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In our snowflake-infested day and age, even the slightest prospect of discomfort readily gives rise to near panic. Hence any stray thought should be nipped in the budβ€”or else! πŸ™ƒ

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I'm not sure how you meant it, but "snowflake" is a term most often deployed against the under-30 crowd. The individuals whom I know who can't handle the truth (heh) are of a variety of ages, but are mostly in the Baby Boom generation. Multi-multi-injected and wearing one of those penguin-face masks everywhere they go, but still think "we" are "controlling" "COVID" if we only do as we're told. In general, I think so-called snowflakes are tools of powers that would like to control higher education (it's not about getting rid of grades or making it against the rules to wear a "racist" Halloween costume, so much as it is about making "feelings"--an incredibly manipulable barometer--the criterion for grades, hiring, promotion, etc.). On the other hand, the corona complex believers are not necessarily in the crowd that cries foul every time they're told their feelings should be hurt... They seem to be in the majority, especially outside Florida (and maybe Texas), and have fairly mainstream feelings on most things. They cannot accept the existence of the medical-industrial complex, though, and they cannot admit that their regulators have utterly betrayed them.

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Woohoo! An opening to share my beloved wall of text 😊 β†’β†’ https://cjhopkins.substack.com/p/news-from-cj-hopkins-and-consent-2fd/comment/11451522 πŸ‘Œ

In a neutron-star-condensed form ↓↓

πŸ—¨ [The majority of folks] do hear your data and proofs. But in order to accept those as truth they must also accept that their docs are liars and their governments are monsters, which means their parents and teachers were wrong, and that science can't be trusted anymore, including those proofs and truths and that this has been going on for a long time.

An elephantine takeaway ↓↓

πŸ—¨ So, be kind. Be very grateful that you can see more truth than most.[...] And if you can handle that, be grateful for that as well. And patient and nonjudgemental for those who can't. You, and others like you, are an anomaly in the overall human condition.

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