yet, you the tax payer are actually funding the nazis in ukraine

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And the ones in Washington.

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Not willingly

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Oh, please, please, please keep these beautiful snark attacks on the pathetic POS’s in journalism coming! I really need the restorative belly laughs they provide, especially since I have learned that I can no longer enjoy laughing at El Gato Malo’s memes without risking cardiac problems.

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oh am i going to need to put a health warning on my memes then?

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Lol! Maybe you should check with Gatito Bueno about that.

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It corrodes my soul to read the news. It’s such filthy garbage churned out by soulless ghouls.

I’m so thankful to you for your manly fortitude in slogging through the shitpile so we don’t have to...and even making us laugh while you’re at it.

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corrodes my soul

thank you for that. exactly how i feel.

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19 million a year is less than .05% return on Musk's money. He might as well have stuffed mattresses with his money.

This coming from people who sniff at a 1.7 trillion dollar budget.

I don't know if they're stupid, but they are convinced their readers are.

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Perhaps the highest IQ person I know told me that if I want better sources of information, I should read the NY Times, The Wall Street Journal and Washington Post.


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A high IQ and common sense aren’t often found in the same person.

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And the reason that is true is that the inventor of IQ tests, Alfred Binet, tried to explain to American psychiatrists that intelligence is linear and cannot therefore be measured. His IQ tests were exclusively for measuring damaged intelligence in young childen. But the shrinks did not care and redesigned tests using their own cerebral profile as the peak model, which is why MENSA still cannot organise a meeting to save the world, and why PhD thesis subjects are routinely absurd.

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The person to whom I was referring is actually my eldest sister. The explanation you offer on IQ testing is interesting and might explain a great deal. I wish it could explain more.

My sister's logic and reasoning abilities seem to be fully intact and highly tuned...... HOWEVER! And please speak up if you have more to add, her ability to sniff out Bullshit is weak, to say the least. To be so relatively smart and yet so easily suckered... What the F is up with that?

The only explanation I have clung to is that she is fully indoctrinated by credentialism. This seems evident in her complete disdain for people like Joe Rogan or others who tend to be more independently minded. Having said her logic is sound, I must confess that she has a profound Blindspot in her appeal to authority, a fallacy she engages in during everyone of our clashes.

But even here, is selection criteria is whacked.... For example, she will appeal to the likes of Sam Harris, while ignoring the knowledge of counter narrative authorities such as Malone. It's odd and drives me fruit. In discounting Peter McCullough, she points out how little he has published in the last ten years I the medical journals.

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Your sister's problem is credentialism based on tribalism. Her "tribe" can't be question because to do so is to question herself and her place in the hierarchy. I don't think that's really a new problem nor a rare problem, nor even a problem exclusive to academia, but it's becoming incredibly destructive as our world shrinks.

IQ tests measure abilities for recall and patterning (what they call problem solving). What they don't measure is situational awareness and self-awareness, nor intuitive ability and empathy nor even a certain level of ethical integrity and consistency. They also don't measure resourcefulness. All of that is required to produce a truly "intelligent" or "smart" person.

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There's "smart"... and then there's smart. Perhaps what we call "intelligence" is situational. The problem solving abilities that allow some individuals to flourish in academia may be of limited value when the same individuals are neck deep in a swamp a few yards from an enemy patrol. Or when the tribe is without food or shelter, and a blizzard looms. Those situations call for people with the attributes listed in your second paragraph.

Most of the so-called "smart" people with whom it was my misfortune to associate during my nearly two decades as a contract lecturer in the business program at our local 'institution of higher learning' were, like your sister, focused on credentialism. To the exclusion of common sense. Many, if not most with virtually NO useful or survival skills.

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Spot on!

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Methinks it is everything you're pointing out, but also that specialization initially had benefits that inevitably have a downside which limits the minds of let's say a Newton, Franklin, etc.......or just a free-thinker.

We lack polymaths that can look at all the silo's from the OUTSIDE imo.

Your sister and just about anyone who is credentialed is limited by the narrow focus of academia and the credentialism it spawns. It's a feedback loop that narrows the aperture.

A silo only stores one thing at a time.....therefore easily influenced by what goes in.

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Funny you should say that, Ryan. That notion occcured to me in 1967, and since then I have cultivated generalist skills. Thus, I can operate cranes and heavy transport, farm succesfully, sell tourism or real estate, write texts and novels, speak local languages, fight in the street, survive in the wilderness, and plan a war.

I also realised that one needs to be physically fit and strong for one's body and mind to function optimally, and that the best way to die is to eat supermarket food and consult with one's doctor.

Methinks you will survive LOL.

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I think far too many of us credit others for a quick intellect when, in fact, their gullible intuition has absorbed an idea that a skeptical intellect would admit only after vetting.

