandez, a citizen journalist.
Fuck off, corporate monsters.
Some years ago I had dinner with a friend of a friend -- he was a journalist at The Economist -- but he had quit and was somewhat distraught (and tight on $ as he was working for some indie outlet and that does not pay)
He said to us -- the perception that people have of journalism is generally that we are sent out to seek truths - that is completely false. We are given agenda and sent to get quotes and narratives from 'experts' that support the agenda. If we determine the agenda is incorrect and write an anti-narrative story the editor will tear it up and remind us of the agenda. If we continue to reject the agenda in favour of the truth we are fired.
I have been approached for interviews with main financial outlets --- they definitely had an agenda and I was considered an expert on the issue. They asked leading questions - I informed them that this was not the case at all - there was no evidence to support their assertion.
They wrote the story and had an anecdotal comment from one person who would have no idea of the big picture on the issue ... and they painted the picture they wanted. I was not mentioned nor was anyone else who disagreed with their agenda.
More recently I was involved in the Wellington protests against the vax. I'd observe the situation at parliament then return to my hotel to read about a narrative that conflicted completely with what I had observed.
What we see in the MSM is pretty much all false... except the sports scores.... the MSM exists not to inform - but to control what the masses think. To control the masses.
I suggest watching Century of Self for more on this.