As a retired physician with some memory of prior pandemic policies, what I would like to ask the geniuses at the CDC is given the comparable mortality between Covid 19 and the usual seasonal influenza viruses, why aren't we shutting down the world every year? Also, why do they continue to fund gain of function research given the obvious dangers of accidentally(?) releasing these man-made mutants on the world? And, one last thing before I leave...why aren't we allowed to see exactly how much money our public servants in the NIH and CDC are getting individually from the IP of vaccines and other drugs funded by the public? In fact, why are the financial rewards of commercialization of their work products during their employment as civil servants not fully claimed by the public?

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Thank you. As a retired nurse who helped give oral polio vaccinations to the Amish during the local outbreak in 1979, I was determined to find the truth about Covid. Living in Lancaster County was a distinct privilege and opportunity during the madness. The Amish did not comply and a local doctor who serves them estimated their community reached herd immunity in March 2021. We saw it with our eyes, heard it with our ears.

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I found the same thing in Lancaster at the time, as well as in Perry County where I grew up. In the latter case my dad confirmed that the Amish wore masks for a few days, then gave it up and everyone seemed fine; the “English” followed suit a few days later.

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I think they reached herd immunity sometime around the 18th century.

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That's a clever remark; but we cannot forget that COVID was created in a laboratory in 2019 or 2020. There is no natural immunity to this manmade disease. Of course, the Amish have avoided getting sick thanks to their healthy lifestyle and avoidance of dangerous vaccines.

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Whether sars cov2 exists as a unique entity remains to be seen but a study of ‘virology’ shows such viruses made in a lab are actually cDNA clones which are replicated using the addition of a polymerase enzyme. In wild RNA. coronaviruses there is a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase which makes for a whole lot of errors and poor replication fidelity. Lab clones could technically start out strong but would quickly mingle with wild viruses and diffuse (because they have to rely on a different enzyme). The only proteins that remain stable across such wild viruses (that don’t mutate easily) are functionally constrained ones which humans make memory to. That’s why there is a generalized immunity. That is natural immunity.

A solid debate about the ability of RNA viruses to “pandemic” needs to be had. The lab leak vs natural seems to be a red herring,

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We are not likely ever to learn the truth about Cov2. Being a virus cooked up in a laboratory and created as a biological weapon, it could be a killer designed to mutate and to enrich pharmaceutical companies as new vaccines are constantly being developed. As they say, FOLLOW THE MONEY.

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And then there's people like JJ Couey and Sasha Latypova and the Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey. From all directions, come fascinating stuff.

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It was years before. The pathogen was stolen out of Canada I think in 2014. I may be off a year- but definitely during BO admin. The virus LEAKED from the illegally American funded Wuhan lab in 2019-2020 and spread widely during the Chinese New Year in Jan 2020.

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Hadn’t heard that particular theory before. Source?

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Good questions. The government rushed a drug to market which is unsafe and prohibited anyone from suing the pharmacy companies. Meanwhile, the pharmacy companies made over $100 billion in 2022 alone on these COVID drugs: https://www.reuters.com/graphics/HEALTH-CORONAVIRUS/REVENUES/znvnbkldqvl/

Then think of how many small business owners went bankrupt. When will someone pay for this despicable looting?

And how many people will die because the government rushed an untested drug to market and force people to take it?

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W🤑 know why...

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Good questions. There are no innocent answers to these.

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Exactly. None.

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You are exactly the reason seniors are shuffled off to ‘homes’ with the controllers hoping for dementia through a lifetime of heavy metal poisoning through air, food & water.

Because your experience has made you wise.

And you remember.

Keep remembering and speaking out doctor. 👏🏻

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Good questions. However, it’s time to stop asking ‘why’, and instead focus on refusing to comply. What we really need is: no such thing as ‘emergency powers’, and no more funding of biolabs.

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Jay is great but he was very wishy washy on vax injuries and problems, and so probably acceptable to Trump who is still living near a river in Egypt about the awful vaccines.

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“…living near a river in Egypt…” Bingo, spot on and tactfully put. How RFKJ deals with this should be interesting.

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Trump recently said everything needs to say about the jabs with the nomination of RFK Junior.

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What strikes me the most is how many, if not most people believe the garbage spouted to them with no regard of or even interest in the historical record of 5 years ago, 1 year ago, last week, or even yesterday the speed the narrative changes. It's like they've been hypnotized or brainwashed or something...

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It is remarkable. I do not believe the primary mechanism of this level of ‘forgetfulness’ can be poor memory or attention disorders. I think the chief culprits are avoidance and denial.