Unfortunately, once that idea is inside our heads, it becomes an integral part of us. Thereafter, consciously or unconsciously, any attack on the idea becomes an attack on us with the result that we will defend "our" idea unreasonably. The evidence harvested from the investigation of disasters clearly indicates that we will even go so far as to ignore blatantly obvious evidence in matters of life and death.

If we hope to get inside a mind so fortified, we must recognize that an intellectual approach is hopeless. The castle gate is controlled, not by intellect, but by gullible intuition and volatile emotion. The first is often insulted by an intellectual approach and the other inflamed.

I do not pretend to know how to get past these gatekeepers. (I am fascinated, however, by the suggestion that humor and ridicule, e.g. memes, etc., will do the trick.) I do pretend, however, to know this much: intellect and reason will never get past intuition or emotion unless something else pushes past them and opens the gate.

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LOL. I so relate to your conundrum. My eldest daughter was told at school that she is of the gifted group. She has gone through life convinced she is highly intelligent and gets depressed because her life is a mess. It is tragic, but this is the legacy of the 1934 Society of American Psychiatyrists, an offshoot of the Eugenics Society. In adopting IQ tests, and using their own cerebral capacity model as the criteria for high IQ, they condemned humanity to an inverted educational streaming system that has knock-on effects through tertiary education, science, and emloyment/incomes.

We now live in a world in which the intelligentsia are stupid, gullible, easily led, elitist, and grossly incompetent. Thus, 'science' has taken us to mRNA jabs, elitism, AGW suicide, investment boom-bust, and social mayhem.

I am open to criticism, but I see the system as self-correcting. The "intelligentsia" will not survive the mRNA regime and will be unable to cope with food and energy shortages. I step back and see human evolution moving on several frontiers, with the 'acquisition-driven' high tech path going into self destruct mode while those streams who retain social, emotional, and psychological balance, valuing peace and egalitarian prosperity, picking up the technological pieces and forging ahead to sanity. ie very messy soon but neat enough 20 years down the track.

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Interesting, but it makes sense.

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If you don't mind me saying, what a beautiful name... Lillia.

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Thank you. It was my grandmother's, but she hated it. She preferred to be called by her middle name, Bessie. I always find that amusing.

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Kind of like the Harvard MBA who can’t figure his way out of a paper bag

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And with inflation, its a negative real return.

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AND semi-literate, innumerate, and f#%*ing brainwashed, too!

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I'd like to disagree, but . . .

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Does "Imran" mean "Doofus" in Arabic?

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It does now.

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I have to turn in my feminism tiara for this, but this is what happens when we weaponize women to want to save the world instead of raising kids. That pent-up bossiness has to go somewhere. (I don’t wish any kid to be raised by Taylor Lorenz, but she might become slightly less ridiculous. Maybe.)

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"CCDH’s chief executive, Imran Ahmed, linked the drop off in ad revenue to the decision by Musk to restore the formerly banned accounts. '... it’s highly profitable,' he said."

Am I misreading this, or is whoever wrote this stating that a drop off in revenue is highly profitable?

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LOL, and yes.

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couldn't help myself. If you discount that to net present value (NPV) it's actually a little over 24,000 years. With a whopping - 8456% internal rate of return (IRR).

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Self-proclaimed genuises who didn't know the difference between revenue and profit are why Twitter is a financial disaster.

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Every time I think Tay Tay Lorenz has said the dumbest thing ever, she then replies, “hold my beer” and I’m proven wrong

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I wish these "journalists" could live under an actual fascist Nazi regime and see what it might really be like. Of course they would probably be part of the elite class

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They do... And they are touring the party line 100%

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Do you like my red shirt?

That's blue.

You phuking nazi!

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2+2=5 or else

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I hear the new dev bay is staffed by sharks with frickin' lasers attached to their heads. Should liven up code reviews.

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"The news is what you read when you want to understand what it’s like to have a devastating brain injury" ROFL

This lot give Nazis a bad name.

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Chris this is an insult to everyone with devastating brain injuries. To be compared with these psyop spin doctors and their relentless propaganda campaigns, it must be traumatic to the already seriously injured. Too bad they are all allergic to the truth.

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Taylor Lorenz, imbecile

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Hahahahahaha. Priceless. Thank you!

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Musk has the brains and the cojones to turn around Twitter, which was a government adjacent Derp State propaganda app and a child sex trafficking platform, masquerading as a business enterprise. The dude invested $44,000,000,000, so only a highly credentialed Commie- Yuppie, whose is to produce endless neo-Marxist tommyrot to deceive low information Democrat NPCs, would object to a man trying to keep his business afloat. “The struggle is real, Chad. How do you like my new Manolo Blahniks?” The only good news is that these toxic nitwits proliferate the seeds of their own destruction. Even the Russians, who invented the systematic application of this shit, gave up the Marxist dialectical pretentiousness currently strangling our society, if not the totalitarian tendencies. They think we’re stupid and they’re right. Think about that. When the Russians have moved past Communism because it didn’t work, who are the idiots?

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