The ubiquity and depth of real fear in urban populations during the buildup to the lockdowns and forcible intubation schemes was also remarkable. I started getting blocked for posting copied and pasted text lifted straight from the Italian Institut Sanitore in mid-March— blocked by people who had known me since 1970. They could not hear anything but the most lurid ‘confirmations’ of their worst fears in the ex-mainstream, and would fly into rages and throw blocks against any contradiction, no matter how plainly true.

For one thing, it is my belief that many of these people experienced c19 as the thrill of their ghastly, empty lives, as in, “Something real is finally going on!” And they clung to it desperately, because it gave them something to be about.

More importantly in the long term for vaccine uptake was the highly successful creation of a cult mentality. The “Isolate/Alienate/Indoctrinate” program of cult encystment has never been more successfully demonstrated, and never on a scale within an order of magnitude of the c19 program. It benefitted greatly from the avalanche effects of large numbers buying in and reinforcing the isolation, alienation, and indoctrination as it spread.

As demonstrated amazingly well during that time, cult members have no difficulty eliding the contradictions in their cult mythos. Even reversals of doctrine from one day to the next are processed easily because the cult mindset doesn’t admit to external truths, it simply ignores them and veers into internal, often Escher-esque, pathways of justification that owe nothing to reason or observation.

It was quite repellent, not to mention scary AF, but also fascinating.

So when you observe people unable to see or hear last week’s fact because it contradicts this week’s story, look for other cult behaviors, and you’ll probably find them.

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"Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave." - Roy Batty

For most people, there was not time to consider the historical record - recent or distant - because we/they were all so frightened. Fear is the one of the most powerful motivators (for many, the most powerful).

What strikes me, 3-5 years on, is how unwilling most people are to acknowledge the error of their ways, how they cling to the propaganda, how they continue to get boosted...

The people who need to see/read this essay, Chris Bray and Substack more generally, will renounce these lifelines and go down pointing and screeching "fringe! cranks! misinformation! racism! ...ism! ism! ism!"

Happy Thanksgiving and Cheers to Better Days!


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Same here.

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….memory capacity of butterflies….

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I am not taking that TRUMP vaccine!

(two weeks later)

OMG I am 1A on the Vaccine Schedule! Everyone get their shots like me!!!! (insert selfie with happy smug look)

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My wife...

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According to notes I was keeping that October, 2020, Google started suppressing searches for the GB Declaration within a few days of its release.

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I remember in 2020 how all of a sudden online searches got really strange-- I knew I had seen things online and then I couldn't find them again. I didn't understand then what I do now, about how the government had an elaborate censorship policy specifically aimed at ultimately getting everybody "vaccinated," but even then I knew something was really off, really wrong. (I also knew the lockdowns made no sense, and that for many people, they were a terrible cruelty, and dangerous.)

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I've switched to an alternate search engine.

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And yet there has been little to no accountability for the not so distant disastrous lockdown policies of the many poorly managed Western nations.

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Sanity is winning. Thank God. And Dr. Jay.

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Bhattacharya, Kuldorff, Makary, Atlas, McCullough, Malone, Kory, Marik, Bowden and many, many others are HEROES risking their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to inform the public about the truth of COVID, masks, lockdowns, ivermectin, and the risk/benefit of COVID vaccines. To this day, they are criticized and hounded for straying from the Big Pharma approved dogma.

Bhattacharya being placed in charge of NIH is proof that God exists and cares about us. May He shine His countenance upon these brave heroes.

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Proves something about Trump, too, doncha think?

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Yes, that he likes Nazis… /sarcasm/

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Sad that you have to add that, isn’t it?

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Referring to the “Nazis” or the “/sarcasm/“?

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Is this where the tinfoil hat brigade begins to vindicated?

Is this easily discernable proof that, in a matter of weeks, we threw out what we had learned through centuries of experience? Everything we knew to be true about public health?

Is this the basis of apologies to the hundreds of thousands who lost their jobs, their status, families, or even their lives to the hysteria that gripped the world - seemingly overnight?

One can but hope ...

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The vaccine makers will let go of their death grip on the “nothing but benefits” of ALL vaccines when they go out of business in a scene reminiscent of De Niro in “Cape Fear”:

De Niro‘s character is handcuffed to the floor of the bus. As the water rises, he’s babbling incoherently, and as it covers his mouth, the babbling continues, and even as the water goes over his head, he keeps jabbering with bubbles coming out…until they stop.

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Kinda like the real DeNiro is doing now.

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Don’t expect apologies. I haven’t heard any yet. Have you?

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I don't really expect apologies. I am, relatively speaking, sane.

But is everyone not entitled to their little utopian dream?

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Of course

MY utopian dream is that the perpetrator(s) of each & every individual aspect of the COVID hoax will burn in Hell for whatever period God deems sufficient. Not the least of whom were the people who wore their masks while driving alone in their cars, not because they were afraid of the bug, but solely to demonstrate “how much more they cared about humanity.”

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I simply felt sorry for those wearing masks in cars. To live with that level of fear must be hell on earth.

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But that’s just it – most of the solo mask wearers are “performative carers” about myriad social issues. Their self-worth is derived from “out-caring” contemporaries. They must out-do YOU to establish their worthiness. I don’t think they live in fear of the virus, but rather in fear of losing their contemporaries’ perception of them as being at the leading edge of social issues to use as cudgels against the Ignoranti. (Just realized this parallels AndyinBC’s comment above, but I stand by it.)

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"fear of losing their contemporaries’ perception of them as being at the leading edge of social issues"


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I suspect that performative mask wearing, in actuality, had little to do with "caring about humanity. After all, are these not the same soulless cretins who cheerfully destroyed the lives of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people who showed the fortitude, and common sense to question the whole covid hoax? Are these not part of the "mask in public" crowd, who showed obeisance to the gods of covid with masks and distancing when in the public eye, and partied maskless, even touching each other, in their private lives?

But some of the "masks in cars" people might have simply been brainlessly signaling, "I'm parta da in-group. I'se a good guy". Or not.

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It seems like the establishment media get dealt a new deck of talking points every day and treat them exactly like one would a new deck of cards. Yesterday’s talking points simply stop being relevant.

I wonder how that feels like from the inside.

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Precisely why I might start a Substack parodying editors and reporters in editorial meetings deciding if something is a story or not. I used to be a newspaper reporter. I see stories now and think, "How tf could this even get out of an editorial meeting?" It's as if junior high students took over major newsrooms.

Which is how I will portray these editors and program directors, in the fake dialog to be attached to a major story each day. They need to be shamed, and shamed daily, consistently, and savagely.

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I like it.

You could do several themes, like showing how projection and irony are deeply connected.

Or how funny it is to see that they STILL don't get why we voted against the media, technocrats/bureaucrats, government and elites.

Or my favorite; how the more obvious something is, the more illusory it becomes.

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Great ideas!

I think I'll call it Modern Newsroom. A take on the TV show Modern Family. People might wander in thinking the convos are real and think "WTF is this?!"

But the main goal is for the actual editors and program directors to see. I'll use their real names. 🤣

I'll never run out of material ~ unless they return to truth reporting.

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We have always been at war with East Biden.

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They’re too busy recovering from the ‘parties’ to care.

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"Ten days to flatten the curve." That was their foot in the door.

Today's politicians make the pigs in Animal Farm look like administrative geniuses, in comparison.

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That was so clever. Seemed so reasonable. 10 days, OK...... 2 years later.

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This is a cool function. I will definitely try it. Thanks Chris. Maybe I’ll start when with RfKJ was a good guy. That’ll be fun

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He’s in a pickle .

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Wow! Thank you for sharing that. Fascinating how RFK was a darling and now a demon. From Dem to Republican Cabinet pick.

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I just saw this. Completely batshit. An entirely new rabbit hole !!

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Another little-known function in Google search is the plus sign: + ; use of quotes "" is another.

This forces Google to bring pages up where the terms are present, thus focusing your search further. It's not perfect, but that and in combination with the date range and quotes means you're well on the way to replicating a search that Google *used* to do well c. 2006. Now, not so much. Don't forget as well you can limit by file type: search string file:pdf, etc.

So something like this: date range, "pandemic response" + "lockdown" + "adverse", and combinations thereof. Don't forget as well that there is Google Scholar, where you can conduct the same search, with the same search functions, but limited to academic articles that are mostly freely accessible if they were funded, ironically, by the NIH. Google Books should also bring up older material as well as the Internet Archive.

So there are ways to access older, forgotten and, increasingly, deliberately hidden material.

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Wish e could Google how much time and money google spends trying to hide shit from the public !

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This fits nicely in the category of “If the left accuses you of something, you can be sure that what they accuse you of doing is what they are doing.”

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And believing the exact opposite is sometimes a good idea.

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I noticed a few years ago that if you want to know what you’re supposed to believe, just use Google to search. The date range suggestion greatly helps to find out when the agenda or narrative changes.

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Speaking as a surgeon, do NOT bend over to pick up a petri dish at Peter Hotez’ office.

On a more serious note, Bhattacharya and his colleague John Ionnidis at Stanford Medical School both understood the COVID epidemiology very early on and when they published their numbers, which were accurate, they were savagely pilloried by the establishment, including their colleagues at Stanford, who are cowards, Commies, and an embarrassment to the medical profession. To this day, the only guys who got it right and had the fortitude to publish their data have been treated like criminals.

Besides the obvious nightmare of the COVID hysteria and the fact that a synthetic ( man made- and yes it is) virus was unleashed on the world, and while relatively not more dangerous than many other respiratory viruses, killed a few million people, and the idiotic and toxic mRNA shots that they are still pushing, the most disturbing thing about this sadistic, corrupt exercise is that the “experts” blew up the reputation of Medicine. Just to have power and make money. People have died and are dying because of these criminals. And all of us who are doctors have guilt by association. Shameful.

Bhattacharya is a good choice for NIH. He’s qualified as a scientist, economist, and as a policy wonk. And importantly he’s honest and brave. I hope that he helps dismantle the corrupt Federal health care bureaucracy. That would be good for everybody except the criminals. As it should be.

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Scamdemic was a military exercise, and the media were its toadies. Bhattacharya served the purpose to keep others from resisting via finger pointing thanks to the bullying influencers.

In a reasonable world everyone would be held to account for the nonsense and abuse from 2020 onwards and for the Patriot Act of 2005 that set the stage for this to happen.

If Trump is a serious person and many are counting on his sincerity, he will uproot many things including the Patriot Act, the vaccine liability protection of 1986, and appointing a previously bullied individual is far from enough to make up for his approving the warp speed vaccine and lock downs.

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I had three sons in college who all got jabbed, not knowing at the time what that meant. So, this is personal for me, as it is for everyone around the world. This emanated from the Anglo-American imagination and the people who "represent" us have not had our interests in mind.

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If you want technical perfection from a POTUS, only vote for individuals expert in war, all facets of medicine, rocketry, economics, trade policy, the art of negotiation, law, transportation, the environment, espionage & analysis, food production and nuclear energy.

The only people who can legitimately criticize Warp Speed were those who knew AT THE TIME that mRNA vaccines produce hazardous levels of spike proteins.

Did YOU have such technical knowledge AT THE TIME?

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where do I ask for perfection?

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Please see my now completed comment. Criticism of a mandatory decision made in an environment of woefully incomplete info is implicitly a demand for perfection.

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Yes, this is so and good advice it is to include a date-range if you don't already know to some extent what and where you need to go look for.

(Egads, what a clumsy sentence-structure! I'll leave it as warning to the following sentences to behave, or else!)

Dr Anders Tegnell, the man who led the Swedish Covid-response (because that was his job), was unpersoned as soon as enough pressure had been brought to bear on the Socialist Democrat government which was in office at the time - delegations from WHO, the EU, the WEF and others held clandestine meetings (How do we know? Because the itinerary for the PM and sundry were public documents, only the contents of the meeting where classified - such competence. . .) and it wasn't too long after that Dr Tegnell was replaced with a more pliable person, and completely disappeared from our media. It was uncanny. One week, he is in every newscast - TV and radion, and in several morning talk shows every day. Next week, not a single mention.

And his expertise has been downplayed in what few mentions have been made since, despite him having about 20 years as a specialised researcher into pandemics and epidemics. Here's the kicker:

Dr Tegnell's focus during these 20 years of research and field-work? The use of pandemics/epidemics as weapons of war.

Isn't that interesting, that the one Western nation that bucked the WHO et al's demands for Vaccine-fascism, was the one nation where the response was led by a man selected by the Swedish Military's Science Council as the leading authority on the usage of infectious diseases as weapons?

If he ever writes his memoirs on the Covid-years, I think it will heavily curated before publishing. (Our Mil-int and Secret Police can demand passages be removed if they are deemed a "threat to national security". Last time it was used was when a researcher wanted to publish a book listing what public figures were collaborators with DDR during the Cold War. The entire manuscript was nixed and she was forced to silence.)

Apologies for rambling a bit, but anything Covid and lockdowns and such sets me off it seems - what you had to endure in those nations that went whole-hog on vaccine-fascism and such. . . I don't know if I could control myself had they tried it here, only for the disgusting creeps then to come off demanding forgiveness and move-on and such.

No forgiveness. No forgetting what they did. A brisk walk, a wall to lean against and a blindfold is what they earned, in my book.

